Adventist Review General Paper of the Seventh-day Adventist Church May 3, 1984 Special feature: 100 years of iventist nursing Pages 3-16 Cover: Remedios Tortal, a nurse at Hinsdale Hospital in Illinois, comforts patient Celeste Dyer. The test of love Page 12 War over the classroom Page 17 SDA workers evacuate Beirut Page 20 LETTERS GC move Such an arrangement could studying reorganization is pro- Adventist Review Is it really wise to move prove to be a more effective ceeding with its work and -,um=lif— Ada% before the organizational re- utilization of the church's should report to the 1984 structure takes place? What if human and financial resources, Annual Council. Planning for ‘4, and the resulting smaller Gen- the restructure takes the form of the General Conference move Published continuously since 1849 assigning more regional author- eral Conference body could find does not negate the work of the the existing facility more than commission. EDITOR ity to the divisions, while the William G. Johnston General Conference body adequate to meet the needs. E. T. AGARD Abuse ASSOCIATE EDITOR restricts itself to laying out George W. Reid general policy, overseeing Centerville, Ohio I wish to applaud you for ■ having the courage to print the MANAGING EDITOR worldwide missions, and col- The proposed move of the Jocelyn R. Fay lecting and disseminating General Conference will take at article on "The Abusive Fam- worldwide statistics of the least two years to complete; ily" in the Family Issue (March ASSISTANT EDITORS 15). James N. Coffin, Eugene F. Durand progress of the work? meanwhile, the commission Aileen Andres Sox My two children and I fit the picture well. The three of us ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY were sexually, physically, and Corinne Russ verbally abused by a Seventh- EDITORIAL SECRETARIES About this issue day Adventist husband and Chitra Barnabas, Jeanne James father. He held various church ART Summer is coming. Soon many Seventh-day Adventists Director, Byron Steele offices and used Scripture as a Designer, G. W. Busch will be off to camp meeting; some will take vacations by the whip: "I am the head of the sea or in the mountains. household, as it says in the CONSULTING EDITORS Summer is a time for catching up on reading. Adventist Neal C. Wilson, Charles E. Bradford, L. L. Bible." Bock, L. L. Butler, Charles B. Hirsch, W. publishers and the ABCs plan for this season; they release R. Lesher, Alf Lohne, Kenneth J. Mitt- We finally were forced to run leider, Enoch Oliveira, G. Ralph Thomp- new titles and offer "camp meeting specials" for bargain away for our safety. I still son, Francis W. Wernick hunters. remember the unheated motel All of which has led to this issue of the ADVENTIST SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS where we hid. Kenneth H. Wood, Robert H. Pierson, REVIEW. Like the February 9 issue, it contains a detachable George W. Brown, G. J. Christo, W. T. Years have passed, and the Clark, Bekele Heye, R. J. Kloosterhuis, advertising supplement highlighting Adventist books. And children are grown and have Edwin Ludescher, Jan Paulsen, W. R. L. the revenue from the extra advertising enables us to send this Scragg, Joao Wolff Christian spouses and children issue to every home in North America. SOUTHWESTERN UNION EDITION of their own. We never would Editor, Richard W. Bendall We're pleased that this special issue coincides with an have survived emotionally had important anniversary-100 years of SDA nursing. To honor it not been for wonderful friends EASTERN AFRICA EDITION Editor, Bill Edsell it we've grouped together in the first section of the paper who believed in prayer. several articles on the topic. We think the story of Adventist NAME WITHHELD INTER-AMERICAN EDITIONS nurses, past and today, is interesting and inspiring, and we Editor, Wanda Sample Associate Editors, Simone Doleyres, hope you will also. Credits French; Humberto Rasi, Raul Villanueva, Just a word to those who haven't been getting the REVIEW Spanish Bible: Texts in this issue on a regular basis. Most weeks we feature a variety of credited to N.I.V. are from The SOUTH AMERICAN EDITIONS topics—devotional, Biblical, informational. Every four or Editor, R. S. Lessa, Portuguese Holy Bible: New International Acting Editor, Rubem M Scheffel, five weeks, however, we cluster articles in order to take a Version. Copyright © 1978 by Portuguese close look at a particular area of concern to Adventists. Editor, Jose Tabuenca, Spanish the International Bible Society. That's what you find in this REVIEW. Used by permission of Zonder- CIRCULATION Occasionally we devote a full issue to one theme. We did Manager, Robert S. Smith van Bible Publishers. Associate, L. Rhea Harvey this with the March 15 REVIEW, when we devoted most of the Art and photos: Cover, TO CONTRIBUTORS 32 pages