KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA DAYS KTH School of Architecture Jan 14 – 15 2014 ww www.arch.kth.se @KTH_A KTH School of Architecture Östermalmsgatan 26 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Designed by Björn Ehrlemark Printed by Edita Västra Aros, Stockholm, Sweden, Jan 2014 WELCOME TO DIPLOMA DAYS, the final stage of the examination process review session and helps to summarise for the Diploma Degree project at the KTH the assessments daily. School of Architecture. Throughout these Based on the assessment that the two days 18 students from the Degree external jury, and the main supervisor, Programme in Architecture, including our have made respectively of each student, two-year Master’s Programme in Archi- a final grade is set by the Examiner, tecture, will present their projects. Vice Dean Anders Johansson. Once the The Diploma Degree Project at KTH examination is completed, our students comprises 30 academic credits and is a are eligible for the degree of Master of final assignment that the student develops Architecture (if they are enrolled in our independently to demonstrate that she five-year degree programme), or Master or he masters the academic and profes- of Science with a major in Architecture sional skills of the architect. The project (two-year master’s programme). should address an architectural design We genuinely look forward to these two problem and must be carried out within days of critical and creative discussions, the specified time frame of one term. and on behalf of all the studio teachers and During the term that precedes the degree supervisors at KTH School of Architec- project, however, the student formulates ture, we wish everyone a warm welcome a programme and a workplan, a so-called to our January 2014 Diploma Days! Thesis Booklet, in close dialogue with an appointed supervisor from one of our design studios. As part of the examintion, an external jury is appointed to ensure a fruitful and critical discussion; and to contextualise each project in relation to contemporary practice and discourse. The external jury also contributes a most valuable quality assessment of our programme as a whole, twice a year. On this occasion we have in- ANDERS JOHANSSON vited experienced architects from universi- Vice Dean & Head of Department ties and architectural firms across Europe, who will work in two parallel jury groups. JESÚS AZPEITIA SERON Each group is accompanied by a Jury Host Director of Undergraduate from our own faculty, who chairs each and Master’s studies THE VENUES: Entrance level: former Acoustics Lab Röda Tältet Triangeln Main entrance (Östermalmsgatan 26) Level 5: Övre Ateljé THE PRESENTATIONS: Presentations in Röda Tältet Presentations in Övre Ateljé Jury: THORDIS ARRHENIUS Jury: SAM JACOB JONAS ELDING ROGER RIEWE PETRA PETERSSON VERONIKA VALK Tuesday January 14 09.30 PATRICK ENHÖRNING 09.30 BEATRICE ORLANDI * DET UTSKRIVNA HUSET OPUS ALCHEMICUM * Please note: seperate venue, the former Acoustics Lab. 10.30 VIDAR SÖRMAN 10.30 ELENITA BORG LIDINGÖ VATTENVERK WHITE CITY / BLACK CITY 11.25 MARCUS LINDBERG 11.25 LINAR IBRAHIM DEN TREDJE PEDAGOGEN HUS I SÖDERTÄLJE 13.30 EMELIE WAHLBERG 13.30 MICHAL KUBRAK TOMTEBODA BO CROSSING THE BRIDGE 14.30 ISA OLSON EHN 14.30 FREJ LIND-HOLM EQUESTRIAN WORLD THE HUB HOUSE STRATEGY 15.40 ADAM HAMMARSTRAND 15.40 LINDA BÄCKSTEDT GER 55 PUBLIC SPACE CONTACT IN THE SÖDRA STATION AREA Wednesday January 15 09.00 INGRID SKÖTHAGEN 09.00 SAREH SAEIDI DERAKHSHI NORDSTRAND CHANGE EMERGENCE IN-BETWEEN SPACE 09.55 ALEXANDER BOYEA LJUNG 09.55 JULIA ERIKSSON BROTTETS BANA WATER WORLD 10.55 ANNA BORGENSTIERNA 10.55 ROBIN BELVÉN KV. KILEN MY GOOGLE DEATH 16.00 A toast to the examinees! (in Triangeln, the entrance foyer) THE JURY: THORDIS ARRHENIUS PETRA PETERSSON Thordis Arrhenius (Oslo, NO) is an archi- Petra Petersson (Berlin, DE) studied tect and Professor in Architectural History architecture from 1985 at Lund University and Conservation at the Institute of Form, in Sweden and at the Mackintosh School Theory and History at AHO – the Oslo – Glasgow School of Art in Scotland; School of Architecture and Design. She Diploma of Architecture 1991. teaches theory of conservation, the mas- She has 20 years of experience within ter’s design studio Re-Store and the post- the architecture trade; until 2003 she was professional master’s in conservation employed in architects’ offices in Glasgow, and urbanism. Auckland, Stockholm and Berlin. Since She is a founding member of Oslo 2003 she is a registered member of the Centre for Critical Architectural Studies Berlin Architectural Association and foun- (OCCAS) and leader of the four year in- der of the practice Realarchitektur, and ternational research project ‘Place and since 2007 she is a Member of the BDA Displacement: Exhibiting Architecture’. (Bund Deutscher Architekten). She was a member of the jury award- JONAS ELDING ing the Swedish wood architectural prize Jonas Elding (Stockholm, SE) holds a “Träpriset” in 2008 and 2012, and of Master of Architecture from Lund Univer- the jury awarding the Europan Sweden sity and is together with Johan