
Biographical Entries: J 539 BJ1362. Moonoogian, George. The King of Sax: The Best of BJ1379. Anon. Robert Johnson Complete: Piano, Voice, Plas Johnson. Austria: Wolf WBJ 021, 1996. Guitar. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard, 2004. 216 pp.; London: Music Sales, 2004. 216 pp. BJ1363. Trageser, Jim. “Johnson, Plas,” in Encyclopedia of the Blues. Vol. 1: A–J, ed. E. Komara, pp. 535–536 BJ1380. Anon. “Robert Johnson Film Fiasco.” Jefferson no. (Item E162). 119 (1999): 25. BJ1364. Wilmer, Val. “Plas: Rhythm of the Tenor.” Melody BJ1381. Anon. Robert Johnson: King of the Delta Blues. Maker (11 Sep 1976): 42. London: Immediate Music, 1969. 61 pp. See also: Bulletin du Hot Club de France no. 404 BJ1382. Anon. “Robert Johnson, 1911–1938.” Guitar World (1992): 2+. Goldmine no. 89 (Oct 1983). Now Dig 18, no. 7 (Jul 1998): 206. This no. 215 (Feb 2001). BJ1383. Anon. “The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Forefa- ROBERT JOHNSON (c1916–) thers.” Rolling Stone no. 467 (13 Feb 1986): 48. BJ1365. Mitchell, George. “Robert Johnson,” in Blow My BJ1384. Anon. “Roots of Rhythm and Blues: The Robert Blues Away, pp. 131–151. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Johnson Era,” in 1991 Festival of American Folklife, State University Press, 1971. June 28–July 1, July 4–July 7. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Inst., 1991. ROBERT JOHNSON BJ1385. Anon. “Searching for Robert Johnson.” JazzTimes BJ1366. Kochakian, Dan; Karampatsos, John ‘Bunky’. “Rob- 20, no. 5 (May 1990): 31–32. ert Johnson: New Hampshire Bluesman.” Whiskey, Women, and ... no. 6 (Mar 1974): 15. BJ1386. Anon. “Searching for Robert Johnson Records.” Discoveries no. 106 (1997): 22. ROBERT JOHNSON (1911–1938) BJ1387. Anon. “Toch Geen Robert Johnson Op Filmfrag- BJ1367. Ahlstrand, Clas. “Robert Johnson.” Jefferson no. 59 ment.” Block no. 108 (1998): 5. (Winter 1982): 16–19. BJ1388. Arnaudon, Jean-Claude. “Robert Johnson,” in Dic- BJ1368. Ahlstrand, Clas. “Robert Johnson, Y’all!” Jefferson tionnaire du Blues, p. 140 (E101). no. 83 (1988): 2–10. (NOTE: An earlier version of this article was published in MM (Media för BJ1389. Bakker, Dick M. “Robert Johnson.” Micrography Musiker) no. 3, 1987.) no. 13 (Feb 1971): 9. BJ1369. Ainslie, Scott; Whitehill, David. Robert Johnson: BJ1390. Balfour, Alan. “The Living Legend of Robert John- At the Crossroads: The Authorative Guitar Tran- son.” Acoustic Music no. 32 (Feb 1981): 8–9. scriptions. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard, 1992. 126 pp. BJ1391. Banks, Russell. “The Blues and the 1990s: The BJ1370. Amos, Edward. “Robert Johnson,” in Gravesites of Devil and Robert Johnson.” New Republic 204 (29 Southern Musicians. Jefferson: McFarland, 2002. Apr 1991): 27–31. BJ1371. Amspacher, Bruce. “Searching for Robert Johnson BJ1392. Barlow, Bill. “Johnson, Robert,” in Encyclopedia Records.” Real Blues no. 3 (Oct/Nov 1996): 66. of Southern Culture, ed. C.R. Wilson; W.R. Ferris, p. 216. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina BJ1372. Andersson, Jan-Åe. “Ain’t No Grave Can Hold Their Press, 1989. Spirits Down.” Jefferson no. 101 (1993): 18–19. BJ1393. Barnes, Bertrum; Wheeler, Glen. “A Lonely Fork BJ1373. Anon. “Blues Singer at Bluebonnet Hotel.” San in the Road.” Red Hot and Blue 2, no. 3 (Jul 1990). Antonio Express-News (9 Jan 1985): 16. Reprinted in Living Blues no. 94 (Nov/Dec 1990): BJ1374. Anon. “Court Says Son is Sole Heir of Robert John- 26–28. son.” Billboard 112 (1 Jul 2000): 6, 81. BJ1394. Barnes, Harper. “The Blues Poetry of Robert John- BJ1375. Anon. “He Blue It.” Scholastic Update 123 (11 Jan son.