EIR The special reports listed below, prepared by the EIR staff, are now available. 1. What is the Trilateral Commission? the demands being made by the International Mone­ The most complete analysis of the background, ori­ tary Fund for economic "reforms" in Mexico, and why gins, and goals of this much-talked-about organiza­ these demands are being resisted. Much information tion. Demonstrates the role of the Commission in the on Mexico's economic conditions and political fac­ Carter administration's Global 2000 and Global tions is included. $250. Futures reports on mass population reduction; in the Propaganda-2 Freemasonic scandal that collapsed 5. Who Controls Environmentalism? the Italian government in 1981; and in the Federal A history and detailed grid of the environmentalist Reserve's high interest-rate policy. Details the Com­ movement in the United States. Analyzes sources of mission's influence in the Reagan administration. In­ funding, political command structure, and future plans. cludes complete membership list. $100. $50. 2. The Global 2000 Report: Blueprint for Extinction 6. (J.S. Policy Toward Africa A scientific and political refutation of the Carter ad­ A case study of the "new" North-South policy of the ministration's Global 2000 Report. Includes a review of Reagan administration, showing how economic policy the report's contents, demonstrating that upwards of 2 toward Africa is being shaped according to the anti­ billion people will die if its recommendations are technology, zero-growth guidelines of the Carter ad­ followed; a detailed presentation of the organizations ministration's Global 2000 Report. Discusses in detail and individuals responsible for authorship of the the role being played by the AID and World Bank in im­ report; analysis of how the report's "population­ plementing this policy, under directions primarily from control" policies were applied in the Vietnam war and H�nry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and the Ford the destruction of Cambodia, EI Salvador, and Africa; Foundation. Includes profiles of the administration's analysis of environmentalist effort to "re-interpret" the top ten policy-makers for Africa. $250. Bible in line with the report. $100. 7. Kissinger's Drive to Take Over the Reagan Administration 3. The Club of Rome in the Middle East Full analysis of Henry Kissinger's attempt to consolidate A dossier on the role played by the Club of Rome in pro­ control overtheadministration for the Trilateral Commis­ moting "Islamic fundamentalism." Focusing on two or­ sion wing of the Republican Party; and the implications ganizations, the Arab Thought Forum and Islam and for U.S. foreign and domestic policy. Presents profiles of the West, both of which are intimately tied to the Club Kissinger's collaborators inside the administration, in­ of Rome, the report shows how the Club uses "Islamic cluding recent administration appointees. $250. fundamentalism" as a political tool to promote neo­ Malthusian, anti-development ideas throughout the 8. Outlook for (J.S.-Japan Economic Relations Middle East. $250. Detailed analysis of why U.S. .Japan economic frictions are likely to escalate in the coming months unless U.S. 4. Mexico After the Devaluation economic policy is changed. Features a strategic analy­ One of the most-discussed documents circulating in sis of the U.S. .Japan relationship; analysis of the five key Mexico, this report describes in detail the role played areas that friction will increase; evaluation of the by the U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker and political intent behind "Hitachi spy case"; and inter­ the Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements in views on U.S.-Japan relations with leading Reagan ad­ organizing a credit cut-off against Mexico. Describes ministration officials. $250. r---------------------------------------------------� I EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW I I I would like to receive these EIR Special Reports: Name,__________________ _ I Order Number(s)'---_____________ Title,_ _______________� I D Bill me for $ D Enclosed is _____ $ _________________, I Company -I Pleas� charge to my D VISA D Master Charge Address,________________ I Card No.________________ _ I Signature,__________ Exp. 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LaRouche, Jr. Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos Editor: Nora Hamerman Managing Editor: Susan Johnson Features Editor: Christina Nelson Huth Art Director: Martha Zoller Contributing Editors: Uwe Parpart, ' Nancy Spannaus, Christopher White From the Managing Editor SpeCial Services: Peter Ennis INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot Agriculture: Susan Brady Asia: Daniel Sneider Counterintelligence: Jeffrey Steinberg Economics: David Goldman European Economics: Laurent Murawiec Energy: William Engdahl Europe: Vivian Freyre Zoakos Ibero-America: Robyn Quijano, Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus Middle East: ThierryLalevee Military Strategy: Steven Bardwell Science and Technology: Marsha Freeman T his week's Special Report sets out to demonstrate the economic Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: benefits of developing space-based relativistic-beam technology as Rachel Douglas United States: Graham Lowry a weapons system. A LaRouche-Riemann econometric team under, INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: the direction of Economics Editor David Goldman presents the evi­ Bogota: Carlos Cota Meza dence that, as the 1960s NASA program did, such a defense effort Bonn: George Gregory, Rainer Apel Chicago: Paul Greenberg would not only produce thousands of specifictechnological spin-offs Copenhagen: Leni Thomsen for civilian application, but push the U.S. economy as a whole back Houston: Harley Schlanger, toward the high-technology capital-intensive track, and accelerate Nicholas F. Benton Los Angeles: Theodore Andromidas . progress toward the next stage of nuclear energy: cheap, clean, Mexico City: Jose.fina Menendez limitless fusion energy, which can be used to create entire new arrays Milan: Marco F anini, Stefania Sacchi Monterrey: M. Luisa de Castro of "natural resources." New Delhi: Paul Zykl!fvky The beam-weapons program, we are happy to report, has been .Paris: Katherine Kanter, Sophie Tanapura brought to Western Europe by the scientific advisers to EIR founder Rome: Leonardo Servadio Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. In Paris, Contributing Editor Uwe Stockholm: Clifford Gaddy H. EIR United Nations: Peter Ennis Parpart, research director of the Fusion Energy Foundation, gave a Washington. D.C.: Richard Cohen, presentation Dec. 14 on the subject to the. Ecole Polytechnique , Laura Chasen, Susan Kokinda France's leading scientific institute, and held meetings on beam Wiesbaden: Philip Golub, Mary Lalevee, Barbara Spahn weaponry with members of the nation's administrative and scientific Executive Intelligence Review leadership. In Rome that week, U.S. State Department operatives (ISSN 14) 02H-63 ispublishedweekly (50 issues) exceptfor tlze second had swornthat a beam-weapons forum by Dr, Jonathan Tennenbaum week of July and first week of January by New Solidarity International Press Service would be completely boycotted; instead, it drew Italian military, 58th Street, New York, N.Y. /0019 57 304 W. government, business, scientific, and media representatives. In the In Europe: Executive Intelligence Review Nachrichtenagentur GmbH. Postfach 2308. Dotzheimerstras;e 164.62 Wiesbaden. United States, university campuses are showing more signs of real Tel. (06121)44-90-31. intellectual life than at any time in the past years or so, as the Executive Directors: Anno Hellenbroich. 35 Michael Liebig potential for beam weapons-whose function is to destroy nuclear­ In Mexico: EIR. Francisco Ofas Covarrubias 54 A-3 Colonia San Rafael. Mexico DF. Tel: 592-0424. armed ballistic missiles-redefines the peace debate. Japansubscription sales: O.T.O. Research Corporation, Takeuchi Bldg .. In our National section, we call to your attention the first part of 1-34-12 Takatanobaba. Shinjuku-Ku. Tokyo 160. an expose of one of the world's dirtiest financial entities, the now­ Tel: (03)208-7821 Brazilsubscription sales: defunct American Bank Trust, and how the sweeping criminal International Knowledge Infonnation System Imp. & Rua Afonso de Freitas 125.04006 Sao Paulo Ltda. operations of its internationalcontrollers were covered up by the man Tel: (0 289-1833 II) who used to be called "Mr. Clean," Manhattan District Attorney Copyright 1982 New Solidarity International© Press-Service Robert Morgenthau. Far-reaching results are expected from these All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in pan without pennission strictly prohibited. revelations. Second-class postage paid at New York. New York and at additional mailing offices. 3 months--$125. months-$225. 1 year-$396. Single6 issue-$I 0 Academic iibrary rate: $245 per year • TIillContents Interview Economics 8 Leonaldo Montiel Ortega 4 Brazilian debt crisis The Director of Technical rattles credit markets Economic Studies of the This month two near-bankruptcies Universidad de Santa Maria of of Brazil nearly started a chain Caracas, who advises the reaction. Brazil has now signed an Venezuelan Federation of Labor, on accord with the International the aftermath of the Malvinas war Monetary Fund-which will and the need for Thero-America to
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