Appendix A.1 List of Person for Interview Appendix A.1 List of Person for Interviews I. Ministry of Trade (MOT) Ardiansyah Parman Director General of Domestic Trade (DGDT) Hatanto Reksodipoetro Secretary General Suhartono Head of Planning Bureau Erfandi Tabrani Director of Goods and Service Inspection Prihata Head of Trade Data Center K Pangestuti Planning Bureau Rina Y Planning Bureau Elgetrisna Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat) Burhan Manurung Directorate of Goods and Services Inspection Jhonni Martha Directorate of Binus & PP Alexander MS Inspectorate General Joni K Manik Inspectorate General Lesman Sihombing Finance Bureau Sunarto Kafli Administration Section Pusdiklat Nur Hidayat Directorate of Export Import Facility Anita Silalahi Directorate of Consumer Protection Erwidodo Directorate of BPPP II. Directorate of Metrology (DOM) Amir Syaharuddin Sjahrial Director of Directorate of Metrology Bambang Setiadji Head of Sub-directorate of Supervision and Information Edi Syarifudin Head of Quality Guidance Section Djoni Nuzirwan Head of UTTP Testing Section Sawab Saleh Head of Measuring Unit National Standard Laboratory Office Hari Prawoko Head of Mesuring Standard and Metrological Laboratory Wahyu Hidayat Head of Measuring Instrument Testing Office Ngadi Hartono Head of Metrological Functional Manpower and Facilities Oke Nurwan Head of Sub-directorate Metrological Facility and Cooperation Hartobono G Head of Sub-directorate Metrological Human Resources Rusmin Amin Facility and Cooperation Section Novian Facility and Cooperation Section M Hendro Purnomo Facility and Cooperation Section Rifan Ardianto SKK Section Rumaksono Human Resources Section IGK Ketut Astawa Human Resources Section Usman SNSU Center Agus Permana PPK Section Arifin PPK Section Denny tresna Metrological Technique Section Priyo Syamsu Metrological Technique Section Ade Haryanto SULK Section III. Metrological Training Center (MTC) Heru Busono Director of MTC Ade Suherman Section of Administration Permadi Section of Planning and Program Deden Section of Prpomotion and Cooperation Mudjijono Section of Evaluation and Report Mohamad Prasetyo Lecturer/Widyaiswara Deddy Kurniadi Team Leader on Industrial Collaboration (ITB) IV. Legal Metrology Standarization Center (LMS Center) Makassar LMS center Soemardi Head of Makassar LMS Center Medan LMS Center Chairil Burhan Head of Medan LMS Center A1 - 1 Ahmad Misbah Staff of Medan LMS Center Haryono Staff of Medan LMS Center V. Regional Verification Office (RVO) and Industrial and Trade Bureau (Dinas) Denpasar RVO Dewa Head of Denpasar RVO Ismed Staff of Denpasar RVO Ni Wayan Kusumawathi Sub-bureau of Foreign Trade, Dinas Toni Worek Sub-bureau of Law and PR, Dinas Putu Bagiada Sub-bureau of Industry PIKM, Dinas Putu Hartini Sub-bureau of Domestic Trade, Dinas Manado RVO Alwy Pontoh Head of Manado RVO Abdullah Section of Promotion, Manado RVO Albert Paat Section of Flow and Volume, Manado RVO Petrus Agung Section of Mass and Weighting, Manado RVO Albert Pontoh Director of Dinas Rieke Tenda Vice director of Dinas Makassar RVO Bahrain Rahman Head of Makassar RVO Heri Kusmayadi Section of Mass and Balance, Makassar RVO Herry Saryanto Section of Flow, Measurement and Volume, Makassar RVO Ahmad Natsir Director of Dinas Darwin Tike