' 'Member of Audit Bureau of Cireulotlena 11,444 AnEND CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN ARCHOIOCESE Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc, 1944 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on C •** Si, Francis de Sales’ high school in Denver were blessed by the MosI 1.^ C 'lV V^At4-oAI U U IIA o Bev. Archbishop Urban J. Velir, pictured below with Monsignor Charles Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M.' Friday Following Issue Hagus (left) and the Rev, Gregory Smith, pastor (right), on Dec. 4. Forty-one priests^ from the Gain of Nearly 1,000 city’s parishes attended the rile and were guests at a dinner served in the school’a new cafeteria at noon. The Rev. Robert McMahon, assistant pastor, is in the rear of the Archbishop at the left. Talks were given by the Archbishop, Father .Smith, the Rev.Hubert Newell, and Ronald Donovan, a student. D E N V E R C A T H O L I C S een; Figures Do Not Include College Rank REGISTER Grade Classes Increase 375 Over Previous The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Year In Denver and Parochial Highs Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mafl), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Services, Photo Features^ and Wide World Photos. Of Gily Grow 146 VOL. XL. No. 14. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 1944. tl PER YEAR A gain of nearly 1,000 pupils in the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Denver is recorded in the enrollment Church of Air Speaker Says report of the first semest'er of the current scholastic year by the Rev. Hubert Newell, superintendent of schools. The EVERY CHRISTIAN HAS report also shows that 11,444 children are receiving theip- education in the Church supported schools of the archdi^ cese, an all-time record. BLUEPRINT OF SANCTITY Denver’s parochial grade schools have 6,214 students, an increase of 375 over the enrollment last year, and the “ Every Christian has the blue­ enough honorable bigotry to won­ parochial high schools are educating 1,636 students, an print of sanctity,” declared the der why we must always look out­ side ourselves to discover eminently increase of 146 over the corresponding semester’s en­ Rev. John B. Cavanagh of the edi­ virtuous people. Few of us pray rollment last year. The most not­ The life story of Blessed torial staff of the Denver Catholic as did the Pharisee, “ 0 God, I give able increase in pupil enrollment Register in his “ Church of the Air” Thee thanks that I am not as the Mother Frances Xavier - Cabrini, was made by Sacred Heart school, talk Sunday, Dec. 3. ‘^ o we not rest of men,” because most of us founder of the Queen of Heaven want to be like the rest of men. It Denver, which now has 612 stu­ have the most glorious cause, the home in Denver, who was well is too difficult to be otherwise. dents, compared to 410 last year. highest incentive, the sublimest as­ And yet Our Lord has given every The report also shows that two known by many Denver persons, pirations? Our strategy is an in­ one of us a vocation; a challen|^ other schools have passed the probably will be one of the first fallible guarantee of victory be­ to be a saint We were born to die, PliDCi IL L B[ moving pictures made by the cause it was conceived by God Him­ and the success or failure of our 400 mark in the grades. Annuncia­ newly formed Jesse L. Lasky Pro­ self. Our leader is the divine rep­ lives will be determined at the mo­ tion, Denver, with 439, and St. resentative of God, the Church; ductions, Inc. International News ment of death, when we will be set Francis de Sales’, in the same city, service reported this fact in an our shield is an unwavering faith; apart as saints or devils for eter­ S 422. St. Mary’s, Colorado Springs, interview with Mr. Lasky in Chi­ our source of spiritual strength, nity. the arsenal of Christianity, is the leads out-of-Denver grade schools cago. The company will make at Sanctity Diiregarded Today ieast three miljion-dollar pictures seven sacraments instituted by The pledge of the Legion of in enrollment with 345. year, with top directors and Christ; and our munitions are the At this time in history, it seems that people no longer think in Decency, which is to be taken by Cathedral, with 415, and St. stars. prayers of every soldier in Christ's the faithful at all Masses this Sun' terms of sanctity, of personal holi­ (Turn to Page 8 — Column j ) Blessed Cabrini, whose canoniza­ army.” day, Dec. 10, by request of Arck