' tor 2. 19M rc 10 193» ?rsary ?d to Colum- jry of Ameri- in hopes that edit many It. Th e La w r e n t ia n >rn of four years Vol. 56. No. 12. Z 821 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Thursday, December, 8, 1938 s into being lv called the tigatcd crust Outstanding in fMessiah9 irst yearbook Christmas Dance Students Will Hold “Dot” Production e campus of o was made a Christmas Reunion 'e University Features Bobby In Schroeder Hotel To be Presented pon it. * whole Ariel Before these Griggs and Band Lawrence students and alumni December 12,13 vn. the staff in and around Milwaukee will Uy believing, gather for a peppy reunion at the Hotel Schroeder on Wednesday oubt that the Committee W ill Decorate Cloak Plans to Give Law­ evening, December 21. A special c the golden Cvm in Christmas rence Something New -and having dining room has been arranged for, to plan the and couples will dance to the mus­ Fashion ic of Griff Williams, popular band For Christmas ie cover, and leader whose name is known >cn just do- Bobby Griggs and his band will Although “Dot”, the Lawrence ?ep into the furnish the music for the elaborate throughout the nation. The regular charge of two dol­ theatre group's present “iron in the ie good hot All-College Christmas semi-formal lars per couple, minimum, will be fire” is fundamentally a play, it they discov- 4>n Friday night, December 16. One charged for the affair. Students arguing its of the outstanding young bands of will be interfused with numerous ith the Ariel, the country, Bobby Griggs features wishing to attend are urged to musical numbers. A quartet sing­ make reservations with either Tom ing at which •‘shaker rhythm” and three sing­ ing Christmas carols will furnish ers Bvron “Bucky” Jones, DaveGettelman or W ill Beck before discovered next Wednesday, December 14. lively entertainment between the 2 some lazv Perdue, and Ray Ziehms. Arrange­ acts when it is presented on Mon­ r.ake up for ments in the style of Richard Him- day and Tuesday, December 12 1 three vol- ber and Dick Jurgens have been Strong Named to and 13. we have the written by Benny Bentfield of As the plsfy will be executed in S up. the band. Previous engagements typical nineteenth ccntury style geln* 6f the band include the University Lawrentian Post cach character will receive a mus­ ¡n’t too con- Of Iowa and the University of Min­ MURIEL ENGELLAND TED LINSEY ical introduction. Music will also i dark mvs- nesota. During the summer they furnish the mood and background fe without a played on the R. K. O. Vaudeville Board of Control Appoints for many of the scenes. Scores i’t get anv- circuit and in the Black Hills. They are being worked out and incorpo­ ose authori- •re said to have fine voices, real Desk Editor, Ap­ Overflow Crowd Awed as rated into the play as a conse­ i sages—lib- rhythm, and beautiful waltzes in quence of the conservatory’s co­ srs of the Which Bobby Griggs himself plays proves Budget operation with the dramatic de­ rs. and even • mean sax in imitation of Wayne partment. The musicians are Don The appointment of Grace ing. King. Sehola Cantorum Presents Gerlach, Edwin Shannon, Milton Strong to the position of Law­ »resent con- The decorations committee, head­ Nelson and Edwin Wienandt. hat all you ed by June Selvy, will decorate the rentian desk editor was approv­ Quartet to Sing trait another gym in true Christmas fashion. The ed by the board of control at its Annual 'Messiah’ Concert A quartet composed of Bill olden anni- bar in the lobby will be covered meeting on Tuesday. December 6. Hogue, William Guyer, Marion if this prc- With chubby Kris Kringles. with The appointment was made upon Gerlach and Muriel Engelland will :oming un— ft few wreaths and Christmas tree« the recommendation of Henry By Elwin Wienandt ity to emphasize important words entertain theatre goers with special scattered about. A huge tree adorn­ Johnson, editor. The board also y ’ole day, Last Sunday night, before an without exaggeration made his arrangements of their favorite 0 cokes. ed with varied colored lights, with approved the Lawrentian budget audience of more than 1700 people, Christmas carols. the famous crystal ball playing on for 1938-39 as presented by John solos most convincing. His phrases Ariel Staff Dean Carl J. Waterman demon­ In addition to musical enter­ it, will stand in the center of the Riesen, business manager. were well-rounded and his tone prises on the part of the theatre l.a«*ren_ strated that it is not only tradition, {lance floor. Christmas trees on the Grace Strong is a member of was pleasant to hear. group, the unusual can