NOTICEOF INTENTTO COMMENCE MININGOPERATIONS KENNECOTTEXPLORATIONS (AUSTRALIO LTD. BARNEYSCANYON PROJECT SUBMITTEDTO UTAHDIVISION OF OIL GAS AND MINING KENNECOTTEXPLORATIONS (AUSTRALIA) LTD. 1515 MineralSquare Saft Lake City,Utah 84112 KENNECOTT'S e EXHIBIT o Docket N ,r-*t Cause No. M-035-009" TABLE OF CONIENTS PAGE# Form MR-MO 1.0 Inboduction 1 1.1 Locatios I L2 Land Ownership 2 Lz.t Srrrf;& Omershio 2 L22 SubsurfaceOum'ership 4 13 l-and Use 7 L.4 Existing Facilities 7 15 Mineral Exploration 7 1.6 Utilities and Accass 8 Slte Description. 9 2.1 Geologr 9 2.L.L QeologrcS-rlti9g . 9 2.t2 Geologyueorogy ofoI Mii-eralMtneral Deposits 11 2.t3 lupsryfgceSubsurface GeologGeoloqv of Process FacilitiesFar Site L2 2.1.4 Scisnicity. 2l 22 SurfaceWater Hydrologl ?2 23 Groundwater HydroloeY 25 23.1 Regioial Aqlifer Characteristics E 232 Local Recharse Characteristics 26 233 lncal Aquifer- Characteristics 29 23.4 Bascline Groundwater euality 33 2.4 Soils v 2.4.L fiOnicat'Apnroach v 2.42 loil Qpgs ..' 35 2.43 Topsoil Quality 39 4L 43 4 6 {I 48 2.6 Wildlife 49 3.0 Operation Plan 51 3.1 Descriptionof Mineral Deposits 51 O REVISED9.29.89 TABLE OF CONIENTS CONTINTJED o PAGE# MiniDg 51 32.1 MiniBg Opcrations 52 322 Mine Pit Configurations 53 323 Pit Slope SrabilityAnalltis 56 33 CtushingScreeningConveying and Stockpili"g 56 3.4 I*aching 62 3.4.1 l-each Pads 63 3,42 Solution Conrcyances. 70 3.43 Solution Posds 7t 35 Lcach Solution Processine . 75 35.1 Carbon AdsorpEon 75 ?5_.?Carbou $trippi"g . 78 1{q Electrowinnidg 78 35.4 Carbon Rsseieration 78 355 Gold Refinl,ag 78 3.6 AnciUaryFacilities 80 3,7 Waste Disposal 80 3.8 Production Sc,hedule 80 3.9 Topsoil Maaagement 81 3.10 Orcrburden Disposal 84 3.11 Evaluation of Materials Toxicity 85 3.12 Runoff and Serliment Control 91 3.r|l Rgnoff !6lrrng Esfim3ggs 91 3.L22 Operational Runoff Control y2, 3.123 Operational Scdimcnt Coutrol 96 3.li} Disnnbcd Acre4ge 99 Impact Assessment 102 4.L SurfaccWater t02 4.2 Groundwater 103 43 Soil Resources 104 4.4 Critical Wildlife Habitats 104 45 Ait Quatity. 105 REVISED9-29-89 TABLE OF CONIENTS CONTINT'ED PAGE# 4.6 Public Health and Safety 105.1 5.0 Rcclcnadon Plan 106 pssl-rnining 5.1 knd Use 106 52 Demolition and Disposal 106 52.1 FacilitiesRemoval 106 5-.22 Dsmolition Debris Disposal 107 523 HazardousSubstances' 1ffi 53 Rcgra<li"g and Faeilities Closure 107 53.1 Open Pits 107 53.2 Minc Waste Dn'nDs 108 533 Hcap Lcach Pads'and Solution ponds r08 5.4 Soil Materials 110 5.4.1 Sites to be Topsoiled 110 5.42 Topsoil Haadline u0 5.43 Tolsoil Balance- 111 55 Seedbed Preparation 11:} 5.6 Seedlvlirure 113 5.7 Seedi"gMetbods 120 5.8 Fertilizationuuziauon andanq MMuIcuIIlqulchine . 