. Weekend Weath~r . Inside .. .. ----------..... TODAY: clouds. may s,!.o.wer. highs 45-50 . President Elott takes a three-month leave ... pg. 6 TONITE: Baby.lt·s cold outslde/ upper 20's-mld 30's Explore historical Pmceton ......... pg. 7 @SA TURDA Y: more clouds. cool. highs 45-50 Wrestlers ready for 1984 season ... pg. 15 The Rider News Vol. L No. 7 LA1fUNCIYJU& N.J. PHONE. _5337 .. 5256 November 4, 1983 Vandals do $1, 1 00 damage to patio By JOHN MOIIIIIS Sunday. An assistant Pub manager, Two of eight Student Center patio Matt Dansbury, noticed the damage tables. worth S660 each, were over­ as he left the Pub at about 1 a.m., turned and wreded early Sunday Cavall. said. moming. according to Joe Diliberto. There was much activity in the director of Security. Student Center on Saturday night. Security is investigating the inci· The Residence HaIl Association Hal­ dent and has DO leads, DiLiberto loween party was held in the said. multi-purpose room and the Pub had The marble tables were lifted OD a band. the Big Ones. playing. edlc and then pushed to the One thousand people were in the concrete patio below. C;onsequcotJy. Student Center on Saturday night. they were nearly ruined. he said. Cavalla said. The two tabletops cracked in two. In his 15 years at Rider. Cavalla six of the eiSht seats smashed and said he has never seen Student the two concrete pedestals caved in. Center damage as extensive as the The two tables weigh 900 pounds broken tables. each. Diliberto said. so it probably The Student Government Spending toot. several people to overturn them. Committee bought the patio tables Joe Cavalla, director of student last spring with revenue from the activities. said the two tables will be Pub, which is half·owned by SGA. repaired at an approzimate cost of and judicial fines. 51 .100 IlJd ' ieturncd to the patio as Joe O'Rourke, SGA president. said .sooo .. ~Ie. { • _ - . the.· trashiDg· or the tables is "very The . d.a..mage was reported to depressing ... Security at 1:10 p.m. on Sunday by " It takes the wind out of the Barry Soloman who was starting his people who worted on it. We ..- _ ...~ _ c..... .- lido _ . 'l1oo _ wDI cool PIcIIIq................ -----.... duty as the afternoon Student Center purchased the tables. It takes the __ .1.1.... ~. manager. wind out of the sails of SGA ." The repairs to the tables will be Cavana said the tables were broken paid for by money from the Student between 12:30 a.m. and 1 a.m. Activities Office. College investigating dangerous phosphorus By IlAQAIIA BOYEII their rooms. He said if the element Both· College and township authori­ is not properly stored. it is a very ties responded when yelJow phos­ serious fire hazard. phorus. a potentiaUy daDgerous ele­ If any students do have anymore of meat, was found OD College Drive the element i.D their room, Beach behiDd Kroner Residence Hall yester­ said it sb.ouJd be taken to the day • . chemistry lab so it can be disposed. The College is ru.nnint: an inve:sti. gadon to find out bow the phos· He said he doesn't care who the phorus got on' campus and why !t students are or where they got the WII on campus. said Joseph Di· phosphorus as long as it is disposed Liberto. _ of S<curity. .0:" properly. Yelow phosphorus ...becomes dangerously reactive in ar, cauSing the element to bum. He said there are no suspects. Yellow phosphorus showd be stored presendy. who may have had the in water aad becomes daagerousiy phosphorus aad be is not ~t liberty reactive in air causing the element to to rel~ wbo initially ~d this burn. When heated. the element to Security. releues hilhly toxic fumes. Phos­ Dr. Richard L. Beach. chemistry pborus shou.ld always be handled department chirman. identified the with forcepts. Phosphorus used for such things as element after various tests were conducted in laboritories in Science the manufacturt' of safety matches. pesticides. smoke bombs and tracer Hall. Diliberto said. Koa Kaadne, rtaId. coptaID of the lA..... ce Fhe Deportmeal .... John bullets. Xllbllewlcy, UWJ'eDCe AIIM:ode oftIdaI, IDveeUpce the aItaadoa where Beach said they are concetned in In yesterday' s situation. DiLiberto yellow phoephoru, • hfab.ly llammable ••bRaace. w.. fOwtd yesterday finding out whether or not any £aid no one was injured and th~ re students have more phosphorus in (cont .. on PI. 3) bebbId """'or. 1 RIDER NEWS __ 4, 1913 / Interirtf Study Program to be fe-evaluated By ROOER BAIlON 1. the philosopby aDd objectives of 6. the desirability of offerings of . liberating leming 'erperience," which A re-evaluation study of the philo­ the program and appropriate revi­ regular semester courses during Janu­ stands oot in terms of its ability to sophy and practice of the Interim sions. The committee feels that there ary and/or permitting lSP's to be offer ah "imaginative complement" to Study Program will be conducted by is a wide sap between the reality of used as other than free electives; the courses giveD during the regular the 1983·84 Interim Study Program the program and lIS philosopby and 7. the possibility of categorizing academic year. Committee. objectives; projects by type and/or level. Dr. Lise Vogel. aSSistaDt professor The Committee accepted seven Dr. Frank N. Elliott. College 2. the stand&rd.s and mechanisms of psychology and ..cbairpersoD ~ the recommendations made by Dr. J . president, in his Convocation speech involved in the approval of proposed Committee. said the members of the Barton Luedekc. vice president for at the beginning of the year, stressed ISP projects: Committee have questions about the Academic Affairs and Provost. as a J. the motivations. rewards and that the college needs to re-develop a worting agcnda for this year's study. quality of ISP, about whether aU ISP disincentives relatiDg to the participa­ philosophical commitment to the ·ISP. The recommendations are based on projects meet their goals, and about tion of students 'and faculty in the " I suppose that some students issues for review that were fonnu­ how they can achieve those .goals. ISP: simply do not know what it is all lated over several months of deans' about · and what it is supposed to 4. the standards of student perfor· Vogel said the ISP is something meetings. accomplish," he said. " People are mance evaluation; that should be preserved at RJder. The Committee will give considera­ more critical of ISP. Some have not tion to the issues, which Luedeke 5. resource utilization standpoint '!It has the potential to offer students a been able to get into the classes and the deans felt should require including the number of projects an important experience that is very that they wanted to." attention if the Interim Study Pr0- required, the use of faculty resources, different from their courses, and a gram is to realize its instructional the determination of project enroll· But he said he continues to believe high quality experience. Many ISP's potential. They are: ment limits: that ISP can be "an exciting and realize that potential." Party monitoring system working despite problems By MEII1NA LUCAS ..... will be at each party. The students' Student monitor David Graham said "It·s a long process checking DOUG MESSIER main job is to watch the entrances there had been some problems with names. People get angry waiting and . Despite problems. the two-month­ and exits while the Security officer underaged students getting into par­ it can get confusing. The list keeps old party monitoring system seems to checks IDs . However. this does not ties. a lot of people out, but not be working. insulate the students from problems. "I've seen friends that get everybody." Graham said. " I think it 's a good program and including peer pressure. through. We heard no one can get Gary Hogancamp. assistant director it can work. but there are problems "You feel pressure, but our reo through without a picture ID and of Security and in charge of student as with any new program. All new sponsibilities were outlined before we some of the Security guards are monitors. said the problems with programs have rough spots to iron accepted the job. What's the point of letting them through with just licen­ guest lists were beginning to work out." said Jenn Marcello. Residence being there if you're going to let ses.'· he said. themselves out. Hall Association president and a people in." Marcello said. Graham said the guest lists. which student monitor. She added that she has seen must be submitted by the party "It stiil slows things down • bit at Under the program. at least one underaged friends come to parties, sponsor 24 hours before the event. the door but it does work," Hogan­ student monitor and a Security guard but has asked them to leave. have caused the most problems. camp said. CLASSIFIED Poll shows that 43% of· AMEX Earn SSOO or more each school year. cardholders would like checking Flexible hours. Monthly payment for account through AMEX. placing posters on campus. Bonus Among companies with sales volumes based on results. Prizes awarded as of I-25M. 15OJo purchased micro well. 800-223-2488. computers in 1982 with 20OJo Is it true you can buy jeeps for S44 considering purchase in 1983. through the U.S. gOlLernment? Get Would you like to become one of the facts today! Call (312) 742-1142. those who collect data such as the Ext. 6180. above? Internships Available.
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