be expect­ programs and on each side of the Delta Gamma and previously held but excellence of performance, 1 mm which makes the presentation of Muriel Engelland, who made her ed from the costume committee Inn «(iirr band shell will carry out the spirit the position of exchange editor. * Handel's famous Oratorio, "The second appearance as contralto headed by Betty Ann Johnson. ’lei r»n f« Still farther. She is a member of the convoca­ Such costume representations as >r a ll! Setting aside student fear, of a tions committee, French club, and Messiah”, the outstanding program soloist in the oratorio, gave a per­ of Lawrdice’s muJcal season. a kettle, a cricket, a home, and a conflict with the DePauw basket­ Gencvj club. Other positions held formance which showed a decided It is no easy task to coordinate improvement over that of last year. cradle head the list of the fantas­ ball game scheduled for the same are those of Ormsby councillor tic and will be created by this date, social chairman Stocker an­ the voiccs of 200 singers into a She sang with a smoothness and and treasurer of W. A. A. Her unanimous ensemble. Dean Water­ crew. The rest of the costumes will nounced that the game has been duties will include those of pre­ freedom which come only from a man accomplished not only this mastery of technic, and her inflec be rented from a professional cos­ changed to 4:30 o’clock that after­ paring news copy for the printers tumer in Chicago. noon. leaving the evening for the problem of ensemble singing, but tion of the key-words In the re­ S and proof reading. also introduced varieties of tone- Christmas Spirit darn«*. The budget as approved by the citatives was done with all the colour which were in keeping with maturity of a seasoned artist. There The whole play, including music, board is essentially the same as the varied choruses of the oratorio. were times, however, when she setting, action, is imbued with the that of ihe preceding year with all During the first one or two chor­ Christmas spirit and right in keep­ Lau rence Men J ote failed to give the proper amount salaries remaining the same. It is uses the singers showed a tendency of attention to the final note of a ing with this spirit is Ted Cloak, nt dramatic head. On Monday after­ as follows: For Campus Beauties to rush the tempo, but by the time phrase. Inrome they reached the third chorus they Marshall Hulbert’s performance noon, December 12, the cast w ill In Contest Next W eek Advertising $1,515.00 had settled into their i£ride and be­ was adequate in both the florid give a performance of “Dot” to an Student Activities Fee 1,580.00 gan to show how good chorus-sing­ arias and the cantilena sections. audience of 1600 Appleton school Subscriptions 50.00 children who will be guests of the Ruthellen Pelton, editor of the ing should be done. There was a Marie Truitt, however, sang with Miscellaneous 31.25 unanimity of attack and release a forced tone and often failed to school. After this, a well seasoned Ariel, recently announced that vot­ Balance from 1937-38 83.96 cast can be expected to present ing by the men will take place at which is rarely to be found in achieve the proper pitch on her amateur groups, and a variety of higher tones. Such difficulties, na themselves at the first All-College one of the convocation sessions Total $3,260.21 performance that same Monday next week to select twenty candi­ tonal gradations sufficient to meet turally, do not leave a singer much Expendlturrs all the demands of the work. It room for interpretation. evening. dates for honors in the annual Printing $2,175.00 Mr. Cloak comments, “The cast •‘beauty contest”. Those twenty was gratifying to note that the The accompaniments were play Salaries 751.25 is shaping up very well and we names will then be passed on to words were not repeated parrot- ed by LaVahn Maesch, organist, Engraving 90.00 wise, but meant something to the are highly elated over the idea of an anonymous committee of facul­ and Don Gerlach, pianist. Maintenance, Office supplies 70.00 chorus, and, consequently, were in­ giving Lawrence theatre goers ty and student members who will Postage 25.00 telligible to the audience. something distinctly different for cut the list down to twelve. This Téléphoné 65.00 Ted Linsey, whose excellent ten­ Christmas.” is a change of procedure over past Library Group Balance from 1937-38 83.96 or voice is not new to Appleton years music-lovers, sang with a fine This smaller list along with pic­ ‘Contributor’ to be Total $3,260.21 sense of dramatic quality.
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