Remembered Questions Very High Yield Found this on the internet ,It says 2012 not sure if it is remembered questions or not but i think soCredit to : Alisha Reynolds 1.Basal cell carcinoma !n the face 2."ecrease response to cellular si$nal %ecrosis &.Inner'ation: (hat does the 'a$us inner'ate belo( the intestine Colon (descendin$ colon*+ ,.Someone climb mount .'erest, and the #ressure (as atmos#heric #ressure 2/0 mmH$, (hat is the 102+ 212 of 1!2, so .21 x 2/04 /0mm0$ /.5hat is #ercenta$e of #ost teeth in the max arch+(ask in di6erent (ays) 10718482./2+++ 8.5hat $oes bt( the su# and middle constrictor? -tylo#haryn$eous m. 9.Fumerase 0ydrolase :.5hat runs thru the stylomastoid foramen C%9 ;.5hat is the def enzyme of tay sa hs? It is =M2??? 10.5hat branch $oes of the ECA $oes do(n to the hyoid+ Su# thyroid artery? 11.5here does the 'ertebral artery ome out from? Foramen ma$num 12.@racheostomy C8 1&.5hat omes out of the ext auditory meatus Cn 9 and : 1,.5hat does the strai$ht sinus drain into+ Internal Au$ular 'ein 1/.5hat #art #a#illae doesn't ha'e taste bud+ Filliform 18.5hat ner'e #rovides sensory to the ant 27& of the ton$ue+ Cin$ual n. 19.Ea$les syndrome -tylohyoid li$ament 1:.5hich of the follo(in$ only #roduces mu ous Sublin$ual $land 1;.Case question: (hat (as (ron$ (ith lady...osteoarthritis DDD 20.B12 Me$oloblastic anemia 21.Sensory to the face in the thalamus E1> 22.5hat $oes bt( the #ala$lossus and #alato#haryn$eus? 1alatine tonsil 2&.5hat inner'ates the the sternohyoid, sternthyroid Ansa cer'acalis (c1D &* 2,.5hat forms the face Frontal #rocess and branchial arch 2 2/.5hat inserts to the orinoid #rocess @emporalis 28.5hat retrudes the mandible 1ost fibers of temporalis 29.A "r. (as deli'erin$ inf a'eolar ner'e block (hat is a6ectin$ 1arotid $land 2:.5hat does #olymyxin act on Cell membrane+ 2;.5hat indicates a #ositi'e 11" e3ce#t+ Mycobacterium bovus &0.Ce$ionella is found in (hat 5ater &1.5hat is most common 'accine used to 'accine children in us "1@ 'accine4inacti'ated endotoxin (it is a to3oid* &2.Fun$i: (hich one is found intracellularly 0isto#lasmosis &&.5hich fun$i causes brain infarcts Asperi$illus &,.5hich of the follo(in$ is found in diabetics? Mucomycosis &/.5hich is transferred from #erson to #erson+ "ermato#hytosis &8.Amphoteri in B Bc it doesn't ha'e a ER=!-@ER! C&9.Canididias Clotrimazole &:.5here is the hammulus a #art of Medial #tyre$oid &;.Foramen o'ale Co ated in the #osterior sphenoid bone. E& #asses throu$h ,0.5hich doesn't carry a branch of '2 Foramen lacerum ,1."entist (as drillin on soft #alate, and starts bleedin$ Cesser #alatine artery ,2.Ameolo$enesis imperfecta, (hat is the $enetic defect, mutation in $ene 8 Missense mutation ,&.@ooth fused (ith roots formin$ one root and one canal =ermination ,,.5hat is the name $i'en to a tooth eru#tin$ medially to the central incisors Mesodens ,/.Cine of o(en is equa'alent t Cine stria of retsia< ,8.5hat is ementum and #dl come from "ental sac 4follicle ,9.A #erson broke there #elvic bone, (hat kind of bone is formed+ 5o'en bone ,:.5hat type of At is @>G "iarthrodal ,;.5hat kind of At forms bt( teeth and a'eolar bone =omphosis Aoint /0.Bone is made u# of (hat type olla$en @ype 1 /1.Cartila$e @ype 2 /2.Reticular @ype & /&.BM @ype , /,.Anchorin$ fibers @ype 9 //.Visceral branches of the abdominal aorta Celiac, IMA, SMA /8.5hat inhibits insulin Somatostatin /9.5hat or$an has a a6erent and e6erent 'essels Kidney /:.Calcitonin 1arafollicular ells /;.