Chelsea. ^ ^ J Se a

Chelsea. ^ ^ J Se a

m l m ! SUBSCRIBE FOR ■ i ::#i;;:.k S-fB: is THE-SIAfiMRD. .' fpERflS.E I r i ' : “ THFSTSSroBBlJl A; t(... tv* • A S-" ~rr if V. N O . 12. ?TT. C H EL SEA . M ICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JU N E 2 . 1 8 9 3 . WHOLE NUMBER, 2 2 0 U g CHfihSKA STANDARD WORLD'S FAIR VETTER. eceptions in her honor(te<infflull-siny. I*"JjJS">fri‘i"y »iwrhtwu*iromriL, $^«liif£orrcB|>oii ilon k*. among us.r *, ' x - 1*1 tliiHi of PLacis prcjnuo fop A’jir, - £ * ' t' r " 1 ?^,SSStBi^«S&2SBSaS* The fourthweei' T S I<>r *itr‘’ .I)lll'in£ tho remaining Mv.eeks>f tJie - I; -i - ■: . T. KQOVH1R,. silloii^ition hasliiis LfiftnIjeeii.ono nJ nic,l .U,JS.... exP°* ,lml llownii the rate of admission for chikh'en lfp„lilll^>UiffiP«t>a!4™''«e-. '.S .--- iajtweeiAspx^vhclntweiA^r^^e.Ti's’lyaH'bgeTr ‘VY’I hi . • •.MWtally. u W t0^ , ~ - -V .; : ■ • -■• ••"•. ' r-.-:. ' ' • v" V ■ ,v. : ■■!£■ . ■ C- 11P w ^ w- r W S S S B ma4& k&°W.n reduced to725 cents . " to-day a W . On Queen V^ictoria’s ^ttjr anniver- Skin. \V e won 111 advise all who tod- lAl'KitATlVE, PiiQSTnETlC AND sary ot her birth, tin> L^Uhiof .\fa_y,1UT II - Ceramic Dentistry JjL_alUthoir _®nieJii<J.s.oiiiiiiK,, even for a few ,fays,' vye haVe marked every Grnpe and-Jacket doWn subjects (and many jyhojyer^,naty, ifelw s. Teeth txaniiiiftl (UuViulviue .fing with them warm undorelott.- x ^ to close-oufcat once. assembled-iii ViclbrJu.iuume, and amid ■-!r.r:rs- Vz.-.. Lion JVce. special attention given to insf'mal wraps', the thermometer ,ft IdiiJili'en’* teeth.' oxide1 ami Howoi's and speeches, and to the .strains^ times rises or falls forty fl^rceeVithi Iini'ni nimsthotics. used in extracting. “God Save the (^iTeen,”i,,paid' honor_t«_ out previous warning.. " lier-name, and not-co.nteni \vithv day.' 11 - li. it. AVERY, T). D. S ' 'i»i ln-Jj .j.-*1 ■ g s W a n l4MMhw<lrol.l-nf-H'<-Sa« 1 igtTt■ f^ uvjtTes-pul)onrned* to.’ fnceTTn fTII’U- nypi*I » • . i1 SUE nWir-antj|-w hi ie coiisraenible Ufei Virginia_hp_te_l in the evening, and .s...,J.: . been aocoiiipjislied simTeiVe open, frllANIv^lIAVER, • . ' thero.clinked each’ other’s goblets and uig, still so umdf remain to ho lin'ish. [f'Mh'opr. of The “ C ity” Barber drank to.her .good .health and long i, Kompf Bros, old bank build- *!* ves, even Mm-.ted. that the public life. 1 __ ■ . , i; £ !)e^ ! »»g-,B>-tlliiik (especially, thos* - x>i imly, rookbouml Maine iTivited &- CilK^SKA, Mipii, irom a dtsiuncej tha^ they are paying muiy peopje to.partake of. her hospii .*/prof ty dear' for l-hein whist —Nnt dilitv, amt hear the music, .and essays^ R a week passes but there ,i‘s . discord ,,l* —■ : ■. MeCOLGAN. - ....... /provided for their entertaiiiment.^ind. • „ pusichd, Snrgctfn .