BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wednesday 29 July 2015 at 09:00 – 12:00 Boardroom, Level 1, Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust AGENDA - PART 1 Presenter Timings Enclosure 1 Welcome and Apologies for Absence PW 09:00 Verbal 2 Declarations of Interest Relating to Items on the Agenda All Verbal 3 To Hear a Patient and Receive Feedback on Actions from HR 09:05 Presentation Previous Stories The purpose of the patient story is to focus the attention of the Board on patient experiences, the learning from which is used to improve services across the organisation. 4 To Approve the Minutes of 17 June 2015 and Discuss PW 09:20 Appendix 1 Matters/Actions Arising 5 To Receive Verbal Updates from the Governance and the PvdH 09:25 Appendix 2 Audit Committees Held on 17 July 2015 and to Note the Jane H Approved Minutes from 17 April 2015 and 19 May 2015 6 To Approve the Revised Terms of Reference for: 09:40 Appendix 3 • Audit Committee PvdH • Governance Committee Jane H • Financial Resilience and Commercial Committee JG 7 To Discuss and Note the Items from the Executive PM 09:50 Appendix 4 Director Report 8 To Discuss and Note the Update on Symphony and New PM 10:10 Appendix 5 Models of Care Break – 10:30 9 To Discuss and Note the TrakCare Highlight Report JM 10:45 Appendix 6 10 To Review and Note the Quality, Operational and Financial PM/TN 11:05 Appendix 7 Performance Report and Receive an Update on RTT HR/LA 11 To Review and Note the Safer Staffing Report HR 11:35 Appendix 8 12 Q1 Corporate Risk Register JHIG 11:45 Appendix 9 13 Any Other Business PW 11:55 Verbal 14 Exclusion of the Public To resolve that representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest. 15 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING 26 August 2015 – Development Day – Venue TBC (Closed Session) 30 September 2015, Boardroom, Level 1, Yeovil District Hospital APPENDIX 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 29 JULY 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DRAFT Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on Wednesday 17 June 2015 at Yeovil District Hospital Present: Peter Wyman Chairman Maurice Dunster Non-Executive Director Julian Grazebrook Non-Executive Director Jane Henderson Non-Executive Director Paul von der Heyde Non-Executive Director Jonathan Howes Deputy Chief Executive Mark Saxton Non-Executive Director Paul Mears Chief Executive Tim Newman Chief Finance & Commercial Officer Helen Ryan Director of Nursing & Clinical Governance Tim Scull Medical Director In Attendance: Anne Bennett Chair of the League of Friends Simon Blackburn Associate Director of Communications Hala Hall Public Governor (Observer) Jason Maclellan Chief Information Officer [item 1-90/15] Jade Renville Company Secretary Sophie Sennett Contact Centre Manager [item 1-92/15] Simon Sethi Interim Director of Urgent Care & Long Term Conditions Apologies: Leah Allen Director of Elective Care Jonathan Higman Director of Strategic Development Ref: No : Action 1- 1 APOLOGIES AND WELCOME 83/15 1.1 Peter Wyman welcomed everyone present to the meeting, particularly Simon Sethi as the newly appointed, Interim Director of Urgent Care and Long Term Conditions, Hala Hall, Governor Observer and Anne Bennett, Chair of the League of Friends. He also welcomed Armeta Nabahi, Paediatrics, and Simon Lilley, Commercial Director, observing in the audience. Apologies for absence were received as above. 1- 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 84/15 2.1 Peter Wyman declared that he is Treasurer and Vice-Chairman of the Council of the University of Bath. 1- 3 PATIENT STORY 85/15 3.1 Helen Ryan introduced Ali Dowding and Jo Ryan who attended the Board to give an overview of a patient’s journey from admission to discharge. Ali Dowding spoke of a patient who was admitted following a collapse at home. Having completed the initial treatment and nearing discharge, the patient’s family had some concerns about them remaining at home independently, albeit in a warden controlled environment. YDH arranged a multi- disciplinary team assessment and with an enhanced package of care the patient was able to be discharged home, an outcome that was positively received by the patient and their family. The professionals involved in the multi-disciplinary team approach included: A&E staff, doctors, health care assistants, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, the dementia team, social workers, and transport services, among others. 3.2 The Board was pleased with the positive outcome but expressed concern about the level of intervention that was required from multiple teams and the time taken to discharge (3 weeks). Ali Dowding spoke of the complexity of the case and the importance of working with the patient and their family. The Board said the development of new models of integrated care will create more opportunities to manage these complex cases in a more efficient, streamlined manner. 