Record Book Name Page # Area Row Lot # Burial or Date of Death Abbott, Ella C. 345 SUB 5 R 11 08/29/1987 Abbott, Madeline 345 SUB 5 R 9 08/22/1985 Adams, Eva Stacy 149 BLK 19 M 10 02/15/1965 Adams, Fannie Miss 211 BLK L OLD Section No Date Adams, H.A ( Hap) 108 BLK 18 G 33 01/07/2004 Adams, Jack Clifton 5 BLK 2 16 07/08/1988 Adams, Jerry & Diane 93 BLK 17 O 3 EMPTY Adams, Jerry & Diane 93 BLK 17 O 4 EMPTY Adams, Lillian 5 BLK 2 12 05/10/1983 Adams, Naomi 264 SUB 5 D 42 Owner Adams, Orlyn & Twila 253 SUB 5 B 49 EMPTY Adams, Orlyn & Twila 253 SUB 5 B 55 EMPTY Adams, Orlyn & Twila 253 SUB 5 B 57 EMPTY Adams, R.L. 276 SUB 5 F 37 EMPTY Adams, R.L. 276 SUB 5 F 38 EMPTY Adams, Robert L. Sr. 96 BLK 18 A 27 07/29/1967 Adams, Robert Sr. 96 BLK 18 A 26 EMPTY Adams, Thomas H. & Eva 149 BLK 19 M 9 EMPTY Ader, Lottie 13 BLK 4 15 02/27/1971 Agricola, Louise 67 BLK 17 B 5 Owner Agricola, Louise 67 BLK 17 B 6 EMPTY Aguero, Irene O. SUB 5 O 12 Aguilar, Beatrice 47 BLK 12 63 05/28/1959 Aguilar, Martias 64 BLK 16 43 06/15/1970 Aguilar, Solomone 47 BLK 12 67 08/10/1955 Ahrens, Arthur W. 171 BLK 20 I 7 02/18/1959 Ahrens, August Charles 13 BLK 4 23 05/08/1949 Ahrens, August Mrs. 194 BLK F OLD Section No Date Ahrens, Ellen C. 13 BLK 4 19 08/08/1951 Ahrens, Lena C. 173 BLK 20 J 6 01/04/1960 Ahrens, Pete & Arthur 171 BLK 20 I 6 EMPTY Ahrens, Peter 173 BLK 20 J 7 01/26/1957 Ahrlett, Irvin 84 BLK 17 J 26 Owner Ahrlett, Irvin 84 BLK 17 J 27 07/12/1971 Ahrlett, James P. 95 BLK 18 A 10 08/11/1968 Ahrlett, Ollie 95 BLK 18 A 9 05/08/1973 Ahrlett, Roy Lee 176 BLK A OLD Section 12/10/1993 Ahrlett, Russell 176 BLK A OLD Section 07/26/1989 Ahrlett, Susie 176 BLK A OLD Section 04/30/1984 Airheart, Earlene 304 SUB 5 K 42 02/01/2012 Alexander, Alma L. 16 BLK 4 76 08/20/1965 Alexander, Annie Mrs. 230 BLK S OLD Section 09/29/1923 Alexander, Carrie C. ? BLK M OLD Section 01/01/1895 Alexander, E.H. 203 BLK I OLD Section 04/22/1938 Alexander, E.H. Mrs. 203 BLK I OLD Section 12/23/1933 Alexander, Edith 203 BLK I OLD Section 03/05/1967 Alexander, Edwin Horace ? BLK M OLD Section 01/01/1938 Alexander, Emily Harris ? BLK M OLD Section 01/01/1933 Alexander, Faith (Riley) 29 BLK 8 18 10/04/1967 Alexander, H.H. 206 BLK I OLD Section 03/23/1937 Alexander, Hardy H. 206 BLK I OLD Section 03/15/1966 Alexander, Hazel B. 75 BLK 17 F 18 11/10/1990 Alexander, Hazel B. 75 BLK 17 F 19 Owner Alexander, Hazel B. 75 BLK 17 F 20 Owner Alexander, John 16 BLK 4 80 03/11/1969 Alexander, Leonard 132 BLK 19 D 32 05/14/1984 Alexander, Marvin 75 BLK 17 F 17 10/15/1974 Alexander, Thomas W. 206 BLK I OLD Section 12/08/1955 Alexander, Thomas W. ? BLK M OLD Section No Date Alexander, Zella & Leonard 132 BLK 19 D 31 EMPTY Alexander, Zella & Leonard 134 BLK 19 E 31 EMPTY Alexander, Zella & Leonard 134 BLK 19 E 32 EMPTY Alexander, Edwin F. ? BLK M OLD Section No Date Allen, C.A. (Clarence) 83 BLK 17 J 6 01/10/1978 Allen, Carlton James 321 SUB 5 N 17 08/01/1999 Allen, Hazel 312 SUB 5 L 91 09/05/1982 Record Book Name Page # Area Row Lot # Burial or Date of Death Allen, Hugh 312 SUB 5 L 93 EMPTY Allen, Iva 176 BLK A OLD Section 05/20/1991 Allen, Margie 321 SUB 5 N 13 08/01/1999 Allen, Norman Lee 321 SUB 5 N 15 08/01/1999 Allen, Ollie 321 SUB 5 N 11 04/01/1999 Allen, Ollie 321 SUB 5 N 12 EMPTY Allen, Ollie 321 SUB 5 N 14 EMPTY Allen, Ollie 321 SUB 5 N 16 EMPTY Allen, Ollie 321 SUB 5 N 18 EMPTY Allen, Robert T. 123 BLK 18 O 17 05/25/1975 Allen, Tom 176 BLK A OLD Section 02/27/1971 Allen, Tom 189-A BLK 21 A 116 Owner Allen, Tom & Iva 176 BLK A OLD Section Owner Allen, Velma