Permafrost, Phillips, Springman & Arenson (eds) © 2003 Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, ISBN 90 5809 582 7 Towards an Antarctic active layer and permafrost monitoring network M. Guglielmin ArpaLombardia, Milan, Italy M. Balks Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand R. Paetzold Natural Resource Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA ABSTRACT: This paper is the first step to create a coordinated program for active layer monitoring in Antarctica as instigated by several international panels and programs (GCOS, IGBP). Actually 7 sites located along a latitu- dinal transect in Victoria Land between 77°55ЈS and 74°26ЈS are monitored. At all the sites ground temperatures at depths to 7.8 m and some climatic parameters (e.g. air temperature, incoming radiation), are all year round recorded using dataloggers. The climatic significance of GST in four selected sites (Scott Base, Bull Pass, Boulder Clay and Simpson Crags) is illustrated. The active layer thickness shows a large variability both in space and in time. The southern sites show an active layer thicker (ranging between 22 and 55 cm) than the northern ones (17–39 cm) despite of a warmer GST in the last. This difference can be explained with the higher ice content of the northern sites. 1 INTRODUCTION the main research stations. All the sites were chosen following pedological, geophysical and/or geomor- The thermal state of the active layer and permafrost phological study (Guglielmin et al., 1997a). The sites are key indicators of climate change within the cryo- of Mount Keinath and Oasi are both located on granitic sphere and several international panels and programs outcrops and differ from the other sites, which are char- (GCOS, IGBP, GTN-P) endeavour to monitor these acterized by till deposits. CALM grids of 100 m (121 parameters. The IPA has instigated the Circumpolar measurements points) at Boulder Clay and Simpson Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) program that, until Crags were established in 1998 to monitor the active now, has mainly developed in the Arctic. This paper is layer thickness. Permafrost is continuous in all the the first step to create a coordinated program for sites with a thickness of several hundred meters and a active layer monitoring in Antarctica. Also the impor- ZAA (zero annual amplitude) approximately around tant biological project “Regional Sensitivity to Climate 11 m at Boulder Clay (French and Guglielmin, 2000). Change in Antarctic Terrestrial and Limnetic Ecosys- The ice content within the permafrost is variable. In the tems” (RiSCC) looks forward to integrating its bio- Northern Victoria Land the ice-free areas are mainly logical data with the abiotic data of this project. characterized by massive ice bodies of different ori- In this paper we present the results of the first years gins (Gragnani et al., 1998; Guglielmin et al., 2001) of active layer and near permafrost thermal monitoring. such as at the sites of Boulder Clay and Simpson Crags We also illustrate the methodologic problems related to or ice-rich and ice-bonded permafrost along the raised the active layer monitoring that occurs in Antarctica. beaches and within the older till. The gravimetric moisture content of the active layer of soils in Southern Victoria Land is typically between 2 STUDY AREAS 1 and 10% (Campbell et al., 1994, 1997). There is some seasonal variability at sites where snow-melt has been The study sites are all located in Victoria Land shown to result in an increase in soil moisture content (Antarctica) between 77°50ЈS and 74°44ЈS at altitudes to values of up to 15% for short periods (up to 14 days, ranging from 38 to 1100 m a.s.l. The sites include a Campbell et al., 1997). Within the underlying per- range of geographical, geomorphological, geological mafrost in coastal areas, moisture contents are variable and pedological characteristics (Table 1). The choice ranging from lenses of ice (100% moisture), to mois- of the sites was influenced by the availability of logis- ture contents of Ͻ10%, with an average of about tical facilities with Scott Base, Boulder Clay and Oasi 40% (Campbell et al., 1998). In dry inland areas, such adjacent to New Zealand, or Italian Antarctic stations. as the Wright Valley, soil moisture contents, in both The Marble Point, Bull Pass, Mount Keinath and the permafrost and the active layer, are generally less Simpson Crags sites are accessible by helicopter from than 10%. 