1- 4 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 86/15 4.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 20 May 2015 were approved as a true and accurate record. 1- 5 ACTION SHEET 87/15 5.1 The Board reviewed the key outstanding actions not in progress or on the agenda, from which the Board noted that: 5.2 - 1-151/14 (NoF update), Jade Renville is liaising with Leah Allen to confirm a suitable date for the update to be presented at the Board. It was agreed this could be deferred until September 2015. 1- 6 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT 88/15 6.1 Paul Mears presented highlights from the executive director report, from which the Board noted that: 6.2 Simon Sethi has been welcomed by the executive team as the Interim Director of Urgent Care and Long Term Conditions. His predecessor, Jonathan Higman, has assumed his new role as the Director of Strategic Development where he will co-ordinate the Trust’s strategic planning and implementation programme and ensure the Board is appraised of progress. 6.3 Dr Alex Bickerton, consultant in diabetes and endocrinology, has been selected as one of 16 national clinical champions for Diabetes UK, for which he was congratulated by the Board. Diabetes prevalence is increasing in the UK and the work of Dr Alex Bickerton will align well with Symphony and the development of new models of integrated care. 6.4 Mr Nader Francis, Colorectal Surgeon, and three of his colleagues from YDH recently attended the European Association of Endoscopic Surgeons (EAES) Congress. Four conference papers were presented by YDH clinicians with two of the papers winning top prizes and one winning the European cup. The Board congratulated Mr Nader Francis and the team for their success and Tim Scull agreed to write to him expressing the TS congratulations of the Board. 6.5 The Dorset acute services review is ongoing and formal public consultation will take place later in the year. Peter Wyman commented that the review raises potential risks and opportunities for YDH. Paul Mears confirmed that YDH remains in contact with Dorset CCG and Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust to engage with the process and to consider options for greater collaboration in the future. Following a question from Julian Grazebrook, Paul Mears confirmed the process is being led by the Dorset CCG with support from McKinsey. 2 | Page 6.6 An interim report by Lord Carter has been published setting out the opportunity for greater efficiency in hospitals through improved operational processes and procurement and trusts are likely to be benchmarked on delivery by the Department of Health. The Trust will review the full report when it is released in the autumn to consider learning which is applicable for YDH. The non-executive directors reflected on the work undertaken by Oliver Wyman to review the Trust’s internal efficiencies and cost improvement programme. Paul Mears said the key areas they had recommended were in connection with estates management, agency staffing and theatres. In terms of theatres, the “hospital effectiveness programme” has commenced to consider how improvements could be made in practice. The other areas identified also form part of the Trust’s 2015/16 cost improvement programme. 6.7 YDH has hosted a site visit from Monitor in order to review the Trust’s 2015/16 annual plan. The visit was constructive and Monitor spent time with the Trust’s key operational leads, the executive team and the finance department as part of the process. Monitor has also advised that they will allocate YDH a single point of contact to support the Trust with the development of new models of integrated care which was welcomed by the Board. They will also work with YDH on the development of a final business case to access transformation funding, alongside deficit support. The Board acknowledged that YDH is already incurring costs associated with the implementation of new models of care, which are being captured separately as part of the Trust’s financial reporting. They also spoke of the importance of the project being run efficiently and preventing delays wherever possible. Currently, the Monitor investigation into the Trust’s short term financial challenges is ongoing but it is expected this will soon be closed. Maurice Dunster asked of the role of the Somerset CCG in this process. Paul Mears said their key focus in this area would be the development of outcomes based commissioning, a seminar session on which would take place later this morning. Paul von der Heyde asked whether Monitor had challenged the Trust’s proposed levels of CIP. Paul Mears said YDH had planned a realistic cost improvement programme but it would be essential therefore that the full amount is achieved.
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