— n" —v*y • acting is (FMelegate, made a motion When Alabama was called Col. P. t TTCpTTC PlfOTfTR TOO Awarded t Pntevita tanned. for the appointment of a committee to Bowman mounted the platform ana ; lillilli UlulVU, l\J\J List of patents issued last ^tf6ek fo» BftYAN IS CHOSEN placed In nomination Barney Glbbs of j highest Honors—WorRps Fair, Northwestern inventors: confer with the committee from the Francis M. Dean, Huron, S. D., putt*- n silver men. There were many loud Texas. Before he entered upon his , ,, ..„,,. mxvuxvi(\v x<\\\] matle track sander; Otis M. Kirlln, cries of "No," and Mr. Branch of Geor­ •peecb, however, tho convention do, lnh MLVhR lOMhMlUr* MNH- argo, N. D., vehicle brake; Obled D. DEMO RATIO NOMINEE IS NOMINAT­ gia moved to table the motion. The clded to take a recess of an hour *»'V>^ XVTKtf BRYAN AND SKWALL noes seemed to be in a large majority, Relsluger, St. Paul, Minn., sashholderj ED IJY THE POPULISTS. and the morion to mhlo was declared a half. N t John IJ. Itossnian, St. Paul, Minn., lost. Senator Butler's motion WHS car­ When the convention reassembled concentrator and amalgamator; Chnrles ried with a loud chorus of ayes and Chairman Allen Introduced Judge Jef- ! The Men Selected for President nail J. Swiuistroin, Deadwood, S. D.p cur­ He Ilecclvea Over n Thousand Vote» tain holder; Edward A. Thiem, St. great cheering. ferson Pollard of Missouri, who read}'»• Vlcc rpe«iueiit »»- the Democrat- on the First B:illot to USt tor Mr. Paul, Minn., adjustable wheel gauget A Tennessee delegate offered a reso­ tho platform of the silver convention^ V . Hjalmar Zahl. Duluth, Minn., fastener Norton—Ignntlna Donnelly Se- lution declaring that free and unlimit­ and a message about tho nomination of | Io convention Deeome the inaui- for shoe laces; Chrlstensen & Hender* ed coinage was paramount, and direct­ Part}—The One-Plank Platform cnrei One Vote, Coxey One and ing the conference committee to take Bryan and Sewall, all of which was re- j moan Nominees ot the silver ton, Madelia, Minn, (trade mark>, In Adopted. wheat flour; Frank A. Schnorr, Ashtou, Dcl>» Eight—Complete Report ot steps to bring it about. The resolution S. D. (trade mark), lubricating oils. T. the Proceedings. went to the conference committee. The D. Merwin, patent lawyer, 010, 011 and committee on rules then made its re­ Chairman St. John called tho silver 012 Pioneer Press Building,- fit. PauL port. - Little interest was manifested convention to order Friday. Kev. Dr. Minn.; St. Louis, July l!2.—Tbe national con­ in It. and before the convention had L. W. Covert led in prayer.-alter acted upon it hale Pence moved an ad­ which G. W. Baker of California took vention of the People's party was call­ Hotter Method. ed to order by Chairman Tauheneck, journment until 10 o'clock to-morrow the floor. He said the People's party morning. convention had appointed a confer­ She—I think Mr. Belasco made a of the executive committee, shortly MOST PERFECT MADE. mistake in dragging Mrs. Carte* after 12 o'clock to-day. ence committee, and moved that the The first regular order of business invention defer action ou the plat­ A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free around by her hair to teach her the ltev. W. L. Smith of St. Louis opened at the morning session Fridaj was the form and postpone the nomination of a robustness of acting. roceedinj;s by invoking the divine from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. He—What would have been a betf<>r g reading of the minority report of the ticket until after r. ion. The uiotion AO YFARS THE STANDARD. lessins:. committee on rules. It recommended, j, prevailed. method S Chairman Taubeueck introduced Gov. She—He should have put her on a a change in the order of making nomi­ j After a number of delegates had Principal Vnlar. r.-r.~ nations, so as to make the nomination : fipoken on the silver question, Senator Teacher—Tell me, Johnnie, what Is bicycle and let her fall off.—Buffale of vice president. There was some jl Stewart-of Nevada -.wis called for and the principal value of history. Times. parliamentary squabbling, Eltweed "jf responded with a short speech. Johnnie Chaftle—One dollar. Pomeroy of Newark, N. J., chairman Under a resolution adopted yester- Teacher—One dollar? Etiquette. of the committee on rules, took the l day, the roll of states was called to Johnnie Charlie—Yes; you get the Mr. Dun (unpaid bill in his hand)— stage and explained at length the con­ find out how many old soldiers oecu- history from the book Btoro for $2 a When shall I call again, Mr. Owens? :A flict between the majority and minor­ Senator William Vincent Allen «' ) pled seats as delegates. The poll copy, and make us boys pay $3 for Mr. Owens—Well, It would hardly be •1 ity of the committee. Nebrnnlca. ^ showed 11)0 Union veterans, 18 Oonfed- them.