EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ««« « « « « 1999 « « 2004 ««« Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs PE/V/PV/02-17 MINUTES of the meeting of 4 November 2002, 3 pm - 6.30 pm, and 5 November 2002, 9 am - 12.30 pm and 3 pm - 6.30 pm BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 3.15 pm on Monday, 4 November 2002, with Christa Randzio-Plath, chairwoman, in the chair. 1. Adoption of draft agenda PE 315.25 The draft agenda was adopted. 2. Chairman's announcements: The Chair announced the following events: - 4 November 2002, 6 pm - Delegation meeting with ECOFIN Troika centering on the extension of the Lamfalussy procedure and current legislation on financial services, - 13 November 2002, 2.30 pm - Presentation of the Commission's Autumn Economic Forecasts by Commissioner Pedro SOLBES, immediately following their adoption, - 19 November 2002 in Strasburg - special meeting of the Committee to vote on the KARAS Report on streamlining the annual co-ordination cycles, - 27 November 2002, 3 pm - in the context of the next meeting of the Committee, exchange of views with Commissioner Mario MONTI on current competition issues. PV\475979EN.doc PE 315.029 Or. en EN EN The Chair also informed members present that the Conference of Presidents had decided on 23 October 2002 not to authorise initiative reports on the preparation of the Spring Summit. 3. Any other business There was no other business 4. Approval of minutes of the meetings of: 01 + 02 October 2002 in Brussels PE 315.012 The minutes were approved. 5. Appointment of rapporteurs and draftspersons-Decisions of the co-ordinators' meeting of 22 October 2002 in Strasbourg Regarding the Bourlanges report on the classification and hierarchy of EU acts the Committee approved the co-ordinators' decision to submit two amendments in line with its position on the issue, directly to the Committee on Constitutional Affairs. 6. European social dialogue: establishment of a Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment * T07927 -( CNS020136 - COM(02)0341 ) PE 315.020 Draftsperson: Othmar KARAS PE 315.020/AM - Vote on and adoption of draft opinion ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 28/10/02 Responsible: EMPL R (ETTL Harald - PSE) Opinion: FEMM A Speakers: Harald Ettl, Astrid Lulling Decision: The draft opinion was adopted with amendments Speakers on a point of order (on 5 November): Hans Blokland, Christa Randzio- Plath 7. Financial services: clearing and settlement of transactions T07906 -( COS022169 - COM(02)0257 - C5-0325/02 ) PE 315.010 Rapporteur: Generoso ANDRIA - Consideration of draft report Speakers: Generoso Andria (Rapporteur), Pervenche Berès, Philippe A.R. Herzog, Christa Randzio-Plath, Mr. Delsaux (Commission) Decision: Deadline for amendments: 15/11/02, 6 pm Consideration of amendments: 27/11/02 Vote: 02/12/02 8. Review of ISD - rapporteur : Theresa VILLIERS - Consideration of working document PE 315.000 Speakers: Theresa Villiers (Rapporteur), Alexander Radwan, Christa Randzio- Plath, Robert Goebbels, Philippe A.R. Herzog. PE 315.029 2/10 PV\475979EN.doc Or. en EN 9. Preparation of the declaration of the Commission and Council on the extension of the Lamfalussy procedure (Nov II part session) - Exchange of views Speakers: Christa Randzio-Plath 10. Work in progress in the field of Financial Services and Taxation - Exchange of views with Mr BOLKESTEIN, Commissioner for the Internal Market Speakers: Alexander Radwan, Christa Randzio-Plath, Carles-Alfred