ESTABLISHED 1S93.—No. 1076 , CRANFORD, UNION COUNTY. N. J., THURSDAY. JUNE 6. 1907. PRICE 3 CENTS CLEAN MEAT ANO PURE MIUC ARE VITAL PUBLIC NEEDS act provides that animals thus found i A map so big that a strong man At the health board meeting of May unhealthy shall be destroyed, and the BERRY & COMPANY, It is often said of Cranford, as St. ean scarcely carry it, together with 21th, Louis A. Mathey, who had re- owner paid from state funds a fair a card index containing the name and ceived a notice to connect the premises Luke said of Athena, that the resi price for the cows thus slaughtered.' dents and the strangers spend their property of every real estate owner in ul .1 Union Javenue south with the DRY GOODS A similar law. Dr. Emerson aid, the town, was delivered last pight to time in nothing else, but- either to sewer, appeared before the board and CttANFOUD'S CKNTKR FOB DKPENnAHt,E DRY GOODS would.be of great advantage to Ne the township committee by Engineer tell, or to hear some new thing. Be asked hou\he could do this, as there Jersey. Frank B. Ham. The mnp is for the that as it may, it was proved on Man- was no svwer nearer to the dwelling Chairman Horton announced that use of the assessor, and its cost ia day night fliat such old things as meat, than South avenue, and no water main 5UMMER WASH FABRICS the State Board of Health, in a letter As Township Engineer Itaucr and milk and cleanliness have the was available. It was accordingly Just received had expressed its willing- had not aeen the work, and formally power when properly presented to decided to construct a sewer in Union We mention a few items of Merest — icss to confer upon A. H. Miller. approved it, acceptance wus deferred command public attention of the » avenue between the railroad and South Cranford's' sanitary inspector, the au- to' a later date, and it wus voted to MOSQUITO NETTINO BOYS' BLOUSB WAISTS that begets action. avenue and to notify the water com- thority of a state inspector. This will retain 10 per cent, of the contract pany to put down n service pijie. The men and women who came (8 yds U> piece) 25 and HOc enable him to buy or seize for exami- price pending such approval. The Until this is done, ,thc notice to Mr. '^sV^nSlItyftiilyVbladVa«rtcoloM;75epi«^. .-...„... .^,,.», «.„ „.,„..,, the towjiahip-xooma in response, tQjbs nation camples uf milk, meat .or, othes, iithey^vvilJ J)e_ waived, invitation of the local food commit- map shows aJl. the -in. ,thi; foods offered for sale in town and to Contrary to the old saying"that few' CHILDREN'S CAMBRIC WAISTS KAVSER'S SILK OLOVES tee^ o( the Consumers' League constl improved part of the town on u -scale examine the sources of tbe town's ollice holders die and none resign. tuted a truly representative body of 50 feet to the inch, the scale for for 3 to 14 yrs—Suminor 85o eaeh bong or Short milk supply. Township Physician MucConnell ten- of citizens.^ The meotjjig was callejri farming districts being 1011 fevl. Miss Lakey, on being asked te speak. dered hia rcsignaton, stating that he GINGHAMS. SEERSUCKERS. CHAMBRAVS. CAMBRICS.. to order by &lf& Lakey, chairman The board decided to assume the said that Dr. Emerson's talk should cost from January 1 last, of the street would be away much of the time this LAWNS. BATISTES. PLAID MUSLINS of the National League > committee inspire all present to demand a clean summer, and that he thought it was on food, and its presiding officer was light on Sylvester street, heretofore (Suitable for children's dresses) and healthful meat supply as well imo for a younger physician to take 12{c up. Mr. Edmund B. Horton, chairman of paid for by L. M. l(yon. pure milk. She described a tour he |H>sition. Suitable appreciations of the township committee and president Tbe trolley cum{>any was ordered recently made by her in company with Dr. MaeConueU'rt services und regret CHILDREN'S FINE RIBBED UNDERWEAR COLGATE'S TALCUM of the. board of health. notified Ui sprinkle South uvt'iiuc, in Ur. Maguire of the State Health Board ul his severing of his connection with JJ The speaker of the" evening, Dr*. conformity with its ugreement with Vwtn. IJJIIR nr Short Slwves • ''Cashmere Bouquet to the slaughter houses and dairies the board wen' made to him verbally Emerson, modestly disclaimed th? emi the town. Punts. Ixmj; or. Knco Lvngth . or Violet, Ino can near , Jersey City, where coiiditions and ordered placed on the board's JKCCHQII . i Collates ColognM &' nence which Chairman Horton hod Philip Jahn in a letter complained such as The Jungle tells of were