Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-20-1939 Bee Gee News December 20, 1939 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News December 20, 1939" (1939). BG News (Student Newspaper). 527. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/527 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. £IBR AKV MERRY : HAPPY CHRISTMAS Bee Gee New$ ^ NEW YEAR VOL. XXIV.—Z661 BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY, DECEMBER 20, 1939 No. 13 Nation's Best Will Perform At Pool Dedication Ohio C. of C. I Winter's Winds Will Play Second Fiddle To This 1 Coach Cox Gets Ohio State Official Will Swim Stars for Festival Governor Bricker Among State And Federal Officials Discuss NLRA Invited To Attend Fete; Plan Afternoon And Evening Shows For Students, Visitors Director Of Industrial Relation* To Speak Bowling Green State University's $152,000 Natatorium will On January 3 be dedicated Friday, Jan. 5, when Ohio State's championship swimming team will present a program of swimming, diving, and The National Labor Relations Act team formations. and its administration will be dis- The outstanding event of the dedication will be the exhibition cussed by Ralph P. Ward, Director by the Ohio State championship diving team coached by "Mike" of industrial relations department of Peppe. The Buckeye diving team has won two Big Ten titles in the Ohio Chamber of Commerce at the last three years and is favored by many Big Ten coaches to assembly Jan. 3, according to Carl <*np the title again this season. Bourne, chairman of the Joint Y.M.-Y.W. Hold Record! Economic Commis- Two national champions, Al Patnik sion. Goodf ellow Fund and Carl Clark, are on the diving Mr. Ward was for team. Al Patnik is considered by ten years a member WU1 Buy Toys Peppe as the outstanding diver of of the staff of Brook- the nation. At the National A. A. U. ing* Institute of For Needy 'Kids' meet at Columbus last year, Patnik Washington, D. C. recorded the first "grand slam" in In the spring of 1936 The pennies you are spend- diving titles. Besides the national he resigned from the ing for the Bee Gee New! to- A. A. U title, Patnik holds the Big Institute to become day will be turned over to a Ten and National Intercollegiate assistant director of committee, composed of Prof. titles. the research division Duncan Scott, Richard Duni- Earl Clark won the national A. A. Ralph Ward f the Republican Na- U. platform diving title last year. 0 pace and Robert Baron, which Clark participates in the same dives tional Committee. He assisted in will buy and distribute toys to the organisation of a permanent re- an Patnik and usually takes second those children from the Train- in the springboard dives. search department for the Republi- ing School who might other- can party. He left this organisation Otheri On Program in October 1938 to head the newly- wise And stockings empty on Bud Cleveland, the clown of the created Industrial Relations Depart- Christmas morning. State team, will give the crowd a real ment of the Ohio Chamber of Com- By arrangement with Train- treat with his unique dives. merce. ing School officials, the poor but Two other potential champions on The act will be impartially explain- worthy 'kids' will be located, the State swimming team are Quayle, ed by Mr. Ward from the three di- and, through the co-operation who finished second in the 220 meter vergent views of the employer, the of Montgomery Ward & Co. free style at the National Collegiate employee and the public at large. and the Morris Five and Ten lust year, and Stonhope, who holds A short period will be set aside at Cent Store, toys will be pur- the record at Ohio State for the 1600 free style. the end of the program at which chased at special mark down time he will attempt to answer any The Ohio State women's formation questions the students may have deal- price. The toys will be distri- team will give a demonstration of ing with labor problems. A forum buted on both Christmas Eve many aquatic formations. will follow the assembly. and morning with Richard Duni- State Official! Invited pace playing the part of Santa Some of the state officials invited Claus. to the dedication are Gov. John W. Denison President For this endeavor the News Bricker; Dudley White, U. S. con- is greatly indebted to Y.M.C.A. gressmen; Fred L. Adams, state sen- To Play Recital President Len Kaiser and the itori Don Canfield, state represent- host of Y.M.C.A. 