International Association For Feminist Economics IAFFENEWSLETTER Volume 16 Number 2 October 2006 FROM SYDNEY, WITH LOVE - PRESIDENT’S REPORT ON 2006 IAFFE CONFERENCE - EDITH KUIPER worth it. The Women’s College was a duced the audience to regional issues very nice and suitable accommodation among which the position of indigenous and Gabrielle Meagher and her crew people was central. did a great job running the conference. One of the highlights of the confer- There were about 160 people from 30 continued on next page. countries and the program con- tained a truly international set of papers and sessions organized by among others Chinese and Indian Local organizer Gabrielle Meagher and IAFFE feminist economists and scholars President Edith Kuiper at one of the social events from the Pacific, New Zealand and in Sydney Australia. The preconference went For some people who generally attend well with 25 participants from about IAFFE conferences and a few others 12 countries. Gabrielle organized a who planned to come for the first time, wonderful and extremely interest- Sydney was too far away; the journey ing opening session. At this ses- too complicated and taking their fam- sion Jodie Ryan, Jane Kelsey and ily simply too expensive. For all those Rhonda Sharp presented and intro- who were able to come it was well Rhonda Sharp, Jodie Ryan, chair Meredith Burgmann and Jane Kelsey (with the mic) at the first plenary NEW JEAN SHACKELFORD PRIZE ANNOUNCED AT IAFFE CONFERENCE, SYDNEY The IAFFE Board has established a new honorary prize honoring founding mem- ber, past President, and long-time Secretary Treasurer of the organization, Jean INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Shackelford. The prize will be awarded on occasion to celebrate the work of an individual whose initiative, imagination and/or persistent efforts and dedication IAFFE Sydney Report 1 promote lasting contributions in advancing IAFFE’s goals. ASSA Chicago 2007 7 The prize was awarded for the first time at the IAFFE Sydney meetings in July--appropriately enough--to the person whom it will henceforth honor. Nancy Members News 10 Folbre and Diana Strassmann each spoke briefly, explaining the new prize and Feminist Economics CFPs 14 celebrating Jean’s many contributions. Two tokens of appreciation were handed New Books, Prizes & Awards 16 over with much appreciation and applause--a handwoven Chilean shawl and a Conferences & CFPs 19 small sculpture of a woman holding her arms in a large and worldly circle. Agneta Stark sang a lovely Swedish folk song. Many members of IAFFE reminisced with great affection. In the future, any member of IAFFE in good standing will be eligible for the award if nominated by another member. The IAFFE board will announce the de- tails of the committee structure set up to administer the prize in future newsletters and on the website. IAFFE Vol. 16, No. 2 Page 1 position of Executive Director or Asso- IAFFE CONFERENCE -- Sydney ciation Manager (as this position was called in the Strategic Report) needs our attention and needs to be handled in the coming months. The Board, sup- continued from pg 1 For those who were not present at that ported by the Membership Meeting, ence was the talk of Marilyn Waring meeting I hereby provide some main asked the Secretary General Mary who, after she received a standing points of this report. King and the Treasurer Ann Mari May ovation from the audience, gave us a to work on a proposal for a workable probing report on the way globalization The Executive Committee (EC), cur- model, and to start working with it, pro- is playing out in the region and what rently consisting of the President (Edith vided that this model will be thoroughly counter strategies can be considered. Kuiper), the President Elect (Martha evaluated in January and more final de- Although Marilyn’s work has been cru- MacDonald), the Treasurer (Ann Mari cisions on the issue of the organization cial for a lot of feminist economists and May), the Secretary General (Mary of the IAFFE administrative support will so many people in the audience had King) and two elected Board Members be taken in Chicago and in Bangkok. been working with her materials, we (Diana Strassmann and Eudine Barri- As a result the IAFFE contact address never had the chance to meet her at teau), has been working on the further has been changed, as seen elsewhere one of our conferences. Thus her talk implementation of the strategic plan in this newsletter. and presence at the conference was and the strengthening of the organiza- like welcoming her home. tion. The current functioning of the EC To get IAFFE running on a long-term is already an important step forward financially sustainable basis, the EC in broadening and spreading the work also set up a Long Term Fundraising and responsibilities for running IAFFE. Committee (chaired by Edith Kuiper). We