St. Barnabas the Apostle Catholic Church 1400 North Main St. O’Fallon, MO 63366 [email protected] www.stbarnabasofallon.org January 6th, 2019 JMJ The Epiphany of the Lord January 6th, 2019 JMJ The Epiphany of the Lord Monthly Meetings PARISH INFORMATION Holy Name Pastor: Father Raymond D. Hager 6:00pm PSR: Nancy Burian, CRE First Thursday Parish Support: Monday January 7th 4:00 pm Sister Michaleen Vomund CPPS Ladies Guild Mickey Harris Music Director: Ryan Murphy (Sept-May) Parish Secretary: Patti Kehoe 6:30pm Tuesday January 8th 7:00p.m. Second Thursday Adelina D. Chan Parish Office: 636-240-4556 Fax: 636-978-3358 Quilters Wednesday January 9th 8:00a.m. Email: [email protected] 8:45 Wednesdays Joe Hager Birthday Web: www.stbarnabasofallon.org Rectory Basement www.facebook.com/ Thursday January 10th 8:00a.m Parish App: Text App to 88202 Mark Henry Pro-Life (Sept-May) Sunday Mass Schedule Friday January 11th 8:00a.m. After 10:00am Mass Intentions of Ruth and Pat Dyer Third Sunday Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30pm Sunday 8:00am 10:00 am (Traditional Latin Mass) Saturday January 12th 8:00a.m. St. Vincent and 12:00 Noon Maria Socorro Soto DePaul 4:30pm 7:00pm Anna VanHouten and Genie Marcheck First Monday Daily Mass 8:00am Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri-Sat Sunday January 13th 8:00a.m. Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Tues-Perpetual Help following Mass The Baptism of the Lord 9:00am Hebert and Kurowski Families Sunday Sacrament of Penance 10:00a.m. Morning Available 30 minutes before all Masses Clementine Sommer 12:00p.m. Noon Ranger Rosaries First Friday and Holy Day Mass Parishioners of St. Barnabas 8:45 am 8:00am and 7:00pm Last Wednesday after Mass Parish Rosary Following all weekday Masses Mondays, Wednesdays, Dance Group Tues-6:30pm/ Sat-4:00pm / Thursdays and Fridays Sunday 7:30am 9AM-4PM. Wednesdays 6:30-9 Tuesdays and First Fridays 9AM-7PM. ATTENTION: PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Please submit your 2019 schedule into the parish office to avoid any conflicts Sanctuary Lamp with the use of the parish hall as soon as Joe Hager possible. January 9th, 1923-April 2nd, 2012 Thank you so much! Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish PLAN TO HAVE BREAKFAST NEXT SUNDAY MORNING Jackie Schneider Joan Aholt Ed Hinrichs JANUARY 13th Carol Alagna John Hooker, Sr. Mary Ann Judy Behrman Dot Leah Shildwachter Marie Bieker Jim Leah Richard Shildwachter Sponsored by the Holy Name Men’s Club Matthew Cooke Dale Lindberg Chris Schipper All proceeds go to local charities Diane Croghan Tom Luaders Tom Schulte Patricia David Bill Meder Millie Smith January 13th Priscilla Dehler Ken Munzer Hannah Stempfel 7AM-11AM Angelina DuVall Evelyn Orf Betty Jo Tips Marion Elsenrath Jim Orr Thomas VanDillen Two kinds of Scrambled Eggs-Sausage- Kevin Webb Dan Fitzsimmons Bob Proost Gravy and Biscuits-Potatoes-Pancakes- Catherine Garrison Lucy Sammelman James Whitelaw Betty Heppermann Becky Sanchez Janet Whitelaw Waffles-Fruit Barb Hofstetter Carol Sanchez Helen Willkie Adults $8-Children $3.50- Carissa Hedrick Katie Schmelz Under 6 Free! January 6th, 2019 JMJ The Epiphany of the Lord Epiphany Home Blessing Epiphany also known as Twelfth Night, Theophany or Three Kings Day, marks the occasion of a Christian tradition of “chalking the doors.” It is a centuries-old custom for families to ask God’s blessing on their own homes on the Epiphany. The chalking of the doors of a home encourages Christians to dedicate their life at home to God and to remind them that all who dwell inside belong to Christ. The ritual calls for a parent to mark, with blessed chalk, over the main entrance door with the initials of the Magi and a code of the current year. This year the marking would read: 20+C+M+B+19 The numbers stand for the year in which the blessing is inscribed-2019. The letters stand for the names traditionally given to the Magi who found the Christ Child: Caspar, Malchior, and Balthazar. They are also an abbreviation for the Latin blessing: “Christus mansionem benedicat,” or “Christ Bless this dwelling.” Gather the family at the main entrance to your home. All make the Sign of the Cross. Parent: “Let us praise God, Who fills our hearts and homes with peace.” Family: “Blessed be God forever.” Parent or Designated Reader: “And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the Child was. They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother. They prostrated themselves and did Him homage.” Matthew 2:10-11 Parent (imparts the blessing) “Lord, God of heaven and earth, You revealed Your only begotten Son to every nation by the guidance of a star. Bless this house and all who inhabit it. Fill them with the light of Christ, that their concern for others may reflect Your love. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.” Family: “Amen.” Then the parent sprinkles holy water on those gathered and sprinkles it about the home. January 19th Come join Holy Name Men’s Horse Races St. Louis Cathedral Concerts For 3 evenings of Sacred, Spiritual, and Gospel Music Tickets will be available December 29th-January 13th All performances Friday Evenings starting at 8:00pm Please call Leo Luetkenhaus To purchase tickets, visit cathedralconcerts.org or call 314-533-7662 636-294-0711 Friday, January 18th –FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC This is a really fun evening for An Evening of Contemporary Gospel featuring the North City Deanery Choir the men and women! Bring your snacks and have a Friday, January 25th-FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC great time! An Evening of Sacred Music featuring Dello Thedford and The Gospel Symphonic Choir Friday, Februray 1st-An Evening with American Spiritual Ensemble Tickets $42-$290and $19 January 6th, 2019 JMJ The Epiphany of the Lord PERSONAL PROTECTION Community Happenings FOR WOMEN (PPW) St. Theodore Knights of Columbus KC Euchre Tournament Jan. 5th @ 7:00 Lower level of K of C Hall St. Barnabas Parish Hall 2061 Grothe Rd 63385 More info: Mark 636.399.3645 Saturday January 19th, 2019 ********************************** 9:00am-1:00pm Our Lady’s Inn Maternity Homes is having their Annual Trivia Night – Satur- All attendees must be female and at least 14 years of age day, January 19th at Chaminade College Minors must be accompanied by an adult Prep School (425 S. Lindbergh). Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and trivia begins at In this intensive seminar designed specifically for women 7:00 p.m. Cost is $25 per person and St. Barnabas Parishioner Andrew Daub will cover: $200 for a table of ten. For more infor- mation or to register, visit * www.ourladysinn.org or call Katrina at Importance of awareness 314-736-1544. * Identifying and avoiding potential threats ************************************* * Crime prevention Catholic Men for Christ 2019 * The Survival Mindset February 2, 2019 * Verbal Self-Defense * Fashions vs. Function (How what you wear can help or hurt you) Catholic Women for Christ 2019 * Basic strikes and blocks March 9, 2019 * Using everyday objects as weapons * Information on Pepper Spray/Mace/Tasers/Stun guns Touhill Performing Arts Center, * UMSL Campus Self-Defense Legal considerations. Register today! catholicmenforchrist.org catholicowomenforchrist.org ANDREW IS OFFERING THIS SEMIAR AT ************************************** NO COST!! Euchre Tournament St. Joseph Josephville KC Wonderful Opportunity to learn skills that Second Saturday of each month could save your life! Next Tournament is Jan 12,2019 At 7PM Open to the public Cost is $10 A former U.S. Officer with extensive experience, Andrew currently serves a Call Ralph Orf 636-485-5306 Protection Specialist with the Department of Defense. He is an Instructor in ******************************* multiple disciplines including crime prevention, security engineering, antiter- Our Lady’s Inn Maternity Homes rorism, workplace violence prevention, self-defense, active shooter response, Annual Trivia Night firearms, and First Aid/CPR/AED/Bleeding Control. Saturday-Jan 19th 6:00pm Chaminade College Prep Cost is $25 per person $200 table of 10 314-736-1544 Sanctuary Lamp Memorials Parish Dinner Dance To request the Sanctuary Lamp be lit for your special Sunday March 3rd 4pm-8pm intention or in memory of a loved one, please call the parish office or SAVE THE DATE!!! drop a note into the collection basket with the special intention or the name, dates of birth and death of your loved one. The Christy Banquet Center We will do our best to accommodate a requested week. And YES we will have dessert Bob Kuban Band Suggested donation $10.00 Lots of Fun!! Don’t Miss It!! January 6th, 2019 JMJ The Epiphany of the Lord GIFTS FOR A KING The primary significance of the gifts that the three wise men brought Jesus lay in their great monetary value—they were indeed gifts fit for a king! Beyond making it clear that these were great treasures given in an act of worship as they knelt down and paid Him homage, (Matthew 2:11), Scripture does not directly attach any other sym- bolic meaning to the gifts. These valuable gifts were clearly intended to honor Jesus, but it’s pos- sible they carried deeper theological significance as well. The Gift of Gold As was customary for royal visits, the wise men came bearing treasured gifts intended to honor the newborn king. And as it is today, gold was a valued commodity in the ancient world. Among the types of assets listed in the Bible (e.g., precious metals, livestock, servants, gemstones, etc.), accumulation of gold was one of the chief measures of wealth (cf.
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