E634 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 20, 2019 can take because of the requirements of the But GOP lawmakers like Western Caucus IN CELEBRATION OF THE HONOR- Home Rule Act, and to end the unique appli- Chairman Paul Gosar, R–Ariz., have said ABLE JOHN JAMES CONYERS cability of the federal Religious Freedom Res- they will not help the legislation pass the toration Act of 1993 to the District. chamber. A spokeswoman for Gosar told the HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON The Equality Act is uniquely comprehensive. Washington Examiner on Monday her boss, who sits on the House Natural Resources OF TEXAS Historically, when Congress has passed civil Committee with Cole, was ‘‘strongly op- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rights legislation, it typically has done so by posed’’ to the proposals and would vote Monday, May 20, 2019 category, whether in employment, or housing, against them ‘‘in their current form.’’ or the rest. However, the Equality Act, encom- ‘‘Gosar has been leading the charge against Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, passing all forms of typical discrimination, these bills since they were first brought up I rise today to recognize The Honorable John sends a special message. It is too late for in Natural Resources Committee. He offered J. Conyers, who celebrated his 90th birthday anything except legislation that takes on dis- two amendments to both bills in com- on May 16th. crimination against our LGBTQ community mittee—both failed,’’ the spokeswoman said. Mr. Conyers is a distinguished public serv- once and for all. H.R. 312 and H.R. 375 were originally sched- ant who represented the people of Michigan in The Equality Act also fills a large space I uled for votes on May 8, but were yanked the U.S. House of Representatives for 52 have tried to fill ever since being elected to after Trump tweeted that they would be ‘‘un- years. During his tenure, he held a number of Congress. My work for the LGBTQ community fair’’ to Native Americans. reputable positions, including Chairman of the has come naturally. As a lifelong fighter for The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe wants to House Oversight Committee, Chairman of the equal rights, I have always seen congressional build a $1 billion casino on its land, but the House Judiciary Committee, and the 44th failure to address discrimination against the deal has been delayed by the Interior Depart- Dean of the House of Representatives. Mr. LGBTQ community as no different from con- ment and Rhode Island lawmakers worried Conyers was an effective legislator who was gressional failure to bar segregation in the the development will undercut profits gen- known among the Halls of Congress as cham- public schools I attended as a child in the Dis- erated by its own casino industry. pion of justice and judiciary issues. trict, or to address discrimination in voting The opposition has resulted in the Massa- As the longest-serving African-American rights and public accommodations I went to chusetts congressional delegation, including member of Congress, Mr. Conyers was a trail- Mississippi to fight as a student in the Student Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Sen. blazer for civil rights during his time in Con- Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. The Elizabeth Warren, to push for the measure so gress and is credited as one of the 13 original the tribe can have full control of the reserva- Equality Act stands for the impossibility of founders of the Congressional Black Caucus. tion. Matt Schlapp, American Conservative parsing discrimination. The history of discrimi- Union chairman and husband of White House He was the first to introduce a bill calling for nation in the United States teaches that all communications director Mercedes Schlapp, the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. to be bigotry is unacceptable. additionally runs a firm that lobbied against recognized as a national holiday dedicated to f the casino. his life and legacy. I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- REAFFIRMING AUTHORITY OF ‘‘Republicans shouldn’t vote for H.R. 312, a lating Mr. Conyers as he celebrates this mo- SECRETARY OF INTERIOR TO special interest casino Bill, backed by Eliza- mentous achievement. I also wish him many TAKE LAND INTO TRUST FOR IN- beth (Pocahontas) Warren,’’ Trump tweeted last Wednesday. ‘‘It is unfair and doesn’t more happy birthdays in the future. DIAN TRIBES treat Native Americans equally!’’ f SPEECH OF Schlapp did not immediately respond to re- quest for comment. PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. RAU´ L M. GRIJALVA OF ARIZONA f HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF SOUTH CAROLINA Wednesday, May 15, 2019 RECOGNIZING THE CENTENNIAL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ANNIVERSARY OF THE HOUSE Monday, May 20, 2019 Mr. GRIJALVA. Mr. Speaker, I include in the PASSAGE OF AN AMENDMENT TO RECORD the following article from The Wash- THE U.S. CONSTITUTION Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, had I been ington Examiner regarding consideration of present, I would have voted: ‘‘nay’’ on Roll H.R. 375. Call No. 210; ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 211; [From The Washington Examiner, May 13, HON. VAN TAYLOR ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 212; ‘‘nay’’ on Roll Call 2019] No. 213; ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 214; ‘‘yea’’ on HOUSE DEMOCRATS RESCHEUDLE VOTES ON OF TEXAS Roll Call No. 215; ‘‘nay’’ on Roll Call No. 216; TRIBAL BILLS PULLED AFTER TRUMP TWEET IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 217. (by Naomi Lim) f House Democrats have rescheduled votes Monday, May 20, 2019 on two Native American tribal bills this THE HONORABLE DAMON JEROME week after they were yanked from the floor Mr. TAYLOR. Madam Speaker, I rise today KEITH at the last minute following pressure from to commemorate the 100th anniversary of President Trump. House passage of the 19th amendment to the HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON Democratic leadership has set a vote for United States Constitution—prohibiting the OF TEXAS Wednesday on H.R. 312, legislation co-spon- government from denying the right to vote to sored by Rep. William Keating, D–Mass., IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES maintaining the status of the Mashpee citizens on the basis of sex. Monday, May 20, 2019 Wampanoag Tribe reservation in the Bay In the year of 1893, the first attempt to orga- State. nize the Women’s Suffrage Movement in the Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, A second proposal, H.R. 375, introduced by state of Texas took place in Dallas, with the as the representative of the 30th District of Rep. Tom Cole, R–Okla., would reaffirm Inte- formation of The Texas Equal Rights Associa- Texas, I’d like to recognize the passing of The rior Secretary David Bernhardt’s authority Honorable Damon Jerome Keith, Senior Judge to take land into trust on behalf of Indian tion. of the United States Court of Appeals for the tribes. That measure is also due to be consid- Twenty-six years later Texas became the Sixth Circuit. ered Wednesday, but under a streamlined first state in the south to ratify the 19th Judge Damon J. Keith, one of the nation’s process requiring two-thirds support in the amendment. From raising families, to orga- House. As such, it needs the backing of longest-serving federal judges, was a tireless House Republicans. nizing political movements, to fighting over champion of civil rights and civil liberties. Born ‘‘Both of the bills pulled from the floor of seas, our country could not thrive without the in Detroit in 1922, Judge Keith was the grand- the House, H.R. 375 and H.R. 312, are impor- influence of so many strong and determined son of enslaved people. He went on to be- tant to Indian Country,’’ Cole told the Wash- women. ington Examiner in a statement on Monday. come the sixth African American in U.S. his- ‘‘I support both of the bills and look forward It is with great admiration that I ask my col- tory to serve on the federal court of appeals. to working with my Republican and Demo- leagues to join me in remembering the pio- During his time on the bench, he made a se- cratic colleagues to pass them on the floor. neering efforts of women 100 years ago that ries of landmark decisions that changed the I believe we will be successful in doing so.’’ are still shaping our nation today. social and legal landscape of the country. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:40 May 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A20MY8.026 E20MYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS May 20, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E635 Judge Keith graduated from West Virginia 9:30 a.m. Ukraine, S. Res. 81, calling for account- State College in 1943 before serving in a seg- Committee on Appropriations ability and justice for the assassina- regated army during World War II. He would Subcommittee on Department of the Inte- tion of Boris Nemtsov, S. Res. 135, ex- rior, Environment, and Related Agen- go on to receive his J.D. from Howard Law pressing the gratitude and appreciation cies of the Senate for the acts of heroism School in 1949, pass the Michigan bar exam To hold hearings to examine proposed and valor by the members of the in 1950 and earn an L.L.M. from Wayne State budget estimates and justification for United States Armed Forces who par- University School of Law in 1956. fiscal year 2020 for the Department of ticipated in the June 6, 1944, amphib- By 1967, Judge Keith was on the U.S. Dis- the Interior.
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