Supitittg te a U i SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE mtfli to SOe. ^VTTTrTl T F * - r . i i .1 ■ .1 ■ n i n i JUdBioJIiester -A Cky of FUlmge Charm (ChweMejl Adveetfarinc <m Vsce If) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ONCE A YEAll-amifHW CHMSIMAS AND NEW YEAR'S WE ah O U W M ^ YDL. L ZX X m NO. 74 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THUH8DAT, DlCEMBER 28, 1967 OPrORtimnY TO purchase these famous brand products at surstantial SAVH40S. MANY'ONLY ONE OR TWO OF A KIND—FULLY GUARANTEED. Com poser Pocket dtange PHmtDBLPHlA (AP)—Mrs. Leathernecks Battle Veronica Pomponl, a clerk In a dry cleaning shop, routinely ACT FAST— UMTIED 9UANTIT1ES ToR em ain checks pockets of all clothes. Bhe was going through a pair SALE of pants Wedneaday and pulled In Prison out a handful o f $100, $60 and Strong Enemy Force ALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE $10 bUU. A.7HXMB (A3>)—The vfOtct Every time her hand came SAIGON (AP) — U.S. Ma- American paratroopers of the killed and M wounded, the U.8. SALE SALE NOld Theodoralds, O raece’ e not­ out more money was In It. rlnes battled a powerful Com- 178rd Airborne Brigade Command said. •Hm ed oompoeer end former lefUat "We began counting It and munlst force today 20 miles launched the third assault The battle took place about'25 SALE deputy, aeld today ehe had been g ot up to $S,000. .there waa south of Da Nang. A helicopter Wednesday as helicopters land- miles Into the Ju^ed foollilllp SALE plenty more. .at least $4,000,” advUMd officially that her hue- airUft landed a detachment of ed them in a Jungle area 260 west of the coastal city of Tuy T g a n iL shop owner Harry Weiner said. the 6th Marine Regiment In a miles north of Saigon where a SALE band will not be releaaed from Hoa. SALE Mrs. Pomponl' said she ran muddy rice paddy that later Communist force of battalion after the woman who had South Vietnam troops were prlaon. aem ed ringed by a battalion of size was reported. SALE RGAVICTOR SALE brought In the trousers and engaged about 100 miles up Mta. fheodocakis aald a new the enem y—perhaps 600 men The paratroops eim oet located her In a nearby super­ the coast in the low lands SALE compulaoty law puMlahed today AP correspondent Kim K1 immediately flushed a force of of Quang Ngai Province. A SALE by the Greelc regime doea not m arket. Sam reported In a dispatch about 300 V iet Cong and held “She didn’t say a word,” said government battalion of reg- cover hia releaae. fropi the area that ■virtually ev­ them at bay for nine hours SALE Mrs. Pomponl. "Just took the iflars and militiamen ran Into a SALE 56' TheodotaUa waa underatood ery helicopter landing the while artillery roared in and 31 SAVE FROM *23' Oommunist outfit of indoiown money and walked off.” S A V E F R O M *210* - *57 to have coma imder an amneaty Leaflternecks and removing the Jet planes In succession pounded size, drew back and called in 106 SALE announced Saturday by Premier them . SALE wounded drew sniper and ma'- mm howitzers. A government George Papedopouloa for tboae The battered Oommunist chlne gun Are. spokesman said 40 of the enemy arreated alnce the April 21 coup force pulled back along bloody SALE SALE "The Marines built up their were killed, almost all by the d ’etat. jungle trails by nightfall, and 31 NEW — TOTAL SOUND STEREO force ai^ consolidated their po­ artillery, while government ffieodorakla wrote the mualc D eserters' enemy bodies were found along SALE SALE sition behind the two and three- losses were light. Solid state amplifiers, AM*FM 60 to 20,000 CPS for the -movie “Zorba the foot-hlgh dikes as sporadic fir­ with 18 abcmdoned subm achine frequency response. Realism that rivals the con< SALE G reek ." ing continued into the night,” guns. Twelve paratroopers were (See P age tva) SALE the premier in declaring the AreFlying cert hall. Saun w rote. “ There waa no an­ RCAViCTOR SALE amneaty waa aaked If theodo- nounced casualty report from SALE raMa would alao be freed, and either side.” ^ replied: "Tea, yea, he will even T o Sweden Heavy enemy machine gun SALE SALE write a aong for the revolutloa atM) mcotanflre spewed from a COLOR TV (April 21).” SICCKHOLM, Sweden (AP)— War Deaths Decline, —Four American sailors who tortifled ham let about 400 yards SALE But since then, a top security from the landing zone. Marine SALE Mod*l V tSl • Tha WEBER deserted and fled to Moscow to official aald that those with a Jets and helicopter gunships . Modern style In genuine oil- protest the Vietnam war will Oommunlat past were not af­ worked over ^ e Communist po­ SALE finished Walnut Veneers and SALE ask for political asylum in Swe­ U.S. Wounded Rise select hardwood solids. 