Remembered Questions Very High Yield Found This on the Internet ,It

Remembered Questions Very High Yield Found This on the Internet ,It

Remembered Questions Very High Yield Found this on the internet ,It says 2012 not sure if it is remembered questions or not but i think soCredit to : Alisha Reynolds 1.Basal cell carcinoma !n the face 2."ecrease response to cellular si$nal %ecrosis &.Inner'ation: (hat does the 'a$us inner'ate belo( the intestine Colon (descendin$ colon*+ ,.Someone climb mount .'erest, and the #ressure (as atmos#heric #ressure 2/0 mmH$, (hat is the 102+ 212 of 1!2, so .21 x 2/04 /0mm0$ /.5hat is #ercenta$e of #ost teeth in the max arch+(ask in di6erent (ays) 10718482./2+++ 8.5hat $oes bt( the su# and middle constrictor? -tylo#haryn$eous m. 9.Fumerase 0ydrolase :.5hat runs thru the stylomastoid foramen C%9 ;.5hat is the def enzyme of tay sa hs? It is =M2??? 10.5hat branch $oes of the ECA $oes do(n to the hyoid+ Su# thyroid artery? 11.5here does the 'ertebral artery ome out from? Foramen ma$num 12.@racheostomy C8 1&.5hat omes out of the ext auditory meatus Cn 9 and : 1,.5hat does the strai$ht sinus drain into+ Internal Au$ular 'ein 1/.5hat #art #a#illae doesn't ha'e taste bud+ Filliform 18.5hat ner'e #rovides sensory to the ant 27& of the ton$ue+ Cin$ual n. 19.Ea$les syndrome -tylohyoid li$ament 1:.5hich of the follo(in$ only #roduces mu ous Sublin$ual $land 1;.Case question: (hat (as (ron$ (ith lady...osteoarthritis DDD 20.B12 Me$oloblastic anemia 21.Sensory to the face in the thalamus E1> 22.5hat $oes bt( the #ala$lossus and #alato#haryn$eus? 1alatine tonsil 2&.5hat inner'ates the the sternohyoid, sternthyroid Ansa cer'acalis (c1D &* 2,.5hat forms the face Frontal #rocess and branchial arch 2 2/.5hat inserts to the orinoid #rocess @emporalis 28.5hat retrudes the mandible 1ost fibers of temporalis 29.A "r. (as deli'erin$ inf a'eolar ner'e block (hat is a6ectin$ 1arotid $land 2:.5hat does #olymyxin act on Cell membrane+ 2;.5hat indicates a #ositi'e 11" e3ce#t+ Mycobacterium bovus &0.Ce$ionella is found in (hat 5ater &1.5hat is most common 'accine used to 'accine children in us "1@ 'accine4inacti'ated endotoxin (it is a to3oid* &2.Fun$i: (hich one is found intracellularly 0isto#lasmosis &&.5hich fun$i causes brain infarcts Asperi$illus &,.5hich of the follo(in$ is found in diabetics? Mucomycosis &/.5hich is transferred from #erson to #erson+ "ermato#hytosis &8.Amphoteri in B Bc it doesn't ha'e a ER=!-@ER! C&9.Canididias Clotrimazole &:.5here is the hammulus a #art of Medial #tyre$oid &;.Foramen o'ale Co ated in the #osterior sphenoid bone. E& #asses throu$h ,0.5hich doesn't carry a branch of '2 Foramen lacerum ,1."entist (as drillin on soft #alate, and starts bleedin$ Cesser #alatine artery ,2.Ameolo$enesis imperfecta, (hat is the $enetic defect, mutation in $ene 8 Missense mutation ,&.@ooth fused (ith roots formin$ one root and one canal =ermination ,,.5hat is the name $i'en to a tooth eru#tin$ medially to the central incisors Mesodens ,/.Cine of o(en is equa'alent t Cine stria of retsia< ,8.5hat is ementum and #dl come from "ental sac 4follicle ,9.A #erson broke there #elvic bone, (hat kind of bone is formed+ 5o'en bone ,:.5hat type of At is @>G "iarthrodal ,;.5hat kind of At forms bt( teeth and a'eolar bone =omphosis Aoint /0.Bone is made u# of (hat type olla$en @ype 1 /1.Cartila$e @ype 2 /2.Reticular @ype & /&.BM @ype , /,.Anchorin$ fibers @ype 9 //.Visceral branches of the abdominal aorta Celiac, IMA, SMA /8.5hat inhibits insulin Somatostatin /9.5hat or$an has a a6erent and e6erent 'essels Kidney /:.Calcitonin 1arafollicular ells /;.