PUTT PORTLAND... PRESS. i JUNE 18C2, 18. ~ ^ESTABLISHED 23. m. ■ PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING JULY 3? 1874. TERMS 88.00 PER ANNUM IS ADT.^P __________________ __ ________________________ — ^^——— 1HF. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS WANTS. CARDS. BOARD. MISCELLANEOUS. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _MISCELLANEOUS. PRESS, Situation THg POBl'I.AND PUBLnUINd CO., t. p. mcgowan, Wanted. Tabic Board. A YOUNG MAN, who lias had live yeaig’ or without Rooms. References required FRIDAY MOR.MMi, JULY *. 1874 At 109 Exchange in the and Our Emblem St. Portland. Catholic BY experience business, a situation as Clerk WITHAddress, “A” Daily Press Office, Importers Manufacturers Sale Country’s Bookseller, Bookbinder, or as isUnt iu a Wholesale Grocery and Provision Terms : Eight Dollars a Year in advance. Tr and dealer in Store. First-class references. Address A. PRESS jull*tf_ and mall Seven in au- Gossip Gleanings. subscribers Dollars a Year if paid OFFICE, Portland, Me. jly2dlw* Rooms Tunee. Ac. Pleasant Pictures, Articles, — — Religious from the OF Board, three minutes’ walk City Dr. 354 CONGRESS STREET, Business Men. WITHHall. References Addiess Our Noble Bird! Mary Walker and a young THE PRESS required. ! treasury MAINE-STATE YOUNG “L” Press Office. -i Under Uon»rcMS Hall. Man. a stranger in Portland, of good julltf clerk? H’m! Is it settled which is class party Is published every Thursday Morning at $2 BO a Bibles Sold on Instalments. A address, with first recommendations, de- jy2tf sires a to wear ’em ? year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. situation of some kind at ouce. W ill do any- Boarders. going Not ot and will work thing. afraid work, every A FEW gentlemen or and their wives hour for his gentlemen Lace Ladies’ of Kates op Advertising: One inch oi SASH AND BLINDS, the interest employers. Address, ix can rooms with board at spaca, DOORS, find pleasant Goods, &c., It is a law ot Mature that P. Soils, faint-hearted •ngt.li of column, constitutes a “square.” juSOdlw* “WORKER,” Portland O. jyld3t No. 7 BRACKET! STREET. &c, men should be the fruit of $i50 per square daiiy first week: 75 cents per Window Frames, Glazed Sash, Glass, luxurious cou Wdek after; three insertions, or less, $ 1 00; continu- $1,200. Partner Wanted. tries, tor wh never find that the same soil BLINDS PAINTED TO OBDEB. $1,200, To Let ing every other day after first week, 60 cents. produces delicacies and heroes.—Herodotus Halt three insertions or Rooms with board at 130 Cumberland square, less, 75 eenti; one to contractor. week. $1 00; 50 ceuts per week after. |0^“Special prices PLEASANTStreet, corner Pearl.ju29U2w* •Special Notices, one third additional. H. FRANK FARNHAH * CO., energetic, Bquare-denling young man wilh the above amount t i cash to What will an Under head ot and “Auction STREET An capital engage in a Rooms To Let. punishment outraged nation “Amusements,” 301 COMMERCIAL tlret-clars business fullv $2 00 square three manufacturing established and two or three inflict the Sales”, per per week; insertions Holyoke. Benson & Co. will Address Gentlemen and their wives upon typographical lieod who said: or jl)17d!m«ttf Oepwilo and pay. BOX 1922, less $1 50. TWO gentlemen can be accommodated with Me. single ‘'The President is oif on his ear this Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State ju27dlw*_Portland, pleasant rooms and board at 75 Free street. oc7tf special Press” has a M. PEABSON, (which large circulation in every part at the moruing for Lire Virginia of the State) for SI 00 tor Wanted Orphan Asylum. Springs.” per square first insertion, Manufacturer aiul Dealer iu To Let* and 50 cents per square for each inser- PROTESTANT Woman, to do house- subsequent general rooms. Suitable tion. A work. Apply at No. 42 Park aiternoons. BOARD, large pleasant St., for or Honest thinkers are Address ali communications to my WITH families single gentlemen. always stealing from Silver & Plated 15__tf At 52 Free then tf Xj^nsra-A-STIEIR. each other. Our PUBLISHING CO. Ware, Street.ja24*lw ZE3LA-XjXj7 minds are full of waits suit _PORTLAND Wanted. esirays which we think are our owd. Inno- Plates. &c. Board. cent Door Numbers, CAPABLE Servant to do general housework in plagiarisms turn up everywhere— Gentlemen or a Gentleman and liis Wife can COMMENCING ON BUSINESS CARDS. A a family of four, one and one-half miles from Holmes. be accommodat* d with first class Board and Milrer ipeoua made, and replating of all the city. Address Box 15o5, Portland, Me. myGti TWO kiuda doue and wurruuled. Rooms at No. 20 Brown Street. myl9dtl Old Blowhard’s The Chicago Evening Journal “The