& M mM i j -whore haimion^ouht Erevan, pro;' meet wiih Gov7 Cleaves and stail-aiid ecelvingf New Goods everyLW^ek and are con­ -Oillcc and' residence second d,oor crastiiiatjon in pIacedd'-speedy results,' assist in opening thoir‘sifHtt building. stantly placing goods on our west of Me liodlst clmrcb, a li (l a lymrrt 1 To-o uly. th i ng7t hat Mve can. /. Germany/,also unade.. those -invited prices below their real value. ‘ OllieeMiou rs B to C p.''m. - - say js finished, is nntui^. tor. \y|P».p)e rCuipEA"...... ' . Miuti. /very cpiniug ot- tho sunshine and raih^lie through the imperial commissioner, Black Satines at all-prices, r —J ipm jy. TURNBULL tieoii must put on their coats of greeii^ dlerr Werimuth. His Higliness ;Duke .J-the flowers bloom, and sh'vuba bud, 12 l-?2 c, I5 c, 19c ,- 2 5 c, 2 9 cj 3.5 cr—All good values. U HavTug beeu admltted tD pracUce i ........ » —« — ^ u, de Veragua, beiiig-jjire, of the guests, as ronsiou-Attorney in the.Interior De- ill0f® uo use going around the bush —- — -------W ash Goods of all Idnds* paKlmont, is now, prepared _ to obUin to say that the A^hito City,1 t0 this" l» - p ■ I II—n it -AV _CtAbT! AMO ..'.-Vlt l/I AMt/v- -I-.1 1-^— - ... >> . • his own account... Ger.nmnyfsTbuildjng T costs $f50,000j -and as the*material VTSt— us'^iTrrtsj&bnstruction al 1; came from- acrosy4ifetr€>hdT it .will'seVve’Tui an ex- GliKlNEU, tire aIj'emJjy■.,.j.:crorded.. ' Wjiatever/en- iiibit frPiri ^Yng. Willipm’s. .cou.ntry, iloDieopatiiic P&jrsiciaB and Surgeon.-- ergyv the w management''d'isphiyed , v . ■ before.. , - □iTte exiiibit-ot'. the Vaterland^ffr^ih'-'- iOJlice hours, 10 tol2ai in.'* 1 to4 p.UL-L^,,.i Mil) u toward. .. making.. ,. readv-~andu - ... by r I Ftu 11 til'a Lb liiiding was 'also-- oppnrxl- ivst-wetjk , -and-rna kes a—Ti-h e-shoudiyg. T^fl O m M i. 7 m e n . Mjcm, « live .“Paris brough t j,or our doors.” 1 hu-d L a d i e s ’ ________ _____ _______ W1<VJ opening ,day and r since t hen .matter to believe, yet spend a"few moments •Ladies’ Russet Slippers at $1.25. have lieen dril’tiiig along:-with the tide “ ^ - ■ ■ w m C l 1A1) AV-fGI^D.-TIXIS: or -houfs=iifTliq r renoli^T-I-RUiig -and u .‘'7$tr5a- F| PI V1 A,f 81 >V 111 . Gt? I A4a)tUia-you.i\se}ves^Al. ..... r. Coihmissionerv7 (Jiielseajei^iiy.JkLondivy_and. Tuesday all“ rpdeejjL.tjiei;;iH'()ini8es made; and [-of-cadi week to urnctice Dentistry.. 1 show to tlre~woritf i lmt miw-h 7'ifiVr m ATthc gav .capital; > L hiiii prepared to do'wol'k w ith skill ijCMicooinpiisluTtl 'iinuiediatehv-^'^ ,. Respectfully, all the-ln’AiLcJ).ck__QfjDeutislKyv__viz. _____■ - Wit h .- the a’ceouupani meat - <tf f, c(^t| • t'rowiMind liridgo-w ork, G old, Alov, - e nole thai t»iyli roiuuti^^ioncr _in; voices united in d io rnl ^niiiVh. -i t I’hVivpIia tcr7\inalgnjrii au.d o_t he r4U4 nigs.!