Gasòliba i Böhm; Astrid Lulling, Othmar Karas, Ieke van den Burg, José Manuel García-Margallo y Marfil, Philippe A.R. Herzog * * * The meeting adjourned at 5.50 pm and resumed on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 at 9.43 am with Christa Randzio-Plath, chairwoman, in the chair. * * * 12. EIB annual report 2001, published in June 2002 T07641 - PE 315.002 Rapporteur: Ieke van den BURG PE 315.002/AM ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 22/10/02 Opinion: CONT A* (SJÖSTEDT Jonas - GUE/NGL) PE 315.781/DEF Decision: The draft report was adopted with amendments 13. Extension of the application of reduced VAT rates to labour-intensive services (amending Directive 77/388/EEC) * T08008 -( CNS020230 - COM(02)0525 - C5-0470/02 ) PE 315.015 Rapporteur: Christa RANDZIO-PLATH - Vote on and adoption of draft report ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 23/10/02 Decision: The draft report was adopted 14. Supervision of credit, insurance and investment firms in a financial conglomerate (amendment of directives in force) ***II T07313 -( COD010095 - A5-0060/02 ) PE 315.009 ( COD010095 - C5-0424/02 ) PE 315.009/AM Rapporteur: Alain LIPIETZ PE 315.009/AM2 - Adoption of draft recommendation ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 23/10/02 Decision: The draft recommendation was adopted 15. The Community statistical programme 2003 to 2007 ***II T07612 -( COD010281 - A5-0105/02 ) PE 315.013 ( COD010281 - C5-0452/02 ) Rapporteur: Astrid LULLING - Adoption of draft recommendation PV\475979EN.doc 3/10 PE 315.029 Or. en EN ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 22/10/02 Decision: The draft recommendation was adopted 16. Social welfare protection: health care for the elderly, guaranteeing accessibility, quality and financial viability T07782 -( COS022071 - COM(01)0723 - C5-0163/02 ) PE 314.992 Draftsperson: Mary Rosamund HONEYBALL PE 314.992/AM - Vote on and adoption of draft opinion ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 15/10/02 Responsible: EMPL R (MANTOVANI Mario - PPE-DE) Opinion: ENVI A* (MUSSA Antonio - UEN) PE 314.373/DEF Decision: The draft opinion was adopted with amendments 17. Air transport: protection against unfair pricing practices by countries not members of the European Community ***I T07772 -( COD020067 - COM(02)0110 - C5-0133/02 ) PE 314.979 Draftsperson: Mónica RIDRUEJO PE 314.979/AM - Vote on and adoption of draft opinion ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 07/10/02 Responsible: RETT R (CLEGG Nicholas - ELDR) Opinion: ITRE A Decision: The draft opinion was adopted with amendments 11. The rules on prudential supervision in the European Union T07805 - PE 314.995/REV Rapporteur: Ieke van den BURG PE 314.995/2 - Vote on and adoption of draft report PE 314.995/AM ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 22/10/02 PE 314.995/AM2 Decision: The draft report was adopted with amendments * * * Mr John Purvis, vice-chairman, took the chair at 10.55 am. * * * 19. Annual and consolidated accounts ***I T07823 -( COD020112 - COM(02)0259 - C5-0233/02 ) PE 315.022 Draftsperson: Fernando PEREZ ROYO - Exchange of views Responsible: JURI R (THYSSEN Marianne - PPE-DE) Speakers: Fernando Pérez Royo (Rapporteur), Generoso Andria, Alexander Radwan, Mr. Lindroos (Commission), Mr. Pinelli (Commission) Decision: Deadline for amendments 15/11/02 Consideration of amendments 27/11/02 Vote 28/11/02 PE 315.029 4/10 PV\475979EN.doc Or. en EN 20. Third review of the internal market