CSR REPORT 2017 PAGE PAGE PAGE 04-07 14-17 20-27 IMPROVING OUR OUR EVERYDAY LIFE BUSINESS RISKS 14-15 OUR OWNERS 22 HUMAN RIGHTS – THE SALLING FOUNDATIONS 23 SOCIAL AND EMPLOYEE CONDITIONS 16-17 OUR FINANCIAL FOOTPRINT 24 ANTI-CORRUPTION AND BRIBERY 25 CLIMATE 26-27 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PAGE PAGE PAGE 08-13 18-21 28-39 OUR FOCUS OUR DUE OUR AREAS DILIGENCE PERFORMANCE 08-09 SUSTAINABILITY 18-19 OUR DUE DILIGENCE 28-29 ENGAGING WITH OUR STAKEHOLDERS 10-11 CUSTOMER VALUE IN PROCUREMENT 30 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 12-13 OPPORTUNITIES 20-21 OUR RISKS 32-33 INDEPENDENT PRACTIONERS LIMITED ASSURANCE 33 MANAGEMENT STATEMENT 34-35 REPORTING APPROACH 36-39 REPORTING CRITERIA AND PERFORMANCE 40-41 COMPANY INFORMATION IMPROVING EVERYDAY LIFE IMPROVING EVERYDAY LIFE Integrity Eleven million customers visiting our A NEW SHARED PURPOSE WILL stores every week indicate that we GUIDE OUR DECISIONS We build trust by acting with decency, are an impactful retailer, particularly in responsibility and honesty. Denmark. We recognise the responsi- With the values in place, we have also bility that is embedded in our position, introduced a purpose that will unite and and in 2017 we took further steps to drive us across the group. The purpose increase our social footprint. In addition, ‘Improving Everyday Life’ expresses the some of the fundamentals related to role we want to play in people’s lives Passionate our history, identity and culture were regardless of whether they are custo- anchored further to encourage a more mers, colleagues, neighbours or part- value- driven organisation with a strong ners. We have identified three overall We are driven by the desire to improve social engagement. areas that we will focus on: Sustainabi- every day life for our customers, our lity, Customer Value and Opportunities. colleagues and our communities. NEW SHARED VALUES WILL In this report, we have described more GUIDE OUR BEHAVIOUR specific activities within these areas. Regarding our customers, we work with One important activity in 2017 was the a variety of activities that we believe introduction of corporate values. For will improve their everyday lives. One Agile the first time ever, we have a common of these is making responsible choices set of values across all formats and simple and affordable. We believe that We embrace change, adapt quickly to functions in the entire Dansk Super- the majority of our customers would new demands and never stop learning. marked Group. Five values – Integrity, like to increase their share of respon- Passionate, Agile, Competitive and sible shopping, and our contribution Efficient – have been identified as to this development is to encourage already existing behaviours that we customers with affordable prices, want to enforce by formalising them step-by-step solutions, label trans- as our corporate values. parency and visibility in our stores. Competitive Our new values replace all earlier Our purpose, however, reaches beyond We aim to win in all areas of the business, values in all formats and functions and what we offer our customers. We also seize opportunities and resiliently over- will serve as a common language for take part in everyday life in local com- come challenges together. what is expected from us as individuals munities and actively contribute to and as teams. On a daily basis, we will solving some of the challenges here. use the values in our discussions about A significant contribution is creating op- behaviour, priorities and ways of wor- portunities for people who find it difficult king. We believe our values will help us for various reasons to gain a foothold in Efficient remain a successful and trusted retailer the job market. We have several struc- in the future. tures and programmes which help them to gain employment, an education or We seek simplicity and aspire to create useful job experience, and, in all formats, productive and cost-effective ways of colleagues make a daily effort to sup- working. Page 4 port these people in taking the next step Dansk Supermarked Group forward in their work life. CSR Report 2017 IMPROVING EVERYDAY LIFE We see our focus areas as our purpose drivers, which are all related to parts 100 % FOUNDATION OWNERSHIP and have two purposes: to ensure that of one or more of the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals that we have GIVES US A STRONG PLATFORM Dansk Supermarked Group develops committed ourselves to help achieve. to meet our customers’ needs – and to A significant fundament of our corpora- contribute to society through donations tion was changed in November. Dansk of the profits earned in the retail group. PURPOSE DRIVER SCOPE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Supermarked Group became fully Since 2012, the foundations have owned by the Salling Foundations as donated more than DKK 