—Texas Sittings. proper for you to call again until 1 Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota pro­ ferred to the committee on resolutions*' have returned the present call.—Cleve­ tested against the proposition reported Nominations were then called for, if A Veil of Mi«t land Leader. from the committee on rules to allow but the convention experienced a good Rising at morning or evening from pome the candidate to select' the national deal of difficulty In getting under way, lowlands, often carries In its folds .the Personal. chairman. owing to the ruling made by the chali f seeds of malaria. Where malarial fever ANY ONE who has been benefited by the I E. Gerry!Brown of Massachusetts When the parliamentary situation bat - prevail no one is safe, uniffe protected use of Dr. Williams' l'lnk Pills, will re­ defended tfie minority. He pleaded been straightened out, Col. Bow mat! by some eltlcient medicinal snfivuaru. Hos- ceive Information of much value and in­ with the majority in pathetic tones to who was taken off the floor by the a<J tetter's stomach BLtters is both a protec­ terest by willing to Pink Pills, P. (\ Boa tion and a remedy. No per.-->n who In­ 1503 Philadelphia, Pa. concede this much to the Southern journment of the convention in th* habits, or soujonrns In ft niia»miuto region states an rfche minority of the con­ afternoon .again took the stage and or country, should omit to..t^A>>oure this vention. placed In nomination ConyressmoA fortifying agent, which Is OJNO the flnost TJic Explanation. George jbott of Nebraska appealed Harry Skinner of North Carolina. known remedy for dyspepsia,j^oiiUJpatlou, She f-Why, do j-cti think Hawthorne to the ?ntion not to change tho Congressman Howard of Ahihan' kidney trouble and rucuuitttiH*%^ calledMiis story "The Scarkt Letter'/" ; regular of business. placed Hon. Thomas E. Watson U He (absent-miadedi - He pi-Mably; ,i****w SESATOR MAHlOtf BUTXER. Tom Pat frson of Colorado followed nomination. Way the Wind* H*.l. wanted It read.—Washington Times. I The Temporary Chairman. with a stron? speech against the J. K. Sovereign of Arkansas seconde "now the winds howl to-night," said : Stone of Missouri, who made a short adoption of the minority report. Watson's nomination, as did also Don* the melancholy boarder; The average duration of human life U address of welcome. Senator Butler of North Carolina nelly of Minnesota, Johnson of Call • "I shouldn't wonder if it had the thirty-three years. Ignatius Donnelly of Minnesota re­ moved that the national committee se­ fornia and several others. toothache," suggested Mr. Asbury Pep­ sponded to Gov. Stone's speech. Mr. lect its own chairman instead of the Lafe Penu of New York nominate pers, The talklngs of London theaters an4 Donnelly spoke gracefully, paying a nominee doing it. and his motion was Sewall. "Toothache:" music hulls exceed 57,000,000 p«r annum. high compliment to St. Louis and elo­ carried without division. The conven­ Gore of Mississippi nominated Bur- "Yes. Have you uevjr heard of the quently describing the majestic Mis­ tion dragged on very elowly. It was kitt teeth of the galeV'-Clncluiiati^ En­ sissippi and the vast country tributary not until the action relative to the or­ A. L. Minims of Tennessee was nom­ WILLIAM P. ST. JOIW. quirer. to it. der In-which presidential and vice- inatearedu boy v^apiCapt. ouiuuuiuBurukam.. , erateratee veterans and 4 Mexican war presidential cana'datcs should be JP In introducing Senator Butler, as Marion Page of Virginia was nom rans. How to Grow 40o "Wlieiit. Poor temporary ch.iirman, Mr. Taubeneck inated by Baliman of Maine. voteAdjourner d until afternoon. Salter's Fall Seed Catalogue tells 6aid that Mr. Butler had been selected Watson Nomlnuted, Chairman St. John rapped for order you. It's worth thousands to the wide­ by the national committee without a At midnight, just as the roll wa and Introduced the Rev: Mr. Hagerty, awake farmer. Send 4-cent stamp for PilgarlicJ about to begin, Gen. Weaver of Iowa dissenting vote. who made the opening prayer at the catalogue and free samples of grains ' Senator Butler was received with appeared at the front of the platform., afternoon session. At the conclusion and grasses for fall sowing, .lohu A. there is no need for you hearty applause, and delivered a He called attention to the lateness of of the invocation G. W. Baker was Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. speech, thanking the convention for the hour aud advised a night's media*, called upon for a report from the con­ to contemplate a wig tion.
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