Com plete Local News Of A Population Of TIIE WEATHER 1 8 , 5 5 6 . Fair today, moderate tem­ t r r t e s * perature. .. ..-.nfl cl— m.n ai. „„ „ (21 tho Poit QfTIcf at Kl|«ahi‘th, New Jersey, u nder the Act of March I, 1871 01. XVIII, No. 924 IW I'AHLISHEI) 1021 HILLSIDE, N. J, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1942 O F F IC IA L NKWMI’APK R OK TH K T O W N SH IP O F IllLLSIO K PRICE FIVE CENTS bird Hearing On $20,000 Bail Nearly 80 Percent Seek Manual Arts Set By Judge Larger Gasoline Ration Threatened By 91 Receive Draft T or Goidt’arb 3,500 Of 4,481 Registered board, and meetings will be lield Jus Route Tuesday to decide on the grants in these Teacher Lack Ask Additional Supply cases. According to oil'ieials, most Call For July 25 Resident Accused OLAtter- lie. i'C.gLsU'.ring...,waj>^itmo..^arly and there was no last minute rush. Only Two Engaged Among in street Dropped From ing Numbers Ot Motors During the three-day gasoline Consideration, Hillside State Will Test registration period last week ap­ All Aides Thanked Six Who Taught Here Many Attend Services For From Stolen Autos plications for 4,481 basic "A" books Thanks were extended by the Dream Comes \venue To Be Heard Air UaiU Control were received, over 3,500 oi the board to the school officials and In Frevious Lear Group Inducted Here registrants, taking forms for sup­ those volunteers who took part m Monday Morning Barney Goldfarb, oi 1427 Orchard the registration lor the excellent True At Last UANCERhQUESTED terrace, was held hi $20,1)00 bail F ri­ plemental books. A stall of volun­ Becuuse of demands from the war An inspection by State defense teers has been on duty checking the manner in which they conducted industries and aimed services, a officials of Hillside’s new control day by Common Pleas Judge van their work, to the Boy Scouts lor Yesterday was moving May loi NO NEW I’ROGEDURE IN ZONING ACTION Hiper after Acung Judge Beckicy supplementary applications as to sei ious problem lias arisen here in center and how it operates will take correctness and to date, a large delivering to all retail stores pam ­ firemen oi engine companies l and Held him witnout bail, lor Grand regard to manual training instruc­ 3. and the clay was spent in moving FOR MARRIED MEN ^ a . ecmid hearing held beiore place next Wednesday evening at number have been returned because phlets on the price ceilings, and to tors m the public schools. The 8:30 p. m., it was announced yes­ Jury action in the First Precinct they have not been completely the Police Department and Walter equipment and supplies into the Town-'i iip Committee Tuesday Court,, Newark. fie was arraigned snortuge oi qualiued teachers m new $45,OOU headquarters on Holly­ Nineiy-onc Hillside men have re- . Mr junior high school terday by Hugo S. Gensel, chair­ filled out. Mi's. Marie Rohrbach, Howell who made innumerable trips uils lield was uiscussed at length Friaay beiore Judge BeeKley on to Elizabeth lor supplies. wood avenue. i,vor several month, Ft'ivt'o post cards Irom the Hillside ji lor run i, King street was elim- m an oi the Hillside Deiense Coun­ charges growing from alleged pos­ clerk at The board, stresses that uy the Board oi Education last Drillt Board notifying them to ap­ cil. every blank space must be filled About twenty-live inquiries about the men have been looking forward ieti (l„ u- possible thoroughfare session oi two stolen automobiles iinnsuay night, and li was ponu.ru to moving into the new building pear lor examination on July 25. int- nc v proposed bus route. While there will be no actual air in or the forms will not be con­ bicycles have been received by the out Unu ol the six mstruetors who the group will be sent from tiie which were said by police to have sidered. alter almost two decades m the olu iespiie the intense heat over 60 raid alarm, the inspection will be been converted ‘into taxicabs. ^oard from residents here, "but no iaiigin •during Lin past school year, i/v.aru.s office'm the Hillside Ave­ in the nature of a test and mem­ action was taken as no instructions q liar tors in the rear of tiie iiiuiu- utim.s were present, a large num- Goldxarb faces two charges of All of the schools in the town­ only two have been engaged lor the lptil building on North Broad street, nue School to the armory in Newark lr0m King street, and the latter bers of all local defense units were receiving stolen autos ana two ship except Saybrook were used for on the bicycle rationing have yet 1942-43 year wiuli apparently very where the Army