REPORTREPORT 7th Festival of the India: East Meets West 9th International Congress of Yoga and Ayurveda 3rd Symposium of Spirituality “Rays of Unique Light” 26-27-2826-27-28 MarchMarch 20102010 MITICAMITICA INDIAINDIA MITICAMITICA INDIAINDIA InauguratedInaugurated inin thethe augustaugust presencepresence ofof 300300 eminenteminent SpeakersSpeakers fromfrom differentdifferent Religions,Religions, Ayurveda,YogaAyurveda,Yoga && otherother TraditionalTraditional Therapies,Therapies, Performers,Performers, Experts,Experts, Artists,Artists, Musicians,Musicians, etc..etc.. fromfrom 1818 differentdifferent NationsNations alongalong withwith thousandsthousands ofof people.people. atat thethe CARRARACARRARA FIEREFIERE MASSAMASSA CARRARACARRARA TOSCANATOSCANA –– ItalyItaly WithWith thethe PatronagePatronage of:of: • Regional Government of Tuscania • Provincial Government of Massa Carrara • Local Government of Massa Carrara, Italy • International Yog Confederation • The World Community of Indian Culture &Traditional Disciplines • World Movement for Indian Fine Arts • World Movement for Yoga & Ayurveda • European Yoga Federation • C.U.I.D.Y. Italian official Confederation of Yoga • Yog Confederation of India • Women International Network (WIN) • Compagnia della Gerla • Suryanagara • C.Y.Surya Local Provincial Regional International AUTHORITIES Authorities…Authorities… EXECUTIVEEXECUTIVE COMMITTEECOMMITTEE HH Mahamandaleshwar Gayatri Devi (Emy Blesio) Creator and Artistic Director of the Event and the Spirituality, President of The World Community of I.C.&T.D. HH Mahamandaleshwar Swami Suryananda(Amadio Bianchi), Scientific Director of Congress and the President of the European Yoga Federation Shri Vijay Tiwari General Secretary, Yog Confederation of India, Secretary General, International Yog Confederation, Advisor, The Global Open University, Nagaland Smt Laxmi Thakur Singhal, Secretary, Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee, President, World Religious Parliament(Delhi), National President, Women International Network Paola Mallegni producer President of Compagnia della Gerla Gianluca Melli organizer of Mitica India PARADE By the Foundation International Culture SHASTRA (Pradeep Shastra) The dance of the Pearl of the Indian Ocean Sri Lanka, with percussions, masks, acrobatic dance and fire, canopies and flag of India, introduceintroduce inin thethe eventevent spacesspaces the authorities. WELCOME TO MITICA INDIA CONTENTS: 1-1- YOGA Congress 2-2- AYURVEDA Congress 3-3- SIMPOSYUM 4-4- FESTIVAL 5-5- ART EXIBHITION 6-6- HANDICRAFT space 7-7- TECHNOLOGY meeting CONGRESS:CONGRESS: YOGAYOGA CONGRESS:CONGRESS: AYURVEDAAYURVEDA CONGRESS…… Emy Blesio (HHM Y.P. Gayatri Devi, President The World Community of I.C.