The Making of the BLANK PAGE The Making of the Magdalen PREACHING AND POPULAR DEVOTION IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES Katherine Ludwin Jans en PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY COPYRIGHT © 2000 BY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PUBLISHED BY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS, 41 WILLIAM STREET, PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 08540 IN THE UNITED KINGDOM: PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS, 3 MARKET PLACE, WOODSTOCK, OXFORDSHIRE 0X20 1SY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SECOND PRINTING, AND FIRST PAPERBACK PRINTING, 2001 PAPERBACK ISBN 0-691-08987-6 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HAS CATALOGED THE CLOTH EDITION OF THIS BOOK AS FOLLOWS JANSEN, KATHERINE LUDWIG. THE MAKING OF THE MAGDALEN : PREACHING AND POPULAR DEVOTION IN THE LATER MIDDLE AGES / KATHERINE LUDWIG JANSEN. P. CM. INCLUDES BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES AND INDEX. ISBN 0-691-05850-4 (ALK. PAPER) 1. MARY MAGDALENE, SAINT—CULT—ITALY—HISTORY—MIDDLE AGES, 600-1500. 2. MARY MAGDALENE, SAINT—CULT—FRANCE—PROVENCE—HISTORY—MIDDLE AGES, 600-1500. 3. SPIRITUAL LIFE—HISTORY OF DOCTRINES—MIDDLE AGES, 600-1500. 4. PREACHING—ITALY—HISTORY—MIDDLE AGES, 600-1500. 5. PREACHING—FRANCE—PROVENCE—HISTORY—MIDDLE AGES, 600-1500. 6. CHRISTIAN HAGIOGRAPHY—HISTORY AND CRITICISM. 7. WOMEN IN CHRISTIANITY—ITALY—HISTORY—TO 1500. 8. WOMEN IN CHRISTIANITY—FRANCE—PROVENCE—HISTORY—TO 1500. 9. ITALY—CHURCH HISTORY—475-1400. 10. ITALY—CHURCH HISTORY—15TH CENTURY. 11. PROVENCE (FRANCE)—CHURCH HISTORY. I. TITLE. BS2485.J36 1999 274'.05 21—dc21 99-045174 BRITISH LIBRARY CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA IS AVAILABLE THIS BOOK HAS BEEN COMPOSED IN GALLIARD PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER, oo WWW.PUP.PRINCETON.EDU PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 3 5 7 9 10 8 d 4 Contents ILLUSTRATIONS vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xi ABBREVIATIONS XV A NOTE ON TRANSCRIPTION, TRANSLATION, amd NAMES xvii Introduction 3 ONE "In Memory of Her": From History to Legend 18 PART Is THE MENDICANT MAGDALEN TWO The Vita Apostolica 49 THREE The Vita Activa 100 The Vita ContemplativFOUR a 116 PART II: THE WAGES OF SIN FIVE "Vanity of Vanities, All Is Vanity" 145 SIX "There Was a Sinner in the City" 168 PART III: DO PENANCE SEVEN The Exemplar of Perfect Penance 199 vi CONTENTS PART IV: RESPONSES EIGHT Responses to the Scriptural Saint 247 NINE Responses to the Legendary Saint 265 TEN In the Shadow of the Virgin 286 ELEVEN The House of Anjou: A Royal Response 307 "In Memory of Her":EPILOGU From LegenE d to History 333 BIBLIOGRAPHT OF WORKS CITED 337 Unpublished Primary Sources 337 Published Primary Sources 339 Secondary Sources 348 INDEX 371 List of Illustrations Figure I. Apostolorum Apostola. Psalter of St. Albans, Hildesheim: Dom- bibliothek, MS St. God. 1 (Property of St. Godehard, Hildesheim). Photo reproduced by permission of Dombibliothek, Hildesheim. 64 Figure 2. Mary Magdalen Preaches in a Pulpit. Fresco attributed to Pietro da Milano, Church of Sant'Antonio di Ranverso, Buttigliera Alta (Pied- mont). Photo by the author. 68 Figure 3. Mary Magdalen Preaches in a Pulpit. Francesco Laurana, Lazarus Altar, Church of La Vieille Major, Marseilles. Photo: Herziana, from Carla Ricci, Maria di Magdala e le molte altre: Donne sul cammino di Gesu (Naples, 1991). 69 Figure 4. German Ecclesiastical Vestment Embroidered with Scenes from the Life of Mary Magdalen. St. Annen Museum/Museum fur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte der Hansestadt, Liibeck. Photo: Herziana, from Der Danziger Paramentenschatz: kirchliche Gewcinder und Stickereien aus der Marienkirche (Berlin, 1932). 70 Figure 5. Mary Magdalen Preaches to the Jews. Detail of Fig. 4. 71 Figure 6. Mary Magdalen Blesses the Pagans of Marseilles. Fresco from Cappella della Maddalena, Church of S. Domenico, Spoleto. Photo: Hutzel Collection, reproduced by permission of the Getty Research Institute, Research Library 72 Figure 7. Mary Magdalen Wearing the Triple Crown. MS Add. 15682, fol. 144r. The British Library, London. Photo reproduced by permission of The British Library. 75 Figure 8. Mary Magdalen, Catherine of Alexandria, and Dominican Saints flank the Virgin and Child. Polyp tych by Simone Martini (ex Con- vento di S. Caterina), Museo Nazionale di S. Matteo, Pisa. Photo by the author. 76 Figure 9. Destruction of the Idols in Marseilles. Leggendario Ungherese, MS Vat. lat. 8541, fol. 103v. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano. Photo reproduced by permission of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. 78 Figure 10. Destruction of the Idols in Marseilles. Fresco by Lombard Mas- ter, Palazzo della Ragione, Bergamo (ex Disciplinati Church of S. Maria Maddalena). Photo by the author. 