ness. For most of us, a saint is a tion awaits only the formal decree Speaking on the topic, “ The nishop Urban J. Vehr, follows: by the Holy Father, died in Colum­ Blueprint of Holiness,” Father person who lived in another gen- bus hospital, Chicago, Dec. 22, Cavanagh developed the thetne that eratibn; some one who suffered Pledge of Former Denver 1917, at the age of 67. a return to personal holiness is the martyrdom, or who, like the Little sole hope of a world battered by Flower, was possessed by some Legion of Decency Local Novena war. His address was carried by furious love of God and neighbor Man Gets Rank Dec. 13 to 22 more than 100 stations of the Co­ But actually there are as many In the name o f the Father, lumbia Broadcasting system. Fea­ saints in the world today as there and of the Son, and of the A novena in honor of Blessed tured also on the program, w'hich (Turn to P a g e s— Column S) Holy Ghost. Amen. Cabrini will be held in the Queen originated in station KLZ, Denver, I condemn indecent and im­ Of Vice Consul of Heaven home, Denver, from was the 20-voice choir of St. moral motion pictures and Dec. 13 to Dec. 22, her feast day. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, under Nun Will Talk thoie which glorify crimes or Mass will be celebrated daily at the direction of the Rev. Thomas .criminal!. I promiie to unite William R. Duggan, 29, for­ 6:15 and tiie novena prayers will J. Barrett, C.M. with all who protest againit merly with the Social Security be recited every morning at 7:30. The complete text of Father them. Board in Denver, left this week The intention will'be for all bene­ On Broadcast I acknowledge my obliga­ Cavanagh’s talk follows: for Washington, D. C., where ho Over 50 Members of Clergy at factors and friends of the institu­ If you were asked to choose from tion to form a right con­ tion, especially members of the among your acquaintances one per­ science about picture! that has been appointed to the post o f Mother Cabrini league. son who is a saint, whom would Of Ask-Learn are dangerou! to my moral vice consul in the Foreign Serv­ The novena will close with you pick? Of all your relatives, life. ice auxiliary of the U. S. State Solemn Mass at 9:30 Dec. 22 in neighbors, and other friends whom As a member o f the Legion department. After a brief train­ Reqniem for Rev. H. A. Geisert the convent chapel, celebrated by you know by more than reputation, A program of unusual interest of Decency, 1 pledge rayaelf ing course in the national capital, which one do you consider qualified is promised for the Ask and Learn to !ee only good picture!. I he will be assigned to an over­ the Rt. Rev. Joseph Boselti, V.G., broadcast this Sunday evening assisted by the Rev. Gaetano Del to stand today in the presence of promue further to !tay away seas post. with the appearance of Sister A Solemn Pontifical Requiem Presentation church and in the Ca­ Monsignor Hagus then proceeded Brusco, O.S.M., deacon; the Rev. God? Most of us can readily nom­ altogether from place! of A native of Durango, Mr. Dug­ thedral, pointed out the Arch­ to show how Father Geisert per­ inate the wealthiest, the most Mary Janet, principal of the Den amU!em^nt which !how pic- Mass for the Rev, Henry Amand B. John Paolazzi, subdeacon; and ver CathedralJanpol, who will gan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. bishop, showed the love, confidence, petuated in his priestly life the prominent, even the most wicked turds' tHat can be an occasion Geisert, 69, pastor of the Presenta­ the Rev. Robert Kekeisen, master n 5wec.a aerl«)^>f^eations by the W. E. Duggan. After attending and reverence of the people of ministry of Christ on earth. Christ, o f ceremtiiHmi^ -The Mass will beb*|person we know.--B«h'why ehearid- of aim. —— tion parish, Denver, who died in the ‘'"v. John B. Cavanagh and the schools In DurangoTTfir'enrolled Presentation parish for their pas­ Our Blessed Savior, had ^ three­ followed by Benediction of the we hesitate to si^ le out a friend In accordance with the practice at Western State Teachers’ col­ parish rectory Saturday, Dec. 2, tor. Father Geisert enjoyed a long fold office — ruler, teacher, and who is a saint? Whether our can Rev. Edward A. Breen on the life suggested by the late Pope Pius Blessed Sacrament and veneration of nuns. The broadcast will be lege, where he spent three yeartk was celebrated Wednesday, Dec. 6, life and full priestly career, in priest.
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