I* » rl fl Memphis XI c MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1965 PRICE TEN CENTS Crenshaw Resignation May Result In Housing Probe X i ' ! Will Tell Of Mission Sunday Morning Hammer Lawson Back From Trip To Saigon And Australia Probed The Rev. James M. Lawson, Jr. was back in his pulpit Sun­ he talked to students at Sidney day at Centenary Methodist Church, 878 Mississippi, following University and New South Wale University. TUSCUMBIA, Ala. - A well- a 20-day round-the-world trip that included stops in Paris, Rome, known high school principal .1» Bombay, Bangkok, Saigon, Cambodia, Hong Kong and three The group of religious leaders being held here on a charge of major cities in Australia. spent five days in Saigon and then went on to Hong Kong where they slaying his equally prominent Rev. Mr. Lawson was on a peace in Australia addressing church and drafted a statement on their ob­ teacher-wife. seeking mission as a member of student groups In Sidney, Mel­ servations and findings. the Fellowship of Reconciliation bourne and Adelaide. In Sidney, The school head is in Colbert At the beginning of the trip, the through its Clergymen's Emer­ County jail where he faces first »J American churchmen spent three degree murder charges for the ham*., gency Committee for Viet Nam. days in Bangkok where they mapp­ mer killing of his mate late last He was one of 12 religious leaders ed their program for Saigon after Thursday night. froming the American team which conferring with government offic­ was joined by another group from Clinton K. Calloway, 47 - year- ials and talking with Buddhist old principal of the Cherokee High Europe in Cambodia. leaders. School since 1951, was taken’ingp. The Memphis minister, the only j custody by Tuscumbia police. Negro on the peace - seeking miss­ His wife, Mrs. Tasmania Caller ion, will give a “Christian Report way, 46, .died about three hotlnf on Viet Nam” as his sermon Sun­ Bury Mrs. Briscoe’s after police arrived at the coil1 day morning, July 25. The service pie’s Tuscumbia home. She was ’be* starts at 11 a. m. He will conduct Father In Texas ing transferred from Colbert Coun; MRS. CORNELIA CRENSHAW a question and answer period Sun­ Funeral services were held Sun­ ty Hospital to a Birmingham hoe* day night at 7:30. day In Nacogdoches. Texas for R. pital when she passed. E. Curl, father of Mrs. Lonnie F, No ball was set for the hus­ At the end of the trip, the group Briscoe of Memphis. Mr. Curl band. ’ ''**’;* chose Rev. Mr. Lawson as their died July 15 at Veteran's Hospital Tuscumbia Police Chief James Housing representative at Australia to meet in Houston, Texas His late resid­ Kimbrough said his office received NEW MODERATOR CONGRATULATED-President York City. Standing between them is Mrs. Price. and talk with clergymen and inter­ ence was 917 Shawnee in Nacogdo­ a call at 10:18 p. m “We believe Hollis F. Price of LeMoyne College in Memphis, At left is Dr. John C. Mickle, personnel counselor faith organizations. Interfaith ches. • . it was the accused man .He said groups in Australia thad request­ second from left, the newly elected moderator at LeMoyne and pastor of Second Congregat’on- he had killed his wife and to come ed a representative from the team. Other than Mrs. Briscoe, he is of the United Church of Christ's General Synod, al Church, who was re-elected for a two-year over to hts house. He didn't give survived by a widow, Mrs. 0. D. Probe He spent Tuesday, Wednesday, is congratulated in Chicago by the president Of his name." REV. JAMES M. LAWSON, JR. Curl; a son, Kenneth H. Curl, and term to the executive committee of the United Thursday and Friday of last week a brother, Fred Curl of Houston. the denomination, Dr. Ben M. Herbster of New Church of Christ's budget committed. The police chief said Mrs. Calio? way had been struck on the head a number of times, lie reported Is Near that Mr. Calloway testiifed under Negro And While questioning- - that“JiM he «**•«• Mrs. Cornelia M. Crenshaw's re­ MONUMENTAL wife jrtth the hi signation July 2 as manager of, _give ________ no reason f«f< HTacUon. ?.. Mr. , and Mrs. Calloway were Dixie Homes housing prtject Wax' not brought up for discussion Mon­ alone In their home when the tn- cident occurred, the investigating day by board members of the Mem­ officer said. phis Housing Authority at their PRAISE PRICE Mrs. Calloway was a teacher at luncheon meeting. The new church Home for Monumental Baptist Church al Cherokee High School, the Negro But, tile local NAACP filed a Friends and well-wishers across the nation have been flood­ The meeting just ended in Nash­ 704 South Parkway last will be dedicated Sunday, July 25, with unit of the Colbert