LOGAN & HITCHENS PTY. LTD. HIGH MARK OF QUALITY GA.NMAIN AND COOLAMON WHOLESALE GRAIN AND CHAFF MERCHANTS WEBSTER'S SOFT DRINKS PTY. LTD. DEALERS FOR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTERS TRACTORS TRUCKS, TILLAGE HARVESTING & HAY BALINo'EQUIPMENT FAMOUS FOR WEBSTER'S REFRESHING LEMONADE WEBSTER'S SOFT DRINKS FOR ALL OCCASIONS PHON ES: GANMAIN 42, COOLAMON 24. GRIFFITH NARRANDERA ARDLETHAN FARRER LEAGUE DIRECTORY FIELD UMPIRES (Continued from Page 3) ,. O'DONN,jLL 7, C LA YTON THE ROCK-YERONG CREEK z. DOOLAN 8. DOHERTY President: Mr. J. R. Hill, "Coolinga", 3. GAGLIARDI 9, O'CONNELL, P. BLACKETT 10, Yerong Creek. Phone 214. 4. 01!:ATON 5, HUGHES 11. BRIGGS Secreta_ry: Mr. G. Brennan, Davidson 6. BORTOLAZZO 12, O 'CONNELL, A. street, The Rock. Phone I 03. Treasurer: Mr. G. McMullen, King Sfreet, The Roc:k. NOTE: Host Club Secretaries, please indicate the umpire officiating at your WAGGA game by· placing the numeral appear­ President: Mr. K. Muir, 67 Trail ing opposite bis name· at the top left­ Str~ti, Wagga. Phone 51057. hand comer of the score board. Secretary: Mr. B. G. Kenny, SS Forsytn Street, Wagga. Phone The alphabetical symbol appearing 2021. (After Hours c/o 2135). with each team name is designed to I reasurer: Mr. W. F. Harrison, 197 facilitate ease in posting progressive lake Road, Wagga. Phone 4266. scores of other matches in conjunction with the 2WG Sporting Service. All \.ustralian Rules officials, play PRINTED AT OXFORD PRINTERY1 32 JOHNSTON STREET, WAGf;A WAGGA. ·oFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH WEST DISTRICT FOOTBALL LEAGUE ers and sup~rters should patronise N.S.W., FOR THE PROPRIETORS OF our advertisers in the Aussie Ruler. VICTORIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY REFRESH EACH QUARTER RIVERINA RdGER MILNE . a with CAR WRECKERS FOR SECOND HAND P ARl'S ROOF TILER for Supplier and Fixer of • . '' LETONA'' ALL MODELS - PURE ORANGE JUICE CARS AND TRUCKS WUNDERLICH TERRA Trailer Axles Available or Buyers of Late Model Wrecked COTIA TILES Cars and Trucks MONIER PURE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE;, PURE LIGHT Crane available for Hire CEMENT .TILES GRAPE JUICE, PURE TOMATO JUICE. PHONE- Mick Mullins Wagga 51413 PHONE WAGGA 4549 John Robinson Wagga 6527 Vol. 7. SUNDAY, 16th APRIL, 1967•. No. 2. FRED THOMPSON'S LONDON HOTEL ARDLETHAN Where the welcomes the Warmest and the Beer the Coldest GANMAIN MOTORS With Football Results for the Keenest and Oldest. G.M.H. DEALERS FOR 38 YEARS PIES AND CURRY AND RICE AFTER THE MATCH Holden / PHONE 34. ARDLEfflAN. FARRER LEAGUE DIRECTORY Bedford PRESIDENT: MR. R. J. WARREN, Milton Park, The Rocle. Phone 23-U. SECRETARY: MR. J. G. CLEAR, c/o Post Office, Yerong Creek. Phone 2 .. 