Buffalo Rocket COMMUNITY NEWS Distributing to North Buffalo, West Side and Riverside • Established in 1969 www.buffalorocket.com Publishers of North Buffalo Rocket, West Side Times & Riverside Times Vol. XLV ISSUE No. 10 • Thursday, March 6, 2014 It’s Fish Fry Season! Holy Spirit Church munity and abstain from Volunteer Honored most meat products on Each year Holy Spirit Fridays during Lent. This Church invites all its pa- is why the Fish Frys be- rishioners who serve in came a popular tradition. various volunteer capaci- The Fish Fry is a fillet of ties to a Volunteer Work- haddock or cod, deep fried ers Appreciation Dinner. or broiled, served with This year’s dinner was at- French fries, coleslaw, a tended by 110 parishioners side of potato or macaroni who serve in a variety of salad, tartar sauce, a slice liturgical, community-ser- of lemon and bread. vice, educational and com- Who has the best? That munity/social ministries. is for you to decide. At this year’s Apprecia- Here are a few of the tion Dinner we began a Father Wolfe presents area restaurants that are new tradition, which is the Vito Cavalieri the inau- offering Fish Frys during Holy Spirit Church Volun- gural Volunteer of the Mouth-watering Fish Frys are available through- Lent that may help you teer of the Year Award. Year Award from Holy out Buffalo during the Lenten season. make that decision: Wel- This year’s recipient was Spirit Church. lington Pub, 1541 Hertel Vito Cavalieri. Vito gives It seems that almost Western New York, there Avenue, Shadow Lounge, so freely of himself to all with a number of main- every restaurant in Buf- are over a thousand res- 1504 Hertel Avenue, St. of us at Holy Spirit, and tenance concerns of our falo has a Fish Fry, and taurants that offer Fish Mark Parish, 399 Wood- usually in ways that most buildings, but also serves they all claim that they of- Frys, especially at this ward Avenue, TC Jr's, 2941 would never even realize. as an Usher at Mass, and fer the best. time of the year. Delaware Avenue, and For example, for years was also elected as a mem- Who has the best Fish Western New York has Johnny’s Meats (take out now Vito has maintained ber of our Parish Council. Fry? Well, if you are from a strong Catholic com- only,) 1191 Hertel Avenue. and repaired our boilers. Vito has never said any- After his retirement, he thing but “yes” to us as a renewed his license specif- parish, and we can only Party To Benefit YMCA ically so that he could help say “Thank you!” to Vito. out. The party is going to us in this regard. No mat- Truly, he is a living wit- be 2 hours of LOUD music ter what hour of the day or ness of the power of faith and super fun choreogra- night that I call him, his lived in love, bringing us phy. There will be amazing response is always exact- all hope... where would instructors leading partici- ly the same, “I’ll be right we be this winter without pants in the fun! there, Father.” well-functioning boilers?! The YMCA Annual Cam- And he is! Vito helps Congratulations, Vito! paign is a yearly endeavor to raise the charitable funds needed to continue the vital St. Mark's Hosts Fish Fry work that is done here in the North Buffalo community. YMCA’s Annual Campaign Some students of Zumba instructor Annette Alston. donors make it possible for children, families, adults On Saturday, March 8th and run through 9:00 pm. and seniors to have access The YMCA is throwing a The cost is $15 for members to Y programs vital to the Zumba® Party to benefit of the Y and $20 for non- North Buffalo community. their Annual Campaign. members. Support the YMCA’s An- The party will start at 6:45 Zumba is a Latin music nual Campaign by attend- pm (check in starts at 6:30) and dance inspired work- ing the Zumba Party. Some of the members of St. Mark Holy Name on Woodward Ave. in North Buffalo are preparing for their 34th annual Fish Fry season. All are wel- The North Park Theatre re-opens on March 7th – check inside to see if you won free passes! come to come and enjoy a great meal. THURSDAY, MARCH 6 FRIDAY, MARCH 7 SATURDAY, MARCH 8 SUNDAY, MARCH 9 MONDAY, MARCH 10 TUESDAY, MARCH 11 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 Sunny Mostly Sunny Few Snow Showers Mostly Cloudy Cloudy Few Snow Showers Cloudy High 31° High 41° High 35° High 28° High 38° High 33° High 25° Low 20° Low 29° Low 20° Low 22° Low 27° Low 19° Low 19° PAGE 2 BUFFALO ROCKET ISSUE 10 WEEK OF THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2014 APARTMENTS FOR RENT The Adventures of... he could speak. WINGATE MANAGEMENT IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING • These people jump APPLICATIONS FOR 3 & 4 BEDROOM APARTMENTS. Large units, located on the upper west side, including all utilities, out of their seats as if it appliances, 24 hr. emergency maintenance and a professional onsite were a State of