Vice Director of Dinas Sahaluddin Sub-bureau of Administration, Dinas Ali Aman Sub-bureau for Small Industry and Small Trade, Dinas Hasan M Sub-bureau for Foreign Trade, Dinas Anton Mamonto Sub-bureau for domestic trade, Dinas Haerani Haeruddin Sub-bureau of BPTTL, Dinas Chairil Burhan Center for Training and Promotion Regional, P3ED Medan RVO Mahrudin Nainggolan Head of Medan RVO Fitra Kurnia Staff of Medan RVO Rustam Panjaitan Staff of Medan RVO TengkuAzwar Azis Director of Dinas Pekanbaru RVO Hasyim Abdullah Head of Pekanbaru RVO Syamsul Bahai Staff of Pekanbaru RVO Ahmad Basri Staff of Pekanbaru RVO Ruslaini Rahman Director of Dinas Fenty Yusida Sub-bureau of Administration, Dinas Arlis Sub-bureau of Industry, Dinas Padang RVO Buchori Head of Padang RVO Arkadius Section of Length and Volume, Padang RVO Syamsul Section of Mass and Balance, Padang RVO Yahya Section of Administration, Padang RVO Yenifra Director of Dinas Busharmaidi Vice Director of Dinas Banjarmasin RVO Kalbi Rubai Head of Banjarmasin RVO Husni Staff of Banjarmasin RVO Muladi Sub-bureau of Administration, Dinas Bogor RVO Bambang Suprihadi Head of Bogor RVO Agus Staff of Bogor RVO A1 - 2 Iwan Ridwan Staff of Bogor RVO Jakarta RVO Tarigan Head of Jakarta RVO Liliy Staff of Jakarta RVO Dody Staff of Jakarta RVO Yogjakarta RVO Agung Sudarmadi Head of Yogjakarta RVO Suharno Section of Mass and Balance, Yogyakarta RVO Imron Section of Flow, Length and Volume, Yogyakarta RVO Bambang Supriyo Sub-bureau of Administration, Dinas Sayidi Jauhar Sub-bureau of Program and Planning, Dinas Riyadi Ida bagus Sub-bureau of Trade, Dinas Suharto Sub-bureau of Industry, Dinas Yanto Sub-bureau of Logistic, Dinas Surabaya RVO Helmi Head of East Java Metrological Bureau Tatang Kusnadi Head of Surabaya RVO Muliyadi Head of Madiun RVO Puryadi, Head of Pamekasan RVO Sahid Mulahadi Head of Bojonegoro RVO Tumiya Head of Kediri RVO Baharudin Head of Malang RVO Any Mulyandari Metrological Instrument Section Arief Rachmansyah Brawijaya University VI. Laboratory for testing and Quality control (PPMB/BPSMB) PPMB Bambang TS Director of Goods Quality Monitoring Akhyar Rais Director of Goods Quality Inspection Sofyan R Director of Calibration Andreas Anugrah Staff of PPMB Denpasar BPSMB Ketut darta Section of Administration Indri Section of Administration Tasguna Section of Inspection Sudani Section of Quality Control Makassar BPSMB Mohammad Nadjib Head of BPSMB I Dewa Nyoman Section of inspection Muda Section of Calibration Akbar Section of Quality Control Medan BPSMB Hasmirizal Lubis Head of BPSMB VII. PDAM/PLN/BKPM regional Manado BKPM and KR Djo Tanduan Director Banjarmasin PDAM Muslih Technical Director Aji Sulaeman Technical Staff Banjarmasin PLN Ridwan Technical Divison Manager Gatot Technical Staff VIII. Other Institutions KIM-LIPI Husein Avicenna Akil Director of KIM-LIPI Dede Erawan Director of PMU-MSTQ Project A1 - 3 Suwono Section of Metrology Accoustic KAN/BSN Iman Sudarwo Director of BSN/KAN Sunarya Deputy of Application Standard and Accreditation Sunyoto First Secretary Kukuh Director of Accreditation Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Deddy Kurniadi Team Leader on Industrial Collaboration Hermawan K Diojono Head of Departemen Engineering of Physics Nugraha Electronics Materials, Departemen