337 Table 1. Geographical, geomorphological, geological and pedological characteristics of the different sites. Elevation Geomorphologic Station Coordinates (m a.s.l.) Slope (°) Aspect location Lithology Soil Scott Base 77°51ЈS 38 6 SE Mid-slope on side of Basalt scoria Hypergelic 166°46ЈE basalt scoria cone dominated till Typic over scoriacious Anhyorthel basalt bedrock Marble Point 77°25ЈS 50 3 S Midslope of a gently Marble dominated Hypergelic 163°41ЈE sloping till/outwash till with granite, Calcic surface dolerite, sandstone, Anhyorthel and gneiss Bull Pass 77°31ЈS 152 3 S Colluvial fan of Granite dominated Hygergillic 161°52ЈE till material. till with dolerite and Nitric sandstone present Anhyorthel Boulder Clay 74°45ЈS 205 5 SE Midslope of a Granite dominated n.a. 164°01ЈE gently sloping till till with dolerite and gneiss Simpson Crags 74°26ЈS 830 6 SE Midslope of a Granite dominated n.a. 162°53ЈE gently sloping till till with gneiss within glacial cirque Mount Keinath 74°33ЈS 1100 3 SW Top of mountain peak Deeply weathered n.a. 163°59ЈE granitic outcrop In Northern Victoria Land the climate is generally dry Campbell Scientific Incorporated (CSI), Logan, Utah) with snow precipitation of 270 mm/year water equiva- was installed at each site with sensors to record air lent and strong winds, predominantly from the west temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, and with speeds of over 30 Km/hour recorded for almost a wind speed and direction. Thermistor temperature third of the year. At the sites investigated in Southern probes (Campbell107, CSI) and Vitel moisture probes Victoria Land the climate is generally less windy with (hydra type A, Stevens Vitel Inc, Chantilly, Virginia) lower precipitation than the sites further north. The Bull were installed at depths of 2 cm to 1.2 m. Measurements Pass site is subject to diurnal katabatic winds in summer of atmospheric variables were made at 10 second inter- except for storm events is relatively calm in winter. vals. Soil variables were measured every 15 minutes. All measurements were averaged and recorded hourly with data down-loaded annually. 3 METHODS In this paper we used the data of the two more sur- ficial depths (2 cm, 30 cm) that there are at four sites Data collection at all the sites included solar radiation (Scott Base; Bull Pass; Boulder Clay, and Simpson (pyranometer) and air temperature. Some sites are Crags). The sensors are placed directly in the soil par- better equipped to monitor other climatic elements allel to the ground surface. including wind speed and direction, net radiation, snow In this paper we used the continuous records of height, and long and short wave radiation. In Northern thermal data to determine the 0°C isotherm in the dif- Victoria Land the ground thermal regime is moni- ferent sites. Three methods to determine the active layer tored with thermometers (MTX LTN , with accuracy thickness were used. of 0.15°C) installed at different depths to 7.8 m. The First, the active layer thickness was obtained by the ground temperatures are measured every 10 minutes graphical interception of the curve of the annual max- with the minimum, maximum and average values imum temperature at each depth with the 0°C axes. recorded by datalogger (MTX) every 60 minutes at Second, the active layer was determined as the greater the Boulder Clay Glacier, Mount Keinath and Oasi depth reached by interpolation (using a triangulation sites and every 90 minutes at Simpson Crags. At Oasi with a linear interpolation algorithm) of the all monthly a borehole of 15.5 m deep is monitored with a string of maximum temperatures at each depth, and thirdly 16 thermistors (LTN 0.1°C of accuracy) at the depths using the Gold & Lachenbruch (1973) equation: of 0.02; 0.3, 0.6; 1.6; 2.6; 3.6; 5; 7.6; 10; 11; 12; 13; ϭ 14; 14.5; 15; 15.5 m. Al apPln|A/T|/ 00 The soil climate stations in Southern Victoria Land were established in undisturbed areas typical of the where A0 and T0 are respectively the annual amplitude surrounding terrain and soils. A data-logger (CR10X, and average of the ground surface temperature (here 338 we used the 2 cm data as representative of surface and Boulder Clay sites. If we consider only the sum- condition); P is 1 year and (a) is the thermal diffusivity mer period of 1999 (1 January–30 March, then a linear computed according the equation correlation between the mean daily GST and air tem- perature is evident. The linear regressions between mean K ϭ {p/P [(z Ϫ z )/ln (A /A )]}2 2 1 1 2 daily GST and air temperature for the summer period have a higher R2 especially at Scott Base and Simpson where z2 and z1 are respectively the depths of 30 and Crags (Table 2). 2 cm and A1/A2 are the amplitude of the temperature at these depths. The linear regressions between incoming radiation and mean daily GST are not as good (Table 2) and only at Bull Pass is the R2 is higher than 0.8. If we consider 4 RESULTS the hourly data there is a much stronger correlation with incoming solar in the summer, especially in the The daily mean air temperature and daily mean ground Southern Victoria Land.
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