— ^ ^ ------------ -— B E 8 T J WLVAIUBLE^OeV^ ,'hn • !M PARMU r. VAWDrLi. * .PASO . rxy ;uwr, t ■ a j f f lI f c r ! M - . -r 50 c ■ TwinTails, Idahc,ho/97th ycar» No. t48 . ■ - Saturday, Ll G o o d m o r nNING i 1 •• ■ • W e a t h e r r JioardI r: W indy Today: V L andcIoDipudy n m i w ^ w ithaclachw ce = K backs of rain.n.High 1 ,_________ 53,low^ teactiei M a g i c V a l l e i tnhwrnemoiy: ABurieiti n m a n remembers his wife thnhrough pay Wlike Christmas kindness to0 cothers. Pa«Pi 0 Cl --MembermarrowDwly ; M o n e y endorse Howardrdpjan Building icaiw: Magic \ TiMTImaa-Newaand construction slowed conunsider- Tha Asaoclated Press . ably in September, a bba ^ economist said. POCATELLO - TTh he S ta te las narrowly F Board of Education has 1 PageDl endorsed State Schools Superintendent 1M arilyn Howard’s proposed 5.3 percunt R n p c i O N increase in state supportport for pub- lie schools. This week’s'4-3 approv>roval of the proposed general tax:ax support J K d u g e for th e 2003-20C;-2004 school i|ear stands in contrastrast to the board's unani- mous rejection of Howard*a Thne^dwrchettomvolvolco: proposed edu* cadon budget a D ie Hazelton area is isin | year ago, when about Christmas, andsinging in linW ting the board B ^ l eveiyone to the party. ^ favored a sub* ^ ^ ^ 1 UM a CKUM/1W ItaHM* stantially P ^ E l pared back Mlor Erie Whr. CMt«. piqrs IdniMngottfetNrwltf>HaM)mi«iigitars from ttw YMCA aftaMdmjwd proram at tba Twhi FalsI Citycn Pool Friday afternoon. plan. YMCAcoonM S k )R I> > Board mem* ber L aird a i^ N a M rt Stone, a Twin n Falls Cityy Pool migght pass tesJSt of winte:er afteir all FaUs attorney, saki bele supportedsi I Twir the proposal on thaa cccondiUon ha I------ I totaldefidefldtduilngitsfirsifullyear ByktakHeka dut the extra mooqr IsavaOaUa.Is V wiHar_______________ Ut'i'ist figures In charharge of the city pool, “It’s my hope t t o if aiadditkmal Esdienbiam g said . moneys are avaUable.ie. tthat (the ALLS - Keeping th e • inOctobw,in there were 2 . 4 1fW ^ ts But theithere was a Simpl)aply handing die pool over to Joint Finance«Approprop^tions . I d ty swimming pool toto thett Tw« Fans Otjf Pool, '-f'ft a $2 ,000 dip in awtmmingJng lesson fees. theYM(rMCA has already saved die' Committee) would mma ake avre J round might t>e more increaseincn of 697 visns -otlJ oa-(, y a s there viere no te«son!tonsheidin . .. _ d t^ ^ilgnlflcant amoimts, Evans - thoee moneys ara ^vanm to 1 ad iK t* ^ 9|B9d*lsibou*ie«en cent>0v«GctoOer2OOL Septertybef._ ^ ^ , Ih e dty estlmateeit wiD foot. .iiee,% esketp4l**#i t S88.000 to dds fiseaT yei^* • S « a e of ttM (ac to n 0) S t i m ^ • For the dweewdii pwW M ■ m o i M 555151ies.? Ihat's die one P ^ xill demand ncne Idnd Nov. 30, the pool had a revenue down expenses indudedM1S12.000 : HesaidbarMUiaaJl WrnitbeleadumwhK ^ sdhiOdwdtya^tohold not be enough moatf Id Incnase of $15,663 <■ or 87 percecent cut m wages, S3.000sa!«»*»• on I. he said. Ih e d ty this year\ Photo Iniih: Helsman r in die PM? Yei.” a k l - comperett to the u m e period mn torial services, a $5,000 I get, but he wantedI to make a • ■ ■ T1wiew—nIls <w YMCA G eneral ^ s s s r s . ” .. t also fock over about $19,500 iW n tn u,{w» 30Q1. ComMrtf h* a»p*r>mw 'tm*tm rtywnlmmitnrinil fina iiuie water luys and oilier~ a l u cut by S18.647. or 3 8 percenonL maintenatKe and repaIn«lr»-8<it0>e ™ ‘t e educatkxiif thereis. p TWIN FAISr^sSKSertook ““ he said Last m eal year, the • Im m flftiM extra revenue irKtuQtu0ed edvetvsing budget wertt' spent atxMt $32,000 on such; Howard, who has poteoteducatkn Twin FaUsol c firom the dty of Twin . advocacy over Intdgedtf open year-ro an increase of $7,000 from poolI $2,000. >re that, the pool had ^ * , proposed a $ 4 5 J 3 oo p a ste s and $10,000 more from Source: Ma^eVaieirFVFaMrrMCA. ^nwhiIe,dieYMCA’splanto sSffi : N a t i o n ttlllVXling a iteady yearly ct,to$M7J . ■ fewmoodHiabout S2S0.W0. said ^ --------------------1 get motnore people-into the pool- Handngon: Sen.lVent is to be working, said1' ” m i K T f « S I e * S Sadwolyear. ^ “ItwiUftil]s City Manaser Tom Twirwin Falls Qty Finance Mananager pool to keep it optopen during the seems [ A third of the additioiitional cash denounces racism, says offubddy.Wi the dose of dw past