Friday, October 28th, 2005 The Observer A taste of what’s to come By Matt Tetrault News Editor Starting the week of washing stations for cook- Oct. 24, students will have ing equipment, and a num- the option to stop waiting in ber of burners for catering long lines for a taste of heat- to multiple meal requests. lamp-warmed chicken bas- kets and start experiencing “This is definitely what you fresher fare thanks to a new see when you look at the din- food prep station located at ing facilities at other schools,” the rear of the dining area. said Hicks. “We’re striving to ultimately convert all our The new prep station was stations to the same format” designed and created to help reduce crowding on the cafete- Food purchased at the ria line as well as offer fresher; station will on average cost more varied dining options the same as meals purchased anywhere else in the cafete- “Our goal when creat- ria. Some of the meal choices ing the station was to pro- include stir-fries, chicken and vide students with a place shrimp dishes, grilled vegeta- where they can see a variety bles, and other grilled items. of food prepared with fresh ingredients right in front of The renovation is one of their eyes” said Linda Hicks, many ongoing school con- Director of Dining Services. struction projects designed to increase housing and dining New food line opens in the Student Center Self-sufficient from the capacity on campus. Plans are ~photo taken by Janara Digou main cafeteria line, the prep in the works for a new dining area is designed to prepare hall located across the street SNHU Goes the “Extra Mile” for Katrina different food items directly from Robert Frost Hall. Fu- in view of the student. The ture students can look forward victims kitchen area features several to even more modernized din- By Okendo Lewis Gayle the committee has attempted Wednesday, Oct. 26 in Walker refrigerated drawers for con- ing equipment and housing to find innovative and effec- Auditorium. The money raised venient ingredient storage, options as early as next fall. In the wake of the atro- tive ways to fulfill its mission. and the items collected will be cious devastation, wreaked Perhaps its most visible and sent to a community that will by the potent winds and the successful initiative so far, be selected by the committee. ruinous tidal surge of Hur- has been the selling of Hurri- Thus the efforts of SNHU will ricane Katrina in the Gulf cane Katrina relief bracelets, be focused and aimed at reach- Coast of our nation, SNHU through a contest between the ing those directly affected. has lived up to its motto and It is however the intention gone the extra mile in its at- of the committee to focus on tempt to lend aid to those in University’s clubs and or- the long term and sustained dire need of help. ganizations. (Debate Society assistance of the victims of At the won the con- Katrina’s wrath, one that will request of “Providing aid to test with 25 extend far beyond the media President Le bracelets) coverage and one that will Blanc, Sarah K-12 systems that will The seek to maintain awareness Jacobs, Co- now be overwhelmed committee ordinator of initially pur- Service and with an influx of dis- chased 500 and remind the SNHU Citizenship, placed youngsters.” bracelets and community of its civic respon- formed the was forced to sibility toward the victims. Hurricane ~SNHU President LeBlanc double the More initiatives will therefore A look at what is coming soon to the East Side apartments Katrina Re- amount due ensue but only with the help of ~photo taken by Janra Digou lief Com- to the high the entire SNHU community mittee. A committee made demand in a week’s time. In will the efforts of the commit- up of Father Bruce, student total more than 900 brace- tee succeed. So if you have any Index leaders and representatives lets were sold. Other activi- ideas or wish to contribute, SNHU News - Page 2 from all five schools, yours ties have included: New Cas- please contact Sarah Jacobs truly included, with the stated tle Hall residents’ Opening at [email protected]. Arts & Entertainment - Page 6 goal, according to the Memo Weekend fund raiser - $250 Opinion - Page 8 from President Le Blanc on was raised for the Red Cross Hurricane Katrina of Friday, Disaster Relief Fund; school Sports - Page 0 Sept. 2, of “Helping college supplies drive – hosted by the Voices and Faces - Page 2 students who now find them- School of Education. Upcom- selves without a college or ing ones will include: photo university in the year ahead” displays, clothing drive, “Make and “Providing aid to K-2 a Change” fund-raising drive Volume XIII, Issue I systems that will now be over- - spare change for hurricane whelmed with an influx of dis- relief efforts and