.... -7..~ _ .. _-_- ·~· Dear Sir1u For your information and tbQt of' other interee~ed parsons, this 1a to advise youth,Qt; 1n '. view of. the early teminati,on of tho ?/Eu.• Refugee Board, over..Al.r i>;;ii!}brielbllit~ tor- tiu; Erii~~~nQf R"fugee Shelter .at ~C>:l't 6n:tar1o, 6mre$Jo, New Yolit, --- - liae btien traristerred tr011l the war net'iigee Boai'd to the Depal'tment of the Interior• . veey truly youtts, Flol'enoe H°"el Assistant Executive Dil'eotor I Agudo.a Isl'ael of America, . ·1123 nrorutwny, \ New York 10, ?lew York. ~ EBT:inp 6/26/45 OFRCli OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO: Ir. IAleHr ncllaJl7l!i•~S!-ncl1 e)i :tt -.~ b8 con~& to tJMi- est.fil~ed ~~n~~ff:_~~- Board to~t to Jlr. Stenibuoh 1D Sri.turlud t.he •••P _ . ecmtained 1D t.he letter da~ April 24, 1944/iiO llr. PebJ.•;~~:;-. · · !l'Oll Rabbi Elleser su-19r; preliclat;of tJie .&&ala• Imel;@?/£ · .berlca. The llOUd bile Comittecl iteelt ~ thl poliq of eQ1l<I.~ centrating _1 te reecw1 efforts aiii jtro\lpe ratlaer .thall 1Dd1~• Parlbe?'llOre,n the accieptailce ot .-••~:o.t~ ~i~~-oPG the wq tar, aJ¥l .ice retuaal cU,ttiClllt of ~· q(.,':~11 ot •1milar Jll)Hagee ·which_ would •COllplete]J' _~heJ.a thli';~t · COll!IU!lie&tloo facllltiH of the ~te J)epartMllto :lhileillii1t"' ting that t.he per11on11 aentioned 1D 1;.he propo•ed il81..g. ~ cli.­ tiDpiehed rellglou• leaders, the VaD11miit~'--~.PJ;J;~1.e.;,nHllll&P. < :~.:~.:-~ ~~:n··~r~~{4f;tilfi!#~~,~--: ' ___.: 1- -';;-:!-;~ A turt.her reiulo~ far 4eo.l1D1Dg to•tranait t.he ....... 'tl the two-told claJlcer to which thl per1Gll• •ou.cht 97 be aub~eOtecl · 1hould an,y. intonation conoerniDc their whenaboU.tl be obtdJ:l..S · b;y the ennr authoriu... ID the tiret place' there iii the' ·~·\ . po11ibill"' that, 1D the tranai11ion of the· nuee' ot theH clij~ ;;t. - tiqui9hed per11ca11 !l'ca Sri.tserlud to Sternbu.oh'• qente 1D en.-,> areae, a leak 9T occur. through.which the DUIH 9T beOoM a...n;.; · able to the .... The eeconcl claJlcer i• that, 1D Jl.-i"Oh.1.q tf« the persona imolncl, Sternbuch'11 •1•"8 _Id.pt. ~;.~inc tollwed \ bJ' en9111 police and ~ lna4nrtentl.J' t..4 th• ~~the hWltc .,... ................... -.~~ .... .... Nq'.1,1944 TOI Jho. Lee ..r •FRQ.l a1l7le11 5t.andilll .. ·It would be C911Wal7 to~ eatabliahed polio)' ot the Board to1rBDSllit to llr. Stenibuoh in Switnrland ·the ....... contd.Deel in the·letter~dated April· 241 19.41.t. ~Mr, Pe!ile .. · biO!ll Rabbi Elina Sil~ pndcl•t ot the rp1aa lwael ot A11n'iaa~ The Board ha1 COlll!dt.tecl itnlt 1io t.be poUq ot.Ocin­ benttat.ibg i._ reeaue et.totte Oil (li'ollP• rather t.lian .tndt~. Furthenoorej the acceptanoe ofa -.1apot tbi1 ~wOUld op.a the wq tor, and moke retu.al ditticUJ.t of hundred• ot. thOUllaJld• of siallar~ messages which would· CC111pletely OYerwhellll the pHHnt commnioaUcri f'scillt118 of the St.ate Department. WbUe ulllit­ ting that the perscrns mentioned in the propo1ed ••.