physical examina­ requested by Mr. Gensel to be at the registration, and Arthur G. been received1 by the board. Ac­ which was a barn beiore being con­ ;e unanimous hi their objections charges ol possessing autos with lew others available to lure. verted m 1923, two years alter un­ tion win be given. aClueu traffic along their sti'eet. their posts. mutilated motor numbers ana failure Woocliielcl, supervising principal, cording to a bulletin received this Axliiur U. Wooalield, supervising Monday morning a service was The general public ls asked to week from tiie office oi price ad­ paid department was Organized. -.sides, inose present, two letters to report the correct numbers and was m charge ol the sixty teachers pniicipai, ui.scloxed that lie recently Work was slur feu on liie .struc­ licit! l'ur thirty men who left lor a two petitions, representing 33 pay no attention to the operations Dills oi sale to the Stale Motor and twenty other volunteers who ministration, the quota of machines sent liliy letters and application Fort Dix, the first official cere­ oi the defense units, so as not to ture. in December, and the contrac­ iers, were presented, protesting Vehicle Department. acted in the capacity of registrants. lor Union County has been cut ionns to college graduates qualilymg tors involved iiau agreed to complete mony held here lor draftees since ,aimt tiie use of King street, and hinder them or mar the efficiency- His wile, Rose, was held in $5UU Twelve "D” books, the allowance down from 752 to 188, due to a as manual training instructors and fc>epn:iy.DCT, 1940, when tire first al the test. Th$ local control sys­ building by July 1, but work 'was Diiii1' on" this pan- of the route bail gn .two charges of receiving lor motorcyclists, were ..also given- limitation on hie manufacture oi that lie did not rcyeivji y, single re­ •IMUU--iqu.-becaciMiiMnne ol U-us wOliv­ group was inducted. The program, cut'short when attorney Ells- tem is believed to operate with stolen autos and Ins brother Frank, out at the schools. One hundred bicycles. If the limitation order is sponse. Many ol these teachers largely ol a religious nature, was such efficiency that it may be used ers pur lie many ino.se engageu in irm j . oierner, representing the oi 352 Belmont avenue, iNewark, was fifty-seven applications for owners not put into effect, the bulletin have lound better paying jobs m iron aim sicci work were-needed held in the auditorium, of the Hili- company, agreed that street as an example for the entire state. also held In $500 bail as a material of trucks were received during the stated, the quota will be increased war plants, Woodlield said, ana m war prouuciion work, and bc- siue Avenue School, anu was ill aj! iii icry is not advisable as it witness. period at the office of the rationing in montlis to iollow. others have been inducted into tiie cause oi difficulties in obtaining charge ol Rev. J. Robert Cockrell, only 118 feet in width. Sterner Identified by Owner Army, and lie stressed that some some oi tiie materials, interior pastor of the First Baptist Church thai the company prefers a hummer H.8. Goldfarb was arrested last Wed­ solution must be found lor replace­ work, s sfrill” being done and lu­ and a member oi the Hillside De- uie *over either Coe or Holly - nesday uy Detective McCormack ments oi manual training in the ll n • nisiaiiaiion ol telephones, lense Council. All other churches kjci avenues. and Sergeant Duym oi the Newark Hlaygrouud Tax Collections system will have to be curtailed. aim i line poies, minor plumbing in the township were represented At the lirst hearing held a week police while he was driving a cab at May Ask Del ermenl tasks and several other small jobs. at tiie .services, which were non- Dviolisly, King street had been Mirrors War Broad aiid Commerce streets in that Exceed 41 Total Another thing entering into the four pieces -ji apparatus will be sectarian, and a clergymen oi each ^e.Vieti as a possible alternative city. The officers told the court Attendance problem is the lact that other school housed in the building including seel took some part m the service. systems pay higher salaries than .in- a.u r objections were raised An enrollment of 123 at the Hill­ that their investigation showed that An announcement this week by the department's new $11,ODD pump Mrs. WHile Speaks residents on Salem avenue, and side Summer High School has been the vehicle had been stolen from Tax Collector Arthur L.
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