Australian Government Austrsllrn SportsComt:|isslon % Au$AlD FOOTBALL FEDERATTON AUSTRALIA Partnership Agreement between the oceania Football confederation (oFC), Football Federation Australia(FFA) and the Government of Australia(through the Australiansports outreach program). Historyof the partnership FFAispreparingabidtohosttheF|FAWorldcupin 2ol,Sor2022.ltisintendedthatifsuccessful,this eventwill delivergreat benefitsto the Asia_pacificregion. FFAwas a memberassociation of oFCuntil 1 January 2006when, with the consentand supportof oFC,it becamea memberassociation of the AsianFootball confederation.FFA maintains close ties with oFCand its memberassociations and places great valueon the maintenanceand development of theseties. FFAhas facilitated a relationshipbetween the AustralianGovernment and oFC whereby the Australian Governmentwill providesupport, both financialand otherwise, to the footballand social development programsimplemented by oFCunder this partnership. Thisrelationship was initially documented in a joint Memorandumof Understanding. The Partners FFAand the Governmentof Australia(through its AgenciesAusAtD and the ASC)recognise oFC as the confederationfor oceaniawithin FIFA responsible for the developmentof footballwithin oceania. oFCand the Governmentof Australia(through its AgenciesAusAlD and the ASC)recognise FFA as the organisationresponsible for the development, governanceand conductof footballin Australia. oFCand FFArecognize the Australiansports outreach Program(funded by AusAlDand deliveredby the ASCin partnershipwith localauthorities and communities) asa programthat aimsto increasethe capacity of individualsand organisations to deliverinclusive sportsbased programs that contributeto social development. The Agreement ThisAgreement describes the workingrelationship which oFc, FFAand the Governmentof Australia throughthe Australiansports outreach Program (ASoP) aim to shareand develop,initially over three yearscommencing in July2009. ThisAgreement is intendedto be extendedif oFC,FFA and the Governmentrealise continuing mutual benefit. oFC andASC will developwork plansand funding agreements to guidethe planningand delivery of work underthis Agreement. Objectivesof the Agreement Agreement partners will collaborateto allow each partner to achievegreater impact than could be achievedif they actedalone. Shared Objectives: r To builda relationshipof partnersthat is builton equity,transparency and mutualbenefit. To developfootball in a way that improvesthe livesof individuals,families and communitiesin Pacific lslandCountries. r To promotea positiverelationship between the peopleof Australiaand Pacificlsland Countries. OFCObjective r To increasethe numberof malesand femalesparticipating and achievingin all aspectsof footballin Pacificlsland Countries. FFAObjective r To promote Australiansupport for football developmentand a positiveimage for Australiain Pacific lslandCountries. ASOPObjective r To ensureactivities implemented under the partnershipare alignedwith or complementASOP activities. GuidingPrinciples and Values ThisAgreement is basedon the followingprinciples: . Therelationship will be builton threeprinciples: - Equitybecause it leadsto Respect - Transparencybecause it leadsto Trust - Mutual Benefitbecause it leadsto Sustainability. Recognitionthat eachpartner has different skills, strengths and attributes. Applicationof effectivecommunity development principles including: - Inclusiveness - Localownership - Resourcesand activitiesare targetedto ensureimpact - Buildingon andstrengthening existing activities and systems - Flexibleapproach which includes applying lessons learnt. Qualitysport programs increase the abilityof individuals'and communities to organise,lead, network, communicate,co-operate, administer, evaluate, self determine, become more active,inform each otherand develop a senseof responsibilityand fair play- capacitiesthat contributeto community development. Partnerswill promoteand support the deliveryof qualitysport activities (i.e. appropriate, regular, well organised,fun, challenging, inclusive and basedon fair playprinciples). r Partnerswill shareaccountability for risksand rewards. Partnersdemonstrate a commitmentto continualimprovement. Partner Strengthsand Resources OFCbrings to the pqrtnership: r Existingrelationships with Member Associations(MA) and local and regionalorganisations that supportthe MA'swork. ' Knowledgeof how to designand implement an effective,appropriate football-based program in a community. Experiencedtechnical and development staff. ' Existingfootball development programs, tools and resources, including: - MA'sthat are sufficientlystaffed for existingactivities - Trainingand support for coaching,referees, administrators and sports medical personnel - JustPlay school and communityprogram