0. CHEVROLET VIVA PONTIAC TREASURER: MR. A. B. SADLEIR, 22 Brookong Avenue, Wagga. Phone 2571. LES JONES, Prop. COLLINGULLIE LOCKHART PHONE' GANMAIN 4. resident: Mr. S. A. (Mick) Meyers, President: Mr. J. F. Carrodus. Green "Dalmore", The Rock. Phone Street. Lockhart. Collingullie 5. Secretary: Mr. A. G. Bishop, 69 Secretary: Mr. T. C. Somerville, Brookong Street, Lockhart. Phone EDITORIAL "COTinda", The Rock. Phone 104. (After Hours c/o 203). Collingullie 54. l Treasurer: Mr. P. J. Williamson, The 1967 season got away to a good start last week, with at least one of Treasurer: Mr. K. E. Burkinshaw, Ferrier Street, Lockhart. Phone last year's lower teams, Grong Grong-Metong, serving notice that they will be R.M.B. 1041, Glen Oak Mail, via 154. out to impro-ve their position this year. Wagga. Phone Collingullie 50. M.C. UNITED No doubt the· two local wnpires received some criticism, but they appear CULCAIRN President: Mr. H. D. Mohr, "Glen­ to have handled their games reasonably well. In spite of years of playiQg and um­ President: Mr. A. G. Beer, Kirndeen 'garry", Mangoplah. Phone 18-U. piring football, both these umpires were understandably nervous prior to running Street, Oulcaim. Phone 65. Secretary: Mr. C. J. Blackshaw, on the field, bnt they settled down once the game got under way. (After Honrs 129), Burrandana. Phone Pulletop 230. Secretary: Mr. H. G. Kelly, Railway Treasurer: Mr. H. I. Dew, "Avalon", On the subject of umpiring, "holding the ball - holding the man" still Parade, Culcairn. Phone 195. Mangoplah. Phone 13. seems hard for spectators -to folllow. The rule is simple. H the player in pos.sesslon Treasurer: Mr. M. J. Baz, Blair Street, Culcairn. Phone 57. (After Hours NORffl WAGGA of the ball is held anywhere below the neck or above the knee, he must make an 84). President: Mr. W, F. McPherson, effort to dispose of the ball either by kicking or punching. He should be given a Boorooma Street, North Wagga. reasonable ,chance 1o do so Wore a free kick is given. .H he Is held after dispos­ HEN1Y Phone 4057. ing of the ball he shall receive a free kick for bohling the man. President: Mr. W. E. Bburke, "Fair- Secretary: Mr. J. Cousley, 37 William view''., Henly. Phone Munda- Street, North Wagga. Phone 3487. It is pemaps not so well known that a player Is deemed to be in posses.,ion wadra 204. Treasurer: Mr. G. Watt, 31 William if he is laying on or leaning over the ball :on the ground. If simply held by · the Secretary: Mr. J. C. Wi'ld, Ivor Street, Street, North Wagga. Phone cfo Henty. Phone 24 (After Hours 2864. jumper, a free kick should be given against him for holding the ball. Most times 226). the oppooeat tlalls OD top !of him and a scrimmage develops. ·reasurer: Mr. C. Lamb, Sladen TEMORA Street, Henty. Phone 31. President: Mr. E. G. Colwill, Trungley HOLBROOK Road, Temora. Phone 258-R. Secretary: Mr. H. J. O'Callaghan, 177 President: Mr. E. €. Sheather, "Mirrun­ Vesper Street, Temora. Phone 918. PHONE WAGGA 2529 bung", Holbrook. Phone Little Treasurer: Mr. L. D. Martin, Hoskins Billabong 20 I. Street, Temora. (The Diamond Manager) Secretary/Treasurer: Mr. E. Womes, FOR A PRIVATE King Street, Holbrook. Phone 5. (Continued on Page 16) AND CONFIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT. CHOY BROS. "The Diamond House" Junee Street - GRONG GRONG- Phone 21 or 38 Sheep and Cattle Yards, Gates, Truck and Field Bins, Machinery, J. J. SPEIRS Shearing, Hay, Bulk Grain Sheds and Barns, Stock Crates, Wagga's Leading Jewellers Folding Harrow Bars, Tank Stands, Sheep Feeders, Ramps, etc. Agents Shell and Speed-E-Gas - General Engineering, L ' I RICHARDS YOUR "BURNS PHILP" STO RES AMERICAN DRY FOR SERVICE - NARRANDERA & LEETON I One-Stop Shopping Centres for ... CLEANING LOGAN BROS. THE BESf IN TELEVISION, HOME APPLIANCES, AND FURNITURE AND FLOOR COVERINGS. 