-timulate breast milk Prolactin 80.Resect infundibulum "estroy #ost #it dec adh and oxytocin 81.Median ner'e Intrinsic muscle of the thumb and skin behind the thumb 82.0eart is in Middle mediastinum 8&.& month #re$nant 0 $ increase and estro$enI l0 decrease 8,."iabetes @ype 2- not autoimmune, 8/.-#hin$omylein %ot in'ol'ed in blood typin$ 88.Ceramides and s#hin$omylins DDD 89.Case study, in 10 (eeks #re$nancy (hat is not formed @mj 8:.5hat is the outer co'erin$ of 0e# B =lyco#rotein 8;.5hat #art of the kidney is usin$ the most A@P 1C@ 90.5hat is the filtration of $lu ose JER!!!!! ml (trick question)BI!C0EMI-@RY DD 91.Pyru'ate formed !R >.@AB!CIJ." by+ Reduction, !xidation, Carboxylation, @ransamination (R!C@* 92.5hat type of reactions do not create #yru'ate+ @ransamination double check ANK@0I%= BESI"ES R!C@ 9&.Secondary structure of a #rotein is held to$ether by? 0ydro$en bonds 9,.5hat type of cur'e does myo$lobin ha'e+ 0yberbolic )0emo$lobin4 si$moidal* 9/.Kour body is havin$ trouble absorbin$ choline (hat mi$ht ha##en+ 5on't be able to break do(n fats7li#ids (Choline is used in lecithins (hich is a component of bile* 98.5hat type of mutation $i'es you the same amino a id+ Silent 99.Ascorbic acid is used for (hat+ 0ydroxylation of #roline and lysine in olla$en synthesis (Ascorbic acid4 vit C* 9:.Most common amino acid in colla$en+ =lycine is 17& (then #roline7hydroxyproline* 9;.Heto$enic AA's + Cysine7 Ceucine :0.Colla$en and elastin are cross-linked by? Cysine (by the action of lysyl oxidase) Co##er is a cofactor :1.5hat is the meltin$ temperature for "%A? ;,D;: C :2.0e3okinase and $lucokinase, (hat are their functions+ kno( di6erences bet(een the t(o too :&.0e3okinase: =D8-P is the most important #roduct :,.=lucokinase: has a much lo(er affinity for $lucose than he3okinase, K.@ is the only one of the t(o to (ork in the li'er, es# after meals !ther tissues use he3okinase to do the same thin$ as $lucokinase .:/.@etracycline inhibits #rotein synthesis via+ &0s ribosomal subunit :8.5here is arbamoyl #hosphate formed+ Mitochondria )!rnithine con'erted by carbamoyl #hosphatase inside the mitochondria of the li'er into... Citruline* :9.5hat is an intermediate in the urea cycle and a #recursor for ornithine+ Ar$inine ::.5hat does :M of urea do to "%A? "isru#t hydro#hobic bonds :;.Rifamycin tar$ets R%A synthesis via+ R%A #olymerase ;0.Fatty a id synthesis and catabolism synthesis o urs (here+ Cytosol of mostly he#atocytes ;1.--Con'ersion of acetyl CoA to malonyl CoA is the rate limitin$ ste# ;2.--Citrate-malate shuttle transports acetyl $rou#s from mitochondria to the cytosol ;&.0o( does A@1 cross the inner mitochondrial matric membrane+ Carrier mediated ;,.0o( do you sterilize heat sensiti'e #roducts? Ethylene oxide ;/.Mrea cycle $ets its nitro$en directly from? Aspartic acid ;8.