will continue to work on strength- This Committee consists of a group of ening the committee structure so all people who have been involved and members who want to contribute and have substantial experience in raising be active in IAFFE can find their place funds for IAFFE, and who have com- to do that. IAFFE has retained the law mitted themselves to work on this in firm Weil, Gotshal and Manges, which the coming years (Bina Agarwal, Mar- has been working with us pro bono – iam Chamberlain, Agneta Stark, Irene coming up with really sound, reflective van Staveren, Diana Strassmann, and and cooperative advice, I must say. I Myra Strober). At the Board meeting have been most impressed by the work in Sydney and over the conference, Steve Loden and Melanie Gray have discussions and brainstorms were been doing for us. conducted on the possibilities and re- courses IAFFE has in raising funds and One of the things the EC has been setting up sessions and other projects working on, with support of the Board, to bring in funds. One of the ideas that is the setting up of the Governance was wholeheartedly welcomed was that Marilyn Waring Committee (chaired by Myra Strober) by Randy Albelda to raise funds so we that will work with our legal advisors can hire someone to work on fundrais- At the Membership Meeting Ann Mari on a set of issues concerning IAFFE’s ing, writing reports and proposals on a May was welcomed as the newly ap- legal structure, such as the decision continued on next page. pointed IAFFE Treasurer. Ann Mari making process in IAFFE, the required stepped in as our new treasurer when changes of the bylaws, the way of Kim Marie McGoldrick resigned this handling contracts and affiliations es- The IAFFE newsletter will be spring. The Board has elected her pecially with internal parties, and a published two times this year. It is unanimously as our new Treasurer and more precise articulation of the tasks, distributed to members of IAFFE. her term will run until January 2009. responsibilities and liabilities of IAFFE Current Editor: Prue Hyman Elsewhere in this Newsletter you find officers. You can expect proposals from New Editor: Fiona MacPhail more information about her. this Committee by January already and Send future news items to: more to be discussed at our conference [email protected] At this meeting the President outlined in Bangkok next year. [see p.3 for more on the change] the recent rather turbulent develop- ments IAFFE has gone through lately, The organization of the main office and and explained matters in some detail. the evaluation and remodeling of the Page 2 IAFFE Vol. 16 No. 2 regular basis for IAFFE, and be self- nization: we celebrated Jean Shackel- RHONDA WILLIAMS PRIZE- sufficient in doing so. People were en- ford for her longstanding and essential WINNER ANNOUNCED - thusiastic about this, and elsewhere in work for IAFFE as founder and later as PRIYA CHATTIER this Newsletter Randy informs you how Secretary/Treasurer of IAFFE over the you can join this effort and where you last 15 years. It was a dear moment can send your suggestions and/or your when members stepped up and told to money! This initiative is very important those present their stories, memories for IAFFE and your support cannot be and little tales about Jean and how they missed! Fundraising activities for the worked with her. Nancy Folbre pre- Bangkok conference have taken off al- sented the Jean Shackelford Award, ready, but your suggestions, contacts which will be handed out on occasion and ideas and proposals for session to someone recognizing extraordinary and other projects are of course most service on behalf of IAFFE. welcome. Please contact Barbara Hop- kins, Martha MacDonald or Edith Kui- Due to the recent developments in the per on this account. transition, IAFFE has been inevitably Sakuntala presents Rhonda Williams Award to rather internally oriented over the last Priya Chattier in Sydney IAFFE is currently working on improv- year. At the conference however, we ing its website. We have changed the have been able to turn outwards again, The Rhonda Williams prize for 2006 location of the website and are now get ready and plan for the Bangkok has been won by Priya Chattier from working on making the website more conference, and get focused on plan- the Fiji Islands. Priya is a sociologist accessible, which means more regular ning and elaborating plans for support- with her doctoral thesis underway . Her updates, more interactive communica- ing and propagating feminist econom- winning entry was: “Gender and pov- tion with and between members and ics further. Exciting initiatives are the erty – intersections of race, class and improved administration of member- project by Diane Elson, Caren A.Grown ethnicity”, which focused on inequali- ship and conference registration.
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