DOCUMENT RESUME ED 113 319 , SP 009 554 AUTHOR Polvino, Geri, Ed. NTIT3LE Volleyball. August 1975 -Augu st 1977. INSTITUTION American Alliance for Health,Physical,Education, and Recreation, Nashiligton, D.C.National*Association for Girls and Women in Sport. PUB- FATE 75 NOTE 135p. AVAILABLE PROMAmerican Alliance for Health,PhysicalEducation,'and Recreation, 1201 Sixteenth Street,.N.W.,Washington, . v. D.C. 20036 (No price.guoted), EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 Plus 'Postage. HC NotAvailable from LOBS. D4CRIPCORS *Athletics; *Guides; PhysicalActivities; Physical Education;. RecreatiOnal Adtivitkes;*Volleyball4. *Womens Athletics IDENTIFIERS 'National Association fdr Girls and Womenin Sport . , ABSTRACT . \ . This guide is part of a seriespublished by the National Association for Girls and Womenin. Sport.,It contains 16 articles written on.various'aSpects bfvolleyball, such as (1) volleyball visualaids,(2) a volleyballbibliography,,(3) training in volleyball, (5) basic agility for volleyball, (4) key visual cues . for beginners, and 16) solvingproblems in.volleyball. It also includes official volleyball playingrules for girls and women, as well as suggestedmodificatAnsgfor younger players, clarification of rule changes for 1975-77,rule -nterpretations, questions and Answers, and an And t icial rules. There is also a section which presetts a statement of thephilosophy of the affiliated Boards, of .Officials, standards forofficials ratings, volleyball study questiots, and techniques forofficiating, volleyball. (Bp) D ****0**********************************************,**********w******** DOcuments acquired by ER Cinclude many informal unpublished * .* effort * * ma erials not availablefrom oiher sources. ERIC makes every * to btain the best copy avaflable.Nevertheless, items of marginal often encountered and this affebts thequalitT*. * neproducibility are * * of the microfiche andhardcopy reproductions ERICmakes available * via the ERIC DocumentReproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS isnot .* responsible for thequalitg oi,the originalpdocument.Reprodudtions *. * supplied by EDRS are thebest that can be malte from theoriginal.. * ***14*********************************4******************I************ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, 'EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS. DOCUMENTHAS_WEN DUCE!)EXACTLYAS RECEIVEDFR-REPROOM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT. POINTS, OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REF'RE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY * REPRODUCE THIS ',PERMISSION TOMATERIAL BYMICRO. GRANTED BY COPYRIGHTEDLY HAS BEEN RICHE jogs I...A II ea. RAT. mitraiitRGANIZATIONS 0 A V E NA TO ER AGREEMENTS WITH ING UNDER OF EDUCATION. TIONAL INSTITUTE OUTSIDE REPRODUCTION FERMIS FURTHERSYSTEM REQUIRES " THE ERIC COPYRIGHT OWNER SION OF THE SPORTS,'LIBRARY FOR .GIRLSANDWOMEN SP_ORT- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION\FORGIRLS AND WOMEN IN women; articles on Each Guide contains official:playing rules for girls and organization; bibliographies; andcertain special techniques, -teaching, aqd A section in each features related to the spertscovered in the respective books. for Girls and Women Guide present informWonabout the. National Association in Sport Ad the services ifoffers to teachers. Stock No. Next Edition Current Edition 1975 ..(243-25388) June 1973-75 Aquatics Guide .. Archery-Golf . t. .... .(243. 25532) May 1976 1974-76 July 1975 1, . Basketball Guide (243-25534) 1974-75 January1977 - Bowling-Fencing Guide (243-25672) 1975-77 June 1976 Field Hockey-Lacrosse Guide(243-25538) 1974-76 May 1975 Gymnastics Guide (243-25392) 1973-75 This Guide to., butirig ACcvitiesand 1973-15 be discontinued Winter Srts Guide, . .-(243. 25394) Soccer-Speball-Flag 1974-76 June 1976 Footballuide (243-25542) (243-4488) Jantary187¢ 1974-76 'Softball GVride. Tennis-Badminton-Squash c, 1974-76 May 1976 Guido (243. 25544) 1976 Track and Field Guide .. (243-25490) January 1974-76 June 1975 1973-75 . Volleyball Guide (243-25396) quantity lots'of same title. Orderfor Guides.will be, No returns. Discounts on from filled' with current editionsunlessotherwise, specified: All orders may be billed if on official purchaseorder form institutiogs and organizations added to and.amouot to at least $10.00. Shippingand handling charges will be Nci' C.0.0. orders. all billed orders. Postage stampsarg.not accepted as payment SCORE800KS FieldHo (243-06870),Softbatl Official Basketball(243-07186), (243-07184); Volleyball (243:07834) GAGER FROM - r . American Alliance.for HealthrPhysicalEdkcation, and Recreation Washinglon, 4).C. 20036 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W., v. .3 Volleyball AUGUST 1975 AUGUST 1977 With'Official Rules Sue Pernice, Chairperson NAGWS Sports Guides and Official Rules Committe oEditor Geri Polvino NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS lit WOMEN iN'SPQRT American Alliance for Health,- 4. Physical Education, and_Elecreation ir. to 0%pet publications Copyright © 1975 by the t3 .National Association for Girls and Women in Sport American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, andRecreation Library of congress Catalog Card No.51-1953 Publislied,by the AMERICAN ALLIANCEFOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, ANDRECREATION. p' 1201 SixteenthSt., N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 . ovvv. CONTENTS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION - FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT Sports Guides, and Official Rules Committee ' Interest Indicator ' 7 Standards in Sports for Girls and Women 8 NAGWS Volleyball Committees 9 Volleyball Rules Committee %a 10 1974 Results, MAW National Vollpyball Qhampiorishi 11 . AlAWyNatiqnal Volleyball Champions , 12 ARTICLES , . ., Basic Agility for Beginners Malcolm Earl} 15 React, ReCeive, Respond , .... .... .... Irene A.Wyckoff 1 The Method"in 4p1 ng Betty Steck Zwingraf , A Beha ior Game for yolle ball Barbara Passmore -29 Mini V lleyball, New Craze for Children 9 - 12 rLoretta T. Monaco 31, Solving Volleyball's Most - 'Persistent,Problerns ' si Donna A. Lopiano '35 Techniques for Implementing Bask . Interchaoging Strategy ? E Kay.c Hart39 o Point Position + Time = Strategy Karol Anne Kahrs 43 : The 0-6: Strategy for a Team With Limited Ability, Joanne A. Fortunato .47 To See or Not to. See? Key Visual Cues in Volleyball : Mary Ruby 53 Synthesized Statistics . , in Willeyball L. Marlene Mawson 57 , Vojleyball CrosswOrd Puzzle ... Sharon Brown 62 Training for,Volleyball PatriciaA. Eisenman 65 Alternative Scoring Method Loretta T. Mgnaco 71 Volleyball Bibliography .. .. : . ..,, ,e, . Mary E. Ridgway 75 Volleyball Audiovisual Aids Nancy'E. Kropp 77 NAGWS OFFICIATING SERVICES 79 Statement ofPhilosophy of Affiliated Boards of Offic ls 80 Standards for Officials Ratingl. 81 Volleyball Study Questions , 89 Summary of Major Changes for Prinqipies and Techniques of Officiating Volleyball . 95 Techniques of Officiating Volleyball 96 CONTENTS 3 7-7 OFFICIALRILES ( Prefaee to Rules Section 107 Clarification of Rule Changes for 1975-77 108 ,Official Volleyball Rules for Girls, and Women 111 . Suggested Modifications of Official Volleyball Rules fpr ElementaWor runior Iligil Players ',. 127 Method of Scoring Volleyball 128 4 1Dfficial Rules forCorecreation Volleyball. 130 *. Rules Interpretations Questiops and Answers 131. 137 Index to Official Rules , -J 4 NAGWS VOLLEYBALL GUIDE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORT e The National Association for Girlsand Women in SporVis a nonprofit, educational organization designed to servethe needs and interests of administrators, teachers, 'coders,and participants in sports programs for girls and women. It isis -oneoneof seven associations of the American Alliance for Health, Education, and Recreation. PURPOSE The purpose of the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport is to foster .the development of sports programsfor the enrichment of.the life of the participant.. BELIEFS - ) The National Association for Girls and Wt men,in. Sport beves that: Sports are an integral part 9f the culture in which'welive. Sports programs are a' part of the totaleducational,experience of the participant when conducted in educationalinstitutions. Opportunities for instruction and participation in sports aPpropri- ate to her skill level should be includedin the experience of every girl. ' Sports skills and sports participation arevoluat* social and recreational tools which may be used to enrich thelives of women in our society. Competition and cooperation may bedeMonstrated in all sports programs, although the typeandttensity of the competition and cooperation will vary with the degree or levelof skill of. the partiCipants. I An understanding of the relationship betweencompetition and cooperation and theutilizationof both withinthe, accepted framework of our society is one of the desirable outcomesof sports participationt Physical activity is important in the maintenanceof the general health of the participant. : °Participation in sporcontributes to the development okself- confidence and tothestablishment of desirable interpersonal relationships. FUNCTIONS The National, Association for Girls andWomen in Sport promotes desirable sports*ograms through: 6 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN INSPORT o r ti F 1: Formulating and printiOles Arid staridartts for the administrator, leader,ficial, ind.player. 2.1 Pitblishin d intbrpreting rifles governingsports for girl., and women.. 3. Providingt Means for training), evaluating, and rating officials: 4. Disseminating information on tOcoiductof girls and women's sports. 5. Stimulating, evaluating; and disseminating re$earch inthelield of girls and women's sports. 6. Cooperating
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