T oo Good T o T itle October Issue T he Staff Producer - Alexander Cruz Editor - Gerardo Lopez-Villa Courtney Adcox Ainsley Jackson Safa Alazab Ariana Jones Tashanta Bryant Writers Gerardo Lopez-Villa Alexander Cruz Jasmine Richardson Miriam Zuniga Garcia Taylor Stevenson Sodaytra Green T able of Contents T.V. Review..............................................................................................p.3 Polls, Trivia and Discussion..................................................................p.5 Hispanic Holidays..................................................................................p.8 D.I.Y. Halloween...................................................................................p.10 Music.....................................................................................................p.13 Candy....................................................................................................p.15 Videogame Review..............................................................................p.17 Am erican H orror Story is a Violet soon becom es involved with one hor r or TV ser ies pr oduced by Dante Di of her dad?s ther apy patients, Tate, Lor eto and cr eated by Br ad Falchuk and played by Evan Peter s, who br ings Ryan M ur phy. Though the super natur al tr ouble to their fam ily. W ith the ghost elem ents of the show ar e added int o in their basem ent, a m yster ious m aid, m ost of the m ur der m yster ies, the and their neighbor s' str ange behavior , tr agedies ar e based off tr ue cases. the fam ily begins to question their Season one, M ur der H ouse fir st air ed sanity and their will to live. on FX on October 5th, 2011. Im m ediately, The actor s and actr esses that viewer s knew the show was bound to por tr ayed the char acter s in season one have an inter esting stor yline. did an excellent job to keep the str ange Am erican H orror Story season them e of the show. Each of the scenes one, M ur der H ouse, is about a fam ily of was full of em otion and played out ver y thr ee that needed a new star t. They well. Even though she was ar ound 17 at m oved to an old house in LA known for the tim e, Taissa Far m iga was on point unsolved m ur der cases. The fam ily with her lines and her facial soon begins to notice weir d expr essions. Connie Br itton was able to occur r ences ar ound the house. The do a fantastic job with her r ole as a m om m om , Vivian H ar m on, por tr ayed by str uggling to save her m ar r iage and also Connie Br itton, was the fir st to notice becom ing a victim of r ape. Dylan these occur r ences. The father , Ben M cDer m ott seem ed to be a ver y H ar m on, por tr ayed by Dylan intim ate actor. W ith scenes of m atur e M cDer m ott, was blinded to the content, he was able to pull off his r ole occur r ences and believed his wife had as a car ing father that com m itted m ental health issues. Violet H ar m on, adulter y against his wife. por tr ayed by Taissa Far m iga, is a gr ungy The r oles in the show wer e teen and the daughter of Vivian and br illiantly por tr ayed, the beginning of Ben. She is questioning her new life the season was a bit confusing at fir st. when she r ealizes her m om and dad ar e The fir st episode begins with a clip of having tr oubles with their m ar r iage. two twin br other s walking into the ?m ur der house,? and then being m yster iously m ur der ed while in the have the sam e cr eepy effect as older basem ent. This m ay leave viewer s a bit ones. The house is actually a r eal house cur ious, but not to wor r y, as the episode in Califor nia, known as Rosenheim continues, you see the pur pose of the M ansion. It was r ecently sold to the clip. The show uses this technique to wor ld?s m ost fam ous dj?s ex-wife, for 3.2 give suspense to the viewer , which m illion dollar s. m akes the stor yline m or e inter esting. Over all, Am erican H orror Story But if you don?t watch car efully to see season one, M ur der H ouse, was ver y when a flashback is shown, you m ight enter taining. It's gr eat to watch when be confused as to what?s going on. This you'r e bor ed and looking for a cr eepy, isn?t a show wher e you can skip the suspenseful show, or just want to watch episodes and under stand the stor yline. som ething new. I would definitely You have to watch all of the episodes in r ecom m end, not only this season but or der to under stand what?s going on. the entir e ser ies. The ?M ur der H ouse? is a br ick 8.5/ 10 m ansion with m any windows. The show suggests that the house was built som etim e ar ound 1908, which adds to W r i tten by: Cou r tn ey Adcox & the eer iness of the show because for Tayl or Steven son som e r eason newly built hom es don?t Pol l s an d Tr i vi a (Trivia) W ho ar e the star i n g actor s In w hat year w i l l the n ext fu l l i n the or i gi n al Di sn ey m ovi e m oon occu r du r i n g H al l ow een ? Twitches? 2031 2021 2020 2026 5% 22.5% 67.5% 5% or 78.6% 21.4% W hat i tem i s ban n ed on l y du r i n g H al l ow een fr om 12am October 31st to 12pm Novem ber 1st i n H ol l yw ood, Cal i for n i a? Si l l y Str i n g M ask s Can dy Tr i ck or tr eati n g at 13 W hat H al l ow een char acter i s W hat i s you r favor i te H al l ow een the best? col or ? 30% 30% 7.5% 32.5% 63.4% 34.1% 2.5% W hat i s you r favor i te par t of H al l ow een ? 58.5% Goi n g to hau n ted hou ses or other hau n ted attr acti on s 19.5% Decor ati n g for H al l ow een 17.1% Dr essi n g u p i n costu m es 4.9% Tr i ck -or -Tr eati n g Polls and Trivia W hi ch i s the best Does you r fam i l y H al l ow een son g decor ate for H al l ow een ? Yes No 25.6% 74.4% Favor i te H al l ow een Can dy 79.1% 20.9% Do you pl an on goi n g 20.9% 53.5% tr i ck or tr eati n g? Yes No 34.9% 65.1% 16.3% 9.3% W hi ch m ovi e i s the scar i est? The Ring Babadook 11.6% 33.3% A Nightmare on Elm Street The Conjuring 2 46.5% 8.6% Age Lim it Discussion for Trick or Treat ing Alazab: I think that people should stop trick or treating by the age of 13. Br yan t: I di sagr ee, I thi n k that peopl e shou l dn 't stop tr i ck or tr eati n g as a teen ager i f they don 't w an t to. Alazab: I n m y opinion, people shouldn't trick or treat if they're over the age of 13 because as you grow older, there's different things you could do. Br yan t: In m y opi n i on , i f teen s w an t to tr i ck or tr eat, they shou l d be al l ow ed, bu t I al so thi n k that i f a 16 year ol d show s u p on som ebodi es fr on t por ch sayi n g tr i ck or tr eat w ou l d be w ei r d. Alazab: I agree with what you are saying as of how it would be weird. Based on m y experience of giving out candy, I see kids com ing for a treat and their all kids of ages 13 and down. Br yan t: The w ay I see i t i s that i f a teen ager above the age of 13 an d w an ts to go tr i ck or tr eati n g, they shou l d. Bu t they shou l d go w i th fr i en ds or l i ttl e k i ds i n thei r fam i l y. An other opi n i on I have i s that the peopl e that open the door shou l d gi ve teen s m on ey for H al l ow een .
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