WEST OXFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL Town and CounTry Planning aCTs require The following To be adverTised 16/04001/HHD BurforD CoNLB ProW Cotswold 6 Shilton road Burford 16/04046/fuL fiNStoCk CoNLB finstock Village Hall Well Hill finstock 16/04027/HHD CHarLBury CoNLB ProW 5 falcon Villas Hundley Way Charlbury 16/03756/HHD BamPtoN CoNLB Lansleigh Bridge Street Bampton 16/04043/S73 EyNSHam CoNLB ProW Willowbank 4 oxford road Eynsham 16/04126/HHD WEStWELL CoNLB ProW Dower House Westwell Burford 16/04129/LBC WEStWELL LBC Dower House Westwell Burford 16/03937/HHD fiLkiNS aND BrougHtoN PoggS CoNLB the millars Cottage filkins Lechlade 16/03978/fuL EyNSHam CoNLB Windrush Court 5 thames Street Eynsham 16/03856/fuL CHarLBury CoNLB ProW 18 Sandford Park Charlbury Chipping Norton 16/04108/HHD HaNBorougH CoNLB 109 main road Long Hanborough Witney 16/04105/fuL NortH LEigH ProW Wilcote grange farm Wilcote Chipping Norton 16/04082/fuL miLtoN uNDEr WyCHWooD CoNLB milton House Cottage green Lane milton under Wychwood 16/03989/fuL BurforD CoNLB 42 oxford road Burford oxfordshire 16/03967/HHD ramSDEN CoNLB ramsden House akeman Street ramsden 16/03949/HHD StaNtoN HarCourt CoNLB ProW 47 Sutton Lane Sutton Witney 16/03950/LBC StaNtoN HarCourt LBC 47 Sutton Lane Sutton Witney 16/03971/HHD miLtoN uNDEr WyCHWooD CoNLB Stoneporch 38 High Street milton under Wychwood 16/03972/LBC miLtoN uNDEr WyCHWooD LBC Stoneporch 38 High Street milton under Wychwood 16/03763/HHD fiLkiNS aND BrougHtoN PoggS CoNLB field Cottage Broughton Poggs Lechlade 16/03960/fuL aStoN, CotE, SHifforD aND CHimNEy CoNLB Land North of Back Lane aston 16/04013/fuL WitNEy ProW 72a Woodstock road Witney oxfordshire 16/03826/HHD BamPtoN CoNLB the Deanery Church Close Bampton 16/03827/LBC BamPtoN LBC the Deanery Church Close Bampton 16/04053/HHD WoottoN CoNLB Parrotts Church Street Wootton 16/04054/LBC WoottoN LBC Parrotts Church Street Wootton 16/04165/HHD StaNtoN HarCourt CoNLB university farm House Eynsham road Sutton 16/04136/fuL LEW CoNLB morgans farm Lew Bampton 16/03969/fuL WooDStoCk CoNLB Woodstock arms 6 - 8 market Street Woodstock 16/03970/LBC WooDStoCk LBC Woodstock arms 6 - 8 market Street Woodstock 16/04128/HHD miNStEr LoVELL CoNLB the old Bakehouse old minster Lovell minster Lovell 16/04131/LBC miNStEr LoVELL LBC the old Bakehouse old minster Lovell minster Lovell 16/03912/fuL BamPtoN ProW 22 Calais Dene Bampton oxfordshire 16/03948/out HaNBorougH maJ Land West of Church road Long Hanborough Please quoTe aPPliCaTion nuMber in all CorresPondenCe or enquiries rePresenTaTions in wriTing by: 12.01.2017 CoDE kEy aDDiNf aDDitioNaL iNformatioN rECEiVED aDESC amENDED DESCriPtioN amDiNf amENDED iNformatioN rECEiVED CoNLB CoNSErVatioN arEa or LiStED BuiLDiNg - affECtiNg DEP DEParturE Eia ENViroNmENtaL imPaCt aSSESSmENt LBC LiStED BuiLDiNg CoNSENt ProW affECtS PuBLiC rigHt of Way WP WiDEr PuBLiCity applications can be viewed online at www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning or at the council offices at Elmfield, New yatt road, Witney, oX28 1PB. Comments on the applications should be made online at www.westoxon.gov.uk/planning or via e-mail to [email protected] or by post to Planning, West oxfordshire District Council, Elmfield, New yatt road, Witney, oX28 1PB. Please note your comments are not confidential and will be made public on our website..
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