60- fected by the amnesty. sitions there and in tree lines SAIGON (AP) — The number said 166 U.S. personnel were watt peak music power solid- Mrs. th^orakla' comments den, "the Swedish Committee around Ote paddy, their bom bs NOW SALE of Americans, South Viet­ SALE state amplifier and FM/AM/ on her hiliaband’s status came for Vietnam announced today. and rockets landing so close killed In the seven-day reporting namese and enemy troops killed period ending at midnight Sat- BUY Stereo FM Radio. 6-speaker amid reports the Revolutionary It said the Americans would ar­ that in some cases splinters c m L x m sound system. Micro-Touch* In the Vietnam w ar dropped .urday. A week earlier 187 were SALE SALE OwncU behind the regime la be­ rive early Friday on a regular whizzed over the Marines. FOR LESS 2Q Tone Arm. slightly last week while the toll reported killed set by internal conflict between flight from Moscow and Im­ Other action in three battles of U.S. wounded rose In fighting ’The number of Americans SALE modmratea and extremists. m ediately seek asylum In Swe­ In South Vietnam’s coastal prov­ SALE that officially was described as wounded climbed to 1,861, after The new law sUpulatea that den as political refugees.” inces had raised the Communist light to moderate. dropping to 932 a week earlier. <mly those w ho have been con­ ’The Amerlctuis—Richard D. toll to 288 dead since the Christ­ SALE ■COLOR SALE Of the 1,361 wounded, the com­ victed of seditious acUvitlea leas B ailey, 19, o f Jacksonville, F la ., m as truce. The U.S. Command, In Its than twice and received sen­ John M. Barilla, 20, of Caton- weekly summary Issued today. m and said 762 did not require SALE SALE hospitalization. RCAVlCn)R'« IwwW TV tences of not more than six vllle, Md., Craig W. A nderson,______________________________ r e M iT H months Imprisonment each 20, of San Jose, Calif., and Mi­ me new .sualty figures pushed to 16,812 the number of SALE SALE time, will be granted a reprieve. chael A. Lindner, 19, of Mount ^ i • o 141 Sq. Inch Americans killed so far In the F d l Power If, within the next five years, Pocono, Pa.—deserted their ship l^UarUS lU StOTC war and the total wounded to SALE Compact Video SALE they are convicted again for any In Yokosuka, Js^an, and were . FOftTABU TV 99,806. Of the wounded, the com­ New Vista Guard Toner crime and get more than six taken to Moscow six weeks ago. mand reported 46,640 did not re­ 25,000 Volt Chassis month sentences, they will be In Moscow they have protested SALE Now— Vista SALE quire hospitalization. Another 17^00 V olt 2-Speidter Sotaid put back In Jail. television and in the So'viet Automatic Color on Ohio Truck Hijacked, 866 A m ericans are Hated as SALE SPORTABOUT P ow «r SALE TheodoraklB, his wife Myrto Press the Vietnam war. P urifier Oonvgnient Roll said, has been convicted for se­ mlssiilg, captured or Interned m e Swedish committee said since Jan. 1, 1961. D eh n e V e d e o ArooBd Stand ditious activities at least four the Americans had appealed to SALE New fntersrrated SALE South Vietnamese military Featuring Instant Haoge Tuning tinles in the past. It for help and that provisional Thieves Get $301,000 headquarters reported 284 g o v ­ Circuits Picture The 42-year-oId composer was bousing already hsul been ar­ NOW arreated by the regim e In Au­ YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) — try Into the Kane Secret Service ernment troops were killed In SALE SALE ranged for them with Swedish Super-Bright Firil 19" Picture THE MOST TRUSTED NAME NOW gust after being sought since the Hijackers escaped with $801,(XX) TRuck. action last week as compared fam ilies. Picture Tube F l t f C I D April coup. m e two guards, Steve Sullk, with 278 a week earlier. There SALE (184 8q. In.) IN TELEVISION SALE A U.S. Marine mortarman, prepared with earpluffs in place, carriea an aim- m e sedlors lack American In an armored truck Wednesday n U C B D He was the founder and head load of 81mm mortar rounds during the Christmas day truce.-The Marine took 46, of Boardman, and James w ere 829 wounded la st w eek, Distinctive LOWIR passports but have been Issued by driving It out of a parking lot Lockhart, 46, of Youngstown, SALE Two-Tone Finish SALE of the leftist "Lambrakis” youth advantage of the lull in fighting to stock up on m<Mlar rounds and to spokesmen said, and 26 missing.
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