+·- ··- ··- ··- ··-·- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ~·- ··- ··-·+ i I I FIRESTONE HOT = ! i WATER HEATERS i = ! MAKE WINTER i DRIVING A Always the last word in flowers i to wear, for tables, for weddings PLEASURE i or any other purpose. I i s5.4s i I Always unusual and up I i Always artistic i Always at your service AVOID WINTER STARTING i TROUBLE WITH A i FIRESTONE EXTRA- POWER j 75 E. STATE ST. AD. 8 058 i BATTERY i i + 11 - 11- 1111 - 11- n1 - ~ - 11- 111 - 111 - 1111 - •" - 1111 - n11 - aa - 111 - 111 - 11- 1111 - t< .,.• $6.95 + • - 1111 - 1111 - 1111 - 11K - m1 - 11~ - 11e - 1111 - 11n - 111 - 11,1 - 11r - 111 - 111 - 11A - 11n - 111 - 1 + MA. 3793 i and up plus your ba ttery i i SERVE l ANTI-FREEZE i r Defrosters -- Tire Chains i Listen to your favorite program with the W INNERS must have STAMIN A! The ability to i new F I R E S T O N E stand up and deliver, no matter how tough the going, proves i Stewart Warner the superiority of a team - or a product. i Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires proved their stamina, i Auto Radio blowout protection and safety by actual performance - on the winning cars at Indianapolis for 17 consecutive years - GINGER ALE I $37-95 in tests made by a leading University which ! show they stop Inspect Our Complete Auto Supply Dept. up to 25% quicker - in being first choice of the Greyhound i Bus Lines and other big tire users who know tires. THE MOST POPULAR i These are the reasons why Firestone Gum-D ipped DRINK ON THE CAMPUS i COMPLETE BRAKE Tires are "The Masterpiece of Tire Construction." And i these are the reasons why your car will be safer to drive, SERVICE wi th this performance proved tire equipment. 5 GALLONS $2.50 Plus Tax f USE OUR BUDGET PAY PLAN Listen to the Voice of Firestone, Monday i Evenings, over N . B. C.-WEAF Network 10 GALLONS $5.00 Plus Tax I ICED-READY TO SERVE Tire$tone Auto Supply and Service Store ! FREE GLASSES i FOURTH & GAY AD. 4221 + , - 1111 - 111 - 111 - n11 - n11 - 1111 - 11- 111 - 1111 - 111 - 11 .. - M11 - ,11 - ~11 - 1111 - N1, - 1111 - •+ 1 FOR YOUR INFORMATION THE DRINKING OF I TOXICATI G LIQUOR will not be tolerated in the Stadium. Drinking or drunkenness will cause your ejection from the game. Pa~rons disturbed will assi t in solving this problem if they will call an officer at the first annoya nee. A LOST AND FOUND DEPARTME T has been estab­ lished on the first floor in the Southwe t Tower of the Stadium. Articles found should be turned over to the ushers or left at the office. Golf at Ohio State ONLY ONE CONCESSION, that covering the sale of refr~s~­ ments is licensed by the Athletic Board and thereby pnv1- leged 'to sell within the Stadium. DOCTORS may leave their seat num~ers with ~he clerk sta­ tioned in the southeast tower and will be notified by mes­ YOU follow Tremont Road to the North out of Columbus, you senger in case a call is registered for them. JF THlS PROGRAM IS PUBLISHED under the direction of the Athletic Department. Address inquiries concernin~ infor­ will find yourself in less than ten minutes at the site of the new Uni­ mation or space to the Director of Programs, Athletic Dept., Ohio State University. versity Golf Course. Throughout the past summer a small army of COMFORT STATIONS are located on each floor level. A FIRST AID STATION with registered our e in attend­ workmen under the Superintendency of John S. (Mac) McCoy, Ohio ance is located on the second floor level of the northwest tower. A REST ROOM FOR WOME with a maid in attendance State 1919 has been busily engaged in whipping a beautiful 27 hole is located on the second floor of the northwest tower. ALL GAMES START promptly at 2:00 P. M., Eastern layout into shape for completion early in 1938. The course was de­ tandard Time. EIGHT PAY TELEPHONE STATIONS are located on the signed by the late Dr. Alister MacKenzie and is of championship caliber. ground floor, four on each ide of the Stadium. • Congratulations are due the Athletic Department of Ohio State Uni­ INDEX TO ADVERTISERS J AMES G. THURBER versity for its forward-looking program and to its success in securing ~me PQe Aitken Pharmacy ----------------------------------- 62 Let's go", growls Towser, h eaded for a Homecoming touchdown or two, oblivious to the interference be is a very liberal WPA grant to make the project possible. Praise is like­ Buckeye Stages, Toe .... ------------------------------ 48 having with his grandstand play. Camel Cigarette ------------------------------Back Cover Today's cover is jt1st another o! the Matisse-like Carroll Pre s -------------------------------------- 48 imageries of o ne J "mes G. Thurber, w '17, associate wise deserved by George M. McClure of the Department of Agronomy editor of The New Yorker , whose books "l s Sex Neces­ Central Ohio Paper Company________________________ 64- sary" and " My Liie a nd H a rd Times" have had most Chesterfield Cigarettes ----------------------------3+, 35 o! the nation in stitches for the last five years. of the University whose capable planning is responsible for the fine turf Chittenden Hotel ------------------------------------ 60 Thurber withdrew