of Engineering Physics Bambang Sunendar Fine Ceramics, Departemen of Engineering Physics Farida Muchtady Measurement and Medical Instrumentation System Adiyanto Materials Testing, Departemen of Mechanical Engineering BAPPENAS Tb. A. Choesni Director for Trade, Investment and International Economic Cooperation Ratna Sri Marwati Deputy Director for Investment Amalia Adiningar Deputy Director for Trade Yunus Directorate for Trade, Investment and Economic Directorate General of Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Home Affair (MOHA) Suwarni Directorate of Regional Government Zainal Ahmad Directorate of Regional Government Parda Simatupang Directorate of Regional Government Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Ministry of Finance (MOF) Heru Pambudi Head of Import Section PLN / LMK Ali PLN Electricity R and D Thomas PLN Electricity R and D Eddy PLN Certification Service MIDC Muhammad Furqon Head of Poundry Division IX. Private Companies Pan Asia Pudji Harsojo Operation Manager Sri Aminah Head of Laboratory Metbelosa Danny Wurdianto QC Section Manager Takashi Aso President Director Tsuneo Arai Plant Manager Barindo Irwan Director Timbul Dewi Operation Manager Metrocom Suhari Operation Manager Musim Mas Topan Operation Manager Indodacin Halim Owner A1 - 4 Appendix A.2 List of Reference Appendix A-2 List of Referrence No Title Japaneese Directorate of Metrology (DOM) 1 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 2 Tahun 1981 tentang 法定計量に関する1981年インドネシア共和国法律第2号 Metrologi Legal 2 Penjelasan Atas Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 2 Tahun 法定計量に関する1981年インドネシア共和国法律第2号に関する 1981 tentang Metrologi Legal 解説 3 Organisasi dan Tatakerja Unit Pelaksana Teknis di Lingkungan DOM内の技術実施部の組織と業務内容 Direktorat Metrologi 4 Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan RI tentang Organisasi dan インドネシア共和国商業大臣令によるDOM内の技術実施部門の組 Tatakerja Unit Pelaksana Teknis di Lingkungan Direktorat 織と業務内容 Metrologi A2 -1 5 Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia tentang Satuan Turunan, インドネシア共和国政令による組合せ単位、追加単位、とその他の Satuan Tambahan, dan Satuan lain yang berlaku No.10 tahun 1987 有効単位 (No.10/1987) 6 Keputusan Dirjen Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Deperindag No 商工省国内貿易局局長令による法定計量の計測機器(UTTP)の技 29/DJPDN/Kp/XII/98 tentang Rincian dan Syarat-syarat Teknis 術的明細と条件(No. 29/DJPDN/Kp/X11/98) Khusus Alat-alat UTTP Metrologi Legal 7 Keputusan Dirjen Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Deperindag No 商工省国内貿易局局長令による法定計量のラボと標準機材の運営 30/DJPDN/Kep/XI/99 tentang Pedoman Pengelolaan Standar ガイダンス(No 30/DJPDN/Kep/XI/99) danLaboratorium Metrologi Legal 8 Keputusan Dirjen Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Deperindag No. 商工省国内貿易局局長令による包装商品(BDKT)監視のガイダン 31/DJPDN/Kep/XI/99 tentang Pedoman Pengawasan Barang ス (No. 31/DJPDN/Kep/XI/99) Dalam Keadaan Terbungkus (BDKT) No Title Japaneese 9 Keputusan Dirjen Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Deperindag No. 商工省国内貿易局局長令による再検定所の向上のガイダンス(No. 32/DJPDN/Kep/XI/99 tentang Pedoman Pembinaan Pos Ukur 32/DJPDN/Kep/XI/99) Ulang 10 Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian dan Perdagangan tahun 2004 2004年、商工大臣令による法定計量ラボ評価のガイダンス tentang Pedoman Penilaian Laboratorium
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