-P are di~ tin&U111hed reliaiou• leader11, the tnluiminion.ot the,.....,. would require the Board to do likewiff in the C.9e. of )>er-8 ot tar len indiTidual illpOrtan-,. A turther rea1on tor deol.1n1.ng to t.ranait. the •••P 1• the 'bro•fold danier to whiob the per1ana llCIU&ht 1!97'be inabJaoW •hould any intOJ'lllltion coneeniiac their wheraboute be oMd.aed by the enemy aut.horitiee. In the t1r1t place, there ia the . po11ibilit)' t.hat, 1n the t.rau.ia111ion ot the ~· of the&e dU­ tinaui•hed penons from t)iitserland to Stembuoh•1 •&•ti in en_,. area1, a leak lla.J occur throup which the nue1 mq beOoeie Hllll• able to the enelll)'. '1'he 1econd doneer i1 that, in HU"ehiuti tor the pei-1C111 im'olftd, ~tembuch•s ·-~ lllight be beinl fol.lowed \ bJ en1117 polloe and t.hllw i~nrteii.tJ.7 1111td th• to ·the hidlnc places of the per1on1 the Agudae Isnel wllh.. to aid. ·,·-:::r-- -, __ _ --- --- - - - 0 -- -- - 11i3 BROADWAY -- I -~- -" - ~ - c1RABBl.ELIEZER.SILVER, President 1Acoa _ROsENHEIM, Honora.Y rres1c1en1 Vice-Preside_nts -0 RABBI DR. I. LEWIN RABBI E. M. BLOCH -MICHAEL G. TRESS Treasurers ISMC MASEL Mr, J"ohl:l l'ehle Director, War:Retugee_BOard_ OSCAR Z. RAND WaalungtOn-, Di o;· ---- · • C.:&, :~-- ---·____-_._-_'--_,. ___ ,_-_- --·- 0},~;o~ - ~- - -~&_ RABBIS. EICHENSTEIN Dear Mr_o .-Pehl& I P,ureui!lg our aims for r~ecu&-, which yo11 are by no dgµbt quite fBmiliar witll~ we wish to furn:feii_-for~ you the -to~i:-Q.wlng 11111ttere:- -- _._ --- --- ---- ~----·~---- A • At the_ time cl:f our rippointmen_t with you QJ(' we brellght )o your attention the need of hiving a repr~eill:ita: of our organization iii Europe to help ln rescue work• . - ' - _At that'J tiim y~u favored the sugges~i()~lf~~jyqu asked ~}.~.£ furnish the parties in question. We lllbmit''to·•-yQUJJ8f6With the2c· candidates who~ \1IO think would fit- for this purpose,l'-'l'hey a.rei.;. Dr. Isaac lewin, 230 Riverside.Drive-, New York· Oity'f:-Mr. Samuel - __ I Smith~ Editor of Every Friday, Cincinnati, Ohio; Rab,bi Oscar Z• Re.iid> 72 Ii, 106 Street, Hew York City• -•_ · -· All the above uentioned knoir the European contl~eri.t well, .. end were active in rescue work. "aving rescue oommi tties in S. itO.riand and 'i'uikey,-wo would especially like to have one in Portugal,",__ prospectively Si;iain, in order to concentrate on all neutral nations bordering the invaded countries, We stress our interest in Dr, Lewin esJ?ecially, whi>~pouesaits all the qualifications necessary for lit;h~_s type of work~l{Dr. Lewin is a scholar and is f8111iliar iri th international and diplollll tic \ undertakings, "e speaks English, Polish, French1 liebrew', Yiddish, and German fluently, besides other languages. He ia hi~ly re!l>t,oted by the Polillh Government in bile• and by it's agenciH ae well'~~il:f"~~:: by various b'mbassies, "'10lll he;~pproached in behalf ot our organization concerning rescue work. - ,;,"J-.!: Of.~~~(·- B - We elao, at tho time ot ~r appoill~iriEnt, emphaeized'~J!e need of ~1Ving tbs opportunity of sending imsaages 6t inquiry to Qi:ir co.