1 FAMARA (NTP,SPA, SAC) 5 JANUBIO (SSI, SPA) 9 TENEGÜIME RAVINE (PL) A geomorphological structure where the highest point of the island is located (Peñas del Chache, 671 m). We can watch different A saline formation with great cultural, heritage and biological value. An important place of refuge, nesting and egg-laying for A geomorphological structure of great heritage and agricultural value. Small birds and birds of prey fly among old fruit trees PLACES OF species of cliff-nesting birds. migratory waterbirds. which have been planted in gavias and nateros (agricultural rainwater harvesting systems). ORNITHOLOGICAL INTEREST 12 CHINIJO ARCHIPIELAGO Common quail Common raven Osprey Ruddy shelduck Black-winged stilt Trumpeter finch Plain swift African blue tit Common kestrel Coturnix coturnix Corvus corax canariensis Pandion haliaetus Tadorna ferruginea Himantopus himantopus Bucanetes githagineus amantun Apus unicolor Cyanistes teneriffae degener Falco tinnunculus dacotiae 2 EL JABLE (SPA) 6 LOS AJACHES (NM, SPA) 10 LLANOS Y MARETAS (SPA) 11 ELVIRA SÁNCHEZ RAVINE A semi-desert ecosystem of great cultural, agricultural and biological value formed by the accumulation of sands of marine A geomorphological structure representative of the old volcanic structures. We can watch birds of prey, steppe birds and seabirds in Stony plains in an arid environment and with scarce vegetation where steppe birds prevail. origin. This natural area is one the spots with greater presence of steppe birds in the Canary Islands. small coastal cliffs. 1 FAMARA 3 LOS RISQUETES 9 TENEGÜIME RAVINE 2 EL JABLE Haría 8 LA GERIA Cream-coloured courser Houbara bustard Lesser short-toed lark Egyptian vulture Barbary partridge Barn owl Eurasian stone-curlew Southern grey shrike Spectacled warbler 4 TIMANFAYA N.PARK Cursorius cursor Chlamydotis undulata fuerteventurae Alaudala rufescens polatzeki Neophron percnopterus majorensis Alectoris barbara Tyto alba glacilirostris Burhinus oedicnemus insularum Lanius meridionalis koenegi Sylvia conspicillata 3 LOS RISQUETES (SAC) 7 MARINA ARRECIFE 11 ELVIRA SÁNCHEZ RAVINE 6 LOS AJACHES Tinajo Teguise A rocky salt marsh with a predominance of rocky ground waterlogged by seawater. This place contains halophilic vegetation and it This is the best coastal area in the Canary Islands for watching migratory species such as gulls and waders. It is home to the largest An area with great diversity of vegetation and with pools of water during autumn and winter. Passerine birds, turtle-doves, and is very important for migratory birds and for nesting marine species. colony of cattle egrets in the Canary Islands. birds of prey can be found here. 5 JANUBIO SanBartolomé 10 LLANOS Arrecife 10 LLANOS DE LA DE LA MARETA Yaiza Tías CORONA AND TEGALA AND CANTIL GRANDE DEL RUBICÓN Kentish plover Yellow-legged gull Little egret Eurasian collared-dove Spanish sparrow Cattle egret European goldfinch European turtle-dove Sardinian warbler Charadrius alexandrinus Larus michahellis Egretta garzetta Streptopelia decaocto Passer hispaniolensis Bubulcus ibis Carduelis carduelis Streptopelia turtur Sylvia melanocephala 7 MARINA DE ARRECIFE 4 TIMANFAYA NATIONAL PARK (NP,SPA, SAC) 8 LA GERIA (PL, SPA) 12 CHINIJO ARCHIPIELAGO (NTP,SPA) A volcanic habitat barely colonized by vegetation. Seabirds are the most representative species in the coastal area of this A unique landscape of great beauty, and geomorphological and anthropological interest where vineyards and fruit trees are Islets in the north of Lanzarote, some of them uninhabited, where the most important seabird colonies in the Canary Islands are CONSERVATION STATUS National Park. cultivated. Passerine birds can be found here. located. Steppe birds and cliff-nesting birds can also be found here. Red Book Spanish Catalogue of birds of Spain of Endangered Species * Critical Endangered In Danger of Extintion Endangered Vulnerable Vulnerable Near Threatened Cory’s shearwater Barbary falcon Bulwer's petrel Common linnet Eurasian hoopoe Berthelot's pipit White-faced storm-petrel Eleonora'sHalcón de Eleonorafalcon European storm-petrel *RD 139/2011 Calonectris diomedea borealis Falco pelegrinoides