DRIVE TO EXIST THEWESTFIELD LEADER DURING 1966 THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published Every Thursday 32 Pages—10 Cent* WESTFIELD^ NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 School Pay Scales, Council OKs Budget; Leaves Approved Fife Again Dissents Girls! Sign Up Increases P Keglstratloit for girls soflbalt For In New Budget Open House Tax Rate Seen fans been extended until Satur- The Hoard of Kducalion Tuesday Salary Ordinances day. At the l'lay Fair, Sport night approved two teacher resigna- WcsUield families are Invited Center and YWl'A cards are tions, the appointment of six to the to an open house at the West- Up 26 Points available for girls aged 9-H, faculty, a schedule of financial pro- Provide Increases field Rescue Squad headquarters with 14 year olds eligible for Uie visions for teacher, office personnel, an Spring St. Sunday from 2 to Westfield's town budget first lime this year. All cards custodians and maintenance staff, 4 p.m. Guided tours of the fa- for 1966 calling for an out- must be In the hands of Uie salaries for staff personnel and a For Employees cilities will be offered, as well lay of $2,364,307 for muni- League )>y Saturday. salary guide for school nurses. displays und demonstrations of cipal purposes, an increase In addition the board rcappointed Town Council introduced two ordi- ItesuscI -Annie, the squad's of $40,000 over last year, Bert L. Itucbcr as custodian of the nances Tuesday night providing pay breathing dummy, and other and a total projected tax equipment. rate hike of 26 points per Rights Unit Plans school monies and William D. Peek hikes for municipal employes. $100 of assessed valuation as board attorney. Public hearings on boll) measures Mcsdantcs Plnnt Brown, C. F. Frederick, J. It. Brings and Max was adopted by Town Council Tues- The resignation of Mrs. Edna llu- are scheduled for March 22. day night on a 8 to 1 vote. Fair Housing pcrt as senior secretary nt McKinley One ordinance sets pay scales for lllll, members of th« WcsUield School was approved effective June the police and fire departments and Rescue. Sqund Auxiliary, will Casting the dissenting ballot was Pledge Drive 30 or sooner, and the firm of Wright the other sets salaries for municipal serve us hostesses. Democratic Councilman John D. I-ong and Co. was retained as audi- officials. Fife, who again voiced his disap- proval of council's practice of oper- The trustees of the Westfield Area tors. The increases range from $1,500 Committee for Human Rights have A number of sabbatical leaves for for the administrative assistant to Rotary Launches ating on an 88 per cent reserve for called for support from all who the year I!)litj-U7 were approved in Mayor and Council to $800 for the uncollcctod taxes. OVERSEAS—Shown above are the members of the Tallls Choir of Men and Boys of St. Paul's sympathize with its objective, the eluding: Full year, Mary A. bearish, police and fire chiefs and to $250 Ticket Sale For The public hearing on the budget al Cturch who will sing In England this summer. elimination of racial and religious Knglisli teacher, senior high; Janet for starting maximimis as patrol- failed to raise any questions from barriers in employment, housing A. Connelly, cducable class, senior man and firemen. the audience other than one seeking and other areas of community life. high and Margery L. Scluills, art, 'Mary, Mary' a clarification of an item In the Roosevelt. First semester sabbati- The scale for the police depart- Paul's Choir Will Sing In England Dr. Jane Spragg of 234 W. Dudley ment is as follows: Chief of police, ublic Works Department by for- Ave. has been placed in charge of cals were approved for Miss Carol Tickets for tlie benefit perform- mer Mayor Burr A. Towl Jr. ton Palace, the headquarters of the K. Urinscr, dramatics-speech, senior $12,300; captains, $'J,400; lieutenants, Us choir of Men and Boys concentrated singing in Canterbury. a fair housing pledge drive similar $8,li25; detective lieutenants, $8,875; ance' of the comedy, "Mary, Mary," Councilman. Samuel M. Kinney aul's Church will leave Royal School of Church Music, in The Cathedral Choir and St. to the one conducted four yours ago high; second semester, Louis Genes sponsored by dm Rotary Club of Jr., finance chairman, who present- son, guidance, Kdison Junior High, sergeants, $7,'J25; detective ser- Monday, June 27, to spend suburban Croydon. During the visit, Paul's Choir will join in singing the at the start of the committee's cam- geants, $8,135; first year patrolmen, Westfield, were put on sale today ed the budget for final hearing read louring