72t {.q.1 fgltilizafies of Topsoiled Areas LzL l.q2 Fertilization of No'u-Topsoiledarcas 722 5.8.3 Mulchi'g 122 Surface_W_ate1 Hy&ology 6ad gg.tirnsnt Control 123 5.9.1 Drainage Plan L23 5.9.2 Sedi-eat Control Structures 12!!.1 Requests for Varianccs LU 6.1 VarianceRequest &om Rule M-f0(3) 7Zl 62 VarianceRequest from Rule M-10(4) t2A 63 VarianceRequxt &om Rule M-10(t 125 6.4 Variance Requesrfrom Rule M-10(g) ,26 6.5 VarianceRequest from Rule M-10(12) 726 6.6 VarianceRequest &om Rule M-10(li}) rTl 6.7 VarianceRequest uo- *urfry,,log? lIl "o*rrooS REVISED9.29.E9 o CONTINT'ED 7.0 Recle'-a66o Cost Estimate 128 E.0 Refercncts 130 LIST OF TABLES PAGE# Table 12-1 Surface Ouncnhip 4 Table t2-2 Subsuface/Miaerals Owuership 5 Table 2-$1 Permeability of Lcach Pad Arca Sruficial Soils n Table 23-2 Permeability of l-eacb Pad Area Alluviun 28 Table 233 Water Table Deptbs in Project Area 32 Table 3.9-1 Topsoil Yiel& 83 Table 3.11-1 Rcsults of Total Metals and EP Toxicity Anal1nisfor BC Sanples 90 o Table 3.11-2 Resultsof Total Metals and EP Toxicity Anal!6is for BC Sanples 902 Table 3.12-1 Cuwe Numbersfor BC DrainageBasins. 92 Table 3.12-2 BarneysCanyon Project ImpoundmenfQ611[einmgst Volumes 9s Table 3.ljl-1 Disturbcd {396 grrrrrmar.y I Table 5.41 Topsoil Souces by Soil Tlpe 111 Table 5.4-2 Topsoil Applicationsby Site 111 Table 5.6-1 Sccd Mirturc for TopsoiledAreas 116 Table 5.62 Sccd Mixture for Arsas not to be Topsoiled L17 Table 5.6-3 Riparian Secd lvlirure 118 Table 7.0-1 ReClamatiOn Qgg[ grrrnrnsry 128 REVISED 9.29-89 TABLE OF CONIENTS o CONTINTJED LIST OF FIGI'RES PAGE# Figrue 1.1-1 Location Map 3 Figurc 1.?-1 Propertv Mai 6 Figue 2.1-1 Getitosy lvlaDMap 10 Ftgurc 2.1-2 GeoloSc 6i5nCrix ie.tioo A-a' t4 Frgrue2"1-3 Gcolo$c Cross Section A-A" 15 Ficure 21.{ Geologic Crms Scction A-A',' 16 Fifirc 2.1-5 Geologic Cross Section B-B' t7 Figure 2"16 Geologic Cross Section C-C, 18 Figure 2.1-7 Geologic Cross Section C-C' 19 Figure 2.1-8 Cross Sections -Slmbols Expla"ation 2D Figurc 231 9roundwatefMdp 31 Figuc 25-1 Vegetation Co--unities. 42 Figue 32-1 Pd1glE*.h 9""!*ation for'Baraeys'Canyon'HghwaU Sectoi v F:rnre 3.2-2 DesipDesip-Be'lh Bench ConfigrrationConfiEurationof Mel-C6Mel, 55 Filure 32-3 East:WestCross Sedion Barneyspit 58 Figure 32a North-SouthCross Section Barievs pit 59 Figure 32-5 East-WestCross Section Mel-C.o-pit 60 Figrue 326 North-SouthCross Section Mel-Co pit 61 Figure331 Crushing/StackingFlow Sheet#6 62 Figure3.+1 Plot Plai . & Figue 3.42 Illustratioq of Pad -Oraaing. Frgure 65 3.4-3 *-"ogrg:ol Qfection Treach - nna 6 Filure 3.+a Process_PipingT1e-nct Qlsding 68 Figurc 3.11-5 F"d DetectionPiping 69 Figue 3.zt-6 Process& PondaieaTection Details 73 Fisure 3.4-7 ProCess& Pond Area Gradino Plan 74 Filure 35-l Carbon Adsorption - Flow ShEet #2A 76 Figure 35-2 Carbon Desorption - Flow Sheet #3 n Figure 35-3 Carbon & Gold Recovery Flow Sheet #4 79 o REVISED9-29-89 TABLE OF CONIENTS CONTINT,ED PAGE# LIST OF PI"ATES Plate I ProjectSite Map . in pocket Platc tr Pre-disrurbaaccSite Map . in pocket Plate Itr FacilitiesIayout & OperationalSurface Water [danegemGtrtPlan . in pocket Plate tV BaselineSoils . in pocket Plate V SurfaceWatcr DrainageArea Map . h pocket Plate VI RcclamationPlan Map . in poc&et LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A-I Eat_oen Canyon and Mel-C.o Deposits Geologic Cross Sections Appendix A-tr Geolo$c Dri[ ltole Logs Appendix B lageline _Water QrralityData o Appeudix C-I Soil Profle Descriotions' Appendix C-tr Soil Qualitv Data Appendix C-Itr Acid/Base ?otential l-aboratorv Reoort Appcndix D-I Operational Imooundment Stale eanaciw Ctnes Appendix D-tr Dtsip Specificitions for Chainels and nbadsiae Ditches Appendix E Grading/Follodation Specifications Appcndix F I-i"er Specifications Appcndix G Scepage Calculations Appendix H-1 Reclamation C.ost Estimate Spreadsheet Appendix H-2 Recla-ation Cost Estinate 4tssumptions ..