The Head is coxswains race This one took his Eight through the wro was unable to turn his boat sharpi to get back on course 1970 Head Of The Charles by Robert Mekenna On crisp day in late October nearly one thousand oarsmen ing debut after rowing to fame with past Yale crews and oarswomen in more than 230 shells gathered on the In the Junior Lightweight Singles Event MIT fri Charles River in Boston to participate in the sixth annual John Sheetz came away with well deserved Head of The Charles Regatta This mammouth event brought field of 22 aspiring juniors Three oarswomi wide and varied representation of American and Canadian this event Gail Pierson flashed over the three rowing talent together for the final time in 1970 2205.6 beating Kathy Kalkhof of Philadelphia The uniqueness of the Head lies primarily in its three Becker of Vesper by nearly full minute mile test against the clock stretching over winding and The Junior Singles Sculls Louis Hawes Memorial challenging course Oarsmen and scullers alike are forced to Trophy was won by Dick Abromeit in 1942 eight socondc cope with tortuous course with constantly changing wind in front of Mount Hermons Charles Hamilton and Unionfs conditions Bill Miller who had represented the U.S.A in 1969 at The races started sharply at noon With almost windless Klagenfurt in pair conditions many of the course records were expected to Oarsmen and spectators eagerly awaited the outcome of fall and did in all thirteen events The finish of the first race the Senior Lightweight Singles event Great interest had came off with splash as Jerry Olrich perennial veterans developed for this title was the only lightweight prize that champion from the Cambridge Boat Club struck the finish had thus far eluded international champion Dr Lair line flag and landed in the frigid waters of the Charles The Klecatsky The job of trying to keep the title in Boston Iefl landing was happy one for Olrich as he came away with to Bennett Jones of the host club As the two lanky scirlers fifth staunch rivals final of the it difficult to his victory in as many years over such as rounded the turn course was detQi 46-year-old father of thirteen Ed Lynch and 66-year-old mine who was ahead for with staggered starts leaft ae Zeus Wade who rowed the three miles in 2244.9 to take 2d deceiving As they sped past the finish flags it was readily place apparent that the famous doctor from New York AC had No win was more impressive than that staged in the won the highly prized first place medal double sculls by Bennett Jones and Bill Brace Rowing 36 In the Championship Senior Singles event Paul Wilson strokes per minute for the entire three miles they decisively easily captured his fourth Laurence Curtis Trophy and in outdistanced formidable duo of Olympians Chuck Hamlin doing so crackd his own course record by almost two of Union and Peter Raymond stroke of the U.S Olympic minutes Wilson put together three 605 minute miles finish four in 1968 Hugh Foley stroking Vesper double to fifth ing in phenominal 1816.1 rowed his last before the p/ace race joining Charles River The Junior Fours Event provided the over 10000 coaching fraternity as mentor at Boston University spectators with one of the most stunning upsets of the day field of Novice large Single scullers was topped lay Vietnam veteran Dan Jones who was impressive in4iis scull- Continued on page 31 Brown boat last avenged years close loss and displayed great Head of the Charles Continued from page 17 power hd finesse as they completed the arduous row The Hobbs brothers of Harvard could not repeat last years as little heralded Lowell Tech snatched victory from the without the triumph Livingstons and if ever there was established powers of Princeton Syracuse Northeastern and sentimental it Dartmouth favorite was the four Raymond brothers oldest brother Pete stroking this unusual boat similar Cinderella story prevailed in the fight for the Vying for The Boston Globe Challenge Trophy were Boston Mayors Trophy awarded to the top Junior Eight fifteen senior eights including the U.S National Champions Marist College foxed the experts in topping field of 32 fine from Vesper and an eight from the Union Boat Club eights The Mt Hermon School won second place and took seating Olympic and National title holders coached Harvards home the Princeton Trophy for schoolboy crews as well by Harry Parker In race that saw two crews Harvard University rowed away with titles in both light disqualified weight sweep events In the light fours strong entries from Cambridge and MIT finished just 16 seconds off the pace and Harvard was hard pressed to rriaintain its lead through- Tied for first Northeastern across the Ii because of steering problems powerful Nor University boat and the dark horse eight from over the course in identical times of 1528.25 to co-titlists The Vesper Boat crew which might have contention were it not for the erratic maneuverin inexperienced coxswain in rival shell finished ing tenth but earned the