R. Mrs. 123 BLK 18 O 16 12/10/1981 Allmendinger, Dorothy Mae 286 SUB 5 H 44 08/12/2000 Allred, Alice 2 BLK 1 36 03/01/1962 Allred, Jennie 49 BLK 13 4 EMPTY Allred, Jennie 49 BLK 13 8 Owner Allred, Jennie 49 BLK 13 12 Owner Allred, Jennie 49 BLK 13 16 EMPTY Allred, Jennie 49 BLK 13 20 EMPTY Allred, Jerry Gilmar 2 BLK 1 40 08/13/1952 Allred, Roy 49 BLK 13 12 04/12/1947 Almond, Bernice 299 SUB 5 J 64 06/09/2001 Almond, Malcolm Jr. 299 SUB 5 J 66 10/19/1996 Altgelt, Helen M. Mrs. 231 BLK S OLD Section 08/25/1955 Altman, Mary Ruth Nunnley 177 BLK B OLD Section 07/20/1987 Amos, Alice 13 BLK 4 11 04/29/1950 Anderson, Abbie Mrs. 214 BLK M OLD Section No Date Anderson, Bruce 333 SUB 5 P 24 EMPTY Anderson, Bruce & Jan 333 SUB 5 P 18 EMPTY Anderson, Bruce & Jan 333 SUB 5 P 20 EMPTY Anderson, Bruce & Jan 334 SUB 5 P 26 EMPTY Anderson, Bruce & Jan 334 SUB 5 P 28 EMPTY Anderson, Douglas 134 BLK 19 E 28 09/09/1995 Anderson, Jan 333 SUB 5 P 22 05/06/2005 Anderson, Jesse K. Mrs. ? BLK P OLD Section 06/09/1912 Anderson, William Curtis (County) 176-A BLK 20 K 34 10/09/2011 Anglin, Andrew J. 39 BLK 10 54 03/20/1939 Anglin, Dixie Carolyn 39 BLK 10 50 11/20/1947 Appell, Shawn 186-A BLK 21 A 35 08/07/2011 Appleton, C.H. 228 BLK R OLD Section 03/27/1948 Appleton, Edna Vance 228 BLK R OLD Section 02/20/1954 Arebalo, Adrina Najar 29 BLK 8 16 06/06/1956 Arnold, Mary Nell 95 BLK 18 A 11 12/24/1991 Arnold, Robert C. 95 BLK 18 A 12 04/26/1977 Arnold, Robert C. Mrs. 95 BLK 18 A 13 Owner Arrendando, Concenio 248 SUB 5 A 66 10/05/1992 Arroyo, Elida 193-A BLK 21 B 1 01/04/1980 Arroyo, Lorenza 193-A BLK 21 B 1 Owner Ashabranner, Jay & Michelle 265 SUB 5 D 71 Owner Ashabranner, Ryan & Tyler 265 SUB 5 D 71 10/29/1989 Ashby, Ernest 319 SUB 5 M 101 06/19/2004 Ashby, Lola 319 SUB 5 M 97 EMPTY Ashby, Lola 319 SUB 5 M 99 08/06/2005 Ashing, Billy Jr. 342 SUB 5 Q 84 06/07/1996 Ashing, Billy Sr. 342 ? ? ? ? Ashing, Dorothy 342 SUB 5 Q 82 12/14/2005 Ashwander, Barbara 264 SUB 5 D 35 12/03/1990 Ashwander, Byron 264 SUB 5 D 37 12/08/1998 Atchinson, Bertie 189 BLK E OLD Section 03/07/1973 Atchinson, Beulah 204 BLK I OLD Section 06/23/1937 Atchinson, Eugene 260 SUB 5 C 74 12/20/1997 Atchinson, J.S. 187 BLK E OLD Section No Date Atchinson, Jessie E. 42 BLK 11 35 07/08/1973 Atchinson, John H. 189 BLK E OLD Section Owner Record Book Name Page # Area Row Lot # Burial or Date of Death Atchinson, Johnnie H. 191 BLK E OLD Section 02/24/1947 Atchison, Martin & Andra 318 SUB 5 M 82 Owner Atchison, Martin & Andra 318 SUB 5 M 84 Owner Atchinson, Selma 259 SUB 5 C 72 01/22/2003 Atchinson, W.T. 42 BLK 11 39 03/30/1941 Atchinson, Willie 42 BLK 11 36 Owner Atchinson, Willie 42 BLK 11 40 Owner Ater, Nonnie G. Mrs. 196 BLK G OLD Section 09/11/1919 Atkins, Christine ? BLK G OLD Section 01/01/1901 Atkins, J.D. 195 BLK G OLD Section No Date Atkins, J.D. 197 BLK G OLD Section 01/30/1923 Atkins, Maria D. ? BLK G OLD Section 01/01/1927 Atkinson, Barbara 105 BLK 18 F 20 03/07/1976 Available Plots 5 BLK 2 22, 24 (singles) $430.00 per lot Available Plots 6 BLK 2 26, 29, 30, 31, 39 (singles) $430.00 per lot Available Plots 18 BLK 5 34 & 38 (paired) $430.00 per lot Available Plots 19 BLK 5 69, 70 (singles) $430.00 per lot Available Plots 20 BLK 5 73 (single), 74 & 78 (paired) $430.00 per lot Available Plots 50 BLK 13 40 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 62 BLK 16 34 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 119 BLK 18 M 24 Vacant Available Plots 164 BLK 20 E 30 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 165 BLK 20 