VOLUME 8, ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER 2013 SAFVIC ON THE SCENE INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Finding DNA on Washed Clothing: What Does This Mean for Investigations? Domestic Violence Awareness By: Evangeline Barefoot and Dean Wideman Month 2 Featured Agency 3 One of the most educa- serology and DNA analy- opportunity to listen to a Save the Date 3 sis. crime lab analyst from a tional opportunities an government lab discuss investigator can have is Featured DVD 4 a DNA profile found on the opportunity to hear a pair of underwear that experts testify in court. had been laundered. I Dean Wideman, a foren- have to admit that I sic consultant specializ- thought he was speak- ing in most things DNA ing from another planet. and Vangie Barefoot, a I quickly scrolled a note sexual assault nurse ex- to the DNA expert sit- aminer, often find them- ting next to me that said selves consulting on cases “What is he talking involving sexual assault. The Research about?” At the conclu- Vangie has the experience sion of his testimony I and training to collect Recently while provid- spoke with the expert biological evidence and ing assistance on a case Dean has like training in in Las Vegas, I had the Continued on page 2 Statewide Conference on Violence Against Women Recap The 2013 Statewide Conference on Violence Against Women was held on July 22-23, 2013 in Irving, Texas at the Omni Mandalay Hotel at Las Colinas. The conference covered two half days of general sessions and one full day of workshop sessions for conference at- tendees. This year our guest speakers included Roger Canaff, legal expert and advocate and Kit Gruelle, execu- tive producer and project creator of the documentary “Private Violence”. Continued on page 3 Page 2 SAFVIC ON THE SCENE Continued from page 1 baskets or hampers prior his information can be to washing, transference of T sitting and she told me that biological material can oc- very helpful to the detec- what he said was absolute- cur. This is of most im- tive and evidence techni- ly true. She shared a study portance when the stains cians who consider what that was done in Norway are fresh and moist as the items to take as evidence and published in 2007. chance of transfer between and which items are sent to the crime lab for analy- items is higher than if the sis. When collecting laun- stain is already dried; 6) Application dered clothing, consider The Domestic Violence DNA can be transferred documenting: number of Awareness Project (DVAP) between evidence items Here are the key points to washings between crime is a diverse and unique during the washing pro- take away from this re- and collection, whether or partnership of local, tribal, cess even if the items were search: 1) due to the sen- not the stain was dried be- state, and national domes- not in contact prior to tic violence organizations sitivity of forensic DNA fore laundering, other washing. As an example, and networks. The DVAP testing technology, DNA items in the wash, deter- sperm can be moved from collaborates to collect, can be detected on items gent and additives used in develop, and distribute a semen stain on a bed such as clothing and other the washing process, and resources and ideas rele- sheet to a pair of under- fabrics even after they whether or not the suspect vant to advocates’ ongoing wear or pants that never have been laundered, is a member of the house- public and prevention had semen on them. How- therefore law enforcement hold, in which case you awareness and education ever, it is important to note efforts not only in prepara- should collect clothing and may expect to find every- that given the typical tion for Domestic Violence bedding that were in use one’s DNA in co-mingled wash/rinse cycles and vol- Awareness Month (DVAM), during the alleged crime laundry. but also throughout the umes of water used in the even if they have been year. washing process, the laundered; 2) sources of amount of DNA detected DNA on laundered items Vangie Barefoot RN, BSN, could be insufficient to ob- can include blood, semen, MCJ, SANE-A, SANE- P Since the first observed tain a DNA Profile of the DVAM, in October 1987, sweat, and saliva. Touch Forensic Nursing Consult- donor; 7) It is important to diverse activities have DNA is much more diffi- ant properly interpret the se- been conducted with one cult; 3) finding DNA on common theme: mourning rology and DNA test re- laundered items depends Dean Wideman, Forensic those who have died be- sults to determine if trans- on a number of variables DNA Analyst cause of domestic vio- ference could or could not including: fabric type lence, celebrating those have occurred. For exam- (cotton is best), size of the who have survived, and ple, fining multiple semen connecting those who original deposit of biologi- stains on a pair of under- work to end violence. cal material, number