AREA: DAGORETTI EX KAREN AREA: KABIBI, OGAL BEACH, KALOKA BEACH DATE: Wednesday 30.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. DATE: Friday 25.04.2014 TIME: 8.00 A.M. – 3.00 P.M. Mdodo Lane, Karinde, Dagoretti Market, Kirigu, Mukarara, Negest, Kabibi, Ogal Beach, Kaloka Beach, Atemo Farm & adjacent Windy Ridge, Defence College, Miotoni, Rhino Park, Three D-Lane customers. Notice is hereby given under rule 27 of the Electric Power Rules & adjacent customers. that the electricity supply will be interrupted as here under: AREA: NYAMIRA, NYARAMBA, EKERENYO (It is necessary to interrupt supply periodically in order to AREA: LAVINGTON EX KAREN DATE: Monday 28.04.2014 TIME: 8.30 A.M. – 4.00 P.M. facilitate maintenance and upgrade of power lines or equipment DATE: Thursday 01.05.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Nyamira Town, Nyamira Hospital & KMTC, Kiritu Factory, for better quality supply; to connect new lines to the network; Kinyanjui Rd, Kabiria, Congo, Part of Dagoretti Corner, Riara Rd, Sotik Highland Factory, Sanganyi Factory, Kiberigo Factory, to connect new customers or to relocate power lines during road Part of Naivasha Rd, Kahuho Rd & adjacent customers. Nyamaiya Mkt, Ikonge Mkt, Nyaramba Mkt, Nyamusi Mkt, Kegogi construction, etc.) Mkt, Ekerenyo Hospital & Mkt, Dc’s Office Ekerenyo, Miruka Mkt NAIROBI REGION MT KENYA REGION & adjacent customers. AREA: 1st PARKLANDS, RING ROAD WESTLANDS AREA: PART OF MUKURUWEINI, MIHUTI, KARABA AREA: KONDELE, KIBOS, CHIGA, KAJULU DATE: Wednesday 30.04.2014 TIME: 8.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. DATE: Friday 25.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 4.00 P.M. DATE: Sunday 27.04.2014 TIME: 8.30 A.M. – 4.30 P.M. Whole of 1st Parklands Avenue, Aghakhan Academy, Executive Ladies Mihuti Mkt, Mihuti Sec Sch, South Tetu Girls, Ruarai Mkt, Githito Tom Mboya Estate, Kondele Mkt, Manyatta Estate, Migosi Estate, Hostel, Part of Swamibapa Road, One West Park Avenue, Avenue Village, Kiangoma Sch, Igutha C/F, Karundu C/F, Giathugu Mkt, Gudka Estate, Kenyare, Kibos Mkt, Chiga, Kibos Prison, KESREF, Health Centre, Part of Masari Road, Rehmart Apartments, River View Kangurwe Mkt, Kangurwe Airtel, Gathaka Mkt, Mweru C/F, Gumba Kajulu, Nyabondo, Kiwasco Kajulu & adjacent customers. Apartments, Royal Academy, Jaralam Road, Empress Building, The Dispensary, Rutune Youth Polytechnic, Mutonga Primary Sch, AREA: MIWANI, CHEMELIL ROAD, KEREBE GOLDMINE Oval, Part of Westlands Ring Road, Thomos Physiotherapy, Oshwal Kanyariri C/F, Karaba, Ngamwa & adjacent customers. Academy, Highridge Shopping Centre, Kusii Lane, Batubatu Road, DATE: Sunday 27.04.2014 TIME: 8.30 A.M. – 4.30 P.M. Shivashi Road, Mpaka Road & adjacent customers. AREA: WHOLE OF KERUGOYA TOWN, KUTUS NHC Mamboleo, Wathorego, Great Lakes University, Gondi & Oraro, DATE: Monday 28.04.2014 TIME: 8.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Makini School, Palos, Koleng Mkt, CAC, Nehemiah Int, Miwani Sec, AREA: KMC 1, STEEL PLANT FEEDER, ATHI RIVER Thumaita T/F, Kimunye T/F, Kangaita T/F, Kagumo Mkt, Kutus School, Miwani Mkt, Kerebe Goldmine, Masogo Mkt, Kasongo Mkt, DATE: Sunday 27.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Town Mutira, Kerugoya District Offices, Karia Market, Kerugoya & Ombeyi Mkt, Ahero Irrigation Offices, Kore Water, Ahero Irrigation Athi River Town, Shell Petrol Station, Kenol, Futon & Furniture, Kianyaga Towns, Kianyaga Market, Kangaita Kimunye, Thumaita Pump, Otieno Odongo, Boya, Oren, Olasi, Katolo & adjacent customers. Msafiri Flour Mills, Nova Chemicals, Tuskys Supermarket Athi, Astral T/Fact, Kerugoya Gen. Hosp, KTI, Bishop Gitari, Gatuto C/F & AREA: RONGAI, SOBEA Chalk, Athi River Railway Station, Athi River Post Office, Mavoko adjacent customers. Water Offices, Kusasa Bank, Post Bank, Mavoko Mkt, Pepe Container DATE: Wednesday 30.