PORTLAND Bird, says, LOST mania lor shams made the Mill River Reser- 22 TEMPLE ST. ANtTfOUND. TO LEI. at 10 o’clock A. tf WEDNESDAY, July 1st, M., voir darn a cheat.” We have felt the VIACHI _ju27 _ always Watch Lost. same way about a cheat. NETWORKS TO LET ! Iron Boiler R.K. GATLEY, City Hotel and hay scales on Greeu and Engineers, Founders, BETWEENstreet, Tuesday noon, a open face continuing at 3 and 7 1-2 o’clock untill silver, Pleasant Rooms With Board, all is sold. The base ball Bakers and Blacksmiths. watch, with a gold or heavy plated chain. The find- last victim at the Olympic Stucco and er will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at nolOeodtf At 30j High St., S. S. KNIGHT. grounds “took a tty” on his nose and only MAXDFACTl'RKHS OF Plasterer, the stable of J. W. ROBINSON, lingered seven days alter. — Washington jyltf Nos. 4 and 6 Green Street. To Wil! be MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTA- Mastic W'orker, Let. offered the largest and finest as- Chronicle. RLE STEAM ENGINES. convenient Tenement, gas and Sebago wa- sortment of above Lost. ter, in House No. 1, Fore cor, Eastern goods ever offered in the Whitening, Coioiing, Whitewash* ONE St., It was probably a Detroit woman who said Agents lot K- Ball's Wood Work- SUM of MONEY. The tinder will be suitably Promenade. Inquire at the house. julltf This is rewarded at stock, from one of the that two or and Blanch- ing. Cementing, Ac. A by leaving it Smith, Morgan & ,$tate. largest tliree belts over the head with an ing Machinery, Butler's, cor. ot Market & Middle St. To Let. ard’s Patent Boiler. juid3t* and houses in axe-handle wcultl generally make her husband No. 65 Danforth St. Inquire at th importing manufacturing No. 21 Union if be hadn’t Street, HOUSEhouse or No. 9 Pine ju30dlw New and will be sold to close move, had bis dinner. 215 COnnEHCIAL STREET, CITY ADVERTISEMENTS St._ York,, their MAINE. ME. To Let. business for the season. It will of PORTLAND, PORTLAND, eonsist Oh Blowhard ! Oh Blowhard It is to the creditof on the corner of and Danforth ! Milwaukee that only FOR SALE—One New Portable Engine, 40 horse CONTRACTOR FOR CONCRETE High CITY OP PORTLAND. HOUSEStreets, in fine condition, being newly painted four men looked at a the other power, built to order. Arc. giratTe day WALKS, DRIVES, STREETS, Marshal’s 1 and papered and put inline order; lias ten rooms, apl4 ti OfsicE, without that it would be 1874. large Garden, Sebago Water, Gas and good cemented A minister that remarking nice to aprleod3m _ July 1st, } will preach and tell Cellar, and fitted for Furnace. Call on have is hereby given to all owners of Hackney Lace The j >ys of H»*av«-n. the pains of Hell, that throat—one could taste his drink J. MS. JTIATHE WS A P. HANNA, Shawls, LANE & CO., to their to Mantles, And lor to it while he lives AUSTIN, NOTICECarriages, present the Fishues, prove Carriages je27dtf No. 18 Street. Sacques, so Maishal for at his office in High Will8ell Old Clothe* long. Wholesale Dealers in First City inspection, the City too conrue for neivea. Quality on Will Fresco Painting, House Painting Building, Friday, the 10th day of July next, from To Let. run his neighbors high ami low, and Hanging. State ten to twelve o’clock a. m., and from two to live p. And always try to make a show, Dubuque wants all the poets in the coun- Paper of Maine Roofing Slate, m., and for their Licenses for the PLEASANT and convenient PARASOL Ami advertise'at such a cost receiving year. very Upper Tenet COVERS, SCARFS, At., to assemble GEO. W. ment of 5 Rooms to a And make his creditors bear the try in that on the 1st ol Order plate at W. P. Organ Manufactory, jy2dtd PARKER, City Marshal. A small, quiet family. Ren1 loss, city Hasting’s NO. 119 COMMERCIAL STREET >. O. the and Fedeial Streets. All orders $20 Address, P. BOX 1614. Deceive public through and through for one we •orner Exchange With August. Speaking poet, decline promptly attended to. PORTLAND, ME. City of Portland. ju27tt__ old style Clothes and swear they are new. the invitation. They don’t come any of C. M. LANK. C. 8. AUSTIN. B. O. An Ordinance in to Oh J. MATHEWS. S. DOItMAN. JAMES L. FOGO. relation one of all To Lei Ladies’ Suits in White Linen and Blowhard; Blowhard! what a heart, their kind* of Steam Whistle* Lawn, To nitroglycerine on ns. Residence 154 Pearl Street. illQ rllf within the lim- *eil such febl7d6m No. 90 Commercial Thomas Block. Clothes that drop apart. IIS ©i me ily of I'oninml: Street, Your Coats are but STOKEAnnlv to F. .1- ROl.T.TNS naught Mboddauess And Cotton worked into Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- 22 Street.
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