of wear with each stain con- washings between crime taining 100’s-1000’s sperm and collection, type of de- For more information is not consistent with tergent used, and wash / about DVPA campaigns transference either in laun- Source and materials and how to rinse cycle parameters; 4) dry basket or in a washing Farmen, R. K., Cortez, P., & participate, please visit two types of DAN testing machine. However, trans- www.nrcdv.org/dvam. Skarland-Froyland, E. are used on laundered ference could explain the (2008). Spermatozoa re- items: autosomal DNA and presence of a few sperm covered on laundered Y-STR testing, which is heads on a shirt that came clothing. ScienceDirect, 1, more successful when test- in contact with a pair of 418-420. ing laundered clothing; 5) underwear that had semen If the accused is a family on them. (Farmen, Cortez, member of the victim and & Skarland-Froyland, all of their clothing is 2008). mixed together in laundry Volume 8, Issue 2 Page 3 Roger Canaff presented on “Sexual Assault & So- SAVE THE cial Media: New Challenges to an Old Problem” DATE which focused on the challenges of social media in terms of victimization and obtaining justice for the victim. Kit Gruelle presented on “Salted Pea- nuts, Pancakes, Lists and Scales: Private Vio- lence in the United States” which focused on the many myths and misconceptions about domestic violence. This year the 2013 Statewide Conference on Vio- lence Against Women trained 170 law enforce- ment professions from different areas of Texas. A total of 90 law enforcement agencies were from rural counties which included 6 EVAWI agencies where a domestic/family violence fatality occurred. Law enforcement 2014 Internation- agencies from 80 urban or metro counties were also in attendance. This also in- al Conference on cluded 56 urban and metro agencies where a domestic/family violence fatality oc- Sexual Assault, curred. Domestic Violence and Trafficking The Statewide Law Enforcement Training on Violence Against Women Program staff would like to thank the following for making this year’s conference a success: April 22—24, 2014 TMPA Omni Mandalay Hotel Sheraton Hotel Roger Canaff Irving Convention Visitor’s Bureau Seattle, WA Kit Gruelle Gloria Little Dr. Lance J. Simon Deborah A. Kelypas R.N. EVAWI brings together law enforcement personnel, Mike Agnew John Wilkinson, AEquitas prosecutors, victim advo- Rebecca Dreke The National Network to End Domestic Violence cates, judges, parole and Elizabeth Crecente Sgt. Melissa Holbrook probation officers, rape David Markel Patt Hollingsworth crisis workers, medical personnel, faith community Mikaela Ramirez Brooke Hinojosa and Sarah Romero, SAFVIC Program members, educators and others in this three day conference highlighting promising practices and emerging issues in sexual assault, domestic violence Featured Agency and stalking. Check out the conference CVRCC began as a program of the Mental Health agenda here. HELP, Mental Retardation (MHMR) Services in the late Registration 1980’s. In 1991, in response to increased need Pre-Conference: $150.00 HOPE, for services, AVS (Assault Victim Services) broke Conference Price: $545.00 away and became incorporated. In 1990, AVS Early Reg. Discount: $100.00 (Registration completed prior HEALING received the Governor’s Award for the Out- to 12/31/2013) standing Crime Victim Assistance Program in Total: $445.00 Texas, in 1992, they received the Winged Victory Student Price: $395.00 (No The Concho Val- Award in the field of prevention from the Child Early Registration Discount) ley Rape Crisis Abuse Intervention Training Project. The Texas Center (CVRCC) Association Against Sexual Assault presented offers direct victim AVS staff with Educator of the services as well as education and prevention pro- Year twice, in 1999 and 2002. In May 2005, As- Register grams to the people of the Concho Valley. The sault Victim Services changed their name to Con- Concho Valley includes the counties of Coke, cho Valley Rape Crisis Center. Between 2003 Today! Concho, Crockett, Irion, Kimble, Mason, McCul- and 2011, funding became very scarce and the loch, Menard, Reagan, Runnels, Schleicher, Ster- Continued on page 4 ling, Sutton and Tom Green. Volume 8, Issue 2 Page 4 Continued from page 3 Medical/Law Enforcement/Court Accompaniment staff dwindled. We now have an Executive CVRCC can accompany the survivor to neces- Director, Victim Services Advocate, Education sary appointments as well as meet the victim at Coordinator, a part-time Volunteer Coordina- the ER right after a sexual assault has occurred. tor, part-time On-Call Advocates, volunteers Education and Prevention Services “Piecing together the tools and a field education student (intern). Education services include presenting programs needed to effectively Victim Services to all ages with a focus on primary prevention.
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