praise of spectators an titors alike Hopefully October 24 1971 will see an even influx of U.S crews at the Head Perhaps tv. National Champion Washington University as we Pennsylvania will come to churn the waters of the Cl The Paul Revere Point Trophy was won by MIT crews were in contention in almost every even Cambridge Boat Club was runner up for the second out the race Harvards win for the Boston Herald Traveler row on the strength of victories in sculling events Cup wasnt as easy as Princeton Universitys improved light weight eight crocced the finich line scant three ceconds HEAD OF THE CHARLES REGATTA behind Harvard MIT the third place finisher was only six seconds off the pace followed closely by Yale Princetons Charles River Boston Massachusetts U.S.A second crew and Rutgers The most impressive representation of rowing power October 25 1970 showed in the Senior Fours contest for the coveted All events miles Schaefer Circle of Sports Trophy powerful Navy crew was upset by smooth stroking Brown University quartet The EVENT No Veteran Single Sculls Veterans order of finish based on handicap of seconds per year of age at nearest birthday over 40 Age Time .1 Olrich Cambridge Boat Club 58 2053.7 wade Cambridge Boat Club 66 2244.8 Lynch St Johns Crew Club 46 2045.1 Cutler Riverside Boat Club 57 2218.3 Atwill west Side Rowing Club 63 2328.3 Duncan Belmont Hill School 54 2235.0 Sanford Spuyten Duyvil Rowing Club 63 23442 Smithies Cambridge Boat Club 63 2400.2 ZinIc Princeton University 52 2311.7 10 Plimpton Narragansett Boat Club 43 2233.0 11 duMoulin Cambridge Boat Club 52 2338.9 12 Snodgrass Cambridge Boat Club 43 2306 .9 13.T Crosby Union Boat Club 70 2557.5 14 Pappenheimer Cambridge Boat Club 62 2514.5 Tied for first Union across the line Continued on page 32 of the Charles Head continued from page 31 15 Good New York Athletic Club 49 2402.1 WELL 16 Keyes Union Boat Club 65 2641.4 WORTH Boat Club 75 2824.4 17 Witte Cambridge 18 Taylor Cambridge Boat Club 52 27134 WA ITING 19 Ft lsaacs Cambridge Boat Club 2847.7 EVENT NO.2 Double Sculls FOR Cambridge Boat Club 1734.0 Union Boat Club/Princeton University 1755.5 Syracuse Alumni Rowing Association 1805.4 Two weeks later this year St Johns High School Rowing Association 18 35.0 1837.2 But just as great as ever.. Vesper Boat Club Yale University 1844.0 Westchester Rowing Association 18 54.8 New York Athletic Club 1902.3 Spuyten Duyvil Rowing Club 19 20.9 10 MIT Boat Club 19 57.1 11 Union Boat Club 20 03.4 89th 12 Choate School 20 14.5 13 University Barge Club 2020.7 14 Harvard University Winner of Mixed Doubles Medal 2226.2 Roycil Actual Uncorrected Time EVENT NO.3 Junior Four-Oared Shells with Coxswain Lowell Tech Institute Rowing Club 1755.5 Princeton University 18 04.6 Regatta Father Judge High School Rowing Association 1811.1 Syracuse Alumni Rowing Association 1827.5 Northeastern University -18 34.8 Moses Brown School 18 39.8 15 MIT Boat Club No 45 1841.0 12 13 14 Marist College No 48 18 43.0 MIT Boat Club No 57 1858.7 10 Marist College No 58 1906.3 11 Ottawa Rowing Club 1906.4 12 Mt Herman Rowing Association 19 1.3 13 Choate School 1942.3 the World Class 14 Georgetown University 2009.8 15 Dartmouth Rowing Club No 41 2017.6 HENLEY COURSE EVENT NO.4 at Novice Single Sculls ST Jones Cambridge Boat Club 19 49.4 CATHARINES Streim of Massachusetts Rowing Association 20 15.4 Peters Harvard University 2020.1 ONTARIO Baker Harvard University 2020.4 Gaynor Vesper Boat Club 2103.7 Barrett Narragansett Boat Club 2104.9 Marsh Princeton University 2108.9 CANADIAN Clark Belmont Hilt School 2109.3 Pultz Northeastern University 21 10.5 ASSOCIATION 10 Cutter Riverside Boat Club 2125.7 11 Ristuccia Yale University 2146.2 12 Scott Boston University 2156.7 AMATEUR OARSMEN 13 Stewart Ottawa Rowing Club 2215.0 14 Olmsted Harvard University 22 17.1 15 Prowler Princeton University 2227.8 16 Clement Cambridge Boat Club 2233.6 For Information Write Entry 17 Yahner Cambridge Boat Club 2243.1 P.O Box 35 18 Strother Yale University 2243.8 19 Babb Phillips Academy Andover 2244.7 Hamilton Ontario 20 Harrigan New Haven Rowing Club 2252.1 21 Farrey St Johns High School Rowing Association 23 12.4 22 Boardman Dartmouth Rowing Club 2420.0 Boat Club 2423.0 23 McLaughlin CambrIdge 27 Marlst College No 17R 1802.0 24 Esposito MIT Boat Club 2547.8 28 MIT Boat Club No 21R 18 38 .1 29 of Rhode Island No 20R 30 of Rhode Island No 3R 1937.8 EVENT NO.5 31 of Rhode Island No 6R 20 12.9 Junior Eight-Oared Shells 32 MIT Boat Club No 4R 2459.1 Boston Mayors Trophy Schoolboys Princeton Trophy EVENT NO.6 Junior Lightweight Single Sculls Marist College No BR 1600.3 Mt Herman Rowing Association No 94 16 11.3 Sheets MIT Boat Club of Massachusetts Rowing Association 16 15.3 Van Ousen Riverside Boat Club Rutgers University 1631.1 Underwood MIT Boat Club 5.Phillips Academy Andover No.97 1636.8 Holmes Boston University Syracuse Alumni Rowing Association 16 37.1 Wright Cambridge Boat Club 7.
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