&T.D., and Internat. Yog Conf. -Delhi) Italy LECTURES, EXPERTS, Enzo Girolami (Yoga teacher of YANI) Italy Francesca Cassia (Yoga Contemporaneo, Rome) DOCTORS ETC. inin alphabeticalphabetic order….order…. Italy GaBriella Lavorgna (Mandir of Peace Founder and Amadio Bianchi (HHM. Swami Suryananda President) Italy Saraswati, President of World Movement for Yoga Gino Sansone-Ramanuja Acharya Das (Coordinator and of European Yoga Federation) Italy of the Integral Yoga School in Italy) Italy Ariele Prof. FaBris (Anatomy & Ayurvedic GiorgioCerquetti (President of LiBera Condivisione Physiology at the Intern. Academy Ph.D. Oncology Onlus) Italia & Nutrition University, Florence) Italy Giusi Ledda (Ayurveda Therapist) Italy Atul Prof Dr Rakshe (Ayurvedic Dr, Founder and Gloria Germani (Writer) Italy President of Beyond Orizons Health and Social Gregoire Eteme Mvilongo(World Movement for Circle- Bhams) India Yoga Correspondent in Cameroon) Cameroon Bhai Hari Singh Khalsa (Representative of the Guido Nathan Zazzu (Founder and Director of Sikh Community in Italy) Italy Ayurvedic Center in Genoa) Italy Brahma Swaroopananda Swami (Musical Hari (Yogeswar Pupil, Spiritual Teacher, Founder Director and Shivananda Ashram Teacher in Evolutive Researh Inst. & Dharmic Comm.) Italy Rishikesh) India Indu Arora Dr. Chandrika (Ayurvedic Doctor) Carlo di Berardino (Psychologist-Psycotherapist, USA/India Cognitive-Behavioral) Italy Jorge Veiga e Castro (Spiritual Master) Portugal Claudia Giorgia BreBeck (Pupil of Prof Bagwan José Dr. Ruguê RiBeiro Júnior (MM Swami Dash) Germany Narayanananda, President of World Movement for Claudio Prof. Tardelli (Dravya Guna Ayurveda Ayurveda) Brazil International Academy, HerBalist, Naturopath) Juan Carlos Acuna Gaso (Adwisor of World Italy Movement for Yoga) Uruguay Corrado Prof Malanga (Researcher and Prof. the Kailas Dr P. Datrange (Ayurvedic Dr, adviser & University of Pisa since 1983) Italy Founder of,"Dr KD's Ayurhelth Center) India Cristina Gaiardelli (Graduated in Sciences of Keshava D. (Dance &Yoga Teacher) Education and Holistic Operator) Italy Switzerland/India Daniel Villasenor (Yogateacher and Founder in Letizia Vercellotti (President International USA of Sacred Movement Art -MOGA) USA Accademy, Dr in Psychology & Naturopath) Italy Dev Dixit (yoga teacher) India Maitreyi Amma (Spiritual Master) France Shi-Hèng-Chàn (35th Generation, Direct Disciple of Mandar Dr Ranade (of Nanal Hospital in Pune) India Vice ABBot-Shaolin Temple) Italy Marcello Trucco (Lectorium Rosicrucianum) Italy Shì-Yàn-Dà, (Shaolin Monks Presi. World Champion Marina Laurenzana (Yoga Teacher of YogDarshana 2.000) Center in Sao Paulo) Brazil Sirio (Founder of the Sant Bani Ashram) Italy Massimiliano Gandossi (Yoga Teacher of Cerco di Sreevidya Dr Payanummoottil (Doctor and Volare) Italy Ayurvedic Therapist in Kerala) India Matt Traverso (International Health Coaching Sri Ananda Shiva (Yogacharya Roberto Mattei Expert) Italy Founder and President of ASB Garbha Yoga) Italy Maurizio Dickman (Yoga Teacher) Italy Susanna Castaldo (Professor of Anthropology at the Monica Baldassini (Operator in Holistic disciplines University in Cassino) Italy &Beauty Care) Italy Suzana Panasian (Yoga Therapeutic Teacher of the Nitin Dr Agraval (pulse diagnosis and Panchakarma) Fédération Francophone de Yoga) France India Swami Ananda Chaitanya (Yoga and Vedanta Paola Arleen Sfregola (Musician, Singer, Dancer, Teacher Vedic Tradition) India Therapist) Italy Teresa Dr De Monte (MD, Surgeon, M.Phil in Patrizia De Vita (Professor of Motor Activities, Ayurvedic Medicine, Univ of Pune-India) Italy Naturophath, Ayurveda Teacher) Italy TinoJi Amandio Figuerido (Yogacharya