40 Wade Avenue, Leeton RIVERINA LAUNDRY PHONE: NARRANDERA 1 (S Lines) . LEETON 781 (4 Lines) I SERVICE P.O. Box 168 - Phone 519 LEETON ( G ) GANMAIN ( D) 46 Years of Experience is Your Service. · 1. R, DAWSON ,. T, CARROLL Guarantee of Authorised Dealers* . 2, We pick up and deliver in 2 • .J, LYON• F, HODGIKI.N International Trucks, Tractors 4, K, McGOWAN 3. W, McCAIG Wagga, Cootamon; Ganmain. 5, A. POULSEN . STEVENS 4. J, CARROLL Wagga Depots: 27 Fitzmaurice and Farm Machinery. 6 . JIM KIDMAN s. F, GIUMBLETON 7 . J, CRANE SERVICE STORE 8, .J. McCAIG Street; Australian Arcade; LINCOLN WELDERS 8, R, ALCHIN 11. R, REIHER Turvey Tops; 38A Baylis Street. II. A. WATERS 10, w. KEMBER 10. D , ALLll:.N GANMAIN GI. BUCHANAN 1 1. R. !ELWIN 12."· GI, CARROLL 12, L, CLARIE 13, B, ANGIOVE " MOBIL '' D, CARROLL 13 , M, KRU•I: 18. ~ANMAIN GRAPEVINE Haven't seen any sign of life on the 17. R . TONACIA 15. G. TUCKETT Players Social Committee this season. 0 ii Heating Centre 1B. R, TURNER HS. D, LYONS 111. V, GUTHRIE Last week's defeat by Matong may Have they gone tnto recess? 17, T, FOSffR Heaters have disappointed many supporters, but V ulcan Oil 20. T, LENON ... 1B. V. HOWi: 2 1. P, CARROLL the players are sure they can make 111, J, McDERMOTT 24, T, CARROLL amends next time around. With many LEETON LINGO 20. E. ROSIE 215. B. LOGAN 21. R, Rl:ILLY 27. J. DILLON players playing in new positions, the 22. D. WATERS 2B. B , DILLON team probably won't settle down for a • The Redlegs commenced the season 23, P. DUNN 29, B. CARROLL few weeks until the return of absent by steam-rolling the Turvey Park Bull­ 24. B, ALL.Jr.N 30. B. PARMENTER dogs under near perfect (though a 2!1, R. HARRIS 31. .J. CEDELLAND players in Bill and Bub McCaig and 28, P, DUNN CARROLL'S trifle warm) ·conditions. ' 32, B, C·EDELLAND Terence and Wimpy Carroll. 28. 1; DACl:Y NEWSAGENCY 33. C, SMITH In a hard, tight game, play was The match Was even until half way 30. IE. l!IARTHOLOUW 37. G. HOLGATE through the third quarter when the 81. M. SCHULTZ 76 Pine Ave., and 30 41. D. CARROLL often congested with many -players 32. K, A YLrl'r .Kurra jong Ave., Leeton 42 P. CARROLL not being able to break away on the visitors appeared to tire. Taking ce41- 33, It, LA•H ■ l'lOOK 43. P. EVANS trol all over the ground, the Redlegs Fancy Goods 44. K, GUTHRIE smaller 'Matong ground. Players to do 34. PHIL DUNNI: Stationers well wete , Frank Hodgkin, Frank were able to tear holes in the flagging 3!1. B. TROY 415, .J, HAMBLIN Bulldogs' defence and t'his was the 38. P. ■ AIITHOLOM•W School Requisites 48. A, HAMBLIN Gumbleton, Will Kem.her, Graham 38. P, BROWN Book Arcade 47. G, CROZIER pattern until the final blill. 311, F . CARROLL 4B. P. CARROLL Buchanan and Tom Carroll. ,Agency: The Bulldogs skipper, Eric White, 40, W. LUHRS 411. B, PARMENTER The three changing rovers in Garry 48.
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