FUTBOL CLUB BARCELONA ELECTIONS TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICIAL CALL FOR VOTING The FC Barcelona Managing Committee has 4.1. During the electoral campaign, candi- person on the day of the elections. in-person polling stations unnecessary and agreed at its meetings on January 15 and 26, dates may hold informative, promotional or given the unequal mobility restrictions due to 2021, to summon all members on Sunday, propaganda events, as described and speci- b. Home: Reserved exclusively for members Covid-19 as regulated by the different Auton- March 7, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., uninter- fied in the dossier delivered by FC Barcelona over 65 years of age and/or with reduced mo- omous Communities and the impossibility of ruptedly, to the polling stations listed in this to each candidate. bility, functional diversity, or illness, and which guaranteeing the exercise of in-person voting call, in order to cast their votes for the elec- allows the electoral information to be received by all members on the electoral roll. tion of the FC Barcelona Board of Directors, as 4.2. The Electoral Board will ensure that the at home, and also for the casting of the vote postponed from an earlier date due to the mo- actions of all candidates observe the respect from home, upon express application via the 7.3. Members will be able to view the polling bility restrictions in response to the epidemic that their opponents deserve and uphold the form published on the club website. stations where they can vote in person on the caused by Covid-19. principle of equal opportunities in relation to In this case, a Post Office employee will go to club website. the club’s facilities or services. the member’s address to deliver the electoral Given that the postponement of the voting documentation, the envelope and the ballot 7.4. Members who choose to vote in person date occurred after Phase VII of the electoral 4.3. Pursuant to article 51, the Members’ Om- papers of the candidates, as well as an absten- will do so at the corresponding polling station process pursuant to article 40 of the FC Bar- budsman will send the information and pub- tion ballot paper. At that same moment, he/ based on current residence data. There will be celona Statutes had already been validly con- licity that the candidates wish to send to the she must return the envelope containing the an electoral roll for each polling station and cluded, in which the Electoral Board officially members, via the services of the Ombuds- ballot paper corresponding to the candidate members must vote at their corresponding proclaimed the Candidates for the Presidency man’s Office. for whom they wish to vote, which shall sub- station as determined by the post code that of FC Barcelona, the process shall resume with sequently be delivered to FC Barcelona. appears in their membership record. the electoral phase during which it was orig- 5- Day of electoral silence. It is essential for any member who chooses inally postponed, in accordance with the fol- Saturday, March 6, 2021 will be the day of elec- this method to be present at his/her home ad- 7.5. Members will be issued recommended lowing electoral calendar. toral silence. All public activities involving the dress during the period that the postal vote pe- time slots to avoid crowding and queues in ac- candidacies will be prohibited from midnight riod is open. The Post Office will try to deliver cordance with Covid-19 safety protocols. Vot- on that day and typical actions of an electoral the documentation up to a maximum of two ers must wear a facemask and adhere to any ELECTORAL CALENDAR campaign may not be performed, either directly occasions. If on the second attempt it cannot instructions issued by club staff. or indirectly, such as placing posters, publishing be delivered, the documentation will be re- From January 29 to February 9, 2021: Express or broadcasting propaganda in the media or turned to the assigned Post office, to which the 7.6. Ballot papers will be produced by the club request for postal vote on the club website. making statements and giving interviews. member must travel to cast their vote no later in the same format, paper type and colour for than February 26, 2021. all candidates. In-person ballot papers will be From February 15 to 26, 2021: Receipt of the 6- Postal Vote. distributed at the polling stations. electoral documentation at the home and de- As allowed by the Temporary Provision of De- 6.5. As required by article 31-bis point 4 of the posit of the vote at any Post office; and, for cree 4/2021 of the Government of Catalonia, Single Text of the Sports Law of Catalonia, the 7.7. At the polling stations, the ballot boxes will those over 65 years of age and/or affected by published in the DOGC on January 21, 2021, and system enabled by the Club for postal voting be arranged alphabetically by the last names mobility or temporary disability, voting from given that the present electoral process had al- guarantees proof of receipt of the vote, the of the voting members. their home address and waiver of the right to ready begun at the time of the publication of identification of the voter or elector, the au- vote directly at the Post Office. the aforementioned legal provision, voting by thenticity and secrecy of the vote, prevention 7.8. In order to exercise their right to vote, postal mail is included as a new type of vot- of duplication of the vote and guarantee that it members must be registered in the definitive Until March 5, 2021: Election campaign. ing that is complementary to voting in person, will be included in the final count. electoral roll and prove their identity by show- and available to all voting members who so ing their identity document or, in the case of March 6, 2021: Day of electoral silence. request it: 7- Voting in person and polling stations. foreigners, their passport. 7.1. In-person voting will take place at the fol- March 7, 2021: Vote, count and proclamation of 6.1. As of January 29 and until February 9, 2021, lowing polling stations: 7.9. The Electoral Table will preside and control the winning candidate. the members included in the electoral roll may the election event, assisted by the Members’ apply for a postal vote using a form on the Polling Stations in Barcelona: Ombudsman. Club website. In order to exercise their voting 111 Electoral Tables at Camp Nou and Palau Bla- ELECTORAL INFORMATION rights this way, members must follow the in- ugrana, C/ Arístides Maillol, s/n, 08028-Barcelo- 8- Counting of votes. structions shown on the form and update their na, where all members who are not specifically Once voting has closed on March 7, 2021, the 1- Voting will be governed by this elector- personal data. This method is not applicable to assigned another polling station can vote. Electoral Table will check and count the votes. al information pursuant to the FC Barcelona members residing in the rest of the world, ex- This will include those cast in person and Statutes; the call made on December 16, 2020 cept in Andorra. Polling Stations in Lleida: those that have been received by the club in which does not contradict the present proce- 2 Electoral Tables located at the headquar- the form of postal votes. dure; and Decree 4/2021 of the Government of 6.2. Once the application has been made, the ters of the Catalan Football Federation, C/ Riu Catalonia that allows voting by postal mail. member will receive a confirmation from the Besòs, 8, 25001-Lleida, which is open for voting The Electoral Board and the Electoral Table, Club via email. by members residing in the province of Lleida. jointly, will provisionally proclaim the winning All phases and actions in this election held up candidacy. to the date of January 14, 2021, in which the 6.3. The application for and confirmation of a Polling Stations in Girona: Candidates for the Presidency of FCB, Mr. Joan postal vote implies being excluded from the 5 Electoral Tables at Pavelló Municipal de Fon- 9- Provision of guarantee. Laporta Estruch, Mr. Víctor Font Manté and Mr. electoral roll to vote in person on March 7 at tajau, Avinguda del President Josep Tarradel- The newly elected Board of Directors must for- Antoni Freixa Martín, were officially proclaimed the different polling stations, and this option las i Joan, 22- 24, 17007-Girona, which is open malise the promised guarantee in accordance by the Electoral Board remain unchanged and cannot be cancelled or modified under any for voting by members residing in the province with applicable legal regulations, and take fully valid. circumstances. of Girona. possession of their positions within 10 calen- dar days following the date of the election. The 2- The conditions to be a voter are: 6.4. A member who has decided to vote by post Polling Stations in Tarragona: budget for the 2020/21 season is available for a. Be of legal age and not be legally incapac- must choose, according to his/her personal cir- 3 Electoral Tables at Poliesportiu Camp Clar, consultation on the club website for calcula- itated. cumstances, one of the two following options: C/ Riu Siurana, s/n, 43006-Tarragona which tion of the amount of expenditure that must be b. Have been a member for a minimum of one is open for voting by members residing in the covered by the guarantee.
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