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch (9 Sep 1990): 3. 1991): 32. BJ1395. Basiuk, Bo. “The Music of Robert Johnson.” Blues BJ1376. Anon. “The Music of Robert Johnson.” Blues Mag- Magazine [Canada] 1, no. 1 (1975): 20–32. azine [Canada] 1, no. 5 (Oct 1975) 20–32. BJ1396. Bays, Kenneth. “Robert Johnson Screenplay Wins BJ1377. Anon. “Robert Johnson.” Facts on File 54, no. 2809 Film Fest Competition.” Blues Revue no. 66 (Apr (9 Dec 1993): 720. 2001): 40. BJ1378. Anon. “Robert Johnson.” Feelin’ Good no. 7 (1986): BJ1397. Bays, Kenneth. “Robert Johnson: Take 2.” Blues 6. Revue no. 45 (Mar 1999): 74. Ford_RT8874Z_C010.indd 539 5/8/2007 10:15:17 AM 540 A Blues Bibliography, Second Edition BJ1398. Beckett, Alan. “Two Country Blues Singers.” New BJ1416. Burt, Matthew. “Hellhound on My Trail: Rock Hall Left Review no. 29 (Jan/Feb 1965): 73–77. of Fame Stages Fitting Tribute to Robert Johnson.” Blues Revue no. 44 (Jan/Feb 1999): 72. BJ1399. Bennighof, James. “Some Ramblings on Robert Johnson’s Mind: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic BJ1417. Calt, Stephen. Hellhound on My Trail: A Biography Value in Delta Blues.” American Music 15, no. 2 of Robert Johnson. New York: Grove, 2001; Edin- (Summer 1997): 137–158. burgh: Payback, 2001. 288 pp. (NOTE: This item was due to be published in 2001 and is listed on BJ1400. Berkowitz, Kenny. “‘Walkin’ Blues’: Words and various Internet book sites but no offi cial publi- Acoustic Guitar Music by Robert Johnson.” no. 141 cation has occurred at press time (2007).) (Sep 2004): 36–37. BJ1418. Calt, Stephen. “The Idioms of Robert Johnson.” 78 Robert Johnson: The New Tran- BJ1401. Billmann, Pete. Quarterly no. 4 (1989): 53–60. scriptions. Milwaukee: Hal Leonard, 1999. 199 pp. BJ1419. Calt, Stephen; Seroff, Doug. “Robert Johnson.” 78 Spin BJ1402. Birnbaum, Larry. “Blue Light Special.” [USA] Quarterly no. 4 (1989): 40–52. 6 (Nov 1990): 82–83. BJ1420. Calt, Stephen. “Robert Johnson Recapitualated.” Blues News BJ1403. “Blues History: Robert Johnson.” [Ger- Blues Unlimited no. 86 (Nov 1971): 12–14. many] no. 39 (Oct/Dec 2004): 43–44. BJ1421. Calt, Stephen. The Roots of Robert Johnson. USA: BJ1404. Bogaert, Karel. “Johnson, Robert,” in Blues Lexi- Yazoo L-1073, c1990. con, pp. 196–197 (Item E110). BJ1422. Case, Brian; Britt, Stan. “Robert Johnson,” in The BJ1405. Boone, Graeme M. “Twelve Key Recordings: ‘Cross Illustrated Encyclopedia of Jazz, pp. 112–113 (Item Road Blues (take 1)’,” in The Cambridge Compan- E120). ion to Blues and Gospel Music, ed. A. Moore, pp. BJ1423. Charters, Samuel B. “Robert Johnson,” in The 64–67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Bluesmen, pp. 87–99 (Item A387). Reprinted in 2002. The Blues Makers. Part 1, pp. 87–99. New York: Da BJ1406. Booth, Stanley. “Standing at the Crossroads,” in Capo, 1991. Rythm Oil: A Journey Through the Music of the BJ1424. Charters, Samuel B. “Robert Johnson,” in The American South, pp. 4–12. London: Vintage, 1991. Country Blues, pp. 207–211 (Item A389). Notes