from the University after the start City Ice & Fuel Company____________________________ 61 of World War. H e went to France where, for a time he edited the Nice ed.ition of the Paris edition of the you will shortly see on this beautiful new course. Coca-Cola Bottling Company________________________ 38 Chicago Tribune. After America entered the war be Columbu Milk Council _________________ ------------- 56 served as a code c]crk for the American Embassy in Paris and later at t he Peace Conference. In 1926 h< Deshler-Wallick Hotel ------------------------------ 32 returned to New York to work on t he Evening Post. In April, 1927, he left that paper to take over bis work with the New Yo rker and t here he has become one of g~~~~tt'I'I;;~:~ =====================----------------- ~: the best known of t he humor writers and artist.s of the Y OU can anticipate what we're going to say next, namely that you £. Elford & Sons. •. --------------------------------- 56 time. Many American artists h.ave been critical of Firestone ... -----------------------1 & Inside Front Cover Thurber's work but British artists consider him to be a Ford Dealers of Ohio ..• ----------------------------- 31 succ(;:sor to Matisse and Picasso. can't build a golf course without seed and that you shouldn't attempt H e is married and lives in New York.-H. D. C. Fort Hayes Hote'----------------------------------- 5~ to do it without good seed. That too has been arranged. On the basis of Franklin-American Laundry ------------------------- So Furnas Ice ream----------------------------------- 31 Goldsmith Sports Equipment------------------------- 64 highest purity and germination; lowest weed content and consequent Goodyear ------------------------------------------ 33 Gus Grener ervice talion__________________________ 67 mlCHIGHD best dollar value--Scott's Seed got the call, and Scott's Creeping Bent Hermes-Knuge Company ---------------------------- 64 Hill Tailoring Company_____________________________ 62 Stolons will insure 27 greens of putting perfection. His tamp Company________________________________ 38 OHIO STHTE Industrial Loan Company____________________________ 58 ~ l'1 Kauffman-Lattimer Company ------------------------ 6S Kool Cigarettes ------------------------------------- 58 HomEc·am1nG Kroger Grocery and Baking Company________________ 66 To you who read this announcement may we say that the same -fine Marble Cliff Quarries Company______________________ 63 quality of grass seed a11d Creeping Bent is available for your own McClure-Nesbitt Motor Company_____________________ 36 ~ home lawn. Ask for a free copy of "Lawn Care" and "Bent Lawns". Mills Buffet ---------------------------------------- G2 OHICIRL Neil Hou e Hote'-------------------- ---------------- 66 Ohio Fuel Ga Company_____________________________ 5+ f:0a PRDGRRm Ohio Oil Company______________________ In ide Back Cover 25~ Old Gold Cigarettes--------------------------------- 66 0. M. Scott and Sons Company_____________________ _ 2 O'Shea Knitting Mill ------------------------------- 38 Robinson's------------------------------------------ 58 0. M. SCOTT & SONS CO• • MARYSVILLE, OHIO Royal Typewriter Company__________________________ 4 Spalding Bro ., A. G·-------------------------------- 68 Tellings Ice Cream---------------------------------- 57 Tracy Wells Company_______________________________ 62 OHIO Univer ity D rug Company___________________________ 62 srnomm 'Varsity D rug Company·----------------------------- 50 nov.2 1,1936 Vernors' G inger A le·-------------------------------- 1 , vestern U nion Telegr aph Company_________ _________ 54 W ilke, R ., M eat ------------------------------------ 60 W illiams, Inez B·----------------------------------- 1 2 WHO WILL MAKE ALL-AMER/t',4 THIS YEAR.~ FOOTBALL FANS : Lase call i n m y All­ America Football Contest! Your selections, both for the ream itself, and the season's most 011/sta11di11g player, must be received by cbe Royal Typewriter Compapy before my broadcast 6:30 P.M. (EST) Saturday, December 5th. $1000 IN CASH PRIZES Gee free official ballots from any score where portable typewriters are sold-or any branch of the Royal Typewriter Company. Fill yours out at once-a11yo11e who is interested in football can wiu! I'll be on the air again Thursdays and Satur­ days at 6:30 P. M.* until December 12th. Be sure co listen in for my All-America selection and the names of the prize winners in the Contest. A word about che Royal Portable-and I ·: c..o. n. .Ten . rs. •... speak from experience-I've been using one for 10 years. For speed, for ease, for durability, · you can't beat a Royal. The Official Program ~··g~ '· •Over Columbia Ne1work Stat.i ons: \\!/EE i. MICHIGAN-OHIO STATE W KBW. WBBM, WHK. WJR, WHAS, WABC, WCAU. WJAS. KMOX. .·' Oscar L. Thomas, Director of Programs '· Jomes L. Renick, Editorial Adviser ARTISTS : James Thurber, Fred Machetanz, Robert Kelley, Charles Tiffin. Athletic Boord .................... 1 8 Owens, Jesse, "World's Base ball by Floyd S. Stohl.. ..44 Greatest Track Ath- Bosketboll by Harold lete" .......................
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