found. record. Tbe appointment «f his ascribed to him in giving him the of the bad condition of a part of These conditions, Miss»Lakey contend- successor wne deferred to a later date. floor, but admitted that he had been Lincoln avenue. The clerk was ed, demonstrate the need of a law Inspector Miller wan authorized to LADIES' READY-MADE GARMENTS active in New York milk committee directed to advise him that as tin that will provide for the state inspec- procure whatever equipments were MCSLIN OOWNS, CORSET COVEItS, SKIUTS. DRAWERS work. "If we don't get rid of dirt/* pavement of the street from end fo tion of all slaughtering establishments. needed for his pros|H?etive work as he said, "we are bound to have disease; end was under contemplation, temporary I.ADJKS' UNDEUSKIRTS, SATTEKN, HKATllERBliOOM Kevs. George F. Greene. D.^ D.. inspector of milk and other food pro- It is of vital importance that milk," rvpairs would be a waste of money. OR CAMBRIC SHIRTWAISTS, K1MONASVSACQUES, ETC. and John Edgecumbe, Mr. Fiske and ducts sold in town. the principal food of children and in- Prank J. Jahn's application for a Mr. Furman also Bpoke in behalf of SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES valids, should be free from pollution. plumber's license-to open streets anil the pure food movement, and when The presence of dirt in milk is due to, tap sewers was granted. Death o) deorge F. Crane. • Miss Lakey stated that it was pioposed Opera House Block CRANFORD, N. J. two causes,—neglect and ignorance ort Treasurer Woodling re|»ortcd the On Monday night George F. Crane o hold a mass meeting- in the fall the part of producers and distributors/ receipt of $200 from the water com- of Hi Holly street succumbed to the •with a view of organizing a state so- pany as a guarantee that all struct lingering illness which 1M months ago "Milk to be good must be drawn ciety, whose work should be to openings made by its employes would compelled hia retirement from busi- from healthy cows. The supply of iuhlic sentiment for pure food and to e properly fitlled in. ness. Mr. ('rune wus 57 years of New York City is obtained front work for legislation in the interest of uge, and had lived since 1H>2 in Cnn- points as remote as 400 miles, and is H. C. McAvqy. a Westfield plumber, ood consumers, almost everyone pres- fonl, where his sterling qualities 'and .rarely less than 36 hours old when it asjied in a communication that the •nt embraced the opportunity to enroll companionable tcniiK-rament gained reaches the consumer. Every dairy fine of $25, recently imjtosc^ on him us a prospective member. for him ir host of friends. that supplies it is under the control by Judge Mcndell, be remitted. of the city milk inspectors, for they aeAvoy, it appears, obtained a permit The funeral services, held last night, have the authority to bar out the pro- First M. E. Charch Note*. for making a sewer connection, but were conducted by Ur. Greene, and duct of any producer who refuses to Sunday, June 9th. 10:30 a.m.faile. d to take out a plumber's license. today the remains were taken to allow a full examination of his live preaching by the pastor, subject. The matter was referred to counsel. (ircctiwootl for burial. stock and barns. Moreover, milk must "Paul's Estimate of the Gospel;" One thousand copies of the book of Mr. Oanr wns n brother of former be kept cool. Allowing its tempera- :45 p.m., Mr. J. II. Collier, one ofordinances, health code and other in Assinsor Edward S. Crane. His im- ture to reach or exceed 50 degrees he field workers of the Anti-Saloon formation respecting the town, re- mrdaU1 family consisted of his wife makes it subject to seizure, and milk ..eague will speak. Sunday school. cently compiled by Attorney Austin and her son, Frederick Merrick. thus seized is emptied into the gutters. 2 p.m. Epworth League, 7 p.mwer. e paid for, the bill being $l'J(i.r.(l. "Sterilization and pasteurization of Friday evening prayer meeting, 8 p.m. QollCulb Notes. All persona who go nowhere else will Mrs. J. II. Simonton of Arlington milk are mere makeshifts. The. im- The results of the various contests portant thing is to have the milk made find a hardy welcome here. road, 'with her daughters, Dorothy and Constance, left Tuesday for Cnm- nt the Golf Club on Decoration Day by healthy.cowa and, then kejituclgjut; woro as follows: "Tuberculosis in cows.dogB and cats M President Suspenders^ :r>c a |uiir. the summer. • ''"Thb"1cillJiSs'*''nBMinenp''jii _ 12 Park Avenue, Plainfield.
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