BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Vol. 51—No. 6 Philadelphia, April 18, 1908 Price 5 Cents LATEST NEWS The Appeal of Player Ryan Dis All of the Major League Clubs Be missed Elmer Flick©s Return lieved to Have Lost More or Deferred Another Brooklyn- Less on the Training Season Nashville Deal Protested, Except the Wise "Old Roman" SPECIAL TO " SPORTING LIFE." SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." Cincinnati, O., April 14. The National New York, April 13. Now that the pre Commission has just handed down a decis liminary season is over it may be stated ion in the matter of t&e appeal of player authoritatively that all mayor league clubs John Ryan. That player with one exception lost more states that the Boston Ameri or less heavily on the South can League Club purchased ern training trips, thanks his release from the Pueblo partly to cold and rainy Club, of the Western League, weather in the alleged and that his understanding "Sunny South," and partly was that the Boston Club to the fact that spring games would have to tender him a in the South by major league contract on or before March teams have lost their novelty 1 in order to hold him, but and no longer draw well, that they did not do so. He the receipts as a rule aver states further that he re aging only a third as much ceived $150 a month for a as a year or two ago. In season of five, months in the one exhibition game in the A. Herrmann Western League, and is now southern country this spring Chas. c<,miskey asked to play a seven or the Northerners© share of the eight-month season in the Pacific Coast gate, with a lynx-eyed secretary keeping League for a very small advance. He ap an eternal gaze on the turnstile, amounted peals to tha Commission that he be declared to just $8.75. And the club that gpt this to be a free agent because he was not prop large sum was one that finished well up in erly notified in time; also that he is forced the American League race last year. Prob to play in the Pacific Coast League for only ably the only major club that managed a small increase without being consulted to clear some money on its training trip or notified. The records show that, this was the Chicago Americans. With a whoop player was purchased from the Boston and a hurrah, Comiskey went to the coast American League Club and, afterwards re and on the homeward stretch invaded towns leased to the Portland Club, of the, Pacific that never had seen a ball game. "The Old Coast League,© and a notice sent to the play Roman" missed all of the moist weather er to that effect in care of the Pueblo Club. that last spring attached itself to the Giants, The evidence further shows, in fact the play and was favored on the homeward trip er admits, that he received $150 a month by grand climatic conditions. In the alfalfa for a season of five months in the Western districts, which the Giants saw from the League, and has been tendered a contract windows of their sleepers, the Half-Hose, this year by the Portland Club on Feb as the White Sox No. 2 were termed, got on ruary 25 for $250 monthly for the season. an average of $350 a day. Once the second- As the Portland Club and the Pueblo Club raters of the Comiskey squad played in a belong to the same class, the player has WILLIAM BAILEY village in Arizona where there were no absolutely no complaint, and his appeal is, grounds and by passing the hat got $360. therefore, dismissed. Pitcher of the St. Louis American League Club. Their trip, pure and simple, was an out-of- William Bailey, the young pitcher who made a successful major league debut last fall with the St. the-coin affair, the Half-Hose going out and WESTERN HOPES. Louis American League Club, was born at Fort Smith, Ark., April 12, 1889. In his youth he removed getting the money while the real pla- -s to Houston, Texas, where he still makes his home. In the Lone Star State he learned to play ball. got the practice. His career has been short and brilliant. After pitching for independent teams for several years he Planning For the Much-Desired Eight-Club marie his professional debut with the Austin Club, of the Texas League, in 190B. He did such clever work that he was reserved for 1907. In that season his development continued and at such a pace that HARRASSING CHRIS. Circuit Next Year. he was considered the star pitcher of the Texas League, and in August he was purchased by the St. Louis Club. He joined the Browns in September and made such a good showing that he was re Bpecial to "Sporting Life." engaged for 1908. Creditors Seeking to Attach the Proceeds Denver, Col., April 14. "Within another year,©© said President Richard Burke, of the of the Benefit