79 viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 11. Mary Magdalen, Martha, and Lazarus Distribute Their Worldly Goods to the Needy. Fresco by Giovanni and Battista Baschenis de Averaiia in the Church of S. Maria Maddalena, Cusiano (prov. Trentino). Photo reproduced by permission of the Fototeca del Servizio Beni Cul- turali della Provincia Autonoma di Trento. Figure 12. Bishop Teobaldo Pontano and Bishop Rufino. Fresco attributed to School of Giotto from the Cappella della Maddalena, Lower Church of the Basilica of S. Francesco, Assisi. Photo: Anderson, reproduced by permission of Alinari/Art Resource, N.Y. Figure 13. Friar Teobaldo Pontano and Mary Magdalen. Fresco attrib- uted to School of Giotto from the Cappella della Maddalena, Lower Church of the Basilica of S. Francesco, Assisi. Photo: Anderson, repro- duced by permission of Alinari/Art Resource, N.Y. Figure 14. Saint Francis and Mary Magdalen beneath the Cross. Panel painting, School of Rimini, Vatican Museums, Pinacoteca. Photo repro- duced by permission of the Musei Vaticani. Figure 15. Mary Magdalen and Beata beneath the Cross. Panel painting by Jacopo di Paolo, Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery, Nashville. Photo reproduced by permission of the Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery. Figure 16. Mary Magdalen at Christ's Feet. Detail of painted crucifix by Sienese Master, Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence. Photo reproduced by permission of the Soprintendenza per i beni artistici e storici delle provin- cie di Firenze e Pistoia. Figure 17. Saint Francis at Christ's Feet. Detail of painted crucifix attrib- uted to Margarito d'Arezzo, Basilica of S. Francesco, Arezzo. Photo by the author. Figure 18. The Mixed Life: Mary Magdalen with Book and Vase. Panel Painting attributed to Antonio Veneziano, Vatican Museums, Pinacoteca. Photo reproduced by permission of the Musei Vaticani. Figure 19. The Desert Saint in her Grotto. Fresco by Pietro Cavallini, Brancaccio Chapel, Church of S. Domenico Maggiore, Naples. Photo re- produced by permission of I.C.C.D., Rome. Figure 20. Angelic Levitation. Fresco from Cappella della Maddalena, Church of S. Domenico, Spoleto. Photo: Hutzel Collection, reproduced by permission of the Getty Research Institute, Research Library. Figure 21. Angelic Levitation. MS Add. 15682, fol. 105r, British Library, London. Photo reproduced by permission of The British Library. Figure 22. Madonna and Saints. Panel Painting by Giuliano da Rimini, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston. Photo reproduced by per- mission of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Figure 23. Saint Francis at La Verna. Detail of Fig. 22. Figure 24. Mary Magdalen at La Sainte-Baume. Detail of Fig. 22. viii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 25. Vanity: The Pre-Conversion Magdalen. Fresco from the Church of S. Maria Maddalena, Bolzano. Photo by the author. 161 Figure 26. Vanity: The Pre-Conversion Magdalen. Fresco by Giovanni and Battista Baschenis de Averaria in the Church of S. Maria Maddalena, Cu- siano (prov. Trentino). Photo reproduced by permission of the Fototeca del Servizio Beni Culturali della Provincia Autonoma di Trento. 162 Figure 27. The Symbol of Vanity. Detail of Fig. 4. 163 Figure 28. Mary Magdalen Attends Christ's Preaching. Predella, Pala delle Convertite, Sandro Botticelli, ex Convent Church of Sant'Elisabetta, Florence. John G. Johnson Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Photo reproduced by permission of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 185 Figure 29. Conversion of Mary Magdalen. Predella, Pala delle Convertite, Sandro Botticelli, ex Convent Church of Sant'Elisabetta, Florence. John G. Johnson Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Photo reproduced by permission of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 187 Figure 30. Noli me tangere. Predella, Pala delle Convertite, Sandro Bot- ticelli, ex Convent Church of Sant'Elisabetta, Florence. John G. Johnson Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Photo reproduced by permis- sion of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 188 Figure 31. Saint Peter Receives the Pilgrim from Marseilles at the Papal Court. Fresco from Church of S. Maria, Pontresina (Engadine). Photo: Foto Flury. 190 Figure 32. Angelic Levitation and Final Communion. Predella, Pala delle Convertite, Sandro Botticelli, ex Convent Church of Sant'Elisabetta, Flo- rence. John G. Johnson Collection, Philadelphia Museum of Art. Photo reproduced by permission of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. 192 Figure 33. Mystic Crucifixion. Panel painting, Sandro Botticelli. Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge, MA. Photo reproduced by permission of the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museums. 195 Figure 34. Confession Miracle. Leggendario UnghereseMS Vat. lat. 8541, fol. 104r, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano. Photo re- produced by permission of Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. 219 Figure 35. Confession Miracle. Leggendario TJngherese MS Vat. lat. 8541, fol. 104r, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Citta del Vaticano. Photo re- produced by permission of Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. 220 Figure 36. Confession Miracle.
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