and resources - Organisationof nationaland regionalevents - Footballacademies and facilities in all MAs. FFAbrings to the partnership: r Football ambassadorsto support the profile and objectivesof activitiesas agreed between the relevantparties based on availability,budget and suitabilityfor eachactivity. ' Footballequipment to activitiesimplemented under the partnership. The type and quantity of equipmentprovided will be agreedbetween the relevantparties based on budgetand activilyneeds. Theequipment may be brandedwith the FFAlogo, the visualidentity of FFA'sF|FA World Cupbid, or otherlogos and designations. ' Expertadvice such as t'heprovision of technicalinstructors, learning materials, knowledge sharing or projectmanagement support as agreedbetween the relevantparties. ASOPbrings to the pdrtnership: ' Experienceand expertise in the applicationof communitydevelopment principles and processes. r Existingstaff, systemsand structuresthat deliver participation-basedsports programsin 7 pacific lslandCountries. ' Existinggovernment-to-government relationships in targetcountries that functionat a rangeof levels. ' Regionaland internationalnetworks in bothsport and development. r Accessto ASCand internationalsport and developmentprograms, tools and resources(e.g. Active AfterSchool Resources, coaching resources, club development, junior sport and inclusionadvice). , r Accessto otherAustralian Government aid programs(e.g. Australian Government Volunteer program, AustralianLeadership Awards Fellowships and Australian Development Scholarships). r Fundingof up to AUS4 millionover 3 years(from July 2009 to JuneZ}tzl. Benefitsof the Partnership ShoredBenefits . Opportunityto contributeto andlearn from each other's practices. r Opportunityto trial a partnershipapproach between government and regionaland nationalsport organisations. Potentialto align and make more effectiveuse of partner resourceswithin and outsidethe partnership. r Opportunityto contributeto sustainablesocial development through football in the Pacificregion. Opportunityto worktogether to designcomplementary programs. r Accessto joint networks. OFCBenefits . Opportunityto applyadditional resources to the developmentof footballand social development in Pacificlsland Countries. FFABenefits ' Opportunityto buildawareness and support for Australia'sBid for the FIFAWorld Cup. r lmprovefootball in the regionby cooperating with and supporting OFC. ASOPBenefits r Opportunityto ensurethat OFCfootball-based activities align with andcomplement ASOP activities. Risksto the Partnership Shqred Risks I Non adherenceto partnershipprinciples and valuescompromises the relationshipwith stakeholders and the deliveryof activities. Priorlearning and processesof eachpartner are not respected. r Partnersare not preparedto negotiateand compromiseto achievemutually beneficial outcomes. r Communitiesare pressuredto undertakeactivities they havenot prioritised. Activityimplementation outpaces organisational capacity. r Partnersdo not applyadequate resources and time to developingthe relationship. ' Failureto agreeon alignedactivities leads to a reductionor cessationof Governmentfunding. OFCRisks ' Presenceof ASOPand FFAdecreases visibility of OFCcontribution to MAs. OFCloses control of activityobjectives and delivery. ' Resourcesoriginally applied to footballdevelopment are appliedto other sportsto the detrimentof football. ' Governmentrequirements for analysisand planningdelay implementation of programactivities. FFARisks r Unsuccessfulimplementation of partnershipprinciples damages the relationshipwith OFC. ASOPRisks r Programsare not implementedusing effective community development principles and processes. r Partnershipactivities don't alignwith or complementASOP activities. Monitoring,Evaluation and Reporting The partnerswill developa monitoringand evaluationframework to assessand continuallyimprove the qualityand effectivenessof: r the relationshipbetween the partners;and . the joint work of the partners. Reports,in a format agreedby the partners,will promote: . continuouslearning and improvement(i.e. ongoing assessmentand reflectionof progress, challenges,and issuesarising and actionsproposed to addressidentified challenges and issues); and . accountability(to the partnersand the beneficiaries). Managementand Coordination FFAwill convenemeetings of the partiesat leasttwice a yearto further developthe cooperationbetween them,to overseethe activitiesimplemented under the partnershipand to considerother and future activitiesfor implementation. TheOFC and ASOP will meetat leasta further2 timeseach year to discussactivity planning and implementationarrangements. FFA will be invited,but not required,to attendthese meetings. Rolesand responsibilitiesof
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