Bulweria bulwerii Linaria cannabina harterti Upupa epops Anthus berthelotii Pelagodroma marina Falco eleonorae Hydrobates pelagicus Canary Islands Law on Protected Areas: NP : National Park – NTP : Natural Park – PL : Protected Landscape – NM : Natural Monument – SSI : Site of Scientific Interest NATURA NETWORK 2000: SPA: Special Protection Areas – SAC: Special Areas of Conservation 2016 GOOD PRACTICES WHEN CAN YOU SEE NESTING BIRDS? DISCOVER BIRD WATCHING IN LANZAROTE Measurements* InLanzarotethereare40birdspeciesthatnestduringdifferenttimesoftheyear,someofthemostinteresting FOR BIRDWATCHING GROUP SPECIES W L J F M A M J J A S O N D onesarethesteppebirdsandtheseabirds.ThisisonethebestbirdwatchingsitesinEurope.Accordingtothe Kentish plover 16 44 Spanish Catalogue of Endangered Species, three species are in danger of extinction and seven of them are Black-winged stilt 35 75 The welfare of the birds must come first. THE BIRDS vulnerable. Yellow-legged gull 55 145 Their habitat must be protected. Lesser black-backed gull 52 140 Untilnow,morethan300speciesofmigratorybirdshavebeenwatchedfromallaroundEurope.Thebesttime AQUATIC OF LANZAROTE forbirdwatchingisbetweenAugustandNovember. Do not alter the birds' behaviour. Ruddy shelduck 70 110 Eurasian hoopoe 27 46 If you find an injured bird, report it immediately. Cattle egret 48 88 You can start your first field notebook now, by writing down the species you have spotted, the place and the number of birds. Do not disturb migratory birds or rare birds. Spanish sparrow 15 24 AQUATIC BIRDS Barbary partridge 33 55 They are linked to freshwater and/or saltwater areas. Respect regulation on bird protection at all times. ANTHROPIC European turtle-dove 31 50 GROUP SPECIES PLACE NUMBER Respect property owners’ rights. Laughing dove 24 42 ANTHROPIC BIRDS Eurasian stone-curlew 41 82 They are found in urban areas or areas that have been Respect individual rights in the observation area. Cream-col courser 25 53 altered by humans. Share your records with other local birdwatchers. Houbara bustard 55 130 STEPPE BIRDS STEPPE Lesser short-toed lark 13 28 They live in Behave as you would like others to behave in your area. Great grey shrike 24 31 semi-desert areas. Berthelot's pipit 13 22 Avoid walking off the indicated paths and tracks. SHRUBLAND BIRDS Atlantic canary 13 23 They are small songbirds If you bring your dogs, you must keep them on a leash. Common quail 17 33 that live in areas of abundant vegetation. Sardinian warbler 13 16 Do not litter in order to avoid attracting rats, cats and dogs SHRUBLAND Spectacled warbler 12 15 PELAGIC BIRDS and to conserve the environment. African blue tit 11 18 They live miles offshore, only returning to land to European goldfinch 12 23 breed. Common linnet 13 23 CLIFF-NESTING BIRDS European storm-petrel 15 49 They spend their life in cliffs, ravines and even Band-rumped storm-petrel 20 45 badlands (malpaís) White-faced storm-petrel 20 42 Cory's shearwater 53 122 Little shearwater Did you know that… PELAGIC 27 63 Bulwer's petrel 27 70 … the Eleonora's falcon travels 10,000 km Osprey [1] 56 150 each year from Madagascar in order to breed Long-eared owl 37 100 in the islets of the Chinijo Archipelago. Trumpeter finch 12 27 … more than 11,000 pairs of shearwaters Common kestrel 34 73 breed in Lanzarote and its islets. The islet of Common raven 60 125 Alegranza holds one of the greatest colonies Egyptian vulture [2] 70 165 in the world. Eleonora's falcon 39 94 CLIFF Barbary falcon 37 86 NESTING Barn owl 36 80 Rock dove 33 65 Text and photographs: GustavoTejera Betancort. Illustrations:Turquesa Ediciones. Ruddy shelduck. Illustration: María HerreraTello. Design: María HerreraTello, Fañi García Cabrera Plain swift 17 41 *Wingspan (from one wingtip to the other) and Length (from bill to tail) [1] Locally Known as Guincho [2] Locally Known as Guirre SEPRONA ISLAND COUNCIL (Environmental Protec�on Service) Fauna Management Service Bird species have been classified taking into consideration their habitat and groups. 928 59 21 00 696 733 177 Migrating species Red Data Book Spanish Catalogue of Endangered Species.
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