F 24 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 165 BLK 20 F 25 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 165 BLK 20 F 30 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 167 BLK 20 G 17, 19 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 168 BLK 20 G 27, 32 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 169 BLK 20 H 24 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 170 BLK 20 H 25, 26, 29, 32, 33, 36 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 171 BLK 20 I 23 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 172 BLK 20 I 26, 30, 32, 33, 4 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 175-A BLK 20 K 23 & 24 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 176-A BLK 20 K 25 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 177-A BLK 20 L 13 thru 19, & 23, 24 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 178-A BLK 20 L 25, 26 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 179-A BLK 20 M 11 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 182-A BLK 20 N 32, 37 thru 42 For County Available Plots 184-A BLK 20 O 38 thru 42 For County Available Plots 187-A BLK 21 A 61, 64 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 188-A BLK 21 A 89, 92 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 190-A BLK 21 A 146 thru 155 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 198-A BLK 21 B 146 thru 155 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 251 SUB 5 B 14 $430.00 Per lot Available Plots 252 SUB 5 B 43, 45, 46 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 258 SUB 5 C 26 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 260 SUB 5 C 77 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 263 SUB 5 D 14, 18, 20, 24 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 266 SUB 5 D 82 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 271 SUB 5 E 65 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 281 SUB 5 G 72 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 285 SUB 5 H 17 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 287 SUB 5 H 55, 57, 60, 62, 64 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 288 SUB 5 H 84 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 291 SUB 5 I 20, 21, 23 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 292 SUB 5 I 31, 32, 38, 41, 45 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 293 SUB 5 I 49, 51, 61 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 297 SUB 5 J 18, 20, 23 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 298 SUB 5 J 25, 39, 40, 47, 48 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 299 SUB 5 J 50, 52, 62, 68, 71 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 300 SUB 5 J 76, 81 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 301 SUB 5 J 103 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 304 SUB 5 K 31, 35, 39 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 305 SUB 5 K 63, 71 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 306 SUB 5 K 91 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 307 SUB 5 K 97 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 309 SUB 5 L 8, 14 $430.00 per lot Record Book Name Page # Area Row Lot # Burial or Date of Death Available Plots 310 SUB 5 L 45,47 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 316 SUB 5 M 40, 42 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 317 SUB 5 M 50 $430.00 per lot Available Plots 318 SUB 5 M 80, 83 $430.00
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