BJ1407. Bragg, Rick. “Court Rules Father of the Blues Has a reprinted in an edited form in Walking a Blues Son.” New York Times (17 Jun 2000): 1. Road, pp. 39–41. UK: Marion Boyars, 2004. BJ1408. Brake, Eddy. “Robert Johnson’s Mystery Guitar.” BJ1425. Charters, Samuel B. “Robert Johnson.” Goldmine Jefferson no. 140 (2004): 67. no. 276 (22 Feb 1991). BJ1409. Brakefi eld, J. Fenton. “The Devil’s Own Blues BJ1426. Charters, Samuel B. Robert Johnson. New York: Man.” Dallas Morning News (14 Mar 1986): 1–2. Oak, 1973. 87 pp. BJ1410. Brazier, Steve. “He Gone Straight to Hell, Knocked BJ1427. Charters, Samuel B. “Robert Johnson: A New Con- The Blues Makers the Bottom Right Outta It.” Living Blues no. 94 sideration,” in , pp. 211–219. New (Nov/Dec 1990): 8–20. York: Da Capo, 1991. BJ1411. Briggs, Keith. “My Enemies Have Betrayed Me.” BJ1428. Charters, Samuel B. “Robert Johnson: A Review Record Blues & Rhythm no. 57 (Dec 1990): 9. and Some New Information on the Singer.” Research no. 43 (May 1962): 12. BJ1412. Broomer, Stuart. “Licked by All a Postage Stamp of Robert Johnson.” Coda (Nov/Dec 1995): 31. BJ1429. Charters, Samuel B.; Foote, Shelby; Scherman, Tony. “Seeking the Greatest Bluesman.” American BJ1413. Brunning, Bob. “Robert Johnson,” in Blues. Oxford: Heritage 42, no. 4 (Jul/Aug 1991): 50–61. Heinemann, 2002. BJ1430. Cheseborough, Steve. “Robert Johnson on Film?” BJ1414. Buncombe, Andrew. “Black Women’s Blues: The Living Blues no. 140 (Jul/Aug 1998): 8. Myths That Wrote Them Out of History.” The Inde- BJ1431. Cheung, Ming on Bernard. Poetry of the Blues: The pendent [UK] (2 Mar 2004): 28. Lyrics of Robert Johnson & Blind Lemon Jefferson. BJ1415. Burke, Tony. “Last Fair Deal Gone Down.” Blues & M.Phil. Thesis, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Rhythm no. 117 (Mar 1997): 9. 1999. 105 pp. Ford_RT8874Z_C010.indd 540 5/8/2007 10:15:17 AM Biographical Entries: J 541 BJ1432. Cicchetti, Stephen. “Blues Wizard’s San Antonio BJ1448. Evans, David. “Robert Johnson,” in The NPR Curi- Legacy.” San Antonio Express (30 Nov 1986). ous Listener’s Guide to Blues, pp. 133–134. New York: Perigee, 2005. BJ1433. Clarke, Donald. “Johnson, Robert,” in The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music. 2nd. ed., pp. 657– BJ1449. Evans, David. “Robert Johnson and the Supernatu- 658 (Item E125). ral. Pt. 1.” Blues Revue no. 21 (Feb/Mar 1996): 12– 13, 22; “Pt. 2.” Blues Revue no. 22 (Apr/May 1996): BJ1434. Cortese, Vincent. “Debunking the Myth of Robert 12–13; “Pt. 3.” Blues Revue no. 23 (Jun/Jul 1996): Blues Revue Quarterly Johnson.” no. 2 (Oct 1991): 12–13. 8, 28. BJ1450. Fancourt, Les. Robert Johnson: Hellhound on My Blues Forever BJ1435. “Cowboy 15.” “Robert Johnson.” Trail. UK: Indigo IGO CD 2017, 1995. Magazine no. 18 (Sep 1997): 3–4. BJ1451. Feather, Leonard. “Johnson, Robert,” in The New BJ1436. Cowley, John. “Really the Walking Blues: Son Edition of the Encyclopedia of Jazz, p. 290 (Item House, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson and the E138). Development of a Traditional Blues.” Popular Music BJ1452. Feenstra, Pete. Robert Johnson: The Masters. USA: 1 (1981): 57–72. Reprinted in Juke Blues no. 1 (Jul Eagle EAB CD 067, 1997. 1985): 8–14. BJ1453. Ferris, Tim. “Robert Johnson: He Was Born He BJ1437. Cromer, Ben.
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