Gar5aiy Evans. Many of die expetienses winter. EschenIlenburg and pool.manager TWsi would finance a 2 pero•ercent base won’t resign post. n n n i has been-w in h id i ended Sept 30 havilave been associated with aninaU- IheY M C A htmpes to put at least JohnTw r teachers, Twin F .U i salary increase for ti d t was $235,506. said weaweather “bubble” put overr ithe a $70,000 to $80.0(1,000 dent In the Ptease see POOL, P ^ A 2 ^ -Mnngerjan administrators andd sstaff - a PageBl h k Ymca p r q ^ t l o n th at has drawndra oriti* ipes with its over the pool! dsm as the sute copes wont b u d ^ crisis iai dw d e c ^ C o m i n g l j t FtUs. Beforember ^ been runnir Nuke coninectionss surrouniad‘Axis’ “The m oney is oeceiicessary for T «»* deficit of sb promodng our goal of iproidding ntUtt Twin FaUs < nKanpaae soUd education n r ourur students,”SI V* « e Courtney. Atses on I lated PreaaWrttac__________ Howard said. "We warwant to bal* fiscal y e v - v ^ i b r J a c f i ance the teeter*totterter of more Pl«eA3 -the defidt iM •df^atladBUi at )t respondbUity and morejre support.”I WASHSHINGTON - The countries liie also indindudM $74 l g mon(^ i dubbeded an Axis of Evil by * o S T*^tan«n? m^TO jn^reperty taxMX Irelief for P reiididem e Bush may be going ns. Ih e aen* Wf nudear.ar,USoffldalsfear. IP ChantwiHaf______________ eral tax support is au m Northrth Korea said it would an estimated $46 milfloi resumene Iits nudear program the -ALLS. With a brutal from the endovrmentnt fundf and n m ewweek e U5. offidals lent ere- dearene tax and morere tthan $ 3 ^ I f0CUS(iven le^sladve sesdon dencei to recent reports du t Iraq id th e comer, the Twin mUUon in ktcal propertyirtytaxes. __ A and Iranran are acdvdy seeking the The budget crisiss piprompted P»lil«nofpaie*|H of • material -.enriched uranl* fissile m Gov. Dirk Kempdiomeime and the red its annual wish Use r plutonium - that has undi ^ s a v i n j um or Republican le^adveive majority - What triggers natdssisi nnakers. now kepicept them out of the nudear arly every wish was to impose the fra-everrer 1reduction S in liy in aving money. y p y o n in state support for scho<chools, slash- ih placed containment of all - ing $73 m lowerwer-the gen---------- ______ TheTImerNtwt 9 memben who.work on___ - J-thiM ninadons at die top of his ~to dve committees for the eral tax package to $84S845.2. 1st last January, when he They restored onlyiy $7$ tnmion met with Rep. Sharon dLariteiIbed an-Axis of EvU" in his Twin FaUs, Rep. Leon of that in this year’s‘s alallocation, I n d ex ip|SBam«aMe’l State of the Union address that and Board Presidentit BlakeBl HaU By Julia f>«ieiVdn Falls, aod Sen. Tom d a “growing danger” by CiBssifled £^20 Movies L-Buhl, at tbe WestCoast of Idaho Falls saidd thet! same Tim—Newtw developloping weapons of mass restraint m ust be shovhown as the Comics ....0 4 Nation . riday. destructiucdon. or members praised tbe state faces a $160 mUUilUUon defidt Comtiu«^£46 Obituarte TWIN FA] lliaIt tn might have been a self'ful* In the 2003-2004 budgetg e t budget-driveislature for lowering Crossword. .C3 Opinion. Please see NUKE. Page A2 Please see TCACHBtHEM. Page A2 i8seseeCWUMn.Pa8BA2 Dear Abb)'. *03 Religionaptlon Horoscope .C3 Sports . has delivers LM.Bo)d^.C3 Weather tolocallawm And n e^ a r resigns, appologizesf<brhandlinng of abuselecases ■ Ma0c\Ueir.Cl West... based on savi Money ....D l World..Wt AboutSOorntPnm __________ — -------------^the le^slativ CiMtoontlmiw^^ chainfier m<q - CKiHml Benurd __ [ Block. R- medTv as Boston arch- iday; beggiag tbe for. ^^ of bankruptcy.. Smidi.R-Twi It was in Boston d u t the seacan* M . .E5 Gannon, R*Ef **aU diose who have j J r , rear ’ from his faUure to !al first erupted neariy a yei A io.e Hotel on Frid go, qveading across me cou)un- • • • Chamberim i on rogue priests ry aod iduaging the c&irdi intoin ales . ,C2 2000 L«giiiested chUdren for n unprecedented moral aiU d . ' ";?,^p35b'" Be became tbe hiab- aid s. And it was LaLaw « U.8. dnirdi l A ^d » many felt was a t the veireiy * the furor eofuiang ^ I ore ol the malianaiky. Hisxesignation wiriraietitted Abenne. Cardbial Bemafd LawMdvestvesforapil* Law vatei:aa«dNnce«miPepeMnP8HllSHlllatthe ...
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