© ATOM 2012 A STUDY GUIDE BY MARGUERITE O’HARA http://www.metromagazine.com.au ISBN: 978-1-74295-159-1 http://www.theeducationshop.com.au ‘We knew one thing … we were in it together’ Day 21: Brant Webb (Shane Jacobson) and Todd Russell (Lachy Hulme) write a note to their families. Introduction On Anzac Day 2006, Todd Russell and Brant Webb, along with fellow miner Larry Knight, were trapped deep inside the Beaconsfield gold mine in Tasmania. Todd and Brant were enclosed nearly 1000 metres underground, caged in a space so small they could neither sit up straight nor fully lie down. It was five days before they were found to be alive. Most Australians know that Todd Russell and Brant Webb survived a horrifying mine collapse that killed their colleague Larry Knight. However, they don’t know much more than that. Beaconsfield tells the whole story. After the discovery that Todd and Brant had survived the mine collapse the search became a rescue mission. Working in conditions that could see another cave-in at any moment, colleagues worked tirelessly to get them out alive. It was an event Australia and the world watched unfolding with bated breath. As every news outlet in the country scrambled to cover the story, the frantic work of the rescuers continued. SCREEN EDUCATION © ATOM 2012 © ATOM SCREEN EDUCATION Beaconsfield recounts the story of these two very different men who were trapped together for fifteen days while their wives, families and friends waited anxiously above ground, hoping and praying for good news. It tells how Matthew Gill, Pat Ball and their teams rescued Todd Russell and Brant Webb. But most of all, it is the story of how two men, who had nothing in common, kept their heads together and their hope alive for fifteen days and nights. 2 Curriculum Relevance Contents between two very different men. They really were the odd couple. Nothing Beaconsfield would be an excellent in common, men who wouldn’t be film to show to students at second- friends in other circumstances, yet for ary and tertiary levels in English, Film 15 days they only had each other and and Media Studies, Australian History PART A they needed each other to survive. and Society (SOSE/HSIE), Geography, Beaconsfield, Environmental Studies, Values the film Lachy Hulme, the actor who plays Education and related subjects. Todd Russell in the film, explains how it felt to be in the cage, the perspec- This is a survival story of triumph tive it gave about what the two men against the odds, of what happened in Questions in this guide went through. He says: a small country town when the people are designed to encourage were confronted with a disaster and a close focus on the film – No-one, except Todd and Brant, can came under the spotlight of mass what happened and how the ever understand what it was like to be media coverage. filmmakers tell the story. trapped in that mine. Even being in that space isn’t the same. However, Telling stories of our history in an en- being packed into the cage really gaging and exciting way is an impor- brought home a bit more of an idea tant challenge for historians, authors PART B about what these very real people had and filmmakers alike. Dramatising true Background to deal with. stories from recent history is especially information challenging and requires sensitivity Shane Jacobson, the actor who plays and skill from the filmmakers, particu- Brant Webb, acknowledges how larly when most of the central figures truly awful it would have been to be in the story are still alive. As 2006 is trapped in such a small dark space for Materials and questions provide very recent history, many viewers are such a long time in this way. background material. This likely to have their own sense of what includes a map of Tasmania happened at Beaconsfield. They can You can say that being in that cage is showing Beaconsfield, probably still recall the news cover- like it was for Brant and Todd down background information age and have their own images of the that mine, but really it wasn’t. We about the town and its history, people involved. could get out whenever we wanted; information about underground if we needed food or air or to go to mining methods and graphics The challenges the toilet we got out. Brant and Todd of the cage site and a glossary of didn’t have that. mining terms used in the film. Beaconsfield is a dramatisation of There is also information about what happened in a small northern These observations suggest some the global mining industry and Tasmanian town in 2006. The mine col- of the challenges for the filmmakers, mining accidents. Teachers may lapse and rescue of the two