County system. complaint on behalf of Mrs. Cren­ ville for the Tennessee Association ing President Hollis F. Price of LeMoyne College with congratula­ ‘wo special service! at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The pastor is the Rev. shaw with Robert Weaver, head of of the New Homemakers of Ameri­ tory wires and letters since his July 1 election as moderator of the tiie Housing and Home Finance Samuel B, Kyles. ca was the last for the group as United Church of Christ's General Synod. Agency in Washington. an all - Negro unit. The organiza­ The NAACP complaint is aimed tion is eblng merged with the prev­ Coming to Memphis for the ded­ It was estimated this week that wisdom to elect you as its moder- at segregation and discrimination iously all - white Tennessee Asso­ ication are the pastor, Rev. H. R. he has received nearly 100 tele­ ator.’—President Felton G. Clark, within the Mcmphs Housing Au- ciation of the Future Homemakers Jelks, and some of the members grams and about 300 letters. Many of Southern University, Baton Rouge, thprity, said Mrs. Maxine Smli.li, of America. and choir of Mount Pleasant Bap­ the letters from northern and south­ Louisiana. executive secretary oi the civil tist Church in Chicago, III. ern cities contained newspaper The 29 - year -old Negro organi­ Cong, George Grider (D., Tenn.) rights organization. clippings of the election. "We are sure that your perform­ - W. M. Simmons, MHA executive zation met on the A. and I. camp­ Rev, Mr. Kyles "grew up" in ance in this high office will be of hailed passage of the voting rights director, is reported to have in­ us July 5-9 for its second annual Mount Pieasant which was former­ Most of Memphis' educators, the same caiibre as your perform­ bill as a long overdue measure that formed Hie NAACP and Mr. Weav­ NHA Camp and hart us one of its ly pastored by his father, Rev, J. business leaders, churchmen and ance in the field of education where should "insure once and for all the er he will welcome any type of primary objectives familiarizing H. Kyles. He was h member uf the city and county government offi­ you have made a notable contribu­ right of every citizen to vote." The Memphis Democrat !s a investigation. students and advisers with the or­ Mount Pleasant youth choir along cials sent congratulations. tion and have distinguished your­ member of the Judiciary Commit­ ' Mrs. Smith said "There Is a pat­ ganizational structures of the FHA with its present director, Philip Typical Of the letters received self. ”—J T. Brooks, The American tee and helped write the bill that tern of discrimination within the through a leadership training pro­ Gilbert, under whose direction the by Dr. Price are these: Teachers Association, Atlanta, Ga. gram. choir will render music at Monu­ "This -is indeed an impressive “It couldn’t have happened to a passed the House of Representa­ MHA." She also declared “No Ne­ MELANIE JANE Me WILLIAMS and important breakthrough.”—W. more able fellow.”—President Ad­ tives last week. groes are employed here at the mental this Sunday. The organist Planning for combining the two is William Sewell. Frederick Morrow, assistant vice rian Rondileau, State College at Congressman Grider was one oi MHA central offee." organizations has been extensive The visiting choir wll sing at president, Bank of America, New Bridgewater, Bridgewater, Mass. 22 Southerners who voted for. th» Mrs. Crenshaw resigned "because and Carolyn Porter, state NHA both services. Miss McWilliams York City. "This is a signal honor and cer­ bill. It was approved by a vote of of certain pressuers exerted” by president; Joyce Scales, Ara Jack- 333-85, after the House defeated a "May I extend my congratulations tainly mils», have been merited."— Mr. Simmons., son >'.nd Sandra Richardson, pres­ Rev. Mr. Kyles has juR returned A. T. Spaiii'ding, president, North Republican - sponsored substitute. to you on holding this high office Apparently, neither Mrs. Cren­ idents of the West, Middle and from Chicago where he conducted Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co., The bill now goes to a conference and may you combine vour back­ shaw nor the NAACP is making an East Tennessee Districts of NHA a week - long revival nt Mount Heads Integrated Durahm, N. C. to iron out differences between.the ground as an educator with your effort to have her reinstated. In respectively, have been named to Pleasant. "This is not onlv a distinct honor, versions pasted by the House and new role as a Christian leader.”— her letter of resignation, Mrs. the executive council of the F. H. A. but is both an opportunity and Senate, U.S.
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