Armed Election in Switzerland : the Landsgemeinde, the Original Form Of Democracy In Switzerland Autor(en): Thürer, George Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1950) Heft 1137 PDF erstellt am: 27.09.2021 Persistenter Link: http://doi.org/10.5169/seals-690419 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. 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Then come, in solemn procession, the five cantonal Democracy In Switzerland. councillors, the members of the court of law, of the cantonal parliament and the high officials of state. If we inquire into the origins of modern democracy, shall find that springs from three roots. Its name The Landammann takes up his stand on the.plat- we it form in the middle of the his points back to ancient Greece, where the assembly of ring. At feet, as it were in the heart of the people, a few hundred free men was already a political institution. The chief schoolboys have gathered their lesson in in impetus to the onward sweep of the democracy of for first citizenship this, modern times from the west in the declaration of the finest school of citizenship in the world. The came Landammann the of Man made by the United States of North opens proceedings with a speech in which Rights lie America, which in its adopted by the French first recounts what has been happening in the world was, turn, at then the the Revolution, in the Age of Enlightenment, as the basis large, history of year in the Swiss Con- of its reconstruction of human society. While these federation as a whole, and finally comes to speak of the democratic movements are familiar all the world over, Landsgemeinde. In order to recall to the assembled too is known of the modern form of the citizens the gravity of their responsibility in legislation little still and of the people which has descended direct election, the oath is taken by the Landammann sovereignty and the from the Middle Ages in the " Landsgemeinden " people. It is a moving moment when the many (folk-moots) of Alpine Switzerland. There is proof thousands hands are raised to take the solemn oath of that the " Landsgemeinde " back to the loyalty to God, man and the assembly, while the, oath goes year thunders hearts of Magna Carta, and in five of the twenty-four up from the and lips of the men. Here, at there is arid bureau- cantons it has remained a living institution down any rate, no room for paper to the present day. Thus we have here a primeval cracy, but only a living community, which has for cen- maintained and form of democracy, with a tradition older than that furies itself, its respect for the indi- of most dynasties in the world, for there are Lands- vidual citizen, in the teeth of all absolutisms and die gemeinden where the men assembled every spring at tutorships. the very place where their forefathers, the contem- In the course of the assembly, all elections and poraries of the movement of liberation symbolized in votes are decided by show of hands. Where there is a the figure of William Tell, gathered twenty generations clear majority, the Landammann pronounces the result. back. In cases of doubt he calls in the advice of the cantonal Anyone who imagines the Landsgemeinde as some councillors. In smaller Landsgemeinden actual counts moth-eaten and artificial resuscitation of an old politi- are taken in hotly disputed questions, the two sides cal custom will soon be undeceived if he visits, for marching up in ranks of four. This may hold up instance, the Landsgemeinde of G/ants. For the can- business for half an hour or so, but it guarantees the ton of Glarus, consisting mainly of a very narrow accuracy of the result, if not the freedom of secret valley, with mountains towering up to nine thousand voting. The complete freedom of speech accorded to all feet above the village, is one of the most highly indus- at the Landsgemeinde may produce very dramatic mo- trialized regions in Europe. It was here, at the Lands- meats. It often happens that the sovereign people, gemeinde of 1861, that the first laws in Europe were under the spell of some speaker's eloquence, reverses passed for the protection of the workers. There is no the decision taken at the prior discussion in the can- museum atmosphere about the Landsgemeinde. A tonal council. To-day the competence of the Landsge- living community, gathered together as of old, shaped meinde is confined to the election of the cantonal its own political fate in self-i in posed order. authorities and certain cantonal officials, to amend- The assembly takes place in the loveliest of seasons ments of the constitution, annual legislation and the — the spring. Through the fresh green of the spring budget. But until the end of the 18tli century, when fields, the keen-eyed factory workers and the slow, foreign pol icy was not yet a Federal concern, it was deliberate farmers, many still wearing the full beard the Landsgemeinde which was the final authority for of their ancestors, stream in from every part of the the conclusion of alliances with the great powers of canton. They assemble in the " ring," a ring-shaped stage with benches in front for the elders of the six thousand citizens. Suddenly there is a silence. To the sound of music the tramp of approaching soldiers is heard. The Spend Lotie/y government is coming. All heads are bared, for the jour //o/iday in people respects its self-elected rulers. No herald moves more proudly than the Sergeant-at-Arms in his flowing TOGGENBURG red and white mantle. He carries the sword of state £15 inclusive - 14 days CHALET HOTEL, H. & C. ALL BEDROOMS EXCELLENT CUISINE, ENGLISH SPOKEN fey Neighbourhood offers wonderful excursions to surrounding //atie jyour WA7*C// repairet/ mountains. Funiculars to 8000 ft. with beautiful view of CHAS. IMHOF gigantic panorama of Swiss Alps. SKILLED Write direct. : "HOTEL SCHAEFLI," 37, DULWIGH ROAD, S.E.24. WORK- NUE ST. JOHANN, TOGGENBURG, SWITZERLAND. June 9th, 1950. THE SWISS OBSERVER 5511 ALLTRANSPORT ARE SPECIALISTS in the PACKING REMOVAL SHIPPING INSURANCE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS to and from a/I parts o/ the World • USE ALLTRANSPORT LIFTVANS • ALLTRAN8P0RT & STORAGE LTD. ALLTRANSPORT BUILDING, LITTLE TRINITY LANE, LONDON - - - E.C.4 Telephone: CENtral 5200 (20 Lines''. Europe. Thus it was the Landsgemeinde which had to pale of the onlookers. Thus weapons of war have here decide whether a mercenary pact was concluded or not taken on-a symbolic meaning, and it would be well for with that, all-powerful monarch, Louis XIV. Every the world if all weapons could be thus ennobled by the man had the right to object or propose, and if, in the union of might and right. Confederation of to-day, the citizen not only sends his That is the thought that comes into my mind when representatives to parliament, but must himself pro- I look at my Landsgemeinde dagger, on which some old nounce judgment on the most important legislative armourer has engraved the motto " suum cuique." For proposals, if he still jealousy guards his right of initia- our fighting ancestors this may have been a token of tive and referendum, that goes back to the-old spirit of defiance, but in our day it has become the watchword the Landsgemeinde. of justice. It is a saving which unites Christianity and Each of the five Landsgemeinden lias its own democracy. The Christian respect of the person and the the command- special character. The most picturesque is the Ob- foundation of human laws on divine icaZden. assembly in the castle Hill above Sarnen. The ments find expression in the solemnity with which most heated is that of Vhi-MxrZde». In Glarus, the ring Catliolis Unterwählen intones the " Veni creator and the magnificent mountain back-ground are most spiritus " while Protestant Appenzell Outer Rhodes is impressive. In AppmseZZ, where men love a good song opening its Landsgemeinde with a hymn of God. This under the fatherhood of and a good joke, we might almost call proceedings deep faith in their community God is also a of all jolliest, while in AppenseZZ Outer ÄZiocZes they are most is not only the root, it guarantee solemn. In this canton an old Germanic folk-custom democracy, and without this political form of the com- has remained alive.
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