/- i ri e f( ) ft 11 e tlo part iiicnr-of p u l>] ir i t v Tomlins kept Mime-...iy.ith... Hie.. nui.'icj • rt^l^U-vetv-^Almlnilm:tn;rifmb Utibher | and ’promotion, Major Mo>c^ 1’. Handv niatle by. tHe splashing!of tlie waters,' _• r . IJiciiijirc. -m s. rgs^teL_JJfflm^),-|wwwAV h e WrferiK.RVwr bin the /elect ricjiI- 'fonntarnsrl-— I over (i lazier s Drug Slore. - ■ . u----- v ; I - ... >. - art palace. Perhaps it;' was last Saturday eveningr' It is a treat ~~~1' ■ unknown to nmny.-ihat-the said Moses t.rt sce.thcsoTniiiiy-villoretl « I„7i>. ffg. ARE' HBAtlODARTBRS-' FOR Chelsea stands a (iliauce o f. not leading, his tiling and dapping,, buD-.iamiljiue:iv;ith' ------ -------- - ’h-mi,shftlled/ltoht8dth.mtigtHiiief\vlhleiik: that ,l Ite etTect'at event ide, of harnioir- ■ u- ness to the proiniseiUhvnd.— ft Had he j/)uslWsiing anthems, amt one has' to (:wimiFwcrrfriie getSa glufTpse ol^ir: see-a-nd-lieat'-^a^ffrhh- Tipp-rerTtirre its V| His aTitocrafic, ’-overbearing mantiei';' hea-ut-sh ___ ( are-guaranteed to oovev more , i unkind-t reatinent ot •the-press '.otitsklr — H iis-ow n-pefs hitve^i'aosetV those-dn ‘™ r s,1,cld ^ surface and give better sa-t-isfacti'oirv- “CBelsea,. Michigan.. power to consider tli6 ndvisabii'ity of men and women- distingtn.uw><rin mir|- -an a n y o th er P a m ts in th e mtirket. W o. i ... .- deposing Moses; anil sul).^tilting an tei,s,/retul""j)a~pei:s or aildi’e^eiTThe in-1 .dlso k eep a fu ll stock of “ . ' ’ ! Capital Paid ln t $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 . | Aaron iiS his.^jnee Anv^-trhUime'.iif ■ihresied^sservd^lagf e ^ --------------— 1------------- ^-------— —— :-----^ — — — — — ------rit* p .. , ■ • this direction wouhVbe bencthiialjtnul Ksionils 10 its 0V.e.-y facility ,vc,colliij-,0 mw,v- ' - ■' :/ -Floor and Carriage Paints, Linseed ‘'M'^lkUik' mBVsQlkitsyonivpajroiiiige, I --Tile w0rk-of-ii)«lailalimi ill. Die seV- .Many mien think that newj*paper_|_:_____ c _ g»__ «r» _ ‘ hicii are p’ehs ist eiwJIhUner.s. By way ' ...................... W M .9la h - l i t p r»a. president - p 1 oral dcfpaptmcnt-'VgocN on. lm t.~ Qh,__how theon^iaiuso ii1! ose' f) ia ( a , Tikis, ,K. Ska us, V’ice-I’resident, js^w. Many olfhe^exliihits are not ^fa-rmer vajses f<hOP dmsliels’ of wheat: a 1 jv-' Oko. rh’-'Gl^T^fesldcV. : - .hvitliifi the groulidsnyrl^inTrisv^ yearamrseri.s this toJ 1 0()0 iie’mns in | Ti, - . T . -1". * • V~ I t i r . ( a t ^ s s t .-(’anbioi^porrm11Artpifc< 1, and while onc:ean now -all parts-of tiie,-eomnlr-yi -a -great -por-' . g’Olllg to p«iLllt/Ctlll il-H(i WB-(4iDl— 6 0 1 I V l l t 11 tllctt " . ^ls i.ftf 1 ,■. 2d - Asst ;_j( i ie)^rffei"''!l'u 0 ra'oivC(1 ,D1* hU ‘Uty cents, tion ofdhotn sayiiigT-’-‘i-win-hand you wo are_riglr(f in q u a lity .and pricey. , ' - - ’ ai+4-l—manv coming from a distance J slhH-Mnany x;omi ng a dollar in fi short lime.” The farmer ■ ., 1 IMUKl UtHtS.. raflnot*iiir«mU:o wait until vfuly.t was does not want to he small, alw ays aii * A full line of Farming Tools and Buggies. I S, (;. j vos__ Hannon S.

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