-timulate breast milk Prolactin 80.Resect infundibulum "estroy #ost #it dec adh and oxytocin 81.Median ner'e Intrinsic muscle of the thumb and skin behind the thumb 82.0eart is in Middle mediastinum 8&.& month #re$nant 0 $ increase and estro$enI l0 decrease 8,."iabetes @ype 2- not autoimmune, 8/.-#hin$omylein %ot in'ol'ed in blood typin$ 88.Ceramides and s#hin$omylins DDD 89.Case study, in 10 (eeks #re$nancy (hat is not formed @mj 8:.5hat is the outer co'erin$ of 0e# B =lyco#rotein 8;.5hat #art of the kidney is usin$ the most A@P 1C@ 90.5hat is the filtration of $lu ose JER!!!!! ml (trick question)BI!C0EMI-@RY DD 91.Pyru'ate formed !R >.@AB!CIJ." by+ Reduction, !xidation, Carboxylation, @ransamination (R!C@* 92.5hat type of reactions do not create #yru'ate+ @ransamination double check ANK@0I%= BESI"ES R!C@ 9&.Secondary structure of a #rotein is held to$ether by? 0ydro$en bonds 9,.5hat type of cur'e does myo$lobin ha'e+ 0yberbolic )0emo$lobin4 si$moidal* 9/.Kour body is havin$ trouble absorbin$ choline (hat mi$ht ha##en+ 5on't be able to break do(n fats7li#ids (Choline is used in lecithins (hich is a component of bile* 98.5hat type of mutation $i'es you the same amino a id+ Silent 99.Ascorbic acid is used for (hat+ 0ydroxylation of #roline and lysine in olla$en synthesis (Ascorbic acid4 vit C* 9:.Most common amino acid in colla$en+ =lycine is 17& (then #roline7hydroxyproline* 9;.Heto$enic AA's + Cysine7 Ceucine :0.Colla$en and elastin are cross-linked by? Cysine (by the action of lysyl oxidase) Co##er is a cofactor :1.5hat is the meltin$ temperature for "%A? ;,D;: C :2.0e3okinase and $lucokinase, (hat are their functions+ kno( di6erences bet(een the t(o too :&.0e3okinase: =D8-P is the most important #roduct :,.=lucokinase: has a much lo(er affinity for $lucose than he3okinase, K.@ is the only one of the t(o to (ork in the li'er, es# after meals !ther tissues use he3okinase to do the same thin$ as $lucokinase .:/.@etracycline inhibits #rotein synthesis via+ &0s ribosomal subunit :8.5here is arbamoyl #hosphate formed+ Mitochondria )!rnithine con'erted by carbamoyl #hosphatase inside the mitochondria of the li'er into... Citruline* :9.5hat is an intermediate in the urea cycle and a #recursor for ornithine+ Ar$inine ::.5hat does :M of urea do to "%A? "isru#t hydro#hobic bonds :;.Rifamycin tar$ets R%A synthesis via+ R%A #olymerase ;0.Fatty a id synthesis and catabolism synthesis o urs (here+ Cytosol of mostly he#atocytes ;1.--Con'ersion of acetyl CoA to malonyl CoA is the rate limitin$ ste# ;2.--Citrate-malate shuttle transports acetyl $rou#s from mitochondria to the cytosol ;&.0o( does A@1 cross the inner mitochondrial matric membrane+ Carrier mediated ;,.0o( do you sterilize heat sensiti'e #roducts? Ethylene oxide ;/.Mrea cycle $ets its nitro$en directly from? Aspartic acid ;8.