President of Piero Foassa (Founder of Yoga Center Prema in the Portuguese Federation of Yoga) Portugal Turin) Italy Vikram Dr Chauhan (Medical Dr ,Pharmacist) India Pratap Dr Chauhan (Ayurvedic Doctor & professor) Vikrama Adithya Dr Tomar (Yoga, Ayurveda, Pranic Prerak Dr. Shah (Ayurvedic Doctor) India Healing Medical Expert) India Rajeshyogi (Yoga and TantraTeacher and Musician) Vivek B. Kaur (Yoga Teacher, Bharat Heritage Italy Services Founder MemBer &General Secretary) India Ramia Dr Roberto Rodighiero (Monk of Anima Valerio SgalamBro (President A.N.P.E (National Universale) Italy Ass.of Italian Pedagogists Tuscany Region) Italy Roberto Miletti (Founder of O.D.A.K.A. , Arashi Kyo Vijay Tiwari Ji (General Secretary Yoga Academy, Correspondent World Movement for Yoga Confederation of India & International Yog in Oceania) Italia Confederation) India Sanjay Gupta Kumar (Chan Brahama Bhuvan Satti Vikrama Dr Adithya Tomar (Yoga, Ayurveda, Pranic Student, Master native of Himalaya) India Healing Medical Expert) India Sergio Piane (Historical Expert in traditional culture Vittoria Fornari (Researcher, Writer and Teacher) of East, President of European Fed. of Holistic Italy Aesthetics) Italy Yoss Giancarlo Miggiano (Yoga Teacher of Odaka Shì-Héng-Dìng (Vice President Shaolin Monks) Italy Center in Rome) Italy SomeSome ofof thethe lecturers…lecturers… SYMPOSIUMSYMPOSIUM SANAATANA DHARMA: Emy Blesio Gayatri Devi SPIRITUALITYSPIRITUALITY M.M.Yogacharini Pandit, Presidente World Community e International Yog Confederation Delhi RAYS OF AN UNIQUE LIGHTLIGHT SUFISMO: Murshida Dahnya Bozzini-van Gelder Scuola Esoterica Movimento Sufi Internazionale SIKHISMO: Bhai Hari Singh Khalsa Rappresentante comunità Sikh in Italia HINDUISM: Shri Vijay Tiwari Segretario Generale Conf.Indiana di Yoga e International Yog Confederation – The Princess Laxmi Thakur Singhal Secretary, Delhi Pradesh Congress Committee, Presidente India of WIN, Raja Rajender Singh BUDDHISMO COREANO: monaco Tae Hye Sunim presidente, "Comunità Bodhidharma” SCIAMANESIMO Nepalese: Mariarosa e Bhola Banstola YOGA E AYURVEDA SCIENZE SPIRITUALI: Amadio Bianchi Suryananda Swami MM Pres. World Mouvement for Yoga ed European Yoga Fed. INDUISMO VAISHNAVA: ParaBhakti Das direttore Villa Vrindavan - San Casciano Val di Pesa VEDANTA: Swami Ananda Chaitanya CRISTIANESIMO: Padre Anthony Elenjimittam fondatore Welfare Society for Destituite Children – Bombay, ultimo allievo vivente di Gandhi Re-UNIONE GaBriella Lavorgna pres. Shanti Mandir ISLAM: Dr. ABdel Qader Mohamed Imam Perugia EBRAISMO: invitati non partecipato causa festività ROSACROCE: Sergio Audassi e Marcello Trucco Representative of ANIMA UNIVERSALE: G.C. Rigo e dr.Roberto Rodighiero Government of India: Capt. Jainarayan GAYATRI PARIWAR: Ing. Bharat.B.Mishra, vicepresid. The World Community of Indian Culture & T.D. Prasad Nishad, Hon’ble MemBer of Parliement …… the SymposiumSymposium experts… TheThe MANDALAMANDALA byby thethe TibetanTibetan MonksMonks afterafter aa purificationpurification ofof thethe spacesspaces Schools:Schools: yoga performances Schools:Schools: MALLAKHAMBMALLAKHAMB “yoga“yoga acroBatic”acroBatic”
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