to the Adventist family. (Send 90 cents to the Larry Coyle, courtesy of Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome, but Review and Herald Publishing Association to get a copy.) notification as to acceptance or rejection Adventist Health System North, may be expected only if accompanied by a The February 9 issue brought us many letters, all positive. Inc.; pp. 3-5, Holly Denton; p. stamped, self-addressed envelope. Among them: 5, Edith Cornish; pp. 7, 8, An index is published in the last Review of From Maine: "A great piece of marketing, and you got Loma Linda University June and December. The Adventist Review one! It'll be great to be getting the REVIEW again." is indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist Archives; p. 9 top, Euro-Africa Periodical Index. From California: "For several years I've wanted to Division; p. 9 bottom left, resubscribe but haven't known where to send the order. So The Advenusr Review (ISSN 0161-1119) is Skodsborg Sanitarium; p. 9 published every Thursday. Copyright C please rush my order. I can't wait to catch up." 1984 Review and Herald Publishing Associ- bottom right, South American ation, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, Hagers- And from Pennsylvania: "I now realize I can no longer Division; p. 10, left top and town, Maryland 21740, U.S.A. Second- afford not to subscribe. I am once again in touch with our class postage paid at Hagerstown, Mary- bottom, Review art library; pp. land. Postmaster: send form 3579 to same family of believers. The REVIEW is cheap at any price! address. Subscriber: send address change to 10 right, 15 top, Far Eastern the above address. Subscriptions: one year, Without it I feel cut off from the denomination, a member of Division; p. 12, Helcio Des- US$30.95. Single copy, 90 cents U.S. a local church only, narrowing my view considerably." currency. Prices subject to change without landes; p. 15 bottom, Walla notice. Ready to subscribe? We've made it easy. Turn to page Walla College school of nurs- 27. ing; p. 16, Desmond B. Hills; p. Address all editorial correspondence to 6840 Yours for a happy summer—and a returning Lord. Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. 21, Conrad Visser; p. 23, Mike 20012. W. G. J. Stevenson and Leo Ranzolin; p. Vol. 161, No. 18. 26, Joe Maniscalco. 2 (458) ADVENTIST REVIEW. MAY 3, 1984 Art, science, and compassion Editor William G. Johnsson discusses 10 from NED, 7 from EUD, and one or two from each of the other divisions. Adventist nursing with Elizabeth Johnsson: Tell us something about ASDAN. Sterndale and Iris Hayden. Sterndale: ASDAN is the Association of Seventh-day Adventist Nurses. It started in 1968. At the present time we Elizabeth Sterndale, associate director in the General have a membership close .to 1,800. We have elected Conference Health and Temperance Department, is officers—president and secretary. We also have an annual responsible for nursing in North America, and Iris convention, and this year we will be celebrating the 100th Hayden, associate director in the Health and Temper- birthday of Seventh-day Adventist nursing, in Portland, ance Department, is responsible for world nursing. Oregon. Johnsson: I assume ASDAN is a North American Johnsson: How many Adventists are involved in institution? nursing? Sterndale: Yes. Sterndale: There are probably about 10,000 Adventist Hayden: Some other countries also have nurses' associa- nurses in North America, but that is simply a guess. tions. As I recall, the first one was in the Euro-Africa Although we have many Adventist nursing schools, not all Division. the students are Adventists. Nurses are converted and Johnsson: Let's talk about nursing in general. What baptized just as in any other profession, but we have no qualities are needed for a good Adventist nurse? record anywhere of how many of the baptisms are nurses. Hayden: A good nurse is a people person, interested in the Johnsson: Plus we have Adventist nurses in non- needs of others. In addition, she has a strong character and Adventist schools and hospitals? good health. Sterndale: Oh, yes, many older women who are going Johnsson: What do you mean by "strong character"? into nursing attend a local junior college because they have a Hayden: If you are going to care for somebody else you family or for economic reasons. And many of our nurses are yourself must have a strong connection with God every day. employed in a non-Adventist setup. Sterndale: A nurse is a person who has the intelligence to Johnsson: Do we have statistics for other countries? learn what she needs to know about the art of nursing and the Hayden: Not really, for some of the same reasons. skills involved, but more than that, caring is the core of Johnsson: Are many nurses serving overseas? nursing.
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