Oscarson in 2010. She has been teaching at the the founder of Elding Oscarson, an ar- Architecture deparment of the Erfurt Uni- chitecture practice based in Stockholm. versity for Applied Sciences and an elect- Prior to founding Elding Oscarson, Eld- ed member of the Architectural Comittee ing gained eight years of experience at for the City of Erfurt. SANAA/Kazuyo Sejima+Ryue Nishizawa Petra Petersson is appointed as profes- in Tokyo. Elding Oscarson is still a rela- sor of Architecture at the Graz University tively new practice, and based on its of Technology. broad previous experience covering Swe- dish and international projects on a range Sessions are held in Swedish. of scales – museums, theaters, private houses, interiors, furniture, and project design, the practice is gradually expand- ing to cover all these interests. Currently Hosted by Elding Oscarson have projects in Sweden, DANIEL WIDMAN USA, and Japan. Guest faculty, KTH School of Architecture SAM JACOB Sam Jacob (London, UK) is a director of appointed professor at the Graz Universi- award-winning London based architec- ty of Technology, where he is since then ture practice FAT, whose clients include head of the IAT - Institute of Architecture Selfridges, BBC and Living Architecture. Technology. With its laboratory IAT/LAB, His work has been exhibited at the Venice it has a strong focus on research, espe- Biennale, MAK Center, and the Victoria cially in the fields of densification and and Albert Museum. Current projects public space, as well as in building and include curating the British Pavillion for façade technologies. the 2014 Venice Biennale and A House For Essex in collaboration with the artist VERONIKA VALK Grayson Perry. Veronika Valk (Barcelona, ES / Tallin, EE) Jacob is design critic for Art Review, studied at the Estonian Academy of Arts contributing editor for Icon, and columnist and Rhode Island School of Design and for Dezeen; he is also a professor of is currently a PhD candidate at RMIT architecture at UIC and director of Night University School of Architecture in Mel- School at the Architectural Association in bourne. She lives in Tallinn and works as London. He edits Strangeharvest.com an architect in her practice Zizi & Yoyo. She has constructed both public and ROGER RIEWE private buildings, designed interiors Roger Riewe (Graz, AT) was trained at and landscapes, won some 30 prizes in the RWTH Aachen, Germany, and found- various competitions as well as published ed Riegler Riewe Architekten in Graz, a number of critical essays on architec- Austria in 1987. ture and urbanism. Veronika received the The office has become internationally Estonian Young Architect Award in 2012. renowned with projects in Austria, Ger- many, Poland, Croatia, Korea, Switzer- Sessions are held in English. land and USA. The focus is on public buildings, infrastructure projects and ur- ban design. Roger Riewe has been guest professor in Prague, Houston, Barcelona, Aachen, Calgary and Graz. He has lectured world Hosted by wide with a specific focus on structure, HELEN RUNTING space and technology. In 2001 he was PhD candidate, KTH School of Architecture PRESENTATIONS IN RÖDA TÄLTET: Diploma Degree Projects by External jury: PATRICK ENHÖRNING THORDIS ARRHENIUS VIDAR SÖRMAN JONAS ELDING MARCUS LINDBERG PETRA PETERSSON EMELIE WAHLBERG ISA OLSON EHN ADAM HAMMARSTRAND INGRID SKÖTHAGEN NORDSTRAND ALEXANDER BOYEA LJUNG ANNA BORGENSTIERNA PATRICK ENHÖRNING DET UTSKRIVNA HUSET Every new building technique brings up new ideas how to use it in contempo- rary architecture. The new world of large scale 3D-printing is one of those new techniques that is just about to revolutionize the industry. In this project I have examined and developed methods for how we could use large scale 3D-print- ing in architecture. Studio 3, supervised by: www.patrickenhorning.se ALEXIS PONTVIK [email protected] PÅL RÖJGÅRD HARRYAN Röda tältet, Tues Jan 14, 09.30 VIDAR SÖRMAN LIDINGÖ VATTENVERK – AN HOMMAGE TO SLOW PHOTOGRAPHY An old water works is beeing transformed to a place for photography workshops with focus on creative photography. As the light creates a tension in the photo- graphy, it will do the same here with openings, reflections and light slots. A play with the daylight. After thrifty renovations and necessary actions the water works will become a meetingplace for workshops and contemporary art photography. Studio 3, supervised by: www.vidarsorman.se ALEXIS PONTVIK [email protected] PÅL RÖJGÅRD HARRYAN Röda tältet, Tues Jan 14, 10.30 MARCUS LINDBERG DEN TREDJE PEDAGOGEN This thesis project forms a school, built up by a few modules, tightly programmed and detailed. Heavy and closed volumes which by displacement creates different gaps. These in-between-spaces make the common, that which is accessible to all – workshop floor and square. Studio 3, supervised by: [email protected] PÅL RÖJGÅRD HARRYAN Röda tältet, Tues Jan 14, 11.25 EMELIE WAHLBERG TOMTEBODA BO A restoration of a steady building from the 60’s at a spot exposed to traffic in Solna Tomteboda, on the border to Stockholm city.
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