England, they will be heard in a choral re- services of Evensong Saturday, July paign against housing segregation and Gladys T. Jordon, fifth grade, according to un announcement from a prepnred statement and employed Washington School. $0,050; second year, $8,350; third choristers, under the direc- cital in the Groat Hall of Adding 16, and Maltins Sunday, July 17, In in Westfield. year, $6,650; fourth year, $0,970 and Dr. Nicholas A. Giuditta, general n large graph to chart the year by ichard Connelly, organist ton Palace, once the summer home Canterbury Cathedral, and the West- Special grants of $150 each pay- fifth year and up, $7,300." Patrolmen chairman. year increase in the budgets of the of the Archbishop of Canterbury. field choir will sing a recital there Canvassers will start work in the master of St. Paul's, will near future. In the meantime Dr. able between July 1, IDlit; and June serving as detectives will receive The play to be presented by the L-ounty, schools and the, town over ces ami choral recitals in Leaving London July 4 to take up on the evening of the 16th. 30, 1!)U7 were approved for 46 fac- $7,925. Community Players Thursday, April ihe past 10 years. SpragK has asked that anyone who ulty momlxMS and special grants, he most renowned cathed- temporary residence in Worcester, Sunday afternoon, July 17, the will affirm his or her willingness 14 ut 8:30 p.m. at the Hooscvclt At the outset of his statement arish churches in England. the choir is scheduled to sing a re- (Continued on page 2) The fire chief will received $12,- choir will leave Canterbury for Win- to accept all neighbors on their 300; deputy chief, $8,025; captains, Junior High School will produce Councilman Kinney pointed out that ill fly to London on a cital in Gloucester Cathedral July chester, singing a recital in Salis- personal merits without regard to funds for the local Rotary Club's "assuming adoption of the proposed 5, spend the following day in Strat- $7,925; lieutenants, $7,040, and (ire- charted by St. Paul's bury Cathedral Monday, July 18, and color, creed, or national origin, ad- men, $t),050 to $7,300, depending on charities. A major portion of no- budget tonight and assuming that id will be accompanied by ford, and sing a recital in one of closing the tour with a roeitul in vise here by personal contact now. Ethicon Promotes years of service. tary's profit will be turned over to our estimate of county requirements number of families and the great parish churches of Eng-. Chiehesler Cathedral Tuesday, July No name will be published or used Walter J. Lee, chairman of the West- The second measure provides the field's Hospitals Fund campaign, Is correct, Weslficld's tax rato for un the parish on tlie jour- land, St. Matthewis. Northampton, 19. for any purpose without express 19(30 will be $0.29 per $100 of as- Thursday evening, July 7. R. G. Ferguson following salaries for other employ- [or that organization. In the remaining time before de- prior consent, Dr. Spragg said. ees: Administrative assistant, $18,- sessed valuation in contrast to $6.03 TThe following day, the choir ar- In addition to Dr. Giuditta, the on for the first week of parture for home Sunday, July 24, The Westfield Area Committee for The promotion of Robert G. Fergu- 000; town clerk, $7,500; tax collector, In 1905." [he choir will first sing a rives in Cambridge, where they will the majority of the boys will be in Human Rights is one of hundreds $8,000; treasurer, $10,700; attorney, following have accepted committee Mr. Kinney explained that after have the opportunity of hearing the son Jr. of 024 Carlctn Rd. as man- chairman assignments: Publicity recital June 30 at St. London, indulging in further sight- of fair housing committees in the ager of project engineering was an- $6,500; engineer, $14,000;' chief as- utilization of anticipated revenues left St., one of Die most famous choirs of King's and St. seeing, but some of the families and U. S. with about 125 in the New sessing clerk, $0,000 und welfare di- and program, Kermit F. Dow; pos- totaling $1,839,1194, an Increase of nounced this week at Ethicon Inc. ters, Police Chief Jnmes Moran; Sir Christopher Wren'B John's Colleges, unrivalled in Eng- choir men will take advantage of York metropolitan area alone. The manufacturer of surgical sutures rector, $7,500. approximately $34,000 over last year, urcbei, tad that sameland. this free period to make hurried ushers, William Horr; awards, the amount to be raised by local movement is based on. the convic- and allied products. John E. Lafferty; treasurer, Chus.
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