MB Ordinaire with Links

MB Ordinaire with Links

Recommended Easier Routes in the Mont Blanc Range - compiled by Gus Morton (AC) Getting good information on the easier “three star routes” in the Mont Blanc Range is complicated because firstly, the latest comprehensive guidebook is now 20 years old and secondly, there is a multitude of “selected climbs” books on the market. In particular, Laroche and Lelong have written five books, (published by Glenat), with their selected routes often appearing in more than one of their books. I have used their *total selection, (plus a few other routes,) to create the list below, stating in which book the route description is to be found and the route number given in that book. Where these routes are described in certain other “selected climbs” books, I have included the route number used by that book in the table. In the case of the Alpine Club Guidebooks, I have used a colour code to differentiate between the two sections in volume 1 and the three sections in volume 2. I have also made a list of other “selected climbs” books of which I am aware, but did not use in preparing the table. The main purpose of the table is to allow one to know in which book to look to find the information on a chosen climb. The books are available for consultation, (and limited photocopying,) at the Office de Haute Montagne, Chamonix. The table also provides a comprehensive “wish list” for the moderate alpinist. As with all such lists, there will be some errors for which I apoligize for in advance. (* Some of the routes which are given in AMB, (21, some of 22), and a route in ECMB (38, Sylvie Phobie) have been omitted as they are judged too difficult for this list.) Bibliography (Books refered to in the list) SMB2 Sommets de Mont Blanc, 2010 Laroche ,Lelong Glenat 2010 Fr SMB1 Sommets de Mont Blanc, 2002 Laroche ,Lelong Glenat 2002 Fr AMB Ascensions au Pays du Mont Blanc Laroche ,Lelong Glenat 2000 Fr APMB Alpinisme Plaisir Mont Blanc Laroche ,Lelong Glenat 2006 Fr,En ECMB Escalades Choises, Mont Blanc Laroche ,Lelong Glenat 2009 Fr 100Reb Mont Blanc 100 Best Routes Rebuffat Baton Wicks 1996(1978) Fr,En * AC Alpine Club Volumes 1+2 Griffin Alpine Club 1990 En Alp It Monte Bianco, le classiche Bassanini CDA Vivaldi 1998 It * AC Vol I Section 1 AC Vol I Section 2 AC Vol II Sec 1 AC Vol II Sec 2 AC Vol II Sec 3 Concerning the grades: black is "alpine" i.e mixte terrain, blue is mainly snow/ice, and red is mainly rock, ( usually bolted), subjective! Other Books, (not used) Le Mont Blanc Vol 1 + 2 Piola Glenat 1991 Snow, Ice and Mixed Vol 1 + 2 Damilano JM Ed 2006 Exploits au Mont Blanc Roch Nouveau ed Trelingue 1987 Grandes Courses Lebande Arthaud 1980 Escalades au Mont Blanc Suchet Arthaud 1988 Chamonix Granite Vogler Franck 1989 Guide Vallot, La Chaine du MB 1+ 2 Lebande (GHM) Arthaud 2004(1987) Envers des Aiguilles Piola 2007 Aiguilles Rouges 1 Piola 2008 Mont Blanc Tome 1 and 2 Piola Ed Equinoxe 1993 Aiguilles Rouges Perroux DP Ed 2001 Plaisir West von Kanel Filidor 2006 Click on link Recommended Easier Routes in the Mont Blanc Range Mountain Routes Grade SMB2 SMB1 AMB APMB ECMB 100Reb AC Alp It http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54398/fr/pointe-de1Les Ecandies Traverses-ecandies-traversee-s-n D 5c 1 27 314 http://www.montania-sport.com/sorties/escalade/aigu2 Aig d'Orny Classic SE,ille-d-orny La Moquette D 5a 2 35 1 309 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54180/fr/aiguille-3 Aig de la Cabane Bon Accueil,de-la-cabane-voie-bon-accueil Tichdrome, Namaste 5b 2 2 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/45148/fr/le-portal4 Portalet N Face et-face-n AD 30 297 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/56242/fr/aiguilles5 Aig Dorees Couloir Copt,-dorees-aiguille-sans-nom-couloir-copt Traverse AD+ 340 26 ,281 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/235560/fr/aiguille6 Aig Dorees Arete Suds-dorees-aiguille-sans-nom-arete-s-classique Sans Nom AD+ 4 36 286 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54637/fr/aiguilles7 Aig de la Varappe Pilier SE-dorees-aiguille-de-la-varappe-eole-danza-per-noi Eole danza per noi 6a 5 293 http://hikes4kids.free.fr/article.php?sid=2148Aig Purtscheller Arete sud D+5 6 34 3 269 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54391/fr/grande-lu9 Grande Lui NW Aretei-arete-nw-et-traversee and traverse PD+ 10 191 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/46737/en/aiguille-10 Aig du Tour Traverse,du-tour-couloir-de-la-table Couloir/Arete du Table F 7 4,13 1 15 278,275-6 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54239/fr/petite-fo11 Tete Blanche Face Nordurche-face-n-de-tete-blanche-et-traversee et traverse, Arete NE AD- 8 8 2 265 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54936/fr/mont-dole12 Mont Dolent Arete Galletnt-arete-gallet-en-traversee AD 50 38 13 Mont Dolent N ridge D 45 35 14 Aig de l'Amone Greloz Roch AD+ 8 43 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54562/fr/tour-noir15Tour Noir Traverse-traversee-n-s PD+ 18 14 176,177 16Grande Fourche Couloir N, Voie Gabarrou AD 2 263 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/53806/fr/aiguille-17Aig