%AD10 for biosynthesis comes from (hat #ath(ay? 1entose #hosphate #ath(ay ;9.Vit B6 is a ofactor for? @ransamination ;:.5hat uses biotin as a ofactor? Basicially anythin$ (ith N arboxylaseN ;;.In the urea cycle (here do the nitro$ens come from? Ammonia & Aspartate 100.5hat amino acid is used to taste umani+ =lutamate 101.I$ has t(o #arts: Fc and Fab, (hi h is the 'ariable #art+ Fab 102.5here does $lycolysis o ur? Cytosol 10&.5hat is the rate limitin$ ste# of $lycolysis? PFHD1 )#hosphofru tokinase* 10,.Competiti'e 's %on competiti'e inhibition: Competiti'e4 Increase Km, Vmax stays the same, %onD ompetiti'e4 Km stays the same, Vmax decreases 10/.Isocitrate dehydro$enase is used to make (hat+ Al#ha keto$luterate in @CA (on so many e3ams!* 108.Kou do not need (hi h of the follo(in$ for holesterol synthesis? !xy$en 109.5hat is the rate limitin$ ste# of cholesterol synth+ 0>=-CoA reductase 10:.5here does the $lycerol ome from for FA synthesis? =lucose7#yru'ate 10;.5hat hormones stain acidi + =ro(th hormone and #rolactin 110.Krebs ycle %AD0 locations+ >alate, isocitrate, al#ha-keto$lutarate )NMIA"* 111..#ine#hrine and $lu a$on e6ect+ A. =luconeo$enesis B. =lyco$enolysis =lyco$enolysis 112.5hat is the rate-limitin$ ste# in $lyco$enolysis? =lyco$en #hosphorylase 11&.M@P binds to $lucose-1D#hosphate in+ =lyco$enesis )=lucose-1D#hos#hate M"P $lucose $lyco$en* 11,.@ertiary structure made #ossible by (hich amino acid+ Cysteine )Pcheck) 11/.-tron$, co'alent bonds bet(een thiol (- -0) $rou# of t(o ysteine residuesthat stabilizes structure of #roteins and #re'ent denaturation. 118.5hat catalyzes the reaction from fumarate to malate in @CA? Fumarase 119.5hat does cAMP do for $lyco$en breakdo(n+ cAMP binds and releases acti'e form of #Ha (hi h acti'ates $lyco$en #hosphorylase .11:.5here is $lyco$en made and broken do(n+ Ci'er and muscle 11;.5here does anti$en bind on antibody? Eariable li$ht and 'ariable heavy 120.5hat transfers bacteria in a sin$le ste#+ @ransduction 121.5hat is the final electron a e#tor? !xy$en 122.5hi h amino a ids are bran hed+ Ealine, Ceucine and Isoleucine 12&.@o make #urines and #yrimidines de no'o (hat is needed+ Inosine #hos#hateMICR!BI!C!=Y DD 12,.5hat bacteria ha'e a#sules? Myco#lasm @uberculosis (Some Killers ha'e 1retty %ice Ca#sules) 12/.@he candida o'er$ro(th+ Antibacterial )Con$ term antibiotics can cause o'er$ro(th of yeast of 128.Candida Can use NnystatinN to treat candida, $i'e orally) 129.0o( do yeasts re#roduce+ ConAu$ation (buddin$ (asn't an o#tion* 12:.5hat is spe ific for bacteria+ 1eni illin 12;.5hat amino acid is in bacterial cell (alls? "-alanine 1&0.5hat fun$i infects the lun$s to look like @B? 0isto#lasma ca#sulatum (found in macro#ha$es) 1&1.5hat fun$i are associated (ith avian )bird) ori$in+ 0isto#lasma a#sulatum 1&2.5hat medium is fun$i $ro(n on+ Sabouraud a$ar (It is a selecti'e medium that is formulated to allo( $ro(th of fun$i and inhibit the $ro(th of bacteria* 1&&.5hat disease causes mild fe'er and nausea and sore throat in 2, hours? Influen<a 1&,.5hy are chlamydia intracellular obli$ates? It cannot make A@1 so it must be in a host 1&/.5hat does Ri kettsia cause+ @yphus )or rocky mountain s#otted fe'er)-- Chara teristic lesions on 1alms; Se'eral questions: arthro#od 'e tor, insect bite, causes typhus,
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