Ray Casting Architectures for Volume Visualization Harvey Ray, Hansp eter P ster , Deb orah Silver , Todd A. Co ok Abstract | Real-time visualization of large volume datasets demands high p erformance computation, pushing the stor- age, pro cessing, and data communication requirements to the limits of current technology. General purp ose paral- lel pro cessors have b een used to visualize mo derate size datasets at interactive frame rates; however, the cost and size of these sup ercomputers inhibits the widespread use for real-time visualization. This pap er surveys several sp e- cial purp ose architectures that seek to render volumes at interactive rates. These sp ecialized visualization accelera- tors have cost, p erformance, and size advantages over par- allel pro cessors. All architectures implement ray casting using parallel and pip elined hardware. Weintro duce a new metric that normalizes p erformance to compare these ar- Fig. 1. Volume dataset. chitectures. The architectures included in this survey are VOGUE, VIRIM, Array Based Ray Casting, EM-Cub e, and VIZARD II. We also discuss future applications of sp ecial ume rendering architectures that seek to achieveinteractive purp ose accelerators. volume rendering for rectilinear datasets. A survey of other metho ds used to achieve real time volume rendering is pre- I. Introduction sented in [47]. The motivation for custom volume renderers OLUME visualization is an imp ortant to ol to view is discussed in the next section. Several other custom ar- and analyze large amounts of data from various sci- V chitectures exist [1], [8], [10], [16], [17], [19], [36], [38] but enti c disciplines. It has numerous applications in areas were not presented b ecause they are either related to the such as biomedicine, geophysics, computational uid dy- architectures presented here or are not considered to be namics, nite element mo dels, and computational chem- recent. Section III presents three parallel volume render- istry. Numerical simulations and sampling devices suchas ing algorithms that are implemented by the architectures magnetic resonance imaging MRI, computed tomography in this pap er. Ma jor comp onents of a volume rendering CT, satellite imaging, and sonar are common sources of system are discussed in Section IV. Five sp ecialized vol- large 3D datasets. These datasets are generally anywhere ume rendering architectures are surveyed in Section V. A 3 3 from 128 to 1024 and may b e non-symmetric i.e., 1024 new metric is intro duced in Section VI to compare each 1024 512. architecture. A comparison of the surveyed architectures Volume rendering involves the pro jection of a volume is presented in Section VI I and a discussion is presented in dataset onto a 2D image plane. From Figure 1 we see section VI I I. Future trends for sp ecialized rendering archi- that a volume dataset is organized as a 3D arrayofvolume tectures are presented in Section IX. 1 elements, or voxels . II. Need for Custom Visualization Voxels representvarious physical characteristics, suchas Architectures density, temp erature, velo city, and pressure. Other mea- surements, such as area and volume, can b e extracted from A real-time volume rendering system is imp ortant for the the volume datasets. Volume data may contain more than following reasons [37]: 1 to visualize rapidly changing 4D ahundred million voxel values requiring a large amountof spatial-temp oral datasets, 2 for real-time exploration of storage. In Figure 1, the voxels are uniform in size and reg- 3D datasets e.g., virtual reality, 3 for interactive ma- ularly spaced on a rectilinear grid. Other typ es of volume nipulation of visualization parameters e.g., classi cation, data can b e classi ed into curvilinear grids, which can b e and 4 interactivevolume graphics [21]. As the sampling thought of as resulting from a warping of a regular grid, rates of devices b ecome faster, it will b e p ossible to gener- and unstructured grids, which consist of arbitrary shap ed ate several 3D datasets at interactive rates; real-time vol- cells. This pap er presents a survey of recent custom vol- ume rendering is required to visualize these dynamically changing datasets e.g., for 3D ultrasound [43], [45]. It Harvey Ray is a Ph.D. student at Rutgers State University, Email: is often necessary to view the dataset from continuously [email protected] changing p ositions to b etter understand the data b eing vi- Hansp eter P ster is with Mitsubishi Electric Research, Email: p s- [email protected] sualized; real-time volume rendering will enhance visual Deb orah Silver is an asso ciate professor at Rutgers State University, depth cues through motion and o cclusion as the dataset Email: [email protected] is viewed from varying p ositions. Classi cation is