'goodfellows' ative; A. D. Baumhart, Jr., state Dr. K. I. Brown To Appear who are selling papers today. senator. Training School officials and P. W. A. officials that have been With J. P. Kennedy invited are D. R. Kennicott, regional On January 2 President Frank J. Prout for director; L. A. Boulay, former assoc- their splendid support. iate regional director; A. A. Drescher \toT4n#u)My "Pea? Comriss.Lii** The music department is present- and Harold Heinbuch, PWA officials ing Dr. Kenneth Irving Brown, presi- winter winds may rage, but students at Bowling Green State University will swim In comfort. The new who supervised the building of the dent of Hiram College, and newly •153,000 natatorlum will be dedicated on Friday, Jan, 6. In an Impressive ceremony that will Include an 3 Win Awards In natatorium. appointed president of Denison Uni- euruatlo show by the world's champion swimmers and divers of Ohio State University. Coach Budd Cox Is The Bowling Green State Univer- versity; and Prof. James Paul Ken- swimming director at the University. Literary Contest se's Board of Trustees have also nedy of Bowling Green in a two-pi- been invited to attend the ceremonies. ano recital on Tuesday evening, Jan. Two performances will be given 2, at 8 p.m. in the Practical Arts Music Students To Recognition For Essay, by the Ohio State U. swimming Auditorium. TWELVE SENIORS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR Short Story, Poem group, one in the afternoon for the The selections have been arranged Goes To Coeds students and one in the evening when by Professor Kennedy and include Present Pupils In the dedication will take plaoe. The both the new and the old "schools GRADUATION AT END OF SEMESTER prices are 26 cents for students and Yule Programs Winners of the annual Sigma Tan 66 cents for adulta. of thought" in music. Delta literary contest were announc- The program is as follows: Will Receive Diplomas In June; Nine Are Candidate* ed late last week by Welda Berlin- "Sheep May Safely In College of Education; Two In Business Ridge Street And Training court, president Graze" Bach Choral Administration; One Liberal Arts School To Present Bette Bradley's essay on her kit- Higham Is Elected "Passacalia" in C minor Bach Pageant, Songs ten, "Christopher," was acclaimed "Rondo" Mosart best in the essay division. Her po- President Of New "Scherio" Beethoven Twelve University seniors will be of Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts. eligible to receive bachelors' degrees Don S. Maglott, Jr., Bowling Green, The music students who are prac- em, "For Today," received honor- Government Club at the end of the first semester of tice-teaching at the Ridge Street able mention. Magic Fire Music . ..Wagner and Luther H. Muth, Bucyrus, are The short story award was won by "Valsa" ..._Arensky the current school year, according to eligible for the degree of Bachelor school and at the Training School C. D. Perry, registrar. Vivian Walker for her tale on the Meeting last Wednesday night for "Suite" Saint Suens of Science in Business Administration. are presenting their students in the second time, the newly organised Graduation services will not be Christmas programs today and to- Revolutionary War entitled, "For- gotten Patriot" Government Club voted to adopt the "Claire de Lune" DeBussy held at the mid-year, however, but morrow. constitution as presented for approv- "Golliwog's Cake Walk" DeBussy diplomas will be granted to graduates "Aspiration," won the poetry Speech Students At the Ridge Street school on award for Rose Dehnhoff. al by the constitutional committee. "Malaguena" _. Lecuona in the June commencement, Mr. Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., Eloise Dy- Following this adoption, the fol- Perry stated. Miss Berlincourt states that pledge The public is invited to the con- Present 'Air Raid' er, Marian Cunningham, Phyllis Lo- service for the new members in the lowing officers were elected to serve cert and the informal reception which Nine students are candidates for gan, Rose Dehnhoff, Paul Ullom, Don fraternity will be held Jan. 10. for the rest of the academic year. the department is holding in Studio the degree of Bachelor of Science in Grisier, John Huffman, Robert Dierks Frank Higham, president; Robert Ha- B of the Practical Arts Building, fol- Education. They are Eloise F. Als- On WTOL Sunday will present their students in a pa- benstein, vice-president; Elmer Weits, lowing the performance, according pach, Bluffton; Mae Hanna, Find- geant. Christmas scenes will be en- Johnson Builds New Type secretary; John Dawidowicz, treasur- to Professor Kennedy. lay; Eldon E. Cox, Weston; Mathilde "The Air Raid," a poetic drama acted on the stage with musical ac- Rocker Footstool For $1 er.
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