Game. Denver Club, to-day, "we hope to have eight at home every Saturday during the season. BYRNES' CASE. Special to "Sporting Life." clubs in the Western League circuit. There There are eight conflicting dates in Wash St. Louis, Mb., April 13. It developed is good reason to believe that we will be ington, six in Baltimore, seven in Wilniing- Now Being Considered By the Commission Saturday that Chris Von der Ahe, who re able to get either Wichita and Topeka or ton and eight in Brooklyn. This makes the cently entered voluntary bankruptcy, is not Kansas City and St. Joseph next season. total number of conflicts 120, of which 71 On Appeal. clear of the court proceedings and that his The two former are the more preferable, will be in Philadelphia 44 with the Ath Special to "Sporting Life." creditors may attempt to levy on the re but there must be some tall hustling done letics and 27 with the Phillies. ceipts of the Von der Ahe benefit Browns- with the National Association of Minor Louisville, Ky., April 14. The case of Cardinals game of Thursday. Charles C. Leagues. It©s a case of political wire-pull FLICK©S VACATION. James J. Byrnes, Louisville catcher, has Spink, of the committee in charge of the ing and we look to Tip O©Neill more than been put before the National Commission. Byrnes was released outright last year by fund for Chris, said to-day: "The money any one else to swing the deal for us. The Will Not in All Probability Be Over Until Rochester and after playing in the outlaw hasn©t been turned over to Chris yet and Wichita and Topeka club owners are an California State League, signed a non-re is not subject to any court orders until it xious to come into the fold of the Western the Middle of May. serve contract with the Portland Club, of is. We probably will administer the -fund League, but the other clubs in the league in a committee, investing it to the best ad and other minor leagues won©t let them. Special to "Sporting Life." the Pacific Coast League. After the sea vantage so that Chris can derive the income If we begin working now looking to the son was over, he was signed by Louisville. Cleveland, O., April 14. The Cleveland Portland has claimed him and the National without actually receiving control of the annexation of Wichita and Topeka I think Club may be without the services of Elmer Association has sustained that club on the principal. We have not yet made up a re the deal will go through successfully. Flick for the first month of the champion grounds that non-reserve contracts have port of the receipts, as the fund is still open, ship season. Such is the tone of a letter been abolished. It appears that Byrnes is but we expect it will run over $5,000." OUTLAW UNION. received by President Kilfoyl from the star innocent in the matter and was promised right fielder. Elmer writes that it may be Mrs. Cantillon©s Good Sense. that long, while he is sure he will not be outright release by Portland. Has an Initial 140-Game Schedule With able to get into the game for two or three Mrs. Joseph Cantillon, wife of the famed 120 Conflicts in It. weeks anyway. As long as Hinchinan con ANOTHER APPEAL. Washington manager, takes little interest tinues to hit the ball as he is now, the loss in the game, and seldom or never goes. Special to "Sporting Life." will not be so great in a batting way, but Springfield Wants Pitcher Hess Back She used to occupy a grand stand seat once Baltimore, Md., April 14. The champion of course none of the regulars can compare in a while when Joe . was an umpire, but ship schedule of the Union League, as an with the Bedford man on the bases. Prom Brooklyn. she never learned the ins and outs of the nounced by President Lawson is a 140-game Special to "Sporting Life." pastime like so many strenuous women affair. The season opens April 25 and Toronto Club Releases. rooters. The manager says she knows all closes September 19. In Philadelphia there Springfield, Mass., April 14. In the be he wants her to know. Maybe he is wise, will be a conflict every day with either the The Toronto Club, of the Eastern League, has lief that the Brooklyn and Nashville Clubs for more than one supper has been spoiled American or National Leagues, and in Read released Hughie Jennings, shortstop, to the Madison have violated base ball law by the method by hubby and wife fussing about how a Club, of the Wisconsin League, and Eddie Randolph, in which Pitcher Jack Hess was obtained play should have been scored- Washington ing there are twenty conflicting dates be- outfielder, to the Holyoke Club, of the Connecticut "Post." eause the Union League club there will be League.
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