University of Alberta Qasim's Short Stories: .4n Esample of Arnbic SupernaturaUGhost/Horror Story Sabah H Alsowaifan O -4 thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfillment of the requiremrnts for the degree of Doctor of philosophy Comparative Literature Department of Comparative Literature, Religion, and Filmli\fedia Studies Edmonton, Alberta Spnng 200 1 National Library Bibliothèque nationale 191 ,,a& du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 WeUington Street 395, rue Wellington Onawa ON K1A ON4 Ottawa ON KlA ON4 CaMda Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Libwof Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, ban, distniute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in micloform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/fi.lm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fkom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. Dedica tion To my father and mother. To my supervisor, Dr. Milan V. Dimic. To Mr. Faisal Yousef Al Marzoq. To the Commercial Bank of Kuwait. To Kuwait University. Abstract This dissertation focuses on an Arabic wnter of short stories, Qasirn Khadir Qasim. The Kuwaiti Qasim writes supematural, ghost and horror stories in the Arabic language. His stories are entertaining, because the reader enjoys the creative elements of the supernatural, especially the horrifying suspense. Qasim's stones are a part of the supernaturaVghost/horror genre. In general, Qasim uses techniques sirnilar to Gothic writers (such as setting the stories in the past and in mystenous places). In particular, the influence of Edgar Allen Poe, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, William Shakespeare, and otlter Western wnters can be seen in Qasirn's work (especially in terrns of evoking horror, making use of folkbric motifs, and using grotesque images). Moreover, Qasim uses internationally recognized folkloric motifs within his work, such as the motif of personified winds, a painting corning to life, and people retuming from the dead to reveal murder or to demand a proper burial. In essence, because of this, his work is accessible and entenai ning for many readers. However, beneath this entertaining surface, there are deeper cultural explorations and critiques. To prove this, the dissertation conducts a close anaIysis of three stories: "The City of Winds," "The Painting of Wishes," and "The Deserted Hut." Qasim explores in his fiction not only fear of the unknown in a supeniatural sense (such as the magical forces of winds, evil spirits, and ghosts), but Qasinl also explores serious cultural issues (such as the abuse of nature by man, the belief in superstition, and the exploitation of women). Essentially, Quasi uses supernatural entertainment in three ways: for escapist pleasure, :O protect his cultural cnticism, and to educate the reader without directly offending hirn or her. The dissertation discusses and reviews the background, iduences on, motifs, and thernes of the genre and its writers. Then, it conducts a close interpretation of Qasim's supematural stories as a disguised means for social commentary. It also considers the contextual, religious, cuttural elements in Qasim's stories. Hence, first it illustrates how Qasim entertains readers by placing him in the supernatural tradition and by relating him to writers such as Poe and Lovecraft. Second, it explains how Qasim uses the supernatural to make serious cultural cornmentary about nature, superstition, and women. Moreover, it shows that Qasim's stories contain popuiar folkloric motifs, but which he uses in an ori~inalway. The thesis, I hope, proves my contention that Qasim uses the supernatural genre for escapist entertainment, for senous cultural comrnentary, and to educate readers wi thout offending them. My thanks to my supervisors, Dr. Milan V. Dimic and Dr. Earle Waugh. Thanks to the chair of rny committee, Dr. Francis Landy, and the members of my committee, Dr. Willi Braun, Dr. William Anselmi, and the external fi-om McGill University, Dr. Issa J. BotttIata. Thanks also to Dr. Jerry Varsava, Dr. E.D. BIodgett, and rny speciaI graduate colleagues, Dalbir S. Sehrnby and Srdja Pavlovic. And special thanks to the Comparative Literature, Religion, FilmMedia Studies Department administrative assistants, Janet Ould, Lois Burton, and Jeanette Rousseau. Siiicsre tliaiiks to the academic advisor, Walid Almufti of the Kuwait University Office at the Kuwaiti Embassy in Washington, D.C. Table of Content I Introduction ...........................................................................................L De tinitions of SupematuraVGhost/Horror story ................................................. -3 The Structure of the Supernatural Story.. ........................................................i O SupematuraVGhost/Horror in World Litenture ................................................. 14 Arabic and Islamic Tradition. ...................................................................... 19 The Ai-nbim Nights (as an Entertainment) and the Supematural Shakespeare and the Ghost in Knnzlet ............................................................ 38 Supernaturd in the Nineteenth and the Twentieth century ................................... -46 Qasim's Works .......................................................................................49 Lovecraft. Poe. Qasim and the Supematunl.................................................. -33 Method of Approach ................................................................................. 70 II Analysis of "The City of Winds": A Supernaturd Story .............................................................................. 80 III Analysis of "The Painting of Wishes": A Story of Evil Spirit ............................................................................ 106 IV Xnalysis of "The Desertcd Hut": The Retum of the Dead .......................................................................... 135 Translation of "The City of Winds" ................................................................. 17s Translation of "The Painting of Wishes" ........................................................... 203 Translation of "The Deserted Hut" .................................................................. 230 Endrio tes ............................................................................................... -256 Bibliograpliy ......................................................................................... -265 Qasim's Short Stories: An Example of Arabic SupernaturaUGhost/Horror Story -"Do you believe in ghosts?" The question stmck me painfuIly. It reinforced my fear that Dmvish had been possessed by spirits. 1 looked at hirn and found him staring wonderingly again at that hut, -"Yes, 1 belicve in the existence of ghosts and everything said about them." My answer came as a key to a secret box, which Danvish had carried in his mind a11 these past months. Darwish started to relax, and 1 saw some indication of contentment in his face. He took a deep breath as if he had finally found sornebody who shared, and sympathized with, his affliction. -Qasim K. ~asirn' Introduction This dissertation focuses on an Arabic wnter of short stories, Qasim K. Qasim. The Kuwaiti Qasirn wntes supematural, shost and horror stories in the Arabic language. His stories are entertainins, because the reader enjoys the creative elements of the supernatural, especially the hoirifying suspense. Qasirn's stones are a part of the s~ipe~n;~t~ii-rillgtiosr/ho~~-or-genre. In generaI, Qasim uses techniques similar to Gothie wri ters (such as setting the stories in the pst and in mystetious places). In particular, the influence of Edgar Allen Poe, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, and other Western writers can be seen in Qasirn's work (especially in terrns of evoking horror, rnakins use of folkloiic motifs, and ~isin_ogrotesque images). Moreover, Qasim uses inteinntionaIly recognized 1oIklor-i~motifs within his work, such as ihe motif of personified winds, a painting coming to life, and people retüming from the dead to reveal murder or to demand a proper burial. In essence, because of this, his work is accessible and ente~tainingfor many readers. However, beneath this entertaining su~~ace.there are deeper cultural explorations and critiques. To prove this, 1will I conduct a close analysis of three stoties: "The City of Winds," 'The Painting of Wishes," and 'The Deserted Hut." Qasim explores in his fiction not only fear of the unknown in a supernatural sense (such as the rnagical forces of winds, evil spirits, and ghosts), but Qasim ais0 explores senous cultural issues (such as the abuse of nature by man, the beIief in superstition, and the expIoitation of women). Essentially, Qasim uses supematural entertainment in three ways: for escapist pleasure, to protect his culturat cnticism, and to educate the reader without directly offending him or her. In the dissertation, 1 will discuss and review the background, influences on, motifs, and themes of the genre
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