-wJlittee~ abroad. You suggested "e aend you .a trial 111$Seege, en~ " that you woUld try to aond it through our Department ot~~~~te, Agudai Iirael aim• to llOIW all probleim confronting Jewr11 in tht spirit of Torah and Tradition .; ... :_ - ~. -" _"_ " - -,;;- ·~: __ -: __._-:--=- - ---~·. -~~.--.~ _- :-~~;¥t~;:·_·.:::_\;:1\;;\~~/~~~~t~~:::> _- We are worried fi\liout the :fate ot hundreds .ot oll:tetanding·"'pe ··-. · 1tlitiea, but since. it is1nerely on B. trialbasi!I, our r!lsoue con!mltt - e to 'Bli 8gr~'1ztent t;o try.to firidcoiit allout the fate of thirte indfviduf.il:~i and we W()Uid .llppreaiate havfog the enoli:ised · IneB91lge aent~:to MrTN;::~ternbuc}l, Ohairrilan of our Conwitte11 · · - :J.M\i_t; - --.-- ----- -- . - - . - , ,._, - "-~:=:~"4~~~-~~-:: -- ·w&-·trusLt~ilat: you .will gi_ve both of o.il_~ :·augges conE1i~eration 0~ and favor us with an early .~!!P.'.l.Y• ES:bgb ~-­ .Eiic·,· - Presfdent .-~t ··'-::.'.:_- - ~-- ~4e t<illQ'l!J.ii.g m.es~ge :l..e .t_o. Qe 11el)..1i 1iQ tile AJri~l;'l.~; .4!$a.e1>4do~ (n. swi:tzedQ.ll.Q. to transml.t• i,t tQ ?{~. sternQuoh} •. ·.. ·· . _ l'LEASl!: J,.OCA;i:is FQLLQ\'IXNQ l'1!i$QNi\J;I'l'i:ESt RA.B~llilj ELQHQNQN WA~N.1 B9Rl!cR. oni$BE!l~.foF Y~Ol{a~ nNcvs ~~" :i;~ $1i.¥BoR; ~ soLq¥o~ ~n.-];R•'cil!'. ~z.L'ff ~'m;r, Fl.1BRt1~/ortKROsNo~ Mo~SHE cHAL"! tAJ oF l:'l~l'R~KQ'll; J..KYJ;:'~~*Z·o~ 'l'A,,W<l11q. Sl:ILC'MO ~w'zr.L3ER~OF !{_J;E:fDA.'UAI; -_ -_ ,-. -_- -- --~---------- _:· _c: -- -:-: __ :.':-'--:·-::- - --- ./ - \ :.-i ·: . - ·'*: LEia _GE];{S!EIN 01!' KORJ)~> JIA.lllJM ,),.~ON RQKl\--eR.- OlrLllQ'.~;:-11Jtl'ER-HO]:\Q'l/l-W.~----. _·__ OF TAR.111011> ISRt~ SPIRQ~ OF USl'R'lYKI, D0LNR; AND. JQS~H l?ElVELSQ~ OF "/'. l KC'INO· AG1.TDAS lS&\EL OF AMERlCA l \ I· I ; . -'/.J/44~ --.- ~- _;;.. ~-- -~ ._:=: .. :._~-- ·'-::.:.-· -------- ________.,; __ ~--- The llli•.:"Uiie ohowJi ID the~ Ihle"" tdezn.ri>Sud _ . ___ , , __ _ '; JA28 NL~C INCINNAT I -OHJO f, J ·, •• ~~::. ~; ~ - '.. -- •._- .. ,. _ c.~•~ -"-~:-'.";-7'.\'~}c;J;;~;._ ;• :-•;_.~.;. __ , __ . · •c.\o_' -::. •AGT.ING DIR J P;EHl~.J)llNJiAfLREFq§~E BOA_(W;:;',~:(. _, . .. ___ ,,._ ~ ~ '• -·•· - -... --~'-·· ~ - - ;:-;'c--;;~~~~~~...---:·--:-_ =~-7~~-:-_:--::~;=--•-----~·-.; MAIN TREASURY BLJ)G·kf.f·2a8· 1f2'"WASH~C=( . - ----- _,,. ... -~-- :~· .. - BEJNG JM~Of!~AN!q 5.N~~G~p ~ER~ ~~N~~.r M~~~~ :~ 9!~ ·uN!!~~i~~-'r'. LA!~ wouy> Af~REC!ATE A.~£0!N!M.~N.T W:~!H YOIVBE ~~TfiON 'H~OR TUESDAY MARCH 21ST- INSTEAD MARCH-~;20TH=i ··- . - . RABBI E L ~!LVftR~:' . 1 9 21 20;t ___ ,,.. .. \- _·,.) --- ·-~-~~. £i replJ pleut • rifer ten 264}_· ··~ n.bblSUvert .· · ' •· •.. 11iank 70,. tor your lett&i:i C>t. r~• 29, 1944, ouf;l!nins s11i4estions IUid intol'llatlon tor the . aid ot tho 1'1' Roi'ugff ~ in t~ttng its l'llllOU Pl'Oll"U• .. ' - ' . ' . Yo\U' cooperation;andprompt re•~ tooUr reqtl&11t for adrloe 81'IJ great17 •~iatect~' ~ ehaU glve vecy cnreM oons~erat!onctotJ.e-~11t1i>IUI and Womation whioh you bava ad~.,. ' .. l'err truly 101ll'll 1 (~i~ed) J. \Y. Pehle · J, w.
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