-, REVISED9.29.89 U -a FORMMR-MO (Revised 7/87) -2- NOTE: Detailed Information presented in the abtached Notice of fntent and approprlate sections are referenced herein. I. GENERALINFQBMATI0[ (Rule R6t3-OO5-'t04) I . Mine Name: 2. Mineral(s)to be Mined: Gol d 3. Nameof Applicantor company:KenJrego!,!, Explgrations (Ausrratia) r,ta. Corporation(X) partnership<ffi 4. PermanentAddress: p-r\- Roy 1I ^48 'l O Fa st Sorrth TcmFt p S-a'l t T,ake Ci tv. Iit ah AA1 A-7 5. CompanyRepresentative(or designatedoperator): Name: _Mr. Gerald D. Schurtz Titl e: manager EnvironmentEl ErJgllneerin! Address: Phone: 5. Locationof Operation: County(ies) salt Leke Counlv Township: z section: T Township: Ranle:Tw Section:-T6--- 3, 4, 5, 6 Townshto,E- nander-----3w- Section: 3s 1;-Z;-Tn 7. Ownersh!por the land surface: private (Fee), public Domain(BLM), National Forest (usFs), state orT[Iii6r other: ( privare ) Name:Kennecott ( all_ ) Address See Alrove Name:( see Section 1 .2. 1 ) Address Name: Address Name: Address 8. 0wner(s)of record of the mineralsto be nrined: Name: See Section 1.2.2Address: Name: Address: Name: Address: Name: Address: 9. Have the aboveownersbeen notified in writing? yes _x No If no, why not? 10. Doesthe operatorhaveI ega'lri ght to enter and conductmining operationson the I and coveredby thi s notice? Yes x No FORMMR-MO (Revised 7 187) o -3- II. i,lAPS(Rute R6t3-005-t05) l. BaseMap A true and correct topographic.gltqmap. (or maps)with appropriate contourintervals must be submittecwiln'ir,it -if,r"i..le Notice which show al] of the itemson the foltowing ihecktist. I inch = (prer6riltv. shouldb; ipproximately 2'000 feet uics z.i rinute series-or-equivalent topographicmap-where .uailiuril-srloning'it. i n.surri ci ent detair to..tion of lands to be ;ilff:;:, io i.iri t'..iiur iiion-or-p.oioseosurrace P'leasecheck off eachsection as it is show: drawnon the map(s). Doesthe mao (a) Ploperty boundariesof surfaceownership of ail rands ''hich are to be affect.o-oy ite-tnining'Spii.tions: X (b) Perennialtii:1Tr,,spl]ngs andother roads' bodiesof water, buildings, randin! strips, er.iiiriir transmission lines, waterwitis,;ii"ino g.r piperines, borehol€s, existing weils or or othei eristing surfaceor subsurfacefacirit.ies within 500feet of tn. pioposed miningoperationsi x (c) Proposed route-of accessto the miningoperations from nearestpublicity maintained "highway ' r"nsJ iui[-r..r.\' 'sF JLq I s app.opriateqPPrvPr I crlt to show access) ; x (d) Knownareas which have been.previous]y exploration impactedby miningor activitiei the proposed permit "iinin mining area.
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