men was to make ‘darkness visible’, to allow choose to use this material either widely covered by the media over the viewers to feel something of the fear before or after students have 15 days from April 25th to May 9th when and uncertainty for the trapped men, responded to the material in the two survivors of the rock fall were their families and friends and the mine Part A. brought to the surface. Given that most rescuers. viewers of this film will know the es- sential facts of the rescue, how could The film tells the story of how this filmmakers create a suspenseful drama Judi McCrossin, the writer of the script extraordinary rescue happened. It of what happened, how and why? outlines some of the aspects of the is a story about the horror of being story she wanted to explore in the film. entombed alive, of fear, risk, courage, Despite the blanket media coverage, hope, faith and survival, of a rescue there were many important aspects What was the plan? Why did it take that was carefully conducted at every of this event that were not able to so long? How did Todd and Brant stage to get the men out alive. be shown on our television screens, support each other emotionally for 15 principally what it was like for the men days, let alone survive physically? Locations 2012 © ATOM SCREEN EDUCATION trapped underground in a small cage for 15 days and nights waiting to be Writing Beaconsfield gave me a Beaconsfield was filmed on loca- rescued. We were also not privy to the chance to have my questions an- tion in Beaconsfield, Tasmania and in details and planning of the rescue and swered. As I wrote draft after draft, I Melbourne and Mansfield, Victoria. how this difficult and delicate opera- discovered that what I was writing was tion proceeded. a screenplay about the relationship 3 PART A Beaconsfield, the film PRINCIPAL CAST The Miners BRANT WEBB Shane Jacobson TODD RUSSELL Lachy Hulme LARRY KNIGHT Simon Lyndon Family Members RACHEL WEBB Sacha Horler CAROLYN Michala Banas RUSSELL LAUREN Tessa James KIELMANN (Knight’s 19 year- old daughter) The Mine Workers MATTHEW GILL: Cameron Daddo mine manager GAVAN Syd Brisbane CHEESMAN (Cheesy): shift boss on the night of the rock fall PAT BALL: Anthony Hayes underground manager TONI GRIFFITHS: Fiona Harris human resources manager DANIEL Richard Davies PISCIONERI: miner Day 17: Pat Ball (Anthony Hayes) and Cheesy (Syd Brisbane) search for the trapped miners DARREN GEARD: Eddie Baroo miner BRETT Angus Sampson STUDENT ACTIVITY 1 A. BEACONSFIELD CRESWELL (Cress): miner As you watch Beaconsfield, There is a very sombre mood around MIKE LESTER: Christopher take notes about what you see the community today and … it’s going mine media Bunworth and hear before responding as to take a lot of resilience on behalf liaison a class group to the questions of all members of the community to overcome this disaster. Local man in REX JOHNSON: Oscar Redding about what we are shown in family liaison Beaconsfield the film. You might choose to The Media work in small groups, focussing • What do we learn about Brant 2012 © ATOM SCREEN EDUCATION on one of these aspects of Webb and Todd Russell in the HOWARD SACRE: Stephen Hall the story as told in the film. opening scenes of the film as the producer, 60 Later, you could share your credits appear on screen? Minutes responses. • Describe the town of Beaconsfield RICHARD Steve Vizard as it is shown in the film. CARLETON: • In what season is Anzac Day in reporter, 60 Australia? What is the weather Minutes 4 1: Day 23: Carolyn Russell (Michala Banas) and Lauren Kielmann (Tessa James) 2: Day 10: Brant (Shane Jacobson) tries to tunnel out of the mine 3: Day 10: Brant Webb (Shane Jacobson) and Todd Russell (Lachy Hulme) 1 2 in this part of Northern Tasmania usually like at this time of the year? • How is the gold mine shown to be a central feature of the landscape and of the town? • What are some of the practical assistance and contributions the locals are able to make to the rescue effort? • Where would members of the media have stayed during the two weeks some remained in Beaconsfield? B. FAMILIES 3 They’re not going to need it [Brant’s clothes from his locker] later on be- • How are the children of the miners Can I have a minute’s break from your cause there is no later on, because my presented in the film? whinging fuckin’ voice? Todd husband’s alive. Rachel Webb • What are Brant and Todd able to share about their families • The cage in which Todd and Brant They [reporters] can talk to the dog as during those days and nights are trapped by the rock fall was long as they like.
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