a debate on Friday, October 28, 2005 placed youngsters.” the aftermath of Katrina or- Thus since its inception, ganized by Debate Society on Re-Established 993 2 The Observer Friday, October 28th, 2005 Letter from the Editor By Lindsay Frydryk Editor in Chief By now I hope all of you have settled into this new school year. The first two months have flown by as I expect the rest of the year will also. I can’t believe this is my senior year at SNHU. It feels like just yesterday I was moving into my two bedroom dorm room in Washington. I started on this paper three years ago as a staff writer, taking on whatever I could get. Now I’m the boss and people Dorm tripling increasing at SNHU have to report to me. If you By Tiffany Emerson take any advice from me, it During the summer equipped with enough furni- Being crammed into a room is that power is a great thing. break, many students found ture for three people, meaning, meant for two people with a very surprising message 3 desks, 3 wardrobes, 3 beds three people can be quite I want to personally from Residence Life. These and 3 Ethernet connections. overwhelming, so I’ve heard. welcome all of those read- students received a letter Another perk added on to make But, however, in some cases, ing the Observer to a new year. I hope to make a lot of changes that stated that they would the experience more bear- the three roommates survived to the paper which will attract more readers, and maybe some not be placed in a tradition- able was the promise of $325 the experience harmoniously new upcoming staff members. Matt Tetrault is back with his al double-occupancy dorm on arrival to the triple room. without as much as a problem. hilarious opinion column, as well as being the editor of the room, but into a forced triple. News & SNHU News sections. We have also added a handful So, on the very first day on All in all, the forced- of new staff this year. Benjamin Barkhouse has stepped up to As a freshmen, I had abso- campus, if there were 3 people triple dorms has had mixed become the Opinion editor. Returnee Steph Chick is now the lutely no idea what this meant. in your room, $325 was cred- reviews and feelings. Hope- hospitality editor of the A&E section, while newcomer John As I read on, the letter clearly ited to your account. The letter fully next year admissions Bergeron is the review editor. Steph Belida took on the role stated exactly what a triple was. also promised that if the school and the amount of room avail- of new editor for the Sports section. JenniferThibault is in was not fast enough and the able for on campus students charge of all the advertising throughout the paper. Janara Di- The letter contained two temporary roommate was still will have a better ratio. Now gou is our photo girl. Keep an eye out for her if you want to be different addresses with two in your room on October st, all we need is more parking. part of Voices & Faces. The new layout you all are viewing is different titles. One, titled, then your account would be completed by Andy Collins, Erin McGlashing and Allison Per- “your permanent roommate,” credited an additional $650. seille. Finally I want to welcome back Tori Nedza as a writer had the contact information of and copy editor, and our new advisor Dr. Catherine Crawley. my permanent roommate. The In a few cases one room- other set of contact informa- mate became the “third wheel” This year is off to a great start. However without the help tion to my “temporary room- and were left out and didn’t of my editors and our talented staff it, wouldn’t have been pos- mate.” The letter also went feel welcome in their own sible. I look forward to an exciting final year and giving you all on to explain the set up of the room. In other cases it was a great paper to read. Lastly, I would like to dedicate this first room. The room was to be just a matter of little space. issue to my grandfathers. They aren’t here to read the first issue, but I know they would both be proud if they could. Thank you. The Observer The Student Newspaper at Southern New Hampshire University Lindsay Frydryk -- Editor in Chief Frank Rubino -- Managing Editor Catherine Crawley -- Adviser Matt Tetrault --News Editor Benjamin Barkhouse - Opinion Editor John Bergeron -- Co-A&E Editor Stephanie Chick -- Co-A&E Editor Stephanie Belida -- Sports Editor Janara Digou -- Photo Editor Tori Nedza -- Copy Editor Jen Thibault -- Advertizing Editor Layout Editors: Andrew Collins Erin McGlashing Intro to Journalism The Southern New Hampshire University Observer is a news pub- lication produced by Southern New Hampshire University students and funded largely by the Student Government Association of the University.
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