imp or- To dd Co ok is a research and development engineer at Improv Sys- tem Inc., Email: to [email protected] tant in correctly visualizing the dataset by con guring ob- 1 Note, the term voxel has b een used to refer to p oint samples and ject prop erties opacity, color, etc. based on voxel values; cubic volume elements. The pap ers surveyed here use b oth de nitions for illustration purp oses. Therefore, gures in this pap er will use a as necessary. p oint sample representation or a unit volume representation of a voxel classi cation is an iterative pro cess which will b ene t from this pap er implement ray casting, a common backward- real-time volume rendering; thus, scientists will be able pro jection algorithm [28]. The ray casting algorithm is ca- to interactively manipulate opacity and color mappings. pable of pro ducing high-quality images and a large degree Volume graphics is an emerging area of research that pro- of parallelism can b e exploited from the algorithm. duces synthetic datasets [21]. Volume graphics challenges In ray casting, rays are cast into the dataset. Eachray the way 3D graphics is currently implemented. Traditional originates at the viewing eye p osition, p enetrates a pixel 3D graphics use p olygonal meshes to mo del ob jects and in the image plane screen, and passes through the dataset. these meshes are scan-converted into pixels inside the frame At evenly spaced intervals along the ray, sample values bu er. Alternatively,volume graphics mo dels ob jects as a are computed using interp olation. The sample values are 3D discrete set of p oint samples voxels. These voxels mapp ed to display prop erties such as opacity and color. A comprise the 3D dataset. The dataset is rendered using lo cal gradient is combined with a lo cal illumination mo del standard volume visualization techniques. at each sample p oint to provide realistic shading of the Real-time visualization of large 3D datasets places strin- ob ject. Final pixel values are found by comp ositing color and opacity values along a ray. Comp osition mo dels the gent computational demands on mo dern workstations, es- physical re ection and absorption of light. p ecially on the memory system. Table I estimates the mem- ory bandwidth to render di erent size datasets at 30Hz. It Because of the high computational requirements of vol- is assumed that the volume rendering algorithm accesses ume rendering, the data needs to be pro cessed in a each voxel once per pro jection. The required memory pip elined and parallel manner. Parallel ray casting algo- bandwidth can not b e sustained on most mo dern worksta- rithms use one of the following pro cessing strategies: ob- tions and p ersonal computers. The dataset must be par- ject order, image order, or hybrid order [14]. This division titioned among multiple memory mo dules to achieve the describ es the manner in which a dataset is pro cessed. Fig- desired bandwidth and parallel pro cessing must b e used. ure 2 illustrates the three variations. TABLE I Estimated memory bandwidth for real-time volume rendering. Intermediate Plane Image Plane Image Plane Frame Rate Hz Memory Bandwidth Dataset Size Image Plane 3 128 16 30 120 MB/s 3 256 16 30 960 MB/s 3 512 16 30 7.5 GB/s 3 16 30 60 GB/s 1024 A) Image order B) Object order C) Hybrid order Fig. 2. Ray casting categories. Massively parallel pro cessors and multipro cessors archi- tectures [2], [4], [13], [26], [42], [50] have achieved image A dataset in Figure 2 is organized as a set of parallel generation rates up to 30Hz on mo derate sized datasets slices. Image order algorithms cast rays through the image using algorithmic optimizations; however, the cost of these plane and re-sample at lo cations along the ray Figure 2A. machines is prohibitive. In addition, the algorithmic op- They o er exibility for algorithmic optimizations, but ac- timizations are usually dataset dep endent. Custom archi- cessing the volume memory in a non-predictable manner tectures have the p otential to match or exceed the p erfor- signi cantly slows down memory p erformance. Ob ject or- mance of other interactive visualization solutions at a lower der algorithms require that the dataset be re-sampled so cost and smaller size. Performance, cost, and size b ene ts that the slices are aligned with the view direction Fig- are necessary for a desktop interactive visualization system. ure 2B. A ma jor advantage of ob ject order algorithms III. Parallel Ray Casting is that accesses to the volume memory are predictable, thereby, leading to ecient memory bandwidth utilization. Volume rendering involves the direct pro jection of the en- Hybrid order algorithms pro ject the dataset to the face of tire 3D dataset onto a 2D display.
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