du Chardonnet Vers Nord,du-chardonnet-arete-forbes Arete Forbes, AD 9 42 3 28 241,240 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54940/fr/aiguille-18 Aig du Chardonnet Eperon du-chardonnet-eperon-migotMigot, Goulotte Gabarrou D 9 56 1 3 43 242,246 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/49477/fr/aiguille-19 Aig du Argentiere Voie Normal.d-argentiere-versant-w-et-arete-nw-voie-whymper Voie Whymper PD+ 10 4 19 206,208 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/53939/fr/aiguille-20 Aig du Argentiere Traverse,d-argentiere-couloir-en-y Couloir Y AD-,AD 20,33 4 218 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54492/fr/aiguille-21Aig du Argentiere Fleche Roussed-argentiere-arete-de-fleche-rousse AD 3 219 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/49477/fr/aiguille-22 Argentiere, Plateau Diedre centrald-argentiere-versant-w-et-arete-nw-voie-whymperTD 4 4 231 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54596/fr/aiguille-23 Aig du Genepi Arete dudu-genepi-argentiere-mort-de-rire Genepi, Mort de Rire 5b,6a 11 4 6 63, 64 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54493/fr/aiguille-24Aig du Refuge Gateau du-refuge-le-gateau-de-rizdu Riz D+ 4 5 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/53931/it/pointe-du25 Pte du Domino Petit Viking-domino-petit-viking D 6 22 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/137187/fr/grand-dr26Les Drus Traverse, u-traversee-des-drusContamine D 12 9 40 132 60 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54867/fr/aiguille-27 Aig du Moine Arete Sud,du-moine-arete-s-integrale Voie Normal D,PD 13 49 16 166,167 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/55198/fr/aiguille-28 Aig du Moine E face du-moine-face-e-voie-contamine-labrunieD 51 171 61 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54643/fr/la-nonne-29La Nonne Traversetraversee-s-n AD- 14 22 164 30L'Eveque Face sud AD+ 14 156 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/53783/fr/petite-ai31 Petite Verte Voie Normale,guille-verte-voie-normale Couloir Chevalier PD,D 5,38 5 10 116,119 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/178651/fr/pointe-d32 Point de Bayere SW Spure-bayere-eperon-sw-voie-ravanel 5b 7 7 120 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54309/fr/aiguille-33 Aig Verte Whymperverte-couloir-whymper Couloir D 1557 41 90 Mountain Routes Grade SMB2 SMB1 AMB APMB ECMB 100Reb AC Alp It http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/55897/fr/aiguille-34Aig du Jardin Arete duverte-arete-du-jardin Jardin D- 10 84 http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=35Les Droites S face 0CBUQFjAA&url=http://www.summitpost.org/south-ridgeAD+ 11-normal-route/155934&ei=KIvvTcejKceJhQe-sOiVCQ&usg= 6 65 AFQjCNEwc2KRZWYqm8J9Xz3LA6MNUFrf-g&sig2=fj2ohTXLaOsUT9f7eU9dxw Les Courtes: Voie36Les normale Courtes et traversée :: route Traverse, / topo - NECamptocamp.org Face AD,D 16 25,43 5 7 38,29 54,56 Pointe Isabelle: Par37 le Point glacier Isabella des Courtes (voie Voie n ormaleNormale du bassin du Talèfre) :: route / PD+topo - Camp 17tocamp.org 12 8 6 Aiguille de l'M: Arête38 AigNNE de :: l'M route / topo - Campto Aretecamp.org NNE 5a 2037 18 191 59 Aiguille de l'M: Voie39 Ménégaux Aig de l'M :: route / topo Menegaux,- Camptocamp.org Couzy 5+,5+ 46 192,193 57,58 Petits Charmoz: Traversée40 Petit Charmoz :: route / topo - Camptoc Traverseamp.org Chiminees, Pilier SE AD,5c 21 9 186,187 Grépon: Traversée41Grand Charmoz-Grépon Charmoz :: route Traverse / topo - Camptocamp.org with Grepon, Cordier D, 22 55 32 146,168 56 Grépon: Mer de Glace42Grepon :: route / topo - Camptocamp.o Mer de Glacerg face D 16 149 43 Ponte d'Orient Magie d'Orient, Opium du Peuple 6a,6a 18 9 43 Première Pointe des44 PteNantillons: des Nantillions Bienvenue au Bienvue George aus VGeorges :: route V,/ topo Amazonia - Camptocamp.org6a,6a 18 17 10 137,140 45, 44 Première Pointe des45 PteNantillons: des Nantillions Guy Anne "L'insolit Guy Anne,e" :: routeL'Insolite / topo - Camptocamp.org 6a,6a 17 138 Grépon: Pilier Cordier46 Aig (Aiguille du Roc du Roc) et Travers Cordier,Subtilitiesée Roc - Grépon Dulferiennes :: route / topo - Camptocamp.org 5+,5+ 154, 156 47,48 Tour Rouge: Le Marchand47 Tour Rouge de Sable :: route / Marchand topo - Camptocamp.org du Sable 6a 17 11 165 Dalles Inférieures48 de Dalles l'Envers Inf desd'Envers Aiguilles: Voie Pilier Georges Rhodes, :: Georges, route / topo 20,000 - Camptocamp.org Lieues 5b,5c,6a 15 8 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/55942/fr/aiguille-49 Aig de la Republique Voie Normalede-la-republique-voie-normale D+,5b 19 180 Aiguille des Ciseaux:50Aig Éperon des Ciseaux SE (voie Troussier) Voie ::Troussier route / topo - Camptocamp.org 5 46 111 42 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/55228/fr/dent-du-c51 Aig du Crocodile E Face rocodile-arete-e-voie-allain TD- 68 93 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/57101/fr/dent-du-r52 Dent du Requin SE Arete,equin-arete-du-chapeau-a-cornes E face AD,D 22,44 44,47 http://www.camptocamp.org/routes/54520/fr/aiguille-53

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