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Depot, Mavoko Water Pumping Station, Saj Ceramics, KMC Meat AREA: GACHOKA, YODER FARM, GACHURIRI African Blooms, Rhosetto Flowers, Sobea, Shantara, Gicheha farm, Training Institute, Part of Ngimu Estate, Kinanie Mkt, Mutungoni DATE: Monday 28.04.2014 TIME: 8.30 A.M. – 3.00 P.M. Chemusian farm, Shantara Flowers, Margaret farm, Kirobon, Mark Academy, EPZ Sewage, Kimani Wanyoike, Esidai Estate, Top Tank, Donbosco, Rwika, Gachoka Mkt, Yoderfarm, Muraru, Meca, County Too, Wheatfield & adjacent customers. Gulf Power, Green Park Estate, EAPCC Kunkur Quarry, Lukenya Estate, Gachuriri Mkt, Gachuriri Secondary Sch & adjacent customers. AREA: MAU NAROK, TIPIS, KISIRIRI, PART OF NAROK TOWN Academy, Brigadier Kakenyi, Kusyobunguo, Malinda Farm, Game AREA: MUGOYA POLICE, KEVOTE MARKET, ENA MARKET DATE: Wednesday 30.04. 2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Ranch, Vista Windows, Athi River Steel Plant 11kV, Devki Line 2 & DATE: Tuesday 29.04.2014 TIME: 8.30 A.M. – 2.00 P.M. adjacent customers. Whole of Mau Narok, Fontana Mau (Flower Farm), Likia, Mathangauta, Kithimu Mkt, Kambo Mkt, Rukira, Mugoya Police, Karurina Mkt, Tipis Safaricom (Tipis), Mwisho Wa Lami Centre, Sansora Farm, AREA: LUNGA LUNGA ROAD, PARTS OF INDUSTRIAL AREA Ithangawe Sch & Mkt, Kithimu Mkt, St Teresas Kithimu, Kamuthatha, Olropil, Topot, Narok High School, Masai Mara University, Narok DATE: Sunday 27.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Ena Mkt, Ena C/Factory, Kivwe Mkt, St Pauls Kevote, Makengi Mkt, General Hospital, Narok County Offices & adjacent customers. Part of Lunga Lunga Rd, Farmchem, Welrods, Pembe Maize Millers, Kevote Mkt, Kirurumwe C/Factory, Ngai Ndethia C/Factory, Ena AREA: KANO FEEDER EX KISUMU EAST SUBSTATION Packaging Industries Ltd, Osho Chemicals, Raiply, Sunflag, Ibera Safaricom Booster, Nembure, Kambo Mkt, Kiamuringa Mkt, Riandu DATE: Sunday 27.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 1.00 P.M. Africa Power Ltd, Brush Manufacturers, Unibuilt Ltd, Kenya Petroleum Mkt, Kamunyori Farm, Kiangima Girls & adjacent customers. Nyamasaria, Rabuor Market, Nyangande, Ahero Town, Korowe Ltd, Almahia, Bio Deal Ltd, Mahitaji Enterprises, Jalna Stores, Zingo AREA: WHOLE OF CHINGA, MATHIOYA, GATHUTHI, KIANDU Centre, Riat Market, Boya Hospital & Market, Rae Girls High School Investment, Uzuri Foods, Newspaper Transporters, Synresins, DATE: Monday 28.04.2014 TIME: 8.30 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Lawman & Lawman Darling Hair Ltd, Jaydees Fact, Deluxe Inks, & Formatt Mattresses & adjacent customers. Kagongo, Gathambari, Chinga Girls, Kiru Tea Factory, Chinga Rushab, Bhachu Industries, Dahya, Ohm’s Tech, Ken Aluminium Tea Factory, Gatunguru Tea Factory, Kamagoo, Kairo, Gathairo, AREA: ZIWA MACHINE MARKET, NCPB ZIWA Plastics, Smart Coatings, Magnum, Acme Steel, Filtration Kenya Kiamuturi, Mathioya, Mioro, Kamotho, Gacharageini, Mucharage, DATE: Wednesday 30.