%AD10 for biosynthesis comes from (hat #ath(ay? 1entose #hosphate #ath(ay ;9.Vit B6 is a ofactor for? @ransamination ;:.5hat uses biotin as a ofactor? Basicially anythin$ (ith N arboxylaseN ;;.In the urea cycle (here do the nitro$ens come from? Ammonia & Aspartate 100.5hat amino acid is used to taste umani+ =lutamate 101.I$ has t(o #arts: Fc and Fab, (hi h is the 'ariable #art+ Fab 102.5here does $lycolysis o ur? Cytosol 10&.5hat is the rate limitin$ ste# of $lycolysis? PFHD1 )#hosphofru tokinase* 10,.Competiti'e 's %on competiti'e inhibition: Competiti'e4 Increase Km, Vmax stays the same, %onD ompetiti'e4 Km stays the same, Vmax decreases 10/.Isocitrate dehydro$enase is used to make (hat+ Al#ha keto$luterate in @CA (on so many e3ams!* 108.Kou do not need (hi h of the follo(in$ for holesterol synthesis? !xy$en 109.5hat is the rate limitin$ ste# of cholesterol synth+ 0>=-CoA reductase 10:.5here does the $lycerol ome from for FA synthesis? =lucose7#yru'ate 10;.5hat hormones stain acidi + =ro(th hormone and #rolactin 110.Krebs ycle %AD0 locations+ >alate, isocitrate, al#ha-keto$lutarate )NMIA"* 111..#ine#hrine and $lu a$on e6ect+ A. =luconeo$enesis B. =lyco$enolysis =lyco$enolysis 112.5hat is the rate-limitin$ ste# in $lyco$enolysis? =lyco$en #hosphorylase 11&.M@P binds to $lucose-1D#hosphate in+ =lyco$enesis )=lucose-1D#hos#hate M"P $lucose $lyco$en* 11,.@ertiary structure made #ossible by (hich amino acid+ Cysteine )Pcheck) 11/.-tron$, co'alent bonds bet(een thiol (- -0) $rou# of t(o ysteine residuesthat stabilizes structure of #roteins and #re'ent denaturation. 118.5hat catalyzes the reaction from fumarate to malate in @CA? Fumarase 119.5hat does cAMP do for $lyco$en breakdo(n+ cAMP binds and releases acti'e form of #Ha (hi h acti'ates $lyco$en #hosphorylase .11:.5here is $lyco$en made and broken do(n+ Ci'er and muscle 11;.5here does anti$en bind on antibody? Eariable li$ht and 'ariable heavy 120.5hat transfers bacteria in a sin$le ste#+ @ransduction 121.5hat is the final electron a e#tor? !xy$en 122.5hi h amino a ids are bran hed+ Ealine, Ceucine and Isoleucine 12&.@o make #urines and #yrimidines de no'o (hat is needed+ Inosine #hos#hateMICR!BI!C!=Y DD 12,.5hat bacteria ha'e a#sules? Myco#lasm @uberculosis (Some Killers ha'e 1retty %ice Ca#sules) 12/.@he candida o'er$ro(th+ Antibacterial )Con$ term antibiotics can cause o'er$ro(th of yeast of 128.Candida Can use NnystatinN to treat candida, $i'e orally) 129.0o( do yeasts re#roduce+ ConAu$ation (buddin$ (asn't an o#tion* 12:.5hat is spe ific for bacteria+ 1eni illin 12;.5hat amino acid is in bacterial cell (alls? "-alanine 1&0.5hat fun$i infects the lun$s to look like @B? 0isto#lasma ca#sulatum (found in macro#ha$es) 1&1.5hat fun$i are associated (ith avian )bird) ori$in+ 0isto#lasma a#sulatum 1&2.5hat medium is fun$i $ro(n on+ Sabouraud a$ar (It is a selecti'e medium that is formulated to allo( $ro(th of fun$i and inhibit the $ro(th of bacteria* 1&&.5hat disease causes mild fe'er and nausea and sore throat in 2, hours? Influen<a 1&,.5hy are chlamydia intracellular obli$ates? It cannot make A@1 so it must be in a host 1&/.5hat does Ri kettsia cause+ @yphus )or rocky mountain s#otted fe'er)-- Chara teristic lesions on 1alms; Se'eral questions: arthro#od 'e tor, insect bite, causes typhus,

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