strategy (2002) T07858 -( COS022143 - COM(02)0171 - C5-0283/02 ) ( COS022143 - COM(02)0419 ) ( COS022143 - COM(02)0441 ) ( COS022143 - SEC(02)0569 ) ( COS022143 - B5-0313/02 ) ( COS022143 - B5-0683/01 ) Draftsperson: David MARTIN - Exchange of views Responsible: JURI R (HARBOUR Malcolm - PPE-DE) Decision: Deadline for amendments: 18/11/02, 6 pm Consideration of amendments: 03/12/02 Vote: 23/01/03 21. Consumer policy: strategy for 2002-2006 T07910 -( COS022173 - COM(02)0208 - C5-0329/02 ) Draftsperson: Alexander RADWAN - Exchange of views Responsible: ENVI R (WHITEHEAD Phillip - PSE) Opinion: BUDG ,JURI,FEMM... Speakers: Alexander Radwan (Rapporteur) Decision: Consideration of Draft Opinion: 03/12/02 Deadline for amendments: 13/12/02 Vote: 20/01/03 * * * The meeting adjourned at 11.33 am and resumed at 3.05 pm with Christa Randzio- Plath, chairwoman, in the chair. * * * 22. ECONOMIC SITUATION IN THE EURO ZONE - Exchange of views with Mr CHRISTODOULAKIS, Greek Minister of Finance and President of the Eurogroup Speakers: Othmar Karas, Helmuth Markov, Carles-Alfred Gasòliba i Böhm, Helena Torres Marques, Benedetto Della Vedova, Manuel António dos Santos, Christa Randzio-Plath, Renato Brunetta, Peter Michael Mombaur, Philippe A.R. Herzog, Ioannis Marinos, Pervenche Berès, Giorgos Katiforis 23. Economic and monetary union: public finance, budget results in 2001, developments (third report) T07905 -( COS022168 - COM(02)0209 - C5-0324/02 ) PE 315.026 ( COS022168 - SEC(02)0518 ) Rapporteur: Manuel António DOS SANTOS - Consideration of working document Speakers: Manuel António dos Santos (Rapporteur), Piia-Noora Kauppi, PV\475979EN.doc 5/10 PE 315.029 Or. en EN Benedetto Della Vedova, Carles-Alfred Gasòliba i Böhm, Renato Brunetta, Ioannis Marinos, Hans Udo Bullmann, Robert Goebbels 25. The activities of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) T07832 - PE 315.018 Rapporteur: Helmuth MARKOV - Consideration of draft report Opinion: CONT Speakers: Helmuth Markov (Rapporteur), John Purvis, Pervenche Berès Decision: Deadline for Amendments: 14/11/02, 12 noon Vote: 28/11/02 Plenary: December II 24. Streamlining the annual coordination cycles T08043 -( INI022215 - COM(02)0487 ) PE 315.024 Rapporteur: Othmar KARAS - Consideration of draft report ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 11/11/02 Opinion: EMPL ,ENVI... Speakers: Othmar Karas (Rapporteur), Pervenche Berès, Robert Goebbels, Hans Udo Bullmann, Bruno Trentin Decision: Deadline for Amendments: 11/11/02, 12 noon Vote: 19/11/02 Plenary: December II 26. Environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage ***I T07747 -( COD020021 - COM(02)0017 - C5-0088/02 ) PE 314.946/REV Draftsperson: Alain LIPIETZ - Consideration of draft opinion Responsible: JURI R (MANDERS Toine - ELDR) Opinion: ENVI ,PETI... Speakers: Alain Lipietz (Rapporteur), John Purvis, Piia-Noora Kauppi, Othmar Karas, Hans Blokland, Robert Goebbels Decision: Deadline for Amendments: 18/11/02 Vote: 03/12/02 Vote in Leading Committee January 18. Labour market statistics: labour cost index ***II T07439 -( COD010166 - A5-0461/01 ) PE 315.008 ( COD010166 - C5-0453/02 ) Rapporteur: Miguel MAYOL I RAYNAL - Consideration of draft recommendation ° Deadline for tabling amendments: 12/11/02 Speakers: Miquel Mayol i Raynal (Rapporteur), Othmar Karas, Robert Goebbels, Hans Udo Bullmann 27. The reuse and commercial exploitation of public sector documents PE 315.029 6/10 PV\475979EN.doc Or.
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