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 2.00 P.M. Part of Kampala Rd, ABM, Breweries Malting, Kamongo, KETEPA, Kiriti, Kiambuthia, Kihoya, Nyagatugu, Wanjerere, Kamangara, Ziwa Machine Shopping Centre, AIC, Ziwa Sec Sch, Roret Filling Dodhia Packaging, Nairobi Water & Sewerage, UDV, Kenya Marbles Gichichi, Gitundu, Chinga Boys, Maria Goretti, Ruirie, Mahira, Station, NCPB Ziwa Machine, Rise & Shine Academy, Ziwa Safaricom & adjacent customers. Gikurwe, Kiinu, Ruthiruini, Iganjo, Kiamutundu, Kariko, Kiandumba, Booster & adjacent customers. AREA: MOGADISHU ROAD, PARTS OF UMOJA Giathaimo, Giaguamba, Matiriongo, Mugutha, Kianjai, Kahuaga, Kiganjo, Kahiagira, Muringaini, Kiambaa, Kamacharia Mkt, Kandabiri DATE: Sunday 27.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. COAST REGION Mogadishu Rd, Ol Kalou Rd, Golden Harvest, Inter African Agencies, Proj, Githua Poly, Ngamba Primary, Riakiberu, Kamune Mkt & Poly, Crown Paints & Co, Philiphs Premier Oil, Hoechst East Africa Ltd, Iruri Mkt, Kagumoini Mkt, Kora Mkt & C/F, Mananga Sec Sch, Kiria-Ini AREA: WHOLE OF UKUNDA, DIANI Twiga Chemicals, Cadbury Schweppes, Tibet & Britten Pipe Plastic, Mkt, Nyamari, Othaya Town, Othaya Hospital, Othaya Boys, Iriani DATE: Tuesday 29.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Insteel, Premier Flours Mills, Spin Knit, Syngenta, Uzuri Foods Shell, Tea Factory, Thunguri Mkt, Kabeberu Mkt, Thuti T.B.C, Birithia, Darling, Harmony, Diani Mosque, Rongai Restaurant, Ukunda Township, Buruburu Ph 4, Kenol, Total Kangundo Rd, Umoja 1, Part of Tena, Kagonye Sec, Mahiga Girls Sec, Mathenga Teachers Institute, Palm Beach Hospital, Nakumatt, Swahili Beach Htl, Kazi Kazi Htl, Gulf Petrol Stn, Co-operative Bank Umoja, Hornbil, Mutindwa, Gathuthi Tea Factory, Kihome Sec, Ndugamano Sec, Gathuthi, Diani Shopping Centre, Chadarana Supermarket, Posta Diani Beach, Consolidated Bank, Easton Apartments, KALU Works, Dakar Rd, Ihite, Hubuini, Munyange, Gitugi Tea Factory, Gatugi Mkt, Gatugi Diani Sea Lodge Htl, Two Fishes, Alliance Htls, Nomads Restaurant, Funzi Rd, Fibre Glass, E.A Cables, Sunflag, H-Young, Scania, Osho, Sec Sch, Ichamama C/F, Witima H/Centre, Witima Mkt & Sec Baobab Htl, Barclays Shopping Complex, Leopard Beach Hotel, Unga Farmcare & adjacent customers. Sch, Kagumo-Ini Mkt, Gaikundo C/F, Mbari Ya Ndiga, Githenyu & Leisure Lodge, Diani Reef Htl, White Hse, Wonder Paradise, Southern adjacent customers. Palm Htl, Jacarada Beach Htl, Kaslak Farm, Vuga, Juma Boy, Tsimba, AREA: UTAWALA, PARTS OF EASTERN BYPASS Kwale Township, Kwale Water, Kwale Radio Repeater, Radio Kaya, DATE: Tuesday 29.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. WEST REGION Kigoni Farm, K.W.S, N.C.P.B, Shimba Hills Lodge, Golini, Kinango Parts of Eastern Bypass, Parts of Kangundo Rd, AP Training School, Water, Kinango Township, Kinango Hospital, Mwachema Village, GSU Training School, Fahari Hotel, Oil Libya Petrol Station, Tuskeys AREA: KILGORIS, AWENDO, KEHANCHA, MIGORI, ISIBANIA Kenol Petrol S/Sn, Bixa, National Water (Tiwi Bore-Holes), Saw Mill, Supermarket-Kangundo Rd, Naivas Supermarket-Utawala, Utawala DATE: Thursday 24.04.2014 TIME: 8.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. Falcon Tiwi Beach Htl, Travellers Beach Htl, Maweni & Coral Coves Shopping Center, Zebra Shopping Center, Astrol Petrol Station, Rongo Township, Rakwaro, Kanyawanga High Sch, Hon Dalmas Cottages, Sheshe Baharini Cottages, Meyer & adjacent customers. Benedicta Hospital & adjacent customers. Otieno, Kanga High Sch, Oyugi Ogango, Moi Institute Kitere, Nyamarambe, Nduru High Sch, Ringa Kadongo Mkt, Anginya AREA: WHOLE OF KANAMAI, BOMANI AREA: DONHOLM, PARTS OF OUTERING ROAD Parish, Kwoyo Kodalo Mkt, Awendo, Sony Sugar Factory, Rapogi, DATE: Wednesday 30.04.2014 TIME: 9.00 A.M.
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