the Union management staff. Rocket Man address. Applicants must meet HUD Section 8 criteria, including income requirements. A thorough background check is required. • Rocket Man has seen Please visit our rental office at 491 Connecticut St. by Doug Smith oodles of teens in “Pink” for an application or call 881-2233 EHO t-shirts. Now he got to see ‘Orbiting Planet Oscar' the singer they honor. She’s Rocket Man poured got three out of 18: very good, more impres- some kerosene into his • The “real” Philomena sive this night than Bette vintage TV and viewed the was there, which is more Midler, who seemed lost. goings-on on Planet Oscar than he can say for the • Loved the rhyming Sunday night. It had been picture, simply frothing acceptance speech of the a while since he had sub- with inaccuracies, most of song winners for “Frozen” jected himself to the Acad- them political. • Penalty points to emy Awards, though once • Speaking of which, Best Actress Cate Blanch- he had feverishly pounded the avoidance of political ett, for both mispronounc- out the results on a Cou- cheap shots had to make ing and misusing the rier-Express typewriter, some wish Republicans ugly word “exacerbate.” It screaming “copy” to at- rules. With no one to sneer means worsen, not better, tract the services of a low- at, it was just plain dull. but is better forgotten. er-case courier. • Liked Ms. De’s refer- • Daniel Day-Lewis It was fun then. He re- ence to “one, big, fright- still looks Lincolnesque. members writing “‘Kramer ened family.” • Tribute to those vs. Kramer’ took custody of • Hard to believe that “called up” during the year Free Movie Passes to North Park Theatre: C. Lucus, 47 Shoreham Blvd., 14216 the best-picture Oscar...,” Jim Carrey was once a recognized from a “second then pausing to record bankable star. unit” director, through and revel in a magnificent • Harrison Ford was Shirley Temple, to the re- speech by Dustin Hoff- awful. cently destroyed Philip man, world’s best actor • Several young film Seymour Hoffman. then, and now. “Kramer vs. students trotted up to re- • Best Acceptance Kramer”? Not so much. ceive awards and were cut Speech: Screenwriter of Now he had to wonder off before they even start- “12 Years a Slave.” Sim- where all the poise has ed. Talk about 15 millisec- ple, direct. gone, as a sprite named onds of fame. • Rocket Man was en- Ellen Degeneres hustled • That “Vertigo” music thralled by the speech about, ordering pizzas, played while Kim Novak from the Best Supporting changing costumes and spoke was deliciously eerie. Actress for “12 Years a complimenting one nomi- • One winner in a Slave,” and an additional nee for “showing me some- “short” category spoke lon- supporting award to her thing I haven’t seen for ger than his movie ran. gown designer. In Monday quite a while.” She’s no • The cutaways to pre- morning’s paper, the V David Niven. Details on recorded Governor’s Award started up near the mast- request. and Technical Award cer- head and ran down almost Anyway, observations emonies were as good as to the table of contents. made while further noting anything else in the show. • Three hours he will the Buffalo News’ Jeff Si- • Another winner never get back. At least he mon had called 14 winners thanked “my teachers, didn’t have to see “Wolf of in 15 categories. Rocket some of them, but not all.” Wall Street.” Man’s Firstborn had 4 of • Co-editor for “Grav- Fire back to Rocket Man 6. Once year, Rocket Man ity” was edited out before via [email protected] PICK UP A COPY OF THE BUFFALO ROCKET at the following locations or online at www.buffalorocket.com NORTH BUFFALO Marco's Deli.....................................1744 Hertel Avenue Delaware Apartments.................1217 Delaware Avenue Affinity Salon..............................3060 Delaware Avenue Mustachio's Pizza........................ 2701 Elmwood Avenue Elmwood Square Apts................... 505 Elmwood Avenue Bella Mia Chocolate Shop................1096 Hertel Avenue North Buffalo Community Ctr.............203 Sanders Road Ferry Street Laundry .....................277 West Ferry Street Bob & John’s Pizzeria......................1545 Hertel Avenue North Buffalo Dental.......................1600 Hertel Avenue Frontier Liquor & Beverage Ctr.............. 121 Grant Street Cafe Allegro.....................................1374 Hertel Avenue North Park Library ............................975 Hertel Avenue First Niagara Bank.........................Elmwood at W. Utica Caramici's ........................................1501 Hertel Avenue Parker Pharmacy.............................1388 Hertel Avenue M&T Bank............................................. 130 Grant Street Caruso's Food ..................................1212 Hertel Avenue Parkside Community Center...............
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