850 million they acquired the remaining 19 % of the to projects within culture, sports and Sustainability Full value chain shares from A. P. Moeller – Maersk. charity. This brought 53 years of partnership to an end. The Group is once again 100 % The foundation ownership is very much Customer Value Our customers under the wings of the Salling name. in line with our purpose and is a strong platform for us to stand on as we further The Salling Foundations were establis- develop our social responsibility for the hed by our founder, the entrepreneurial future. Opportunities Our employees and visionary retailer Herman Salling, Købmand Købmand Herman Sallings Fond Ferdinand Sallings Mindefond 100 % 70,81 % 29,19 % F. Salling Invest A/S F. Salling Holding A/S 48,29 % 51,71 % Dansk Supermarked Group 100 % Salling føtex Bilka Netto Wupti Starbucks Carl’s Jr. (Salling.dk, Bilka.dk, føtex.dk, føtexdagligvarer.dk and Salling.dk are covered by their respective formats. Starbucks and Carl's Jr. Page 6 are franchises and not in scope for the reporting). Page 7 Dansk Supermarked Group Dansk Supermarked Group CSR Report 2017 CSR Report 2017 OUR FOCUS AREAS Food waste development 45,000 40,000 35,000 OUR FOCUS AREAS 30,000 25,000 20,000 SUSTAINABILITY 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 MINIMISING OUR FOOD WASTE, from 42,826 to 21,413 tonnes a year. 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 MATERIAL WASTE AND ENERGY In 2017 we reduced our food waste by Actual Target 2,401 tonnes or 7.2 percent in absolute Running a financially sustainable and numbers, compared to 2016, which resilient business has always been means that we are actually ahead our number one priority. We believe of our calculated reduction forecast 19 percent less bakery waste 50 tonnes of food donated to that a financially sustainable business despite growth in the number of stores. the Food Bank that distributes goes hand in hand with a sustainable the donated food items to approach to our activities. Looking at material waste in general, organisations helping socially Increased direct sourcing from As Denmark's largest retailer, we con- we have previously set an optimistic marginalised people. ti nuously strive to create more sustain- target of recycling 90 percent of our producers of fruit and vegetables able and climate friendly solutions and total amount of our yearly tonnes of = fresher goods and less waste. initiatives. Within this area, we have waste before the end of 2018. By particularly focused on the fight against investing in new technologies and co- Participation in the food waste, material waste and energy operating with leading innovative waste Building Management System World Food Summit. consumption. management companies, in 2017 we in all Netto stores optimises hit a recycling rate of 75 percent, and energy consumption. in the long term we aim Food waste in formats and total for a rate of 100 per- Pilot project with repackaging cent. With a recycling in Netto in order to minimize 45,000 42,826 rate of slightly more We have developed a heat food waste by only throwing 40,000 than 90 percent, Netto recovery unit so that the heat out the bruised fruits and 35,000 from our cold counters and vegetables in the packages. 30,963 Denmark is a frontrun- 30,000 ner in this area, and fridges is re-used in our stores – and the surplus heat is distri- 25,000 we have strengthe ned 19,458 buted to external heating plants. 20,000 17,635 our attention on føtex, 15,122 Netto Sweden is fighting 15,000 Bilka and Salling, where sorting is more complex food waste in cooperation with 10,000 8,723 8,033 the organisation Food2Change due to more product We have invested around 5,000 4,176 and will expand this categories and waste DKK one million in waste 0 fractions. partnership in 2018. føtex Bilka Netto** Total* handling systems in Bilka and føtex so they can become *Incl. Salling and warehouses In recent years we have 2014 2015 2016 2017 better at sorting waste. ** More stores account for 514 tonnes increased our focus on Netto Poland is collaborating energy consumption with the Polish Food Bank In 2017 we were the first retailer to in our stores significantly. In 2017 we and also donating food publish our 2016 figures for food waste launched a behavioural change cam- 27 tonnes of food donated around Christmas, Easter in Denmark. In line with the UN Sustain- paign where we appointed more than from føtex to Wefood and School Holidays. able Development Goal 12.3 – ensuring 100 Energy Ambassadors in our føtex – surplus food supermarkets sustainable consumption and produc- stores and Bilka hypermarkets. Our run by DanChurchAid tion patterns – we have set a target to target